Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows

Results obtained using Gurobi for solving the Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows, using the models described in Mathematical Optimization: Solving Problems using Python and Gurobi. Benchmark instances are available in this site. CPU time limited to 3600 seconds. (Click on values for selecting instance type and time window factor.)

Performance dataDumasDumasDumasDumasGendreauGendreauGendreauGendreauGendreauGendreauGendreau
CPU time required [20] [40] [60] [80] [80] [100] [120] [140] [160] [180] [200]
Number of solution failures [20] [40] [60] [80] [80] [100] [120] [140] [160] [180] [200]
Solutions [20] [40] [60] [80] [80] [100] [120] [140] [160] [180] [200]

Solutions obtained

Instance type: Gendreau, time window factor: 120

Results obtained using Gurobi for solving the Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows, using the models described in Mathematical Optimization: Solving Problems using Python and Gurobi. Benchmark instances are available in this site. CPU time limited to 3600 seconds. (Click on values for selecting instance type and time window factor.)

Benchmark instances used are described in "Gendreau et al. 1998. A Generalized Insertion Heuristic for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows. Operations Research, 43, 330 - 335."

Solutions obtained
mtz-tw model based on Miller-Tucker-Zemlin's one-index potential formulation
mtz-strong based on Miller-Tucker-Zemlin's one-index potential formulation, with stronger constraints
mtz-2idx based on Miller-Tucker-Zemlin's formulation, two-index potential formulation

Solutions and bounds obtained, 'Gendreau' instances (w=120)
n20w120.001 20 267* 267* 267*
n20w120.002 20 218* 218* 218*
n20w120.003 20 303* 303* 303*
n20w120.004 20 300* 300* 300*
n20w120.005 20 240* 240* 240*
n40w120.001 40 433* 434* 433*
n40w120.002 40 445* 445* 445*
n40w120.003 40 357* 357* 357*
n40w120.004 40 303, 294 303, 294 303*
n40w120.005 40 350* 350* 350*
n60w120.001 60 384* 384* 384*
n60w120.002 60 427* 427* 427, 400
n60w120.003 60 411, 392 407, 393 406, 370
n60w120.004 60 490* 490* 490, 454
n60w120.005 60 547* no sol, 527 no sol, 473
n80w120.001 80 510, 480 506, 479 no sol, 386
n80w120.002 80 no sol, 534 577, 542 613, 495
n80w120.003 80 563, 521 567, 520 538, 489
n80w120.004 80 502, 474 506, 473 500, 429
n80w120.005 80 620, 562 612, 566 no sol, 516
n100w120.001 100 756, 573 730, 572 no sol, 512
n100w120.002 100 no sol, 486 no sol, 485 no sol, 423
n100w120.003 100 645, 595 656, 591 no sol, 524
n100w120.004 100 748, 589 703, 605 no sol, 548
n100w120.005 100 587, 503 602, 508 no sol, 439