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P. Brazdil1, M. Gams2, S. Sian3,
L.Torgo1, W. van de Velde4

1 LIACC-CIUP, Rua Campo Alegre, 823, 4100 Porto, Portugal.
E-mail: pbrazdil@liaccup.ctt.pt (later pbrazdil@liacc.up.pt).

2 Jozef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 61000 Ljubljana, Yugoslavia.
E-mail: mezi@ijs.ac.mail.yu.

3 Imperial College, Department of Computing, 180 Queen<<s Gate,
London SW7 2BZ, UK. E-mail: sss@doc.ic.ac.uk.

4 Vrije Universitaet, AI Lab., Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium.

E-mail: walter@arti.vub.ac.be.


The paper begins with the discussion on why we should be concerned with machine learning in the context of distributed AI. The rest of the paper is dedicated to various problems of multi-agent learning. First, a common framework for comparing different existing systems is presented. It is pointed out that it is useful to distinguish when the individual agents communicate. Some systems communicate during the learning phase, others during the problem solving phase, for example. It is also important to consider how, that is in what language, the communication is established. The paper analyses several systems in this framework. Particular attention is paid to previous work done by the authors in this area. The paper covers use of redundant knowledge, knowledge integration, evaluation of hypothesis by a community of agents and resolution of language differences between agents.

Keywords: learning in distributed systems, multi-agent learning, evaluation of hypotheses, knowledge integration, use of redundant knowledge, resolution of language differences.

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