I've moved to Halifax, Canada. See my new webpage HERE

New Zealand, November 2015

About Me

I'm a PhD student in MAPi Doctoral Programme at the Department of Computer Science of the Faculty of Sciences - University of Porto, Portugal.

I have a degree in Mathematics (Educational Branch), a Specialization in the Master's degree course in Mathematics for School Teachers and a Masters degree in Computer Science (Specialization in Data Mining and Advanced Data Processing). All from the Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto.

In my Master thesis I have worked in the use of re-sampling approaches for regression tasks under imbalanced domains. My supervisor was Prof. Luís Torgo and my co-supervisor was Prof. Rita Ribeiro.

Currently I'm a PhD student in the Doctoral Programme in Computer Science of the Universities of Minho, Aveiro, and Porto (MAPi joint programme). I'm working in Utility-based Learning under the supervision of Prof. Luis Torgo and Prof. Rita Ribeiro.

You can see my cv here.


My main research interests are Machine Learning and Data Mining. In particular, I'm interested in cost-sensitive/utility-based learning, anomaly detection, fraud detection and rare extreme values forecasting.

I was awarded a PhD scholarship that is fully funded by FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology).

I'm connected with LIAAD (Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Laboratory), a unit of INESC TEC since 2013.

In november/december 2015 I was visiting the Department of Computer Science of the Waikato University in Hamilton, New Zealand.


Here is a list of my publications:

International Conferences with Peer Reviewing:

You can also see my DBLP publications, my Research Gate or my google Scholar profile.

UBL Package

UBL is an R package developed for Utility-based Learning. The package includes several approaches for dealing with problems with different costs/benefits across the target variable domain. This is a frequent issue in imbalanced domains, so in particular, the implemented approaches are also able to deal with this problem.

Click here to see a presentation of UBL package!

The package is available on GitHub and on CRAN.
