Handling Incomplete and Complete Tables in Tabled Logic Programs

Ricardo Rocha

August 2006


Most of the recent proposals in tabling technology were designed as a means to improve the performance of particular applications in key aspects of tabled evaluation like re-computation and scheduling. The discussion we address in this work was also motivated by our recent attempt of applying tabling to Inductive Logic Programming (ILP). ILP applications are very interesting for tabling because they have huge search spaces and do a lot of re-computation. Moreover, we found that they are an excellent case study to improve some practical limitations of current tabling execution models. In particular, in this work, we focus on the table space and how to efficiently handle incomplete and complete tables.


  author =    {R. Rocha},
  title =     {{Handling Incomplete and Complete Tables in Tabled Logic Programs}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2006)},
  pages =     {427--428},
  number =    {4079},
  series =    {LNCS},
  publisher = {Springer},
  editor =    {S. Etalle and M. TruszczyƄski},
  month =     {August},
  year =      {2006},
  address =   {Seattle, Washington, USA},

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