Meta-Predicate Semantics

Paulo Moura

July 2011


We describe and compare design choices for meta-predicate semantics, as found in representative Prolog predicate-based module systems and in Logtalk. We look at the consequences of these design choices from a pragmatic perspective, discussing explicit qualification semantics, computational reflection support, expressiveness of meta-predicate directives, meta-predicate definitions safety, portability of meta-predicate definitions, and meta-predicate performance. We also describe how to extend the usefulness of meta-predicate definitions. Our aim is to provide useful insights to discuss meta-predicate semantics and portability issues based on actual implementations and common usage patterns.


  author =    {P. Moura},
  title =     {{Meta-Predicate Semantics}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Logic-Based 
               Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2011)},
  pages =     {155--172},
  number =    {7225},
  series =    {LNCS},
  publisher = {Springer},
  editor =    {G. Vidal},
  month =     {July},
  year =      {2011},
  address =   {Odense, Denmark},
  note =      {Published in 2012},

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