#!/bin/bash # Script for accessing AR VMs from outside DCC remoteviewer=remote-viewer echo "Going to start SOCKS proxy at ssh.alunos.dcc.up.pt" read -p "DCC Labs Username: " user ssh -N -f -D 1080 ${user}@ssh.alunos.dcc.fc.up.pt echo -e "\nMake sure your browser is configured for using SOCKSv5 proxy, port 1080, with DNS access through the proxy. Go to https://lredes-ovirt.alunos.dcc.fc.up.pt/ , start the VM and download the .vv file to the current directory (`pwd`). Do not open the file.\n" read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key when ready..." unset GREP_OPTIONS GREP_COLOR GREP_COLORS if [ ! -f console.vv ]; then echo "ERROR: No console.vv file in current dir" >&2 ps axwww | grep "ssh -N -f -D 1080 ${user}@ssh.alunos.dcc.fc.up.pt" | grep -v grep | sed -e 's/^\s\+//' | cut -f1 -d' ' | xargs kill exit 1 fi host=`grep -m 1 '^host=' console.vv | cut -f2 -d=` port=`grep -m 1 '^tls-port=' console.vv | cut -f2 -d=` eschost=`echo $host | sed -e 's/\./\\\\./g'` sed -i -e "s/host=$eschost/host=" console.vv ssh -N -f -L${port}:${host}:${port} ${user}@ssh.alunos.dcc.fc.up.pt "$remoteviewer" console.vv ps axwww | grep "ssh -N -f -D 1080 ${user}@ssh.alunos.dcc.fc.up.pt" | grep -v grep | sed -e 's/^\s\+//' | cut -f1 -d' ' | xargs kill ps axwww | grep "ssh -N -f -L${port}:${host}:${port} ${user}@ssh.alunos.dcc.fc.up.pt" | grep -v grep | sed -e 's/^\s\+//' | cut -f1 -d' ' | xargs kill