Source code for FAdo.common

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""**Common definitions for FAdo files**

.. *Authors:* Rogério Reis & Nelma Moreira

.. *This is part of FAdo project*

.. *Copyright:* 1999-2022 Rogério Reis & Nelma Moreira {rvr,nam}

.. *Contributions by:*
   - Marco Almeida
   - Hugo Gouveia

.. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
   by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your COption) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
   for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
   with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
   675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA."""

#  Copyright (c) 2023-2024. Rogério Reis <> and Nelma Moreira <>.
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.

import os
import random
from copy import deepcopy
from abc import abstractmethod
import functools
import tempfile
import subprocess
# import warnings
import re
from itertools import chain, combinations, count, islice
from functools import reduce

    import __pypy__
    PyPy = True
except ImportError:
    PyPy = False

    from IPython.display import display, SVG  # , get_ipython
except ImportError:

FAdoVersion = ("2.2.0")
__version__ = FAdoVersion

def run_from_ipython_notebook():
        cfg = get_ipython().config
        if 'IPKernelApp' in cfg:
            return True
            return False
    except NameError:
        return False


[docs] class fnhException(Exception): pass
[docs] class NImplemented(fnhException): pass
[docs] class NonPlanar(fnhException): pass
[docs] class VertexNotInGraph(fnhException): pass
[docs] class FAException(fnhException): pass
[docs] class DFAerror(fnhException): pass
[docs] class NFAerror(fnhException): def __init__(self, msg=""): self.msg = msg
[docs] class TFASignal(fnhException): pass
[docs] class PDAerror(fnhException): pass
[docs] class CFGerror(fnhException): pass
[docs] class FAdoError(Exception): pass
[docs] class FAdoGeneralError(FAdoError): def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg def __str__(self): return "FAdo: " + self.msg
[docs] class TypeError(FAdoError): pass
[docs] class VersoError(FAdoGeneralError): pass
[docs] class TFAAccept(TFASignal): pass
[docs] class TFAReject(TFASignal): pass
[docs] class TFARejectLoop(TFAReject): pass
[docs] class TFARejectBlocked(TFAReject): pass
[docs] class TFARejectNonFinal(TFAReject): pass
[docs] class CFGgrammarError(CFGerror): def __init__(self, rule): self.rule = rule def __str__(self): return "Error in rule %s" % self.rule
[docs] class CFGterminalError(CFGerror): def __init__(self, size): self.size = size def __str__(self): return "To many alphabetic symbols: %s" % self.size
[docs] class DFAnoInitial(DFAerror): def __str__(self): return "No initial state defined"
[docs] class DuplicateName(DFAerror): def __init__(self, number): self.number = number def __str__(self): return "State number %s repeated" % self.number
[docs] class FAdoSyntacticError(FAdoError): pass
[docs] class FAdoNotImplemented(FAdoError): pass
[docs] class FASiseMismatch(FAdoError): pass
[docs] class DFASyntaticError(DFAerror): def __init__(self, line): self.line = line
[docs] class DFAstateUnknown(DFAerror): def __init__(self, stidx): self.stidx = stidx def __str__(self): return "State %s unknown" % self.stidx
[docs] class DFAnotNFA(DFAerror): def __init__(self, msg): self.message = msg def __str__(self): return "Not a DFA %s" % self.message
[docs] class DFAepsilonRedefinition(DFAerror): pass
[docs] class DFAsymbolUnknown(DFAerror): def __init__(self, sym): self.symbol = sym def __str__(self): return "Symbol %s is unknown" % self.symbol
[docs] class DFAstopped(DFAerror): pass
[docs] class DFAFileError(DFAerror): def __init(self, name): self.filename = name def __str__(self): return "Error in file: %s" % self.filename
[docs] class DFAFound(DFAerror): def __init__(self, word): self.word = word[:] def __str__(self): return "Found: $s" % self.word
[docs] class DFAEmptyDFA(DFAerror): def __str__(self): return "Dfa is empty"
[docs] class DFAequivalent(DFAerror): def __str__(self): return "Dfa are equivalent"
[docs] class DFAnotComplete(DFAerror): def __str__(self): return "Dfa is not complete"
[docs] class DFAnotMinimal(DFAerror): def __str__(self): return "Dfa is not minimal"
[docs] class DFAinputError(DFAerror): def __init__(self, word): self.word = word def __str__(self): return "Input error: %s" % self.word
[docs] class DFAdifferentSigma(DFAerror): def __str__(self): return "Dfas with different alphabets"
[docs] class DFAEmptySigma(DFAerror): def __str__(self): return "Dfa alphabet is empty"
[docs] class DFAmarkedError(DFAerror): def __init__(self, sym): self.sym = sym def __str__(self): return "Symbol not marked %s" % str(self.sym)
[docs] class NFAEmpty(NFAerror): def __str__(self): return "Nfa is empty"
[docs] class TRError(FAException): def __str__(self): return "Transducer Error"
[docs] class SSError(FAdoError): pass
[docs] class ParRangError(FAdoError): def __str__(self): return "Parameter out of range"
[docs] class SSMissAlphabet(SSError): def __str__(self): return "Missing alphabet"
[docs] class SSBadTransition(SSError): def __str__(self): return "Bad empty transition"
[docs] class regexpInvalid(DFAerror): def __init__(self, word): self.word = word self.message = 'Error in RegExp %s' % word def __str__(self): return "%s" % self.message
[docs] class regexpInvalidSymbols(DFAerror): def __init__(self): self.message = 'Symbols in RegExp do not match alphabet' def __str__(self): return "%s" % self.message
[docs] class regexpInvalidMethod(FAdoGeneralError): def __init__(self): self.message = 'Method not Immplemented for %s' % str(type(self)) def __str__(self): return "%s" % self.message
[docs] class PEGError(FAdoGeneralError): pass
[docs] class notAcyclic(DFAerror): def __str__(self): return "Automaton is not acyclic "
[docs] class IllegalBias(FAdoGeneralError): def __str__(self): return "Bias with illegal value "
[docs] class CodesError(FAdoGeneralError): pass
[docs] class CodingTheoryError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg def __str__(self): return "FAdo: coding theory error. Message: " + self.msg
[docs] class PropertyNotSatisfied(CodesError): def __str__(self): return "Property not satisfied"
[docs] class GraphError(fnhException): def __init__(self, message): self.message = message def __str__(self): return "%s" % self.message
[docs] class TstError(DFAerror): def __init__(self, message): self.message = message def __str__(self): return "%s" % self.message
[docs] class PDAsymbolUnknown(PDAerror): def __init__(self, symb): self.symb = symb def __str__(self): return "Unknown stack symbol %s" % self.symb
[docs] class NotSP(DFAerror): def __str__(self): return "DFA is not Serial-Paralel."
""" :var EmptySet: default representation for empty set :var Epsilon: default representation for epsilon :var Dot: default representation for "au point" dot :var DeadName: default name given to dead states """ EmptySet = "@empty_set" Epsilon = "@epsilon" Dot = "@dot" DeadName = "DeaD" Option = "-" Shuffle = ":" UShuffle = "!" Conj = "&" Not = "~" SigmaP = "@sigmaP" SigmaS = "@sigmaS" DEBUG = False TYPE_EPSILON = "epsilon" TYPE_DISJ = "disj" TYPE_CONC = "concat" TYPE_STAR = "star" TYPE_SYMB = "sym" TYPE_EWRD = "ewrd" TYPE_ESET = "eset" TYPE_CONJ = "conj" TYPE_OPTION = "option" TYPE_SHUFFLE = "shuffle" ID_EPSILON = 0 ID_DISJ = 1 ID_CONC = 2 ID_STAR = 3 ID_SYMB = 4 ID_CONJ = 5 ID_OPTION = 6 ID_SHUFFLE = 7 ID_EMPTYSET = 8 ID_NOT = 9 def if_else(a, b, c): if a: return b return c def debug(string, level=0): print("%s%s" % ("".join(["\t" for _ in range(level)]), string))
[docs] class SPLabel(object): """Label class for Serial-Paralel test algorithm .. seealso:: Moreira & Reis, Fundamenta Informatica, 'Series-Paralel automata and short regular expressions', n.91 3-4, pag 611-629""" def __init__(self, val=None): if not val: val = [] self.value = val def __repr__(self): if type(self.value) is type(lbl()): return 'spl: ref %s' % self.lastref() else: return 'spl: val %s' % str(self.value) def val(self): if type(self.value) is type(lbl()): return self.value.val() else: return self.value def ref(self): return lbl(self) def assign(self, val): self.lastref().value = val def lastref(self): if type(self.value) is type(lbl()): return self.value.lastref() else: return self def copy(self): return lbl(deepcopy(self.val()))
class lbl(object): def __init__(self, val=None): if not val: val = [] self.value = val def __repr__(self): if type(self.value) is type(lbl()): return 'lbl: ref %s' % self.lastref() else: return 'lbl: val %s' % str(self.value) def val(self): if type(self.value) is type(lbl()): return self.value.val() else: return self.value def ref(self): return lbl(self) def assign(self, val): self.lastref().value = val def lastref(self): if type(self.value) is type(lbl()): return self.value.lastref() else: return self def copy(self): return lbl(deepcopy(self.val()))
[docs] class Memoized(object): """Decorator that caches a function's return value each time it is called. If called later with the same arguments, the cached value is returned, and not re-evaluated.""" def __init__(self, func): self.func = func self.cache = {} def __call__(self, *args): try: return self.cache[args] except KeyError: value = self.func(*args) self.cache[args] = value return value except TypeError: # uncachable -- for instance, passing a list as an argument. # Better to not cache than to blow up entirely. return self.func(*args) def __repr__(self): """Return the function's docstring.""" return self.func.__doc__ # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def __get__(self, obj, objtype): """Support instance methods.""" return functools.partial(self.__call__, obj)
[docs] def memoize(cls, method_name): """Memoizes a given method result on instances of given class. Given method should have no side effects. Results are stored as instance attributes --- given parameters are disregarded. :param cls: :param method_name: .. note: original method is stored as <cls>.memoize_<method_name>_original .. note: values are stored as <instance>.memoized_<method_name> .. attention: all instances in all threads will be affected""" saved_name = "memoize_" + method_name + "_original" if hasattr(cls, saved_name): return False attr_name = "memoized_" + method_name method = getattr(cls, method_name) setattr(cls, saved_name, method) if not hasattr(cls, "memoized_instances"): cls.memoized_instances = {} inst_list = [] cls.memoized_instances[method_name] = inst_list def memo(self, *param): try: return getattr(self, attr_name) except AttributeError: value = method(self, *param) setattr(self, attr_name, value) inst_list.append(self) return value memo.__name__ = method_name setattr(cls, method_name, memo) return True
[docs] def dememoize(cls, method_name): """Restore method of given class from Memoized state. Stored attributes will be removed.""" saved_name = "memoize_" + method_name + "_original" if not hasattr(cls, saved_name): return False method = getattr(cls, saved_name) delattr(cls, saved_name) setattr(cls, method_name, method) for instance in cls.memoized_instances[method_name]: delattr(instance, "memoized_" + method_name) del cls.memoized_instances[method_name] if not cls.memoized_instances: del cls.memoized_instances return True
try: from itertools import product as cartesianproduct except ImportError: def cartesianproduct(x, y): return [(a, b) for a in x for b in y]
[docs] def uSet(s: set): """returns the first element of a set :param set s: the set :return: the first element of s""" return list(s)[0]
[docs] def lSet(s: set): """returns the last element of a set :param set s: the set :return: the last element of the set .. versionadded:: 1.3.3""" return list(s)[-1]
def tmpFileName() -> str: i = os.getpid() r = random.randint(0, 1000000) return "/var/tmp/F%d-%d" % (i, r)
[docs] def forceIterable(x): """Forces a non-iterable object into a list, otherwise returns itself :param list x: the object :return: object as a list :rtype: list""" if not getattr(x, '__iter__', False): return list([x]) else: return x
[docs] def binomial(n, k): """ Exactly what it seems :param int n: n :param int k: k :rtype: int""" return reduce(lambda acc, m: acc * (n - k + m) / m, list(range(1, k + 1)), 1)
[docs] def delFromList(l, l1): """Delete every element of l1 from l Args: l (list): l1 (list): .. versionadded: 0.9.8""" for i in l1: l.remove(i)
[docs] def suffixes(word): """Returns the list of proper suffixes of a word :param word: the word :type word: str :rtype: list .. versionadded: 0.9.8""" return [word[i:] for i in range(1, len(word))]
def prefixP(word, prefix): if prefix == Epsilon: return True else: return word[:len(prefix)] == prefix
[docs] def overlapFreeP(word): """ Returns True if word is overlap free, i.e, no proper and nonempty prefix is a suffix :param word: the word :rtype: Boolean """ l = len(word) for i in range(l - 1): foo = True for j in range(i + 1): if word[j] != word[-(i + 1) + j]: foo = False break if foo: return False return True
[docs] def graphvizTranslate(s, strict=False, maxlblsz=6): """Translate epsilons for graphviz :param str s: symbol :arg maxlblsz: max size of labels before getting removed :param bool strict: use limitations of label sizes :rtype: str""" return re.sub(Epsilon, "&epsilon;", s)
def powerset_generator(i): for subset in chain.from_iterable(combinations(i, r) for r in list(range(len(i) + 1))): yield set(subset)
[docs] class Drawable(object): """Any FAdo object that is drawable"""
[docs] def display(self, filename=None, size="30,20", strict=False, maxlblsz=6): """ Display automata using dot :arg size: size of representation :arg filename: filename to use for the graphic representation (default a os tmpfile) :arg int maxlblsz: max size of labels before getting removed :arg bool strict: use limitations of label sizes .. versionchanged:: 1.2.1""" if filename is not None: fname_gv = filename + ".gv" if run_from_ipython_notebook(): filename_out = filename + ".svg" else: filename_out = filename + ".pdf" else: f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".gv") f.close() fname_gv = fname, _ = os.path.splitext(fname_gv) if run_from_ipython_notebook(): filename_out = fname + ".svg" else: filename_out = fname + ".pdf" foo = open(fname_gv, "w") foo.write(self.dotFormat(size, strict=strict, maxlblsz=maxlblsz)) foo.close() if run_from_ipython_notebook(): callstr = "dot -Tsvg %s -o %s" % (fname_gv, filename_out) else: callstr = "dot -Tpdf %s -o %s" % (fname_gv, filename_out) result =, shell=True) if result: print("Need graphviz to visualize objects") return if run_from_ipython_notebook(): display(SVG(filename=filename_out)) elif == 'nt': os.system("start %s" % filename_out) else: os.system("open %s" % filename_out)
[docs] def makePNG(self, filename=None, size="30,20"): """ Produce png file to display :param str filename: file name, if None will be a tmpfile :param size: size for graphviz :return: name of the file created .. versionadded:: 1.0.4""" if filename is not None: fname_gv = filename + ".gv" fname_png = filename + ".png" else: f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".gv") f.close() fname_gv = fname, _ = os.path.splitext(fname_gv) fname_png = fname + ".png" foo = open(fname_gv, "w") foo.write(self.dotFormat(size)) foo.close() callstr = "dot -Tpng %s -o %s" % (fname_gv, fname_png) result =, shell=True) if result: print("Need graphviz to visualize objects") return return fname_png
[docs] def dotLabel(self, lbl0): """ Label string """ if type(lbl0) == tuple: return "({0:s}, {1:s})".format(self.dotLabel(lbl0[0]), self.dotLabel(lbl0[1])) elif type(lbl0) == set or type(lbl0) == list: lbl0 = list(lbl0) if len(lbl0) == 0: return str(lbl0) if len(lbl0) == 1: return "{0:s}".format(self.dotLabel(lbl0[0])) stl = "{0:s}".format(self.dotLabel(lbl0[0])) for s in lbl0[1:]: stl += ", {0:s}".format(self.dotLabel(s)) return stl else: return str(lbl0)
[docs] @abstractmethod def dotFormat(self, size="20,20", filename=None, direction="LR", strict=False, maxlblsz=6, sep="\n"): """Some dot representation Args: size (str): size parameter for dotviz filename (str): filename direction (str): strict (bool): maxlblsz (int): sep (str): Returns: str: """ pass
[docs] class Word(object): """Class to implement generic words as iterables with pretty-print Basically a unified way to deal with words with caracters of sizes different of one with no much fuss""" def __init__(self, data=None): self.Sigma = set() self.Epsilon = False self.simple = True if data is None or data == Epsilon: = [] self.Epsilon = True else: = [] for c in data: def __str__(self): if self.Epsilon: return Epsilon else: f = "'" for i in f += str(i) f += "'" return f def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self)) def __repr__(self): return "Word:%s" % self.__str__() def __len__(self): return len( def __contains__(self, item): return item in def __getitem__(self, item): return[item] def __eq__(self, other): if self.Epsilon & other.Epsilon: return True else: return == def __gt__(self, other): a, b = len(, len( if a == b: return > elif a < b: if >[:a + 1]: return True else: return False else: if[:b + 1] < return False else: return True def __lt__(self, other): if self == other: return False return not self > other def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __le__(self, other): return self == other or self < other def __ge__(self, other): return self == other or self > other def append(self, value): if len(value) != 1: self.simple = False if value != '': self.Epsilon = False self.Sigma.add(value) def dup(self): return deepcopy(self) def __add__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Word): raise FAdoSyntacticError() else: new = self.dup() for c in other: new.append(c) return new def epsilonP(self): return self.Epsilon
[docs] class AllWords: """ Iterator thar generates all words of an alphabet in militar order """ def __init__(self, alphabet): """ :type alphabet: list|set""" self.last = None if type(alphabet) is set: alphabet = sorted(list(alphabet)) self.alphabet = alphabet self.cmax = len(alphabet) - 1 self.wl = 0 def __iter__(self): return self def _translate(self): if not self.last: return Epsilon else: return [self.alphabet[i] for i in self.last] def _next(self, w, l, k): if w is None: return [] elif not w: return self._first(w, 1, 0) else: i = w[k] if i < self.cmax: return self._first(w[:k] + [i + 1], l, k + 1) elif k == 0: return self._first(w, l + 1, 0) else: return self._next(w, l, k - 1) def _first(self, w, l, k): if k == 0: self.wl = l return [0 for _ in range(l)] else: return w[:k] + [0 for _ in range(l - k)] def __next__(self): self.last = self._next(self.last, self.wl, self.wl - 1) return Word(self._translate())
[docs] def unique(l): """ Eliminate duplicates :param list l: source list :return: list wthout repetitions :rtype: lst""" foo = [] for i in l: if i not in foo: foo.append(i) return foo
[docs] def homogeneousP(l): """ Is the list homogeneous? :param list l: list to be inspected :rtype: bool""" if not l: return True f = l[0] for i in l[1:]: if i != f: return False return True
[docs] class TwDict(object): """A class for dictionaries 'both ways' """ def __init__(self, fw=None): if fw is None: fw = {} self.fw,, self.mult = dict(), dict(), dict() for k in fw: foo = fw[k] self.fw[k] = foo[foo] =, set()).add(k) self.mult[foo] = self.mult.get(foo, 0) + 1 def set(self, k, val): foo = None if k in self.fw: foo = self.fw[k] self.fw[k] = val[val] =, set()).add(k) if len([foo]) == 1: del ([foo]) else:[foo].discard(k) def get(self, k): return self.fw[k] def getB(self, v): return[v]
def getOneFromSet(s): return next(iter(s))
[docs] def sConcat(x, y): """ CConcat words :param x: first word :param y: second word :return: concatenation word""" if x == Epsilon: return y elif y == Epsilon: return x else: return x + y
def binom(n, k): v = 1 for i in range(k): v *= (n - i) / (i + 1) return v
[docs] def zeta(s: int | float, t=100) -> float | complex: """Implementation of Riemman's zeta function""" if s == 1: return complex("inf") term = (1 / 2 ** (n + 1) * sum((-1) ** k * binom(n, k) * (k + 1) ** -s for k in range(n + 1)) for n in count(0)) return sum(islice(term, t)) / (1 - 2 ** (1 - s))
[docs] def inBase(n: int, base: int, tail=None) -> list: """ Writes the representation of a non-null natural in a base. Args: n: number to conver base: base to use Returns: list of integers .. versionadded:: 2.1.3 """ assert n >= 0 if tail is None: if n == 0: return [0] tail = [] if n == 0: return tail r = n % base return inBase((n-r)//base, base, [r]+tail)
[docs] def pad(n: int, nu: list)->list : """ Pads the given list nu to have the appropriate number of leading 0 up to size n Args: n: number of algarisms nu: list""" l = len(nu) return [0 for _i in range(n-l)] + nu
[docs] def fromBase(n: list, b: int) ->int: """Converts a number n in base b into an integer Args: n (list): number to convert b (int): base used Returns: int .. versionadded: 2.1.3""" p = 1 v =0 n.reverse() for i in n: v += p * i p *= b return v
[docs] def padList(l: list, size: int) -> list: """ Pads the list l, with zeros, up to the size size Args: l (list): the list to pad size (int): the desired size Returns: list: the resulting list .. versionadded:: 2.1.3""" if len(l) == size: return l return [0 for i in range(size - len(l))] + l
[docs] def unifSzSubset(max: int) -> int: """ Returns a size uniformly distributed for a variable that behaves like a subset of a max element set. Args: max (int): max size to accept Returns: int: the size .. versionadded:: 2.1.3""" n = random.randint(1,2**(max)-1) return len(bin(n))-2