Source code for fa

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""**Finite automata manipulation.**

Deterministic and non-deterministic automata manipulation, conversion and evaluation.

.. *Authors:* Rogério Reis & Nelma Moreira

.. *This is part of FAdo project*

.. *Copyright:* 1999-2018 Rogério Reis & Nelma Moreira {rvr,nam}

.. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
   by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
   for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
   with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
   675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA."""
from copy import copy
from collections import deque
import itertools
import reex
from common import *
from ssemigroup import SSemiGroup
from unionFind import UnionFind
import graphs

[docs]class SemiDFA(Drawable): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences """Class of automata without initial or final states Attributes: States (list): list of states. delta (dict): transition function. Sigma (set): alphabet. """ def __init__(self): self.States = [] = {} self.Sigma = set()
[docs] def dotDrawState(self, sti, sep="\n"): """Dot representation of a state Args: sti (int): state index. sep (:obj:`str`, optional): separator. Returns: str: line to add to the dot file.""" return "node [shape = circle]; \"{0:s}\";{1:s}".format(graphvizTranslate(str(self.States[sti])), sep)
[docs] @staticmethod def dotDrawTransition(st1, lbl1, st2, sep="\n"): """Draw a transition in dot format Args: st1 (str): departing state. lbl1 (str): label. st2 (str): arriving state. sep (:obj:`str`, optional): separator. Returns: str: line to add to the dot file.""" return "\"{0:s}\" -> \"{1:s}\" [label = \"{2:s}\"];{3:s} ".format(st1, st2, lbl1, sep)
[docs] def dotFormat(self, size="20,20", direction="LR", sep="\n"): """Dot format of automata Args: size (:obj:`str`, optional): image size. direction (:obj:`str`, optional): direction of drawing. sep (:obj:`str`, optional): separator. Returns: str: line to add to the dot file.""" s = "digraph finite_state_machine {{{0:s}".format(sep) s += "rankdir={0:s};{1:s}".format(direction, sep) s += "size=\"{0:s}\";{1:s}".format(size, sep) for si in range(len(self.States)): sn = str(self.States[si]) s += "node [shape = point]; \"dummy{0:s}\"{1:s}".format(graphvizTranslate(sn), sep) s += self.dotDrawState(si) s += "\"dummy{0:s}\" -> \"{1:s}\";{2:s}".format(sn, graphvizTranslate(str(self.States[si])), sep) for si in range(len(self.States)): for s1 in self.Sigma: s += self.dotDrawTransition(str(self.States[si]), str(s1), str(self.States[[si][s1]])) s += "}}{0:s}".format(sep) return s
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs]class FA(Drawable): """Base class for Finite Automata. Attributes: States (list): set of states. Sigma (set): alphabet set. Initial (int): the initial state index. Final (set): set of final states indexes. delta (dict): the transition function. Note: This is just an abstract class. **Not to be used directly!!**""" def __init__(self): self.States = [] self.Sigma = set() self.Initial = None self.Final = set() = {} def __repr__(self): """'Official' string representation :returns: str""" return 'FA({0:>s})'.format(self.__str__()) def __str__(self): """'Informal' string representation :rtype: str""" # noinspection PyProtectedMember a = self._s_States b = self._s_Sigma c = self._s_lstInitial() d = self._s_Final e = str(self._lstTransitions()) return str((a, b, c, d, e)) @abstractmethod def __eq__(self, other): pass @abstractmethod def toNFA(self): pass @abstractmethod def __ne__(self, other): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def evalSymbol(self): """Evaluation of a single symbol""" pass
@abstractmethod def _s_lstInitial(self): pass @abstractmethod def _lstTransitions(self): pass @property def _s_States(self): return [str(x) for x in self.States] @property def _s_Sigma(self): return [str(x) for x in self.Sigma] @property def _s_Final(self): return [str(self.States[x]) for x in self.Final] @abstractmethod def transitions(self): pass @abstractmethod def transitionsA(self): pass def __len__(self): """Size: number of states :rtype: int""" return len(self.States)
[docs] def stateAlphabet(self, sti): """Active alphabet for this state :arg int sti: state :rtype: list""" if sti not in return [] else: return[sti].keys()
[docs] def images(self, sti, c): """The set of images of a state by a symbol :arg int sti: state :arg object c: symbol :rtype: iterable""" if sti not in or c not in[sti]: return [] else: return[sti][c]
[docs] def dotDrawState(self, sti, sep="\n", _strict=False, _maxLblSz=6): """ Draw a state in dot format Args: sti (int): index of the state. sep (:obj:`str`, optional): separator. _maxLblSz (:obj:`int`, optional): max size of labels before getting removed _strict (:obj:`bool`, optional): use limitations of label sizes Returns: str: string to be added to the dot file.""" if sti in self.Final: return "node [shape = doublecircle]; \"{0:s}\";".format(graphvizTranslate(str(self.States[sti])), sep) else: return "node [shape = circle]; \"{0:s}\";{1:s}".format(graphvizTranslate(str(self.States[sti])), sep)
[docs] def same_nullability(self, s1, s2): """Tests if this two states have the same nullability Args: s1 (int): state index. s2 (int): state index. Returns: bool: have the states the same nullability?""" return (s1 in self.Final) is (s2 in self.Final)
[docs] @abstractmethod def succintTransitions(self): """Colapsed transitions""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def dotDrawTransition(self, st1, sym, st2, sep): """Draw a transition in dot format Args: st1 (str): departing state sym (str): label st2 (str): arriving state sep (str): separator""" pass
[docs] def initialSet(self): """The set of initial states Returns: set: set of States.""" return self.Initial
[docs] def initialP(self, state): """ Tests if a state is initial Args: state: state index Returns: bool: is the state initial?""" return state in self.Initial
[docs] def finalP(self, state): """ Tests if a state is final Args: state (int): state index. Returns: bool: is the state final?""" return state in self.Final
[docs] def finalsP(self, states): """ Tests if al the states in a set are final Args: states (set): set of state indexes. Returns: bool: are all the states final? .. versionadded:: 1.0""" return states.issubset(self.Final)
def _namesToString(self): """All state names are transformed in strings""" n = [] for s in self.States: n.append(str(s)) self.States = n return self
[docs] def hasStateIndexP(self, st): """Checks if a state index pertains to an FA Args: st (int): index of the state. :rtype: bool""" if st > (len(self.States) - 1): return False else: return True
[docs] def addState(self, name=None): """Adds a new state to an FA. If no name is given a new name is created. Args: name (:obj:`Object`, optional): Name of the state to be added. Returns: int: Current number of states (the new state index). Raises: DuplicateName: if a state with that name already exists""" if name is None: iname = len(self.States) name = str(iname) while iname in self.States or name in self.States: iname += 1 name = str(iname) self.States.append(name) return len(self.States) - 1 elif name in self.States: raise DuplicateName(self.stateIndex(name)) else: self.States.append(name) return len(self.States) - 1
@abstractmethod def _deleteRefInDelta(self, j, sm, s): pass @abstractmethod def _deleteRefInitial(self, s): pass def stateIndexes(self): return xrange(len(self.States))
[docs] def deleteState(self, sti): """Remove the given state and the transitions related with that state. Args: sti (int): index of the state to be removed Raises: DFAstateUnknown: if state index does not exist""" if sti >= len(self.States): raise DFAstateUnknown(sti) else: if sti in del[sti] for j in for sym in[j]: self._deleteRefInDelta(j, sym, sti) if sti in self.Final: self.Final.remove(sti) self._deleteRefInitial(sti) toAdd = set() toDel = set() for s in self.Final: if sti < s: toDel.add(s) toAdd.add(s - 1) self.Final = self.Final - toDel | toAdd for j in xrange(sti + 1, len(self.States)): if j in[j - 1] =[j] del[j] del self.States[sti]
[docs] def words(self, stringo=True): """Lexicografical word generator Args: stringo (:obj:`bool`, optional): are words strings? Default is True. Yields: Word: the next word generated. .. attention:: Does not generate the empty word .. versionadded:: 0.9.8""" def _translate(l, r, s1=True): if s1: s = "" for z in l: s += r[z] return s else: return [r[y] for y in l] import itertools ss = list(self.Sigma) ss.sort() n = len(ss) n0 = 1 while True: for x in itertools.product(range(n), repeat=n0): yield Word(_translate(x, ss, stringo)) n0 += 1
[docs] def equivalentP(self, other): """Test equivalence between automata Args: other (FA): the other automata :rtype: bool .. versionadded:: 0.9.6""" return self == other
[docs] def setInitial(self, stateindex): """Sets the initial state of a FA Args: stateindex (int): index of the initial state.""" self.Initial = stateindex
[docs] def setFinal(self, statelist): """Sets the final states of the FA Ags: statelist (int|list|set): a list (or set) of final states indexes. .. caution:: Erases any previous definition of the final state set.""" self.Final = set(statelist)
[docs] def addFinal(self, stateindex): """A new state is added to the already defined set of final states. Args: stateindex (int): index of the new final state.""" self.Final.add(stateindex)
[docs] def delFinals(self): """Deletes all the information about final states.""" self.Final = set([])
[docs] def delFinal(self, st): """Deletes a state from the final states list Args: st (int): state to be marked as not final.""" self.Final = self.Final - {st}
[docs] def setSigma(self, symbolSet): """Defines the alphabet for the FA. :param list|set symbolSet: alphabet symbols""" self.Sigma = set(symbolSet)
[docs] def addSigma(self, sym): """Adds a new symbol to the alphabet. Args: sym (str): symbol to be added Raises: DFAepsilonRedefenition: if sym is Epsilon .. note:: * There is no problem with duplicate symbols because Sigma is a Set. * No symbol Epsilon can be added.""" if sym == Epsilon: raise DFAepsilonRedefinition() self.Sigma.add(sym)
[docs] def stateIndex(self, name, autoCreate=False): """Index of given state name. Args: name (object): name of the state. autoCreate (:obj:`bool`, optional): flag to create state if not already done. Returns: int: state index Raises: DFAstateUnknown: if the state name is unknown and autoCreate==False .. note:: Replaces stateName .. note:: If the state name is not known and flag is set creates it on the fly .. versionadded:: 1.0""" if name in self.States: return self.States.index(name) else: if autoCreate: return self.addState(name) else: raise DFAstateUnknown(name)
@deprecated def stateName(self, name, autoCreate=False): """Index of given state name. Args: name (object): name of the state autoCreate (:obj:`bool`, optional): flag to create state if not already done Returns: int: state index Raises: DFAstateUnknown: if the state name is unknown and autoCreate==False .. deprecated:: 1.0 Use: :func:`stateIndex` instead""" return self.stateIndex(name, autoCreate)
[docs] def indexList(self, lstn): """Converts a list of stateNames into a set of stateIndexes. Args: lstn (list): list of names Returns: set: the list of state indexes Raises: DFAstateUnknown: if a state name is unknown""" lst = set() for s in lstn: lst.add(self.stateIndex(s)) return lst
@abstractmethod def star(self, _): pass @abstractmethod def __or__(self, _): pass @abstractmethod def __and__(self, _): pass
[docs] def plus(self): """Plus of a FA (star without the adding of epsilon) .. versionadded:: 0.9.6""" return
[docs] def disjunction(self, other): """A simple literate invocation of __or__ Args: other (FA): the other FA Returns: FA: Union of self and other.""" return self.__or__(other)
[docs] def disj(self, other): """Another simple literate invocation of __or__ Args: other (FA): the other FA. Returns: FA: Union of self and other. .. versionadded:: 0.9.6""" return self.__or__(other)
[docs] def union(self, other): """A simple literate invocation of __or__ Args: other (FA): right hand operand. Returns: FA: Union of self and other.""" return self.__or__(other)
[docs] def conjunction(self, other): """A simple literate invocation of __and__ Args: other (FA): right hand operand. Returns: FA: Intersection of self and other. .. versionadded:: 0.9.6""" return self.__and__(other)
[docs] def renameState(self, st, name): """Rename a given state. Args: st (int): state index. name (object): name. Returns: FA: self. .. note:: Deals gracefully both with int and str names in the case of name collision. .. attention:: the object is modified in place""" if name != self.States[st]: if name in self.States: if isinstance(name, int): while name in self.States: name += name + 1 elif isinstance(name, str): while name in self.States: name += "+" else: raise DuplicateName self.States[st] = name return self
[docs] def renameStates(self, nameList=None): """Renames all states using a new list of names. Args: nameList (list): list of new names. Returns: FA: self. Raises: DFAerror: if provided list is too short. .. note:: If no list of names is given, state indexes are used. .. attention:: the object is modified in place""" if nameList is None: self.States = range(len(self.States)) else: if len(nameList) < len(self.States): raise DFAerror else: for i in xrange(len(self.States)): self.renameState(i, nameList[i]) return self
[docs] def eliminateDeadName(self): """Eliminates dead state name (common.DeadName) renaming the state .. attention:: works inplace .. versionadded:: 1.2""" try: i = self.stateIndex(DeadName) except DFAstateUnknown: return self self.renameState(i, str(len(self.States))) return self
[docs] def noBlankNames(self): """Eliminates blank names Returns: FA: self .. attention:: in place transformation""" for i in xrange(len(self.States)): if self.States[i] == "": self.States[i] = str(i) return self
@abstractmethod def reverseTransitions(self, _): pass
[docs] def reversal(self): """Returns a NFA that recognizes the reversal of the language Returns: NFA: NFA recognizing reversal language """ rev = NFA() rev.setSigma(self.Sigma) rev.States = list(self.States) self.reverseTransitions(rev) rev.setFinal([self.Initial]) rev.setInitial(self.Final) return rev
[docs] def countTransitions(self): """Evaluates the size of FA transitionwise :returns: the number of transitions :rtype: int .. versionchanged:: 1.0""" return sum([len([i]) for i in])
[docs] def inputS(self, i): """Input labels coming out of state i :param int i: state :returns: set of input labels :rtype: set of str .. versionadded:: 1.0""" return set(, {}))
@abstractmethod def dup(self): pass
[docs] def dotFormat(self, size="20,20", direction="LR", sep="\n", strict=False, maxLblSz=6): """ A dot representation :param str direction: direction of drawing :param str size: size of image :param str sep: line separator :arg maxLblSz: max size of labels before getting removed :arg strict: use limitations of label sizes :return: the dot representation :rtype: str .. versionadded:: 0.9.6 .. versionchanged:: 1.2.1""" if not strict and max([len(str(name)) for name in self.States]) > maxLblSz: o = self.dup() o.renameStates() else: o = self s = "digraph finite_state_machine {{{0:s}".format(sep) s += "rankdir={0:s};{1:s}".format(direction, sep) s += "size=\"{0:s}\";{1:s}".format(size, sep) s += "node [shape = point]; dummy{0:s}".format(sep) niStates = [i for i in range(len(o.States)) if i != o.Initial] s += o.dotDrawState(o.Initial) s += "dummy -> \"{0:s}\"{1:s}".format(str(o.States[o.Initial]), sep) for sti in niStates: s += o.dotDrawState(sti) for si in o.succintTransitions(): s += o.dotDrawTransition(si[0], si[1], si[2]) s += "}}{0:s}".format(sep) return s
[docs]class OFA(FA): """ Base class for one-way automata .. inheritance-diagram:: OFA"""
[docs] @abstractmethod def succintTransitions(self): """Collapsed transitions""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def evalSymbol(self): """Eval symbol""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def addTransition(self, st1, sym, st2): """Add transition :param int st1: departing state :param str sym: label :param int st2: arriving state""" pass
@abstractmethod def __ne__(self, other): pass @abstractmethod def __eq__(self, other): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def stateChildren(self, _, _a=None): """ To be implemented below :param s: state :rtype: list""" pass
def _deleteRefTo(self, src, sym, dest): """Delete transition :param int src: source state :param str sym: label :param int dest: target state""" if, {}).get(sym, None) == dest: del ([src][sym])
[docs] @staticmethod def dotDrawTransition(st1, label, st2, sep="\n"): """ Draw a transition in Dot Format :param str st1: starting state :param str st2: ending state :param str label: symbol :param str sep: separator :rtype: str""" return "\"{0:s}\" -> \"{1:s}\" [label = \"{2:s}\"];{3:s} ".format(graphvizTranslate(st1), graphvizTranslate(st2), label, sep)
[docs] @abstractmethod def initialComp(self): """Initial component :rtype: list""" pass
@abstractmethod def _getTags(self): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def usefulStates(self): """ To be implemented below """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def deleteStates(self, del_states): """ To be implemented below :param list del_states: states to be deleted """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def toGFA(self): """ To be implemented below """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def finalCompP(self, s): """To be implemented below :param s: state :rtype: list""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def uniqueRepr(self): """Abstract method""" pass
[docs] def emptyP(self): """ Tests if the automaton accepts a empty language :rtype: bool .. versionadded:: 1.0""" a = self.initialComp() for s in a: if self.finalP(s): return False return True
[docs] def dump(self): """Returns a python representation of the object :returns: the python representation (Tags,States,Sigma,delta,Initial,Final) :rtype: tuple """ tags = self._getTags() sig = list(self.Sigma) I = [i for i in forceIterable(self.Initial)] F = [i for i in self.Final] dt = [] for i in xrange(self.__len__()): for c in, []): if c == Epsilon: ci = -1 else: ci = sig.index(c) for j in forceIterable([i][c]): dt.append((i, ci, j)) return tags, self.States, sig, dt, I, F
[docs] def trim(self): """Removes the states that do not lead to a final state, or, inclusively, that can't be reached from the initial state. Only useful states remain. .. attention: only applies to non empty languages .. attention:: in place transformation""" useful = self.usefulStates() del_states = [s for s in xrange(len(self.States)) if s not in useful] if del_states: self.deleteStates(del_states) return self
[docs] def trimP(self): """Tests if the FA is trim: initially connected and co-accessible :return: bool""" for s in self.stateIndexes(): if not self.finalCompP(s): return False return len(self.States) == len(self.initialComp())
[docs] def minimalBrzozowski(self): """Constructs the equivalent minimal DFA using Brzozowski's algorithm :return: equivalent minimal DFA :rtype: DFA""" return self.reversal().toDFA().reversal().toDFA()
[docs] def minimalBrzozowskiP(self): """Tests if the FA is minimal using Brzozowski's algorithm :rtype: bool""" x = self.minimalBrzozowski() x.complete() return self.uniqueRepr() == x.uniqueRepr()
[docs] def regexpSE(self): """A regular expression obtained by state elimination algorithm whose language is recognised by the FA. :return: the equivalent regular expression :rtype: reex.regexp""" new = self.dup() new.trim() if not len(new.States): return reex.emptyset(copy(self.Sigma)) if not len(new.Final): return reex.emptyset(copy(self.Sigma)) if len(new.States) == 1 and len( == 0: return reex.epsilon(copy(self.Sigma)) elif type(new) == NFA and len(new.Initial) != 0 and len( == 0: return reex.epsilon(copy(self.Sigma)) gfa = new.toGFA() if len(gfa.Final) > 1: last = gfa.addState("Last") for s in gfa.Final: gfa.addTransition(s, Epsilon, last) gfa.setFinal([last]) else: last = list(gfa.Final)[0] foo = {} lfoo = len(gfa.States) - 1 foo[lfoo], foo[last] = last, lfoo gfa.reorder(foo) if lfoo != gfa.Initial: n = 2 foo = {lfoo - 1: gfa.Initial, gfa.Initial: lfoo - 1} gfa.reorder(foo) else: n = 1 lr = range(len(gfa.States) - n) gfa.eliminateAll(lr) gfa.completeDelta() if n == 1: return[gfa.Initial][gfa.Initial], copy(self.Sigma)).reduced() ii = gfa.Initial fi = list(gfa.Final)[0] a =[ii][ii] b =[ii][fi] c =[fi][ii] d =[fi][fi] # bd* re1 = reex.concat(b,, copy(self.Sigma)), copy(self.Sigma)) # a + bd*c re2 = reex.disj(a, reex.concat(re1, c, copy(self.Sigma)), copy(self.Sigma)) # (a + bd*c)* bd* return reex.concat(, copy(self.Sigma)), re1, copy(self.Sigma)).reduced()
[docs] def allRegExps(self): """Evaluates the alphabetic length of the equivalent regular expression using every possible order of state elimination. :rtype: list of tuples (int, list of states)""" new = self.dup() new.trim() gfa = new.toGFA() for order in itertools.permutations(range(len(gfa.States))): return self.re_stateElimination(copy(list(order))).alphabeticLength(), order
def _isAcyclic(self, s, visited, strict): """Determines if from state s a cyclic is reached :param int s: state :param dict visited: marks visited states :param bool strict: if not True loops are allowed :rtype: bool""" if s not in visited: visited[s] = 1 if s in for dest in self.stateChildren(s, strict): acyclic = self._isAcyclic(dest, visited, strict) if not acyclic: return False visited[s] = 2 else: visited[s] = 2 return True else: if visited[s] == 1: return False return True
[docs] def acyclicP(self, strict=True): """ Checks if the FA is acyclic :param bool strict: if not True loops are allowed :returns: True if the FA is acyclic :rtype: bool""" visited = {} for s in self.stateIndexes(): acyclic = self._isAcyclic(s, visited, strict) if not acyclic: return False return True
def _topoSort(self, s, visited, L): """Auxiliar for topological order""" if s not in visited: visited.append(s) if s in # noinspection PyTypeChecker for dest in self.stateChildren(s, True): self._topoSort(dest, visited, L) L.insert(0, s)
[docs] def topoSort(self): """Topological order for the FA :returns: List of state indexes :rtype: list of int .. note:: self loops are taken in consideration""" visited = [] L = [] for s in self.stateIndexes(): self._topoSort(s, visited, L) return L
[docs] def eliminateSingles(self): """Eliminates every state that only have one successor and one predecessor. :returns: GFA after eliminating states :rtype: GFA """ # DFS to obtain {v:(e, s)} -> convert from {v:(e, s)} to {(e, s):v} -> eliminate all {(1, 1):v} gfa = self.toGFA() io = {} for i in self.stateIndexes(): io[i] = [0, 0] gfa.DFS(io) new = {} for i in io: if (io[i][0], io[i][1]) in new: new[io[i]].append(i) else: new[io[i]] = [i] if (1, 1) not in new: return gfa # While there are singles, delete them while new[(1, 1)]: v = new[(1, 1)].pop() i = list(gfa.predecessors[v])[0] o =[v].items()[0][0] if o in[i]:[i][o] = reex.disj(reex.concat([i][v],[v][o], copy(self.Sigma)),[i][o]) new[io[i]].remove(i) new[io[o]].remove(o) # lists are unhashable e0, e1 = io[i] io[i] = (e0, e1 - 1) e0, e1 = io[o] io[o] = (e0 - 1, e1) if io[i] in new: new[io[i]].append(i) else: new[io[i]] = [i] if io[o] in new: new[io[o]].append(o) else: new[io[o]] = [o] gfa.predecessors[o].remove(v) else:[i][o] = reex.concat([i][v],[v][o], copy(self.Sigma)) gfa.predecessors[o].remove(v) gfa.predecessors[o].add(i) del[i][v] del[v][o] del[v] del gfa.predecessors[v] del io[v] # Clean up state indexes... newOrder = {} ind = 0 for i in if i not in newOrder: newOrder[i] = ind a = 0 for j in[i]: if j not in newOrder: a += 1 newOrder[j] = ind + a ind += a gfa.reorder(newOrder) gfa.States = gfa.States[:ind + 1] return gfa
[docs] def SPRegExp(self): """ Checks if FA is SP (Serial-PArallel), and if so returns the regular expression whose language is recognised by the FA :returns: equivalent regular expression :rtype: reex.regexp :raises NotSP: if the automaton is not Serial-Parallel .. seealso:: Moreira & Reis, Fundamenta Informatica, Series-Parallel automata and short regular expressions, n.91 3-4, pag 611-629. .. note:: Automata must be Serial-Parallel""" v = 0 # just to satisfy the checker gfa = self.toGFA() gfa.lab = {} gfa.out_index = {} for i in gfa.stateIndexes(): if i not in gfa.out_index[i] = 0 else: gfa.out_index[i] = len([i]) topoOrder = gfa.topoSort() for v in topoOrder: # States should be topologically ordered i = len(gfa.predecessors[v]) while i > 1: # noinspection PyProtectedMember i = gfa._simplify(v, i) if len(gfa.predecessors[v]): track = gfa.lab[(list(gfa.predecessors[v])[0], v)] rp =[list(gfa.predecessors[v])[0]][v] else: track = SPLabel([]) rp = reex.epsilon(copy(self.Sigma)) try: # noinspection PyProtectedMember gfa._do_edges(v, track, rp) except KeyError: pass return[list(gfa.predecessors[v])[0]][v]
[docs] def reCG(self): """Regular expression from state elimination whose language is recognised by the FA. Uses a heuristic to choose the order of elimination. :returns: the equivalent regular expression :rtype: reex.regexp""" new = self.dup() new.trim() gfa = new.toGFA() if not len(gfa.Final): return reex.emptyset(copy(self.Sigma)) gfa.normalize() weights = {} for st in gfa.stateIndexes(): if st != gfa.Initial and st not in gfa.Final: weights[st] = gfa.weight(st) for i in xrange(len(gfa.States) - 2): m = [(v, u) for (u, v) in weights.items()] m = min(m) m = m[1] # After 'm' is eliminated it's adjacencies might # change their indexes... adj = set([]) for st in gfa.predecessors[m]: if st > m: adj.add(st - 1) else: adj.add(st) for st in[m]: if st > m: adj.add(st - 1) else: adj.add(st) gfa.eliminateState(m) for st in weights: if st > m: weights[st - 1] = weights[st] for st in adj: if st != gfa.Initial and st not in gfa.Final: weights[st] = gfa.weight(st) del weights[len(gfa.States) - 2] return[gfa.Initial][list(gfa.Final)[0]].reduced()
[docs] def reCG_nn(self): """Regular expression from state elimination whose language is recognised by the FA. Uses a heuristic to choose the order of elimination. The FA is not normalized before the state elimination. :returns: the equivalent regular expression :rtype: reex.regexp""" if not len(self.Final): return reex.emptyset(copy(self.Sigma)) new = self.dup() new.trim() gfa = new.toGFA() if len(gfa.Final) > 1: last = gfa.addState("Last") for s in gfa.Final: gfa.addTransition(s, Epsilon, last) gfa.setFinal([last]) else: last = list(gfa.Final)[0] foo = {} lfoo = len(gfa.States) - 1 foo[lfoo], foo[last] = last, lfoo gfa.reorder(foo) if lfoo != gfa.Initial: n = 2 foo = {lfoo - 1: gfa.Initial, gfa.Initial: lfoo - 1} gfa.reorder(foo) else: n = 1 weights = {} for st in gfa.stateIndexes(): if st != gfa.Initial and st not in gfa.Final: weights[st] = gfa.weight(st) for i in xrange(len(gfa.States) - n): m = [(v, u) for (u, v) in weights.items()] m = min(m) m = m[1] succs = set([]) for a in[m]: if a != m: succs.add(a) preds = set([]) for a in gfa.predecessors[m]: if a != m: preds.add(a) gfa.eliminate(m) # update predecessors for weight(st)... for s in succs: gfa.predecessors[s].remove(m) for s1 in preds: gfa.predecessors[s].add(s1) del gfa.predecessors[m] for s in set(list(succs) + list(preds)): if s != gfa.Initial and s not in gfa.Final: weights[s] = gfa.weight(s) del weights[m] gfa.completeDelta() if n == 1: return[gfa.Initial][gfa.Initial], copy(self.Sigma)).reduced() # noinspection PyProtectedMember return gfa._re0()
[docs] def re_stateElimination(self, order=None): """Regular expression from state elimination whose language is recognised by the FA. The FA is normalized before the state elimination. :param list order: state elimination sequence :returns: the equivalent regular expression :rtype: reex.regexp""" if not order: order = [] new = self.dup() new.trim() gfa = new.toGFA() if order is None: order = range(len(gfa.States)) if not len(gfa.Final): return reex.emptyset(copy(self.Sigma)) gfa.normalize() while order: st = order.pop(0) for i in xrange(len(order)): if order[i] > st: order[i] -= 1 gfa.eliminateState(st) return[gfa.Initial][list(gfa.Final)[0]]
[docs] def reDynamicCycleHeuristic(self): """ State elimination Heuristic based on the number of cycles that passes through each state. Here those numbers are evaluated dynamically after each elimination step :returns: an equivalent regular expression :rtype: reex.regexp .. seealso:: Nelma Moreira, Davide Nabais, and Rogério Reis. State elimination ordering strategies: Some experimental results. Proc. of 11th Workshop on Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems (DCFS10), pages 169-180.2010. DOI: 10.4204/EPTCS.31.16""" if not len(self.Final): return reex.emptyset(copy(self.Sigma)) new = self.dup() new.trim() cycles = new.evalNumberOfStateCycles() gfa = new.toGFA() if len(gfa.Final) > 1: last = gfa.addState("Last") for s in gfa.Final: gfa.addTransition(s, Epsilon, last) gfa.setFinal([last]) else: last = list(gfa.Final)[0] foo = {} lfoo = len(gfa.States) - 1 foo[lfoo], foo[last] = last, lfoo gfa.reorder(foo) if lfoo != gfa.Initial: n = 2 foo = {lfoo - 1: gfa.Initial, gfa.Initial: lfoo - 1} gfa.reorder(foo) else: n = 1 weights = {} for st in gfa.stateIndexes(): if st != gfa.Initial and st not in gfa.Final: weights[st] = gfa.weightWithCycles(st, cycles) for i in xrange(len(gfa.States) - n): m = [(v, u) for (u, v) in weights.items()] m = min(m) m = m[1] succs = set([]) for a in[m]: if a != m: succs.add(a) preds = set([]) for a in gfa.predecessors[m]: if a != m: preds.add(a) gfa.eliminate(m) cycles = gfa.evalNumberOfStateCycles() # update predecessors for weight(st)... for s in succs: gfa.predecessors[s].remove(m) for s1 in preds: gfa.predecessors[s].add(s1) del gfa.predecessors[m] for s in set(list(succs) + list(preds)): if s != gfa.Initial and s not in gfa.Final: weights[s] = gfa.weightWithCycles(s, cycles) del weights[m] gfa.completeDelta() if n == 1: return[gfa.Initial][gfa.Initial], copy(self.Sigma)) # noinspection PyProtectedMember return gfa._re0()
[docs] def reStaticCycleHeuristic(self): """State elimination Heuristic based on the number of cycles that passes through each state. Here those numbers are evaluated statically in the beginning of the process :returns: a equivalent regular expression :rtype: reex.regexp .. seealso:: Nelma Moreira, Davide Nabais, and Rogério Reis. State elimination ordering strategies: Some experimental results. Proc. of 11th Workshop on Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems (DCFS10), pages 169-180.2010. DOI: 10.4204/EPTCS.31.16""" if not len(self.Final): return reex.emptyset(copy(self.Sigma)) new = self.dup() new.trim() cycles = new.evalNumberOfStateCycles() gfa = new.toGFA() if len(gfa.Final) > 1: last = gfa.addState("Last") for s in gfa.Final: gfa.addTransition(s, Epsilon, last) gfa.setFinal([last]) else: last = list(gfa.Final)[0] foo = {} lfoo = len(gfa.States) - 1 foo[lfoo], foo[last] = last, lfoo gfa.reorder(foo) if lfoo != gfa.Initial: n = 2 foo = {lfoo - 1: gfa.Initial, gfa.Initial: lfoo - 1} gfa.reorder(foo) else: n = 1 weights = {} for st in gfa.stateIndexes(): if st != gfa.Initial and st not in gfa.Final: weights[st] = gfa.weightWithCycles(st, cycles) for i in xrange(len(gfa.States) - n): m = [(v, u) for (u, v) in weights.items()] m = min(m) m = m[1] succs = set([]) for a in[m]: if a != m: succs.add(a) preds = set([]) for a in gfa.predecessors[m]: if a != m: preds.add(a) gfa.eliminate(m) for s in succs: gfa.predecessors[s].remove(m) for s1 in preds: gfa.predecessors[s].add(s1) del gfa.predecessors[m] for s in set(list(succs) + list(preds)): if s != gfa.Initial and s not in gfa.Final: weights[s] = gfa.weightWithCycles(s, cycles) del weights[m] gfa.completeDelta() if n == 1: return[gfa.Initial][gfa.Initial], copy(self.Sigma)) # noinspection PyProtectedMember return gfa._re0()
[docs] def re_stateElimination_nn(self, order=None): """Regular expression from state elimination whose language is recognised by the FA. The FA is not normalized before the state elimination. :param list order: state elimination sequence :returns: the equivalent regular expression :rtype: reex.regexp""" n = 0 # just to satisfy the checker if not order: order = [] gfa = self.toGFA() if not len(gfa.Final): return reex.emptyset(copy(self.Sigma)) if order is None: if len(gfa.Final) > 1: last = gfa.addState("Last") gfa.predecessors[last] = set([]) for s in gfa.Final: gfa.addTransition(s, Epsilon, last) gfa.predecessors[last].add(s) gfa.setFinal([last]) else: last = list(gfa.Final)[0] foo = {} lfoo = len(gfa.States) - 1 foo[lfoo], foo[last] = last, lfoo gfa.reorder(foo) if lfoo != gfa.Initial: n = 2 foo = {lfoo - 1: gfa.Initial, gfa.Initial: lfoo - 1} gfa.reorder(foo) else: n = 1 order = range(len(gfa.States) - n) while order: st = order.pop(0) for i in xrange(len(order)): if order[i] > st: order[i] -= 1 gfa.eliminateState(st) gfa.completeDelta() if n == 1: return[gfa.Initial][gfa.Initial], copy(self.Sigma)).reduced() ii = gfa.Initial fi = list(gfa.Final)[0] a =[ii][ii] b =[ii][fi] c =[fi][ii] d =[fi][fi] # bd* re1 = reex.concat(b,, copy(self.Sigma)), copy(self.Sigma)) # a + bd*c re2 = reex.disj(a, reex.concat(re1, c, copy(self.Sigma)), copy(self.Sigma)) # (a + bd*c)* bd* return reex.concat(, copy(self.Sigma)), re1, copy(self.Sigma)).reduced()
[docs] def cutPoints(self): """Set of FA's cut points :returns: set of states :rtype: set of int""" gfa = self.toGFA() gfa.normalize() # make gfa a graph instead of a digraph newEdges = [] for a in for b in[a]: newEdges.append((a, b)) for i in newEdges: if i[1] not in[i[1]] = {} else:[i[1]][i[0]] = 'x' for i in newEdges: if i[0] not in[i[1]]:[i[1]][i[0]] = 'x' # initializations needed for cut point detection gfa.c = 1 gfa.num = {} gfa.visited = [] gfa.parent = {} gfa.low = {} gfa.cuts = set([]) gfa.assignNum(gfa.Initial) gfa.assignLow(gfa.Initial) # initial state is never a cut point so it should be removed gfa.cuts.remove(gfa.Initial) cutpoints = copy(gfa.cuts) - gfa.Final # remove self-loops and check if the cut points are in a loop gfa = self.toGFA() gfa.normalize() for i in if i in[i]: del[i][i] cycles = gfa.evalNumberOfStateCycles() for i in cycles: if cycles[i] != 0 and i in cutpoints: cutpoints.remove(i) return cutpoints
[docs] def evalNumberOfStateCycles(self): """Evaluates the number of cycles each state participates :returns: state->list of cycle lengths :rtype: dict""" cycles = {} seen = [] for i in self.stateIndexes(): cycles[i] = 0 (bkE, multipl) = self._DFSBackEdges() for (x, y) in bkE: self._chkForCycles(y, x, cycles, seen, multipl) return cycles
def _chkForCycles(self, y, x, cycles, seen, multipl): """Used in evalNumberOfStateCycles""" s = y path = [x, y] stack = [[y for y in self.stateChildren(s)]] marked = [y] while stack: foo = stack.pop() if isinstance(foo, list) and len(foo): s = foo.pop() stack.append(foo) else: path.pop() continue if s in marked: continue elif s == x: bar = self._normalizeCycle(path) if bar not in seen: seen.append(bar) m = 1 for i in range(len(path) - 1): m *= max(1, multipl[(path[i], path[i + 1])]) m *= max(1, multipl[(path[-1], path[0])]) for i in path: cycles[i] = cycles.get(i, 0) + m continue else: marked.append(s) path.append(s) stack.append([y for y in self.stateChildren(s)]) return cycles @staticmethod def _normalizeCycle(c): """Normalizes a cycle with its first element at the begining :param list c: cycle""" m = min(c) i = c.index(m) return c[i:] + c[:i] def _DFSBackEdges(self): """Returns a pair (BE, M) whee BE is the set of backedges form a DFS starting with the initial state as pairs (s, d) and M is a map (i, j)->multiplicity :returns: as said above :rtype: tuple""" mStates = set() bEdges = set() pool = set() multipl = {} if type(self.Initial) == set: # NFAs mStates += self.Initial pool += self.Initial else: # DFAs mStates.add(self.Initial) pool.add(self.Initial) while pool: s = pool.pop() child = self.stateChildren(s) # noinspection PyTypeChecker for r in child: multipl[(s, r)] = child[r] for i in child: if i in mStates or i in pool: bEdges.add((s, i)) else: pool.add(i) mStates.add(i) return bEdges, multipl
[docs] def eliminateStout(self, st): """Eliminate all transitions outgoing from a given state :param int st: the state index to loose all outgoing transitions .. attention:: performs in place alteration of the automata .. versionadded:: 0.9.6""" if st in del ([st]) return self
[docs] def dup(self): """ Duplicate OFA :returns: duplicate object """ return deepcopy(self)
[docs]class NFA(OFA): """Class for Non-deterministic Finite Automata (epsilon-transitions allowed). .. inheritance-diagram:: NFA"""
[docs] def uniqueRepr(self): """Dummy representation. Used DFA.uniqueRepr() :rtype: tuple""" return self.toDFA().uniqueRepr()
def __init__(self): FA.__init__(self) self.Initial = set() def __repr__(self): """'Official' string representation :returns: str :rtype: str""" return "NFA({0:>s})".format(self.__str__()) def _lstTransitions(self): l = [] for x in for k in[x]: for y in[x][k]: l.append((self.States[x], k, self.States[y])) return l def _s_lstInitial(self): return [str(self.States[x]) for x in self.Initial] def _lstInitial(self): if self.Initial is None: raise DFAnoInitial() else: return [self.States[i] for i in self.Initial]
[docs] @staticmethod def vDescription(): """Generation of Verso interface description .. versionadded:: 0.9.5 :return: the interface list""" return [("NFA", "Nondeterministic Finite Automata"), [("NFAFAdo", lambda x: saveToString(x), "FAdo"), ("NFAdot", lambda x: x.dotFormat("&"), "dot")], ("NFA-to-DFA", ("NFA to DFA", "NFA to DFA"), 1, "NFA", "DFA", lambda *x: x[0].toDFA()), ("NFA-reversal", ("Reversal language NFA", "Reversal language NFA"), 1, "NFA", "NFA", lambda *x: x[0].reversal())]
def __or__(self, other): """ Disjunction of automata: X | Y. :param NFA|DFA other: the right hand operand :raises FAdoGeneralError: if any operand is not an NFA .. versionchanged:: 1.2""" if isinstance(other, DFA): par2 = other.toNFA() elif not isinstance(other, NFA): raise FAdoGeneralError("Incompatible objects") else: par2 = other new = self._copySkell(par2) ini = new.addState() new.Sigma = new.Sigma.union(other.Sigma) new.addInitial(ini) for s in self.Initial: si = new.stateIndex((0, s)) new.addTransition(ini, Epsilon, si) for s in par2.Initial: si = new.stateIndex((1, s)) new.addTransition(ini, Epsilon, si) fin = new.addState() new.addFinal(fin) for s in self.Final: si = new.stateIndex((0, s)) new.addTransition(si, Epsilon, fin) for s in par2.Final: si = new.stateIndex((1, s)) new.addTransition(si, Epsilon, fin) return new def __and__(self, other): """Conjunction of automata :param NFA|DFA other: the right hand operand :rtype: NFA :raises FAdoGeneralError: if any operand is not an NFA""" if isinstance(other, DFA): par2 = other.toNFA() elif not isinstance(other, NFA): raise FAdoGeneralError("Incompatible objects") else: par2 = other return self.productFast(other, True)
[docs] def oldAnd(self, other): """Conjunction of automata :param NFA|DFA other: the right hand operand :rtype: NFA :raises FAdoGeneralError: if any operand is not an NFA""" if isinstance(other, DFA): par2 = other.toNFA() elif not isinstance(other, NFA): raise FAdoGeneralError("Incompatible objects") else: par2 = other new = self.product(par2) for x in [(self.States[a], par2.States[b]) for a in self.Final for b in other.Final]: if x in new.States: new.addFinal(new.stateIndex(x)) return new._namesToString()
def __invert__(self): """Complement of the NFA (through conversion to DFA) :rtype: NFA""" foo = self.toDFA() return foo.__invert__().toNFA() @staticmethod def _getTags(): """returns Tags for dump :rtype: list of str""" return ["NFA"]
[docs] def concat(self, other, middle="middle"): """Concatenation of NFA :param str middle: glue state name :param NFA|DFA other: the other NFA :returns: the result of the concatenation :rtype: NFA""" if isinstance(other, DFA): par2 = other.toNFA() else: par2 = other new = self._copySkell(par2) for i in self.Initial: new.addInitial(new.stateIndex((0, i))) m = new.addState(middle) for i in self.Final: new.addTransition(new.stateIndex((0, i)), Epsilon, m) for i in par2.Initial: new.addTransition(m, Epsilon, new.stateIndex((1, i))) for i in par2.Final: new.addFinal(new.stateIndex((1, i))) return new
[docs] def computeFollowNames(self): """ Computes the follow set to use in names :rtype: list """ l = [] for i in range(len(self.States)): l1 = [] for c in, []): for j in[i][c]: k = self.States[j] if k not in l1: l1.append(k) l.append((sorted(l1), i in self.Final)) return l
[docs] def renameStatesFromPosition(self): """ Rename states of a Glushkov automaton using the positions of the marked RE :rtype: NFA """ new = self.dup() l = [] for i in new.States: if i == "Initial": l.append(0) else: (_, j) = eval(i) l.append(j) new.States = l return new
[docs] def followFromPosition(self): """ computes follow automaton from a position automaton :rtype: NFA """ fl = self.renameStatesFromPosition().computeFollowNames() new = NFA() fu = unique(fl) for x in fu: new.addState(x) for i in self.Initial: new.addInitial(fu.index(fl[i])) for i in for c in, []): for j in[i][c]: new.addTransition(fu.index(fl[i]), c, fu.index(fl[j])) for i in self.Final: new.addFinal(fu.index(fl[i])) return new
[docs] def detSet(self, generic=False): """ Computes the determination uppon a followFromPosition result :rtype: NFA""" # TODO: write better code for this method if generic: n = len(self.States) self.States = [i for i in range(n)] nn = self.computeFollowNames() self.States = nn l = [set(i) for (i, _) in self.States] l1 = [] for i in l: if i == set(): l1.append({'@@'}) else: l1.append(i) l = l1 new = DFA() assert len(self.Initial) == 1 for i in self.Initial: if i in self.Final: shit = set(self.States[i][0]) shit.add("@") foo = new.addState(shit) else: foo = new.addState(set(self.States[i][0])) new.setInitial(foo) if i in self.Final: new.addFinal(foo) done, todo = set(), {0} while todo: s = todo.pop() ls = [(i, ii) for (i, ii) in enumerate(l) if new.States[s].issuperset(ii)] for c in self.Sigma: ss, sf = set(), False f = False for i, ii in ls: for j in, {}).get(c, set()): ss, sf = ss.union(l[j]), True if j in self.Final: f = True ss.discard("@@") if sf: if f: ss.add("@") if ss not in new.States: n = new.addState(ss) todo.add(n) else: n = new.stateIndex(ss) new.addTransition(s, c, n) if f: new.addFinal(n) return new
[docs] def witness(self): """Witness of non emptyness :return: word :rtype: str""" done = set() notDone = set() pref = dict() for si in self.Initial: pref[si] = Epsilon notDone.add(si) while notDone: si = notDone.pop() done.add(si) if si in self.Final: return pref[si] for syi in, []): for so in[si][syi]: if so in done or so in notDone: continue pref[so] = sConcat(pref[si], syi) notDone.add(so) return None
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs] def shuffle(self, other): """Shuffle of a NFA :param FA other: an FA :returns: the resulting NFA :rtype: NFA""" if len(self.Initial) > 1: d1 = self._toNFASingleInitial().elimEpsilon() else: d1 = self if type(other) == NFA: if len(other.Initial) > 1: d2 = self._toNFASingleInitial().elimEpsilon() else: d2 = other else: d2 = other.toNFA() c = NFA() NSigma = d1.Sigma.union(d2.Sigma) c.setSigma(NSigma) c.States = [(i, j) for i in xrange(len(d1.States)) for j in xrange(len(d2.States))] c.addInitial(c.stateIndex((list(d1.Initial)[0], list(d2.Initial)[0]))) for st in c.States: si = c.stateIndex(st) if d1.finalP(st[0]) and d2.finalP(st[1]): c.addFinal(si) for sym in c.Sigma: try: lq = d1.evalSymbol([st[0]], sym) for q in lq: c.addTransition(si, sym, c.stateIndex((q, st[1]))) except (DFAstopped, DFAsymbolUnknown): pass try: lq = d2.evalSymbol([st[1]], sym) for q in lq: c.addTransition(si, sym, c.stateIndex((st[0], q))) except (DFAstopped, DFAsymbolUnknown): pass return c
[docs] def star(self, flag=False): """Kleene star of a NFA :param bool flag: plus instead of star :returns: the resulting NFA :rtype: NFA""" new = self.dup() ini = copy(new.Initial) fin = copy(new.Final) nf = new.addState() new.addFinal(nf) if not flag: ni = new.addState() new.setInitial([ni]) new.addTransition(ni, Epsilon, nf) else: ni = new.addState() nni = new.addState() new.setInitial([nni]) new.addTransition(nni, Epsilon, ni) new.addTransition(nf, Epsilon, ni) for i in ini: new.addTransition(ni, Epsilon, i) for i in fin: new.addTransition(i, Epsilon, nf) return new
def __eq__(self, other): """ Test equivalence of two NFAs :param NFA other: the other NFA :rtype: bool""" return self.toDFA() == other.toDFA() def __ne__(self, other): """ Test non equivalence of two NFAs :param NFA other: the other NFA :rtype: bool""" return not self == other def _copySkell(self, other): """Creates a new NFA with the skells of both NFAs Each state is named with its previous index is inscribed in a tuple (0,_) and (1,_) respectively :param NFA other: the other NFA :rtype: NFA .. attention:: No initial and final states are assigned in the resulting NFA.""" new = NFA() s = len(self.States) for i in range(s): new.addState((0, i)) for i in for c in[i]: for j in[i][c]: new.addTransition(new.stateIndex((0, i)), c, new.stateIndex((0, j))) s = len(other.States) for i in range(s): new.addState((1, i)) for i in for c in[i]: for j in[i][c]: new.addTransition(new.stateIndex((1, i)), c, new.stateIndex((1, j))) return new
[docs] def setInitial(self, statelist): """Sets the initial states of an NFA :param set|list|int statelist: an iterable of initial state indexes""" self.Initial = set(statelist)
[docs] def addInitial(self, stateindex): """Add a new state to the set of initial states. :param int stateindex: index of new initial state""" self.Initial.add(stateindex)
[docs] def succintTransitions(self): """ Collects the transition information in a compact way suitable for graphical representation. :rtype: list .. note: tupples in the list are stateout, label, statein """ foo = dict() for s in for c in[s]: for s1 in[s][c]: k = (s, s1) if k not in foo: foo[k] = [] foo[k].append(c) l = [] for k in foo: cs = foo[k] s = "%s" % graphvizTranslate(str(cs[0])) for c in cs[1:]: s += ", %s" % graphvizTranslate(str(c)) l.append((str(self.States[k[0]]), s, str(self.States[k[1]]))) return l
[docs] def deleteStates(self, del_states): """Delete given iterable collection of states from the automaton. :param set|list del_states: collection of int representing states .. note:: delta function will always be rebuilt, regardless of whether the states list to remove is a suffix, or a sublist, of the automaton's states list.""" rename_map = {} new_delta = {} new_final = set() new_states = [] for state in del_states: if state in self.Initial: self.Initial.remove(state) for state in self.stateIndexes(): if state not in del_states: rename_map[state] = len(new_states) new_states.append(self.States[state]) for state in rename_map: if state in self.Final: new_final.add(rename_map[state]) if state not in continue if not len([state]) == 0: new_delta[rename_map[state]] = {} for symbol in[state]: new_targets = set([rename_map[s] for s in[state][symbol] if s in rename_map]) if new_targets: new_delta[rename_map[state]][symbol] = new_targets self.States = new_states = new_delta self.Final = new_final self.Initial = set(map(lambda x: rename_map.get(x, x), self.Initial))
[docs] def addTransition(self, sti1, sym, sti2): """Adds a new transition. Transition is from ``sti1`` to ``sti2`` consuming symbol ``sym``. ``sti2`` is a unique state, not a set of them. :param int sti1: state index of departure :param int sti2: state index of arrival :param str sym: symbol consumed""" if sym != Epsilon: self.Sigma.add(sym) if sti1 not in[sti1] = {sym: {sti2}} elif sym not in[sti1]:[sti1][sym] = {sti2} else:[sti1][sym].add(sti2)
[docs] def addEpsilonLoops(self): """Add epsilon loops to every state :return: self .. attention:: in-place modification .. versionadded:: 1.0""" for i in self.stateIndexes(): self.addTransition(i, Epsilon, i) return self
[docs] def addTransitionQ(self, srcI, dest, symb, qfuture, qpast): """Add transition to the new transducer instance. :param set qpast: past queue :param set qfuture: future queue :param symb: symbol :param dest: destination state :param int srcI: source state .. versionadded:: 1.0""" if dest not in qpast: qfuture.add(dest) i = self.stateIndex(dest, True) self.addTransition(srcI, symb, i)
[docs] def delTransition(self, sti1, sym, sti2, _no_check=False): """Remove a transition if existing and perform cleanup on the transition function's internal data structure. :param int sti1: state index of departure :param int sti2: state index of arrival :param str sym: symbol consumed :param bool _no_check: dismiss secure code .. note:: unused alphabet symbols will be discarded from Sigma.""" if not _no_check and (sti1 not in or sym not in[sti1]): return[sti1][sym].discard(sti2) if not[sti1][sym]: del[sti1][sym] if all(map(lambda x: sym not in x, self.Sigma.discard(sym) if not[sti1]: del[sti1]
[docs] def reversal(self): """Returns a NFA that recognizes the reversal of the language :returns: NFA recognizing reversal language :rtype: NFA""" rev = NFA() rev.setSigma(self.Sigma) rev.States = self.States[:] self.reverseTransitions(rev) rev.setFinal(self.Initial) rev.setInitial(self.Final) return rev
[docs] def reorder(self, dicti): """Reorder states indexes according to given dictionary. :param dict dicti: state name reorder .. note:: dictionary does not have to be complete""" if len(dicti.keys()) != len(self.States): for i in self.stateIndexes(): if i not in dicti: dicti[i] = i delta = {} for s in delta[dicti[s]] = {} for c in[s]: delta[dicti[s]][c] = set() for st in[s][c]: delta[dicti[s]][c].add(dicti[st]) = delta self.setInitial(map(lambda x: dicti[x], self.Initial)) Final = set() for i in self.Final: Final.add(dicti[i]) self.Final = Final states = range(len(self.States)) for i in self.stateIndexes(): states[dicti[i]] = self.States[i] self.States = states
[docs] def epsilonP(self): """Whether this NFA has epsilon-transitions :rtype: bool""" return any(map(lambda x: Epsilon in x,
[docs] def epsilonClosure(self, st): """Returns the set of states epsilon-connected to from given state or set of states. :param int|set st: state index or set of state indexes :returns: the list of state indexes epsilon connected to ``st`` :rtype: set of int .. attention:: ``st`` must exist.""" if type(st) is set: s2 = set(st) else: s2 = {st} s1 = set() while s2: s = s2.pop() s1.add(s) s2.update(, {}).get(Epsilon, set()) - s1) return s1
[docs] def closeEpsilon(self, st): """Add all non epsilon transitions from the states in the epsilon closure of given state to given state. :param int st: state index""" targets = self.epsilonClosure(st) targets.remove(st) if not targets: return for target in targets: self.delTransition(st, Epsilon, target) not_final = st not in self.Final for target in targets: if target in for symbol, states in[target].items(): if symbol is Epsilon: continue for state in states: self.addTransition(st, symbol, state) if not_final and target in self.Final: self.addFinal(st) not_final = False
[docs] def eliminateTSymbol(self, symbol): """Delete all trasitions through a given symbol :param str symbol: the symbol to be excluded from delta .. attention:: in place alteration of the automata .. versionadded:: 0.9.6""" for s in if symbol in[s]: del ([s][symbol]) if not[s]: del[s]
[docs] def elimEpsilon(self): """Eliminate epsilon-transitions from this automaton. :rtype : NFA .. attention:: performs in place modification of automaton .. versionchanged:: 1.1.1""" for state in range(len(self.States)): self.closeEpsilon(state) return self
[docs] def evalWordP(self, word): """Verify if the NFA recognises given word. :param str word: word to be recognised :rtype: bool""" ilist = self.epsilonClosure(self.Initial) for c in word: ilist = self.evalSymbol(ilist, c) if not ilist: return False for f in self.Final: if f in ilist: return True return False
[docs] def evalSymbol(self, stil, sym): """Set of states reacheable from given states through given symbol and epsilon closure. :param set|list stil: set of current states :param str sym: symbol to be consumed :returns: set of reached state indexes :rtype: set :raises DFAsymbolUnknown: if symbol is not in alphabet""" if sym not in self.Sigma: raise DFAsymbolUnknown(sym) res = set() for s in stil: try: ls =[s][sym] except KeyError: ls = set() except NameError: ls = set() for t in ls: res.update(self.epsilonClosure(t)) return res
[docs] def minimal(self): """Evaluates the equivalent minimal DFA :returns: equivalent minimal DFA :rtype: DFA""" return self.minimalDFA()
[docs] def minimalDFA(self): """Evaluates the equivalent minimal complete DFA :returns: equivalent minimal DFA :rtype: DFA""" return self.minimalBrzozowski()
[docs] def dup(self): """Duplicate the basic structure into a new NFA. Basically a copy.deep. :rtype: NFA""" new = NFA() new.setSigma(self.Sigma) new.States = self.States[:] new.Initial = self.Initial.copy() new.Final = self.Final.copy() for s in[s] = {} for c in[s]:[s][c] =[s][c].copy() return new
def _inc(self, fa): """Combine self with given FA with a single final state. :param FA fa: FA to be included :returns: a pair of state indexes (initial and final of the resulting NFA) :rtype: pair of int .. note:: State names are not preserved.""" for s in self.stateIndexes(): self.States[s] = (0, self.States[s]) for c in fa.Sigma: self.addSigma(c) for s in fa.stateIndexes(): self.addState((1, s)) for s in for c in[s]: for t in[s][c]: self.addTransition(self.stateIndex((1, s)), c, self.stateIndex((1, t))) return (self.stateIndex((1, uSet(fa.Initial))), self.stateIndex((1, uSet(fa.Final))))
[docs] def reverseTransitions(self, rev): """Evaluate reverse transition function. :param NFA rev: NFA in which the reverse function will be stored""" for s in for a in[s]: for s1 in[s][a]: rev.addTransition(s1, a, s)
[docs] def initialComp(self): """Evaluate the connected component starting at the initial state. :returns: list of state indexes in the component :rtype: list of int""" lst = list(self.Initial) i = 0 while True: try: foo =[lst[i]].keys() except KeyError: foo = [] for c in foo: for _ in[lst[i]]: for s in[lst[i]][c]: if s not in lst: lst.append(s) i += 1 if i >= len(lst): return lst
[docs] def finalCompP(self, s): """Verify whether there is a final state in strongly connected component containing given state. :param int s: state index :returns: :: bool""" if s in self.Final: return True lst = [s] i = 0 while True: try: foo =[lst[i]].keys() except KeyError: foo = [] for c in foo: for s in[lst[i]][c]: if s not in lst: if s in self.Final: return True lst.append(s) i += 1 if i >= len(lst): return False
[docs] def deterministicP(self): """Verify whether this NFA is actually deterministic :rtype: bool""" if len(self.Initial) != 1: return False for st in for sy in[st]: if sy == Epsilon or len([st][sy]) > 1: return False return True
def _toDFAd(self): """Transforms into a DFA assuming it is deterministic :returns: the FA in a DFA structure :rtype: DFA""" # The subset construction will consider only accessible states new = DFA() new.Sigma = self.Sigma # self must be trim old = self.dup() old.trim() s = len(old.States) for i in xrange(s): new.addState(str(i)) for i in for c in[i]: new.addTransition(new.stateIndex(str(i)), c, new.stateIndex("{0:d}".format(uSet([i][c])))) new.setInitial(new.stateIndex(str(uSet(old.Initial)))) for i in old.Final: new.addFinal(new.stateIndex(str(i))) return new
[docs] def homogenousP(self, x): """Whether this NFA is homogenous; that is, for all states, whether all incoming transitions to that state are through the same symbol. :param x: dummy parameter to agree with the method in DFAr :rtype: bool""" return self.toNFAr().homogenousP(True)
[docs] def stronglyConnectedComponents(self): """Strong components :rtype: list .. versionadded:: 1.0""" def _strongConnect(st): # todo This bombs out for a large automaton (loop exceed) Fixe it! indices[st] = index[0] lowlink[st] = index[0] index[0] += 1 s.append(st) inIndices[st] = True inS[st] = True links = [x for k in, {}) for x in[st][k]] # links = [[state][k] for k in, {})] for l in links: if not inIndices[l]: _strongConnect(l) lowlink[st] = min(lowlink[st], lowlink[l]) elif inS[l]: lowlink[st] = min(lowlink[st], indices[l]) if lowlink[st] == indices[st]: component = [] while True: l = s.pop() inS[l] = False component.append(l) if l == st: break result.append(component) index = [0] indices = [] lowlink = [] s = [] result = [] inIndices = [] inS = [] for _ in self.States: inIndices.append(False) inS.append(False) indices.append(-1) lowlink.append(-1) for state in if not inIndices[state]: _strongConnect(state) return result
[docs] def dotFormat(self, size="20,20", direction="LR", sep="\n", strict=False, maxLblSz=6): """ A dot representation :param str direction: direction of drawing :param str size: size of image :param str sep: line separator :arg maxLblSz: max size of labels before getting removed :arg strict: use limitations of label sizes :return: the dot representation :rtype: str .. versionadded:: 0.9.6 .. versionchanged:: 1.2.1""" if not strict and max([len(str(name)) for name in self.States]) > maxLblSz: o = self.dup() o.renameStates() else: o = self s = "digraph finite_state_machine {{{0:s}".format(sep) s += "rankdir={0:s};{1:s}".format(direction, sep) s += "size=\"{0:s}\";{1:s}".format(size, sep) for si in o.Initial: sn = str(o.States[si]) s += "node [shape = point]; \"dummy{0:s}\"{1:s}".format(sn, sep) s += o.dotDrawState(si) s += "\"dummy{0:s}\" -> \"{1:s}\";{2:s}".format(sn, graphvizTranslate(str(o.States[si])), sep) niStates = [i for i in o.stateIndexes() if i not in o.Initial] for sti in niStates: s += o.dotDrawState(sti) for si in o.succintTransitions(): s += o.dotDrawTransition(si[0], si[1], si[2]) s += "}}{0:s}".format(sep) return s
[docs] def wordImage(self, word, ist=None): """Evaluates the set of states reached consuming given word :param word: the word :type word: list of stings :param int ist: starting state index (or set of) :returns: the set of ending states :rtype: Set of int """ if not ist: ist = self.Initial ilist = self.epsilonClosure(ist) for c in word: ilist = self.evalSymbol(ilist, c) if not ilist: return [] return ilist
def transitionsA(self): for si in for c in[si]: yield((si, c,[si][c])) def transitions(self): for si in for c in[si]: for s in[si][c]: yield((si, c, s)) def productFast(self, other, trim=False): def index(i, j): return szline * i + j def indexes(i): return (i / szline, i % szline) todo, done = set(), set() new = NFA() new.setSigma(self.Sigma.union(other.Sigma)) szline = len(other.States) nstates = szline * len(self.States) if not trim: for s1 in xrange(nstates): new.addState(s1) for i in self.Initial: for j in other.Initial: s1 = index(i, j) new.addInitial(s1) todo.add((i, j)) while todo: (i, j) = todo.pop() done.add((i, j)) s1 = index(i, j) ia = set(self.stateAlphabet(i)).intersection(set(other.stateAlphabet(j))) for c in ia: for i1 in[i][c]: for j1 in[j][c]: s2 = index(i1, j1) new.addTransition(s1, c, s2) if (i1, j1) not in done: todo.add((i1, j1)) l = [index(i, j) for i in self.stateIndexes() for j in other.stateIndexes() if (i, j) not in done] for i in self.Final: for j in other.Final: new.addFinal(index(i, j)) else: for i in self.Initial: for j in other.Initial: s = index(i, j) new.addState(s) new.addInitial(s) todo.add((i,j)) while todo: (i, j) = todo.pop() done.add((i, j)) s1 = index(i, j) si1 = new.stateIndex(s1) ia = set(self.stateAlphabet(i)).intersection(set(other.stateAlphabet(j))) for c in ia: for i1 in[i][c]: for j1 in[j][c]: s2 = index(i1, j1) si2 = new.stateIndex(s2, True) new.addTransition(si1, c, si2) if (i1, j1) not in done: todo.add((i1, j1)) for i in self.Final: for j in other.Final: try: si = new.stateIndex(index(i, j)) except DFAstateUnknown: pass else: new.addFinal(si) return new # todo: change product to avoid use of stateIndex()
[docs] def product(self, other): """Returns a NFA (skeletom) resulting of the simultaneous execution of two DFA. :param NFA other: the other automata :rtype: NFA .. note:: No final states are set. .. attention:: - the name ``EmptySet`` is used in a unique special state name - the method uses 3 internal functions for simplicity of code (really!)""" def _sN(a, s): try: j = a.stateIndex(s) except DFAstateUnknown: return None return j def _kS(a, j): """ :param a: :param j: :return:""" if j is None: return set() try: ks =[j].keys() except KeyError: return set() return set(ks) def _dealT(srcI, dest): """ :param srcI: source state :param dest: destination state""" if not (dest in done or dest in notDone): iN = new.addState(dest) notDone.append(dest) else: iN = new.stateIndex(dest) new.addTransition(srcI, k, iN) new = NFA() new.setSigma(self.Sigma.union(other.Sigma)) notDone = [] done = [] for s1 in [self.States[x] for x in self.Initial]: for s2 in [other.States[x] for x in other.Initial]: sname = (s1, s2) new.addState(sname) new.addInitial(new.stateIndex(sname)) if (s1, s2) not in notDone: notDone.append((s1, s2)) while notDone: state = notDone.pop() done.append(state) (s1, s2) = state i = new.stateIndex(state) (i1, i2) = (_sN(self, s1), _sN(other, s2)) (k1, k2) = (_kS(self, i1), _kS(other, i2)) for k in k1.intersection(k2): for destination in [(self.States[d1], other.States[d2]) for d1 in[i1][k] for d2 in[i2][k]]: _dealT(i, destination) for k in k1 - k2: for n in[i1][k]: _dealT(i, (self.States[n], EmptySet)) for k in k2 - k1: for n in[i2][k]: _dealT(i, (EmptySet, other.States[n])) return new
def _toNFASingleInitial(self): """Construct an equivalent NFA with only one initial state :rtype: NFA""" aut = self.dup() Initial = aut.addState()[Initial] = {}[Initial][Epsilon] = aut.Initial aut.setInitial([Initial]) return aut def _deleteRefInDelta(self, src, sym, dest): """Deletion of a reference in Delta :param int src: source state :param int sym: symbol :param int dest: destination state""" if dest in[src][sym]:[src][sym].remove(dest) for k in xrange(dest + 1, len(self.States)): if k in[src][sym]:[src][sym].remove(k)[src][sym].add(k - 1) if not len([src][sym]): del[src][sym] if not len([src]): del[src] def _deleteRefInitial(self, sti): """Deletes a state from the set of initial states. The other states are renumbered. :param int sti: state index""" if sti in self.Initial: self.Initial.remove(sti) for s in self.Initial: if sti < s: self.Initial.remove(s) self.Initial.add(s - 1)
[docs] def toNFA(self): """ Dummy identity function :rtype: NFA""" return self
[docs] def toDFA(self): """Construct a DFA equivalent to this NFA, by the subset construction method. :rtype: DFA .. note:: valid to epsilon-NFA""" if self.deterministicP(): return self._toDFAd() dfa = DFA() lStates = [] stl = self.epsilonClosure(self.Initial) lStates.append(stl) dfa.setInitial(dfa.addState(stl)) dfa.setSigma(self.Sigma) for f in self.Final: if f in stl: dfa.addFinal(0) break index = 0 while True: slist = lStates[index] si = dfa.stateIndex(slist) for s in self.Sigma: stl = self.evalSymbol(slist, s) if not stl: continue if stl not in lStates: lStates.append(stl) foo = dfa.addState(stl) for f in self.Final: if f in stl: dfa.addFinal(foo) break else: foo = dfa.stateIndex(stl) dfa.addTransition(si, s, foo) if index == len(lStates) - 1: break else: index += 1 return dfa
[docs] def hasTransitionP(self, state, symbol=None, target=None): """Whether there's a transition from given state, optionally through given symbol, and optionally to a specific target. :param int state: source state :param str symbol: optional transition symbol :param int target: optional target state :returns: if there is a transition :rtype: bool""" if state not in return False if symbol is None: return True if symbol not in[state]: return False if target is None: return[state][symbol] != set() else: return target in[state][symbol]
[docs] def usefulStates(self, initial_states=None): """Set of states reacheable from the given initial state(s) that have a path to a final state. :param initial_states: set of initial states :type initial_states: set of int or list of int :returns: set of state indexes :rtype: set of int""" if initial_states is None: initial_states = self.Initial useful = set([s for s in initial_states if s in self.Final]) stack = list(initial_states) preceding = {} for i in stack: preceding[i] = [] while stack: state = stack.pop() if state not in continue for symbol in[state]: for adjacent in[state][symbol]: is_useful = adjacent in useful if adjacent in self.Final or is_useful: useful.add(state) if not is_useful: useful.add(adjacent) preceding[adjacent] = [] stack.append(adjacent) inpath_stack = [p for p in preceding[state] if p not in useful] preceding[state] = [] while inpath_stack: previous = inpath_stack.pop() useful.add(previous) inpath_stack += [p for p in preceding[previous] if p not in useful] preceding[previous] = [] continue if adjacent not in preceding: preceding[adjacent] = [state] stack.append(adjacent) else: preceding[adjacent].append(state) if not useful and self.Initial: useful.add(min(self.Initial)) return useful
[docs] def eliminateEpsilonTransitions(self): """Eliminates all epslilon-transitions with no state addition .. attention:: in-place modification""" for s in self.stateIndexes(): if Epsilon in, []): for s1 in self.epsilonClosure([s][Epsilon]): if s1 in self.Final: self.addFinal(s) for a in, []): if a != Epsilon: for s2 in[s1][a]: self.addTransition(s, a, s2) foo = copy([s][Epsilon]) for s1 in foo: self.delTransition(s, Epsilon, s1) self.trim() return self
[docs] def HKeqP(self, other, strict=True): """ Test NFA equivalence with extended Hopcroft-Karp method .. seealso:: J. E. Hopcroft and R. M. Karp. A Linear Algorithm for Testing Equivalence of Finite Automata.TR 71--114. U. California. 1971 :param other: NFA :param strict: if True checks for same alphabets :return: Boolean """ if strict and self.Sigma != other.Sigma: return False n = len(self.States) if n == 0 or len(other.States) == 0: raise NFAEmpty i1 = frozenset(self.Initial) i2 = frozenset([i + n for i in other.Initial]) s = UnionFind(auto_create=True) s.union(i1, i2) stack = [(i1, i2)] while stack: (p, q) = stack.pop() # test if p is in self lp = list(p) on_other = False if len(lp) > 0 and lp[0] >= n: on_other = True if on_other: if other.Final.isdisjoint(set([i - n for i in p])) != \ other.Final.isdisjoint(set([i - n for i in q])): return False elif (self.Final).isdisjoint(p) != (other.Final).isdisjoint(set([i - n for i in q])): return False for sigma in self.Sigma: if on_other: p1 = s.find(frozenset([j + n for j in other.evalSymbol(frozenset([i - n for i in p]), sigma)])) else: p1 = s.find(frozenset(self.evalSymbol(p, sigma))) q1 = s.find(frozenset([j + n for j in other.evalSymbol(frozenset([i - n for i in q]), sigma)])) if p1 != q1: s.union(p1, q1) stack.append((p1, q1)) return True
[docs] def autobisimulation(self): """Largest right invariant equivalence between states of the NFA :returns: Incomplete equivalence relation (transitivity, and reflexivity not calculated) as a set of unordered pairs of states :rtype: Set of frozensets .. seealso:: Ilie&Yu, 2003""" n_states = len(self.States) undecided_pairs = set([frozenset((i, j)) for i in xrange(n_states) for j in xrange(i + 1, n_states)]) marked = set() for pair in undecided_pairs: a, b = pair if (a in self.Final) != (b in self.Final): marked.add(pair) def _desc_marked(d_p, sym, q1, mrkd): """ :param d_p: :param sym: :param q1: :param mrkd:""" for d_q in[q1][sym]: yield frozenset((d_p, d_q)) in mrkd changed_marked = True while changed_marked: changed_marked = False undecided_pairs.difference_update(marked) for pair in undecided_pairs: p, q = pair if p in if q not in or (set([p].keys()) != set([q].keys())): marked.add(pair) changed_marked = True else: for symbol in[p]: for desc_p in[p][symbol]: if all(_desc_marked(desc_p, symbol, q, marked)): marked.add(pair) changed_marked = True break if pair in marked: break if pair not in marked and q in if p not in marked.add(pair) changed_marked = True else: for symbol in[q]: for desc_q in[q][symbol]: if all(_desc_marked(desc_q, symbol, p, marked)): marked.add(pair) changed_marked = True break if pair in marked: break undecided_pairs.difference_update(marked) return undecided_pairs
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs] def autobisimulation2(self): """Alternative space-efficient definition of NFA.autobisimulation. :returns: Incomplete equivalence relation (reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity not calculated) as a set of pairs of states :rtype: list of tuples""" n_states = len(self.States) marked = set() for i in self.stateIndexes(): for j in xrange(i + 1, n_states): if (i in self.Final) != (j in self.Final): marked.add((i, j)) def _all_desc_marked(p, q, mrkd): """ :param p: :param q: :param mrkd:""" for s in[p]: for desc_p in[p][s]: all_marked = True for desc_q in[q][s]: if (desc_p, desc_q) not in mrkd and (desc_q, desc_p) not in mrkd: all_marked = False break yield all_marked changed_marked = True while changed_marked: # noinspection PyUnusedLocal changed_marked = False for i in xrange(n_states): for j in xrange(i + 1, n_states): if (i, j) in marked: continue if i not in and j not in continue if set(, {}).keys()) != set(, {}).keys()): marked.add((i, j)) changed_marked = True continue if any(_all_desc_marked(i, j, marked)) or any(_all_desc_marked(j, i, marked)): marked.add((i, j)) changed_marked = True continue return [(i, j) for i in xrange(n_states) for j in xrange(i + 1, n_states) if (i, j) not in marked]
[docs] def equivReduced(self, equiv_classes): """Equivalent NFA reduced according to given equivalence classes. :param UnionFind equiv_classes: Equivalence classes :returns: Equivalent NFA :rtype: NFA""" nfa = NFA() nfa.setSigma(self.Sigma) rename_map = {} for istate in self.Initial: equiv_istate = equiv_classes.find(istate) equiv_istate_renamed = nfa.addState(equiv_istate) rename_map[equiv_istate] = equiv_istate_renamed nfa.addInitial(equiv_istate_renamed) for state in equiv_state = equiv_classes.find(state) if equiv_state not in rename_map: equiv_state_renamed = nfa.addState(equiv_state) rename_map[equiv_state] = equiv_state_renamed else: equiv_state_renamed = rename_map[equiv_state] for symbol in[state]: for target in[state][symbol]: equiv_target = equiv_classes.find(target) if equiv_target not in rename_map: equiv_target_renamed = nfa.addState(equiv_target) rename_map[equiv_target] = equiv_target_renamed else: equiv_target_renamed = rename_map[equiv_target] nfa.addTransition(equiv_state_renamed, symbol, equiv_target_renamed) for state in self.Final: equiv_state = equiv_classes.find(state) if equiv_state not in rename_map: rename_map[equiv_state] = nfa.addState(equiv_state) nfa.addFinal(rename_map[equiv_state]) return nfa
[docs] def rEquivNFA(self): """Equivalent NFA obtained from merging equivalent states from autobisimulation of this NFA. :rtype: NFA .. note:: returns copy of self if autobisimulation renders no equivalent states.""" autobisimulation = self.autobisimulation() if not autobisimulation: return self.dup() equiv_classes = UnionFind(auto_create=True) for i in self.stateIndexes(): equiv_classes.make_set(i) for i, j in autobisimulation: equiv_classes.union(i, j) return self.equivReduced(equiv_classes)
[docs] def lEquivNFA(self): """Equivalent NFA obtained from merging equivalent states from autobisimulation of this NFA's reversal. :rtype: NFA .. note:: returns copy of self if autobisimulation renders no equivalent states.""" autobisimulation = self.reversal().autobisimulation() if not autobisimulation: return self.dup() equiv_classes = UnionFind(auto_create=True) for i in self.stateIndexes(): equiv_classes.make_set(i) for i, j in autobisimulation: equiv_classes.union(i, j) return self.equivReduced(equiv_classes)
[docs] def lrEquivNFA(self): """Equivalent NFA obtained from merging equivalent states from autobisimulation of this NFA, and from autobisimulation of its reversal; i.e., merges all states that are equivalent w.r.t. the largest right invariant and largest left invariant equivalence relations. :rtype: NFA .. note:: returns copy of self if autobisimulations render no equivalent states.""" l_nfa = self.lEquivNFA() lr_nfa = l_nfa.rEquivNFA() del l_nfa return lr_nfa
[docs] def epsilonPaths(self, start, end): """All states in all paths (DFS) through empty words from a given starting state to a given ending state. :param int start: start state :param int end: end state :returns: states in epsilon paths from start to end :rtype: set of states""" inpaths = set() stack = [start] preceding = {start: []} while stack: state = stack.pop() if self.hasTransitionP(state, Epsilon): for adjacent in[state][Epsilon]: if adjacent is end or adjacent in inpaths: inpaths.add(state) inpath_stack = [p for p in preceding[state] if p not in inpaths] preceding[state] = [] while inpath_stack: previous = inpath_stack.pop() inpaths.add(previous) inpath_stack += [p for p in preceding[previous] if p not in inpaths] preceding[previous] = [] continue if adjacent not in preceding: preceding[adjacent] = [state] stack.append(adjacent) else: preceding[adjacent].append(state) return inpaths
[docs] def toNFAr(self): """NFA with the reverse mapping of the delta function. :returns: shallow copy with reverse delta function added :rtype: NFAr""" nfaR = NFAr() nfaR.setInitial(self.Initial) nfaR.setFinal(self.Final) nfaR.setSigma(self.Sigma) nfaR.States = list(self.States) for source in for symbol in[source]: for target in[source][symbol]: nfaR.addTransition(source, symbol, target) return nfaR
[docs] def homogeneousFinalityP(self): """ Tests if states have incoming transitions froms states with different finalities :rtype: bool""" sr = self.toNFAr() for i in sr.stateIndexes(): l = [] for c in sr.deltaReverse.get(i, []): for j in sr.deltaReverse[i][c]: l.append(j in sr.Final) if not homogeneousP(l): return False return True
[docs] def countTransitions(self): """Number of transitions of a NFA :rtype: int""" return sum([sum(map(len,[t].itervalues())) for t in])
[docs] def toGFA(self): """ Creates a GFA equivalent to NFA :returns: a GFA deep copy :rtype: GFA """ gfa = GFA() gfa.setSigma(self.Sigma) # this should be optimized fa = self._toNFASingleInitial() gfa.Initial = uSet(fa.Initial) gfa.States = fa.States[:] gfa.setFinal(fa.Final) gfa.predecessors = {} for i in xrange(len(gfa.States)): gfa.predecessors[i] = set([]) for s in for c in[s]: for s1 in[s][c]: gfa.addTransition(s, c, s1) return gfa
[docs] def stateChildren(self, state, strict=False): """Set of children of a state :param bool strict: if not strict a state is never its own child even if a self loop is in place :param int state: state id queried :returns: children states :rtype: Set of int""" l = set([]) if state not in return l for c in self.Sigma: if c in[state]: l +=[state][c] if not strict: if state in l: l.remove(state) return l
[docs] def half(self): """Half operation .. versionadded:: 0.9.6""" a1 = self.dup() a1.renameStates() a2 = a1.dup().reversal() a4 = a2._starTransitions() a3 = a1.product(a4) l = [] for n1, n2 in a3.States: if n1.__str__() == "@empty_set" or n2.__str__() == "@empty_set": l.append((n1, n2)) if n1.__str__() == n2.__str__(): a3.addFinal(a3.stateIndex((n1, n2))) a3.deleteStates(map(a3.stateIndex, l)) return a3
def _starTransitions(self): new = NFA() for _ in self.States: new.addState() for s in for c in[s]: for s1 in[s][c]: for c1 in self.Sigma: new.addTransition(s, c1, s1) for s in self.Initial: new.addInitial(s) for s in self.Final: new.addFinal(s) return new
[docs] def subword(self): """ returns a nfa that recognizes subword(L(self)) :rtype: nfa """ c = self.dup() c.trim() for s in ss = set([]) for sym in[s]: ss.update([s][sym]) if Epsilon not in[s]:[s][Epsilon] = set([])[s][Epsilon].update(ss) return c
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
[docs]class NFAr(NFA): """Class for Non-deterministic Finite Automata with reverse delta function added by construction. .. inheritance-diagram:: NFAr :var deltaReverse: the reversed transition function .. note:: Includes efficient methods for merging states.""" def __init__(self): super(NFAr, self).__init__() self.deltaReverse = {}
[docs] def addTransition(self, sti1, sym, sti2): """Adds a new transition. Transition is from ``sti1`` to ``sti2`` consuming symbol ``sym``. ``sti2`` is a unique state, not a set of them. Reversed transition function is also computed :param int sti1: state index of departure :param int sti2: state index of arrival :param str sym: symbol consumed""" super(NFAr, self).addTransition(sti1, sym, sti2) if sti2 not in self.deltaReverse: self.deltaReverse[sti2] = {sym: {sti1}} elif sym not in self.deltaReverse[sti2]: self.deltaReverse[sti2][sym] = {sti1} else: self.deltaReverse[sti2][sym].add(sti1)
[docs] def delTransition(self, sti1, sym, sti2, _no_check=False): """Remove a transition if existing and perform cleanup on the transition function's internal data structure and in the reversal transition function :param int sti1: state index of departure :param int sti2: state index of arrival :param str sym: symbol consumed :param bool _no_check: dismiss secure code""" super(NFAr, self).delTransition(sti1, sym, sti2, _no_check) if not _no_check and (sti2 not in self.deltaReverse or sym not in self.deltaReverse[sti2]): return self.deltaReverse[sti2][sym].discard(sti1) if not self.deltaReverse[sti2][sym]: del self.deltaReverse[sti2][sym] if not self.deltaReverse[sti2]: del self.deltaReverse[sti2]
[docs] def deleteStates(self, del_states): """Delete given iterable collection of states from the automaton. Performe deletion in the transition function and its reversal. :param del_states: collection of int representing states :type del_states: set or list of int""" super(NFAr, self).deleteStates(del_states) new_deltaReverse = {} for target in for symbol in[target]: for source in[target][symbol]: if source not in new_deltaReverse: new_deltaReverse[source] = {} if symbol not in new_deltaReverse[source]: new_deltaReverse[source][symbol] = set() new_deltaReverse[source][symbol].add(target) self.deltaReverse = new_deltaReverse
[docs] def mergeStates(self, f, t): """Merge the first given state into the second. If first state is an initial or final state, the second becomes respectively an initial or final state. :param int f: index of state to be absorbed :param int t: index of remaining state .. attention:: It is up to the caller to remove the disconnected state. This can be achieved with ```trim()``.""" if f is t: return if f in for symbol in[f]: for state in[f][symbol]: self.deltaReverse[state][symbol].remove(f) if state is f: state = t if state is t and symbol is Epsilon: continue self.addTransition(t, symbol, state) if not self.deltaReverse[state][symbol]: del (self.deltaReverse[state][symbol]) del ([f]) if f in self.deltaReverse: for symbol in self.deltaReverse[f]: for state in self.deltaReverse[f][symbol]: if state is f: state = t else:[state][symbol].remove(f) if state is t and symbol is Epsilon: continue self.addTransition(state, symbol, t) if not[state][symbol]: del ([state][symbol]) del (self.deltaReverse[f]) if f in self.Initial: self.Initial.remove(f) self.addInitial(t) if f in self.Final: self.Final.remove(f) self.addFinal(t)
[docs] def mergeStatesSet(self, tomerge, target=None): """Merge a set of states with a target merge state. If the states in the set have transitions among them, those transitions will be directly merged into the target state. :param tomerge: set of states to merge with target :type tomerge: Set of int :param int target: optional target state .. note:: if target state is not given, the minimal index with be considered. .. attention:: The states of the list will become unreacheable, but won't be removed. It is up to the caller to remove them. That can be achieved with ``trim()``.""" if not tomerge: return if not target: target = min(tomerge) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences tomerge.discard(target) for state in tomerge: if state in for symbol in[state]: for s in[state][symbol]: self.deltaReverse[s][symbol].discard(state) if s in tomerge: s = target if symbol is Epsilon and s is target: continue self.addTransition(target, symbol, s) if state in self.deltaReverse: for symbol in self.deltaReverse[state]: for s in self.deltaReverse[state][symbol]:[s][symbol].discard(state) if s in tomerge: s = target if symbol is Epsilon and s is target: continue self.addTransition(s, symbol, target) del (self.deltaReverse[state]) if state in del ([state]) if target in for symbol in[target]: for state in[target][symbol].copy(): if state in tomerge:[target][symbol].discard(state) if symbol is Epsilon: continue[target][symbol].add(target) if self.Initial.intersection(tomerge): self.addInitial(target) if self.Final.intersection(tomerge): self.addFinal(target) return target
[docs] def homogenousP(self, inplace=False): """Checks is the automaton is homogenous, i.e.the transitions that reaches a state have all the same label. :arg bool inplace: if True performs epsilon transitions elimination :return: True if homogenous :rtype: bool""" nfa = self if self.epsilonP(): if inplace: self.elimEpsilon() else: nfa = self.dup() nfa.elimEpsilon() return all([len(m) == 1 for m in nfa.deltaReverse.itervalues()])
[docs] def elimEpsilonO(self): """Eliminate epsilon-transitions from this automaton, with reduction of states through elimination of epsilon-cycles, and single epsilon-transition cases. :returns: itself :rtype: .. attention:: performs inplace modification of automaton""" for state in if state not in continue merge_states = self.epsilonPaths(state, state) merge_states.add(self.unlinkSoleOutgoing(state)) merge_states.add(self.unlinkSoleIncoming(state)) merge_states.discard(None) if merge_states: if len(merge_states) == 1: self.mergeStates(state, merge_states.pop()) else: self.mergeStatesSet(merge_states) super(NFAr, self).elimEpsilon() self.trim() return self
[docs] def unlinkSoleIncoming(self, state): """If given state has only one incoming transition (indegree is one), and it's through epsilon, then remove such transition and return the source state. :param int state: state to check :returns: source state :rtype: int or None .. note:: if conditions aren't met, returned source state is None, and automaton remains unmodified.""" if not len(self.deltaReverse.get(state, [])) == 1 or not len(self.deltaReverse[state].get(Epsilon, [])) == 1: return None source_state = self.deltaReverse[state][Epsilon].pop() self.delTransition(source_state, Epsilon, state, True) return source_state
[docs] def unlinkSoleOutgoing(self, state): """If given state has only one outgoing transition (outdegree is one), and it's through epsilon, then remove such transition and return the target state. :param int state: state to check :returns: target state :rtype: int or None .. note:: if conditions aren't met, returned target state is None, and automaton remains unmodified.""" if not len(, [])) == 1 or not len([state].get(Epsilon, [])) == 1: return None target_state =[state][Epsilon].pop() self.delTransition(state, Epsilon, target_state, True) return target_state
[docs] def toNFA(self): """Turn into an instance of NFA, and remove the reverse mapping of the delta function. :returns: shallow copy without reverse delta function :rtype: NFA""" nfa = NFA() nfa.Initial = self.Initial nfa.Final = self.Final = nfa.Sigma = self.Sigma nfa.States = self.States return nfa
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
[docs]class DFA(OFA): """ Class for Deterministic Finite Automata. .. inheritance-diagram:: DFA""" def __init__(self): super(DFA, self).__init__() self.delta_inv = None self.i = None
[docs] @staticmethod def vDescription(): """Generation of Verso interface description .. versionadded:: 0.9.5 :return: the interface list""" return [("DFA", "Deterministic Finite Automata"), [("DFAFAdo", lambda x: saveToString(x), "FAdo"), ("DFAdot", lambda x: x.dotFormat("&"), "dot")], ("DFA-complete-minimal", ("Complete minimal automata", "Complete minimal automata"), 1, "DFA", "DFA", lambda *x: x[0].completeMinimal()), ("DFA-concatenation", ("Concatenate two DFAs", "Concatenate two DFAs"), 2, "DFA", "DFA", "DFA", lambda *x: x[0].concat(x[1])), ("DFA-conjunction", ("Intersection of DFAs", "Intersection of DFAs"), 2, "DFA", "DFA", "DFA", lambda *x: x[0].conjunction(x[1])), ("DFA-disjunction", ("Disjunction of DFAs", "Disjunction of DFAs"), 2, "DFA", "DFA", "DFA", lambda *x: x[0].disjunction(x[1])), ("DFA-to-NFA", ("Convert to NFA", "Convert to NFA"), 1, "DFA", "NFA", lambda *x: x[0].toNFA()), ("DFA-acyclicP", ("Test if automata is acyclic", "Test if automata is acyclic"), 1, "DFA", "Bool", lambda *x: x[0].acyclicP()), ("DFA-trim", ("Trim automata", "Trim automata"), 1, "DFA", None, lambda *x: x[0].trim()), ("DFA-trimP", ("Test if automata is trim", "Test if automata is trim"), 1, "DFA", "Bool", lambda *x: x[0].trimP()), ("DFA-to-reversal-NFA", ("Reversal NFA", "Reversal NFA"), 1, "DFA", "NFA", lambda *x: x[0].reversal()), ("DFA-minimal-Brzozowski", ("Minimal (Brzozowski)", "Minimal (Brzozowski)"), 1, "DFA", "DFA", lambda *x: x[0].minimalBrzozowski()), ("DFA-minimalP-Brzozowski", ("Test minimality (Brzozowski)", "Test minimality (Brzozowski)"), 1, "DFA", "Bool", lambda *x: x[0].minimalBrzozowskiP()), ("DFA-regexp-SE", ("Convert to RE", "Convert to RE by state elimination"), 1, "DFA", "RE", lambda *x: x[0].regexpSE()), ("DFA-dump", ("dump", "dump"), 1, "DFA", "str", lambda *x: saveToString(x[0]))]
def __repr__(self): """ DFA informal string representation" :returns: str :rtype: str""" return 'DFA({0:>s})'.format(self.__str__())
[docs] @staticmethod def deterministicP(): """Yes it is deterministic! :rtype: bool """ return True
[docs] def succintTransitions(self): """ Collects the transition information in a compact way suitable for graphical representation. :rtype: list of tupples .. note: tupples in the list are stateout, label, statein .. versionadded:: 0.9.8""" foo = dict() for s in for c in[s]: k = (s,[s][c]) if k not in foo: foo[k] = [] foo[k].append(c) lst = [] for k in foo: cs = foo[k] s = "%s" % str(cs[0]) for c in cs[1:]: s += ", %s" % str(c) lst.append((str(self.States[k[0]]), s, str(self.States[k[1]]))) return lst
[docs] def initialP(self, state): """ Tests if a state is initial :param int state: state index :rtype: bool""" return self.Initial == state
@staticmethod def _getTags(): """returns Tags for dump :rtype: list of str""" return ["DFA"]
[docs] def initialSet(self): """The set of initial states :returns: the set of the initial states :rtype: set of States""" return {self.Initial}
[docs] def Delta(self, state, symbol): """Evaluates the action of a symbol over a state :arg int state: state index :arg symbol: symbol :returns: the action of symbol over state :rtype: int""" try: r =[state][symbol] except KeyError: r = None return r
def _deleteRefInDelta(self, src, sym, dest): """ :param src: :param sym: :param dest:""" old =, {}).get(sym, -1) if dest == old: del[src][sym] elif old > dest:[src][sym] = old - 1 if not len([src]): del[src] def _deleteRefInitial(self, sti): """Deletes a state as Initial. If sti not Initial, Initial is renumbered if needed. :param int sti: state index""" if sti < self.Initial: self.Initial -= 1 if sti == self.Initial: self.Initial = None
[docs] def deleteStates(self, del_states): """Delete given iterable collection of states from the automaton. :param del_states: collection of int representing states .. note:: in-place action .. note:: delta function will always be rebuilt, regardless of whether the states list to remove is a suffix, or a sublist, of the automaton's states list.""" if not del_states: return rename_map = {} old_delta = = {} new_final = set() new_states = [] for state in del_states: if self.initialP(state): self.Initial = None for state in xrange(len(self.States)): if state not in del_states: rename_map[state] = len(new_states) new_states.append(self.States[state]) for state in rename_map: state_renamed = rename_map[state] if state in self.Final: new_final.add(state_renamed) if state not in old_delta: continue for symbol, target in old_delta[state].iteritems(): if target in rename_map: self.addTransition(state_renamed, symbol, rename_map[target]) self.States = new_states self.Final = new_final if self.Initial is not None: # noinspection PyNoneFunctionAssignment self.Initial = rename_map.get(self.Initial, None)
[docs] def deleteState(self, sti): """Delete state from a DFA :arg int sti: state insdex""" self.deleteStates({sti})
[docs] def addTransition(self, sti1, sym, sti2): """Adds a new transition from ``sti1`` to ``sti2`` consuming symbol ``sym``. :param int sti1: state index of departure :param int sti2: state index of arrival :param str sym: symbol consumed :raises DFAnotNFA: if one tries to add a non deterministic transition""" if sym == Epsilon: raise DFAnotNFA("Invalid epsilon transition from {0:>s} to {1:>s}.".format(str(sti1), str(sti2))) self.Sigma.add(sym) if sti1 not in[sti1] = {sym: sti2} else: if sym in[sti1] and[sti1][sym] is not sti2: raise DFAnotNFA("extra transition from ({0:>s}, {1:>s})".format(str(sti1), sym))[sti1][sym] = sti2
[docs] def delTransition(self, sti1, sym, sti2, _no_check=False): """Remove a transition if existing and perform cleanup on the transition function's internal data structure. :param bool _no_check: use unsecure code? :param int sti1: state index of departure :param int sti2: state index of arrival :param str sym: symbol consumed .. note:: Unused alphabet symbols will be discarded from Sigma.""" if not _no_check and (sti1 not in or sym not in[sti1]): return if[sti1][sym] is not sti2: return del[sti1][sym] if all(map(lambda x: sym not in x, self.Sigma.discard(sym) if not[sti1]: del[sti1]
[docs] def inDegree(self, st): """Returns the in-degree of a given state in an FA :param int st: index of the state :rtype: int""" in_deg = 0 for s in self.stateIndexes(): for a in self.Sigma: try: if[s][a] == st: in_deg += 1 except KeyError: pass return in_deg
[docs] def syncPower(self): """Evaluates the power automata for the action of each symbol :return: The power automata being the set of all states the initial state and all singleton states final. :rtype: DFA""" new = DFA() new.setSigma(self.Sigma) a = set(range((len(self.States)))) tbd = [a] done = [] ia = new.addState(a) new.setInitial(ia) while tbd: a = tbd.pop() ia = new.stateIndex(a) done.append(a) for sy in new.Sigma: b = set([self.Delta(s, sy) for s in a]) b.discard(None) if b not in done: if b not in tbd: tbd.append(b) ib = new.addState(b) if len(b) == 1: new.addFinal(ib) else: ib = new.stateIndex(b) new.addTransition(ia, sy, ib) else: new.addTransition(ia, sy, new.stateIndex(b)) return new
[docs] def pairGraph(self): """Returns pair graph :rtype: DiGraphVM .. seealso:: A graph theoretic approach to automata minimality. Antonio Restivo and Roberto Vaglica. Theoretical Computer Science, 429 (2012) 282-291. doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2011.12.049 Theoretical Computer Science, 2012 vol. 429 (C) pp. 282-291.""" g = graphs.DiGraphVm() for s1 in self.stateIndexes(): for s2 in range(s1, len(self.States)): i1 = g.vertexIndex((self.States[s1], self.States[s2]), True) for sy in[s1]: if sy in[s2]: foo = [[s1][sy],[s2][sy]] foo.sort() i2 = g.vertexIndex((self.States[foo[0]], self.States[1]), True) g.addEdge(i1, i2) return g
[docs] def subword(self): """ Returns a dfa that recognizes subword(L(self)) :rtype: dfa .. versionadded:: 1.1""" if not self.hasTrapStateP(): return sigmaStarDFA(self.Sigma) return self.toNFA().subword().toDFA()
[docs] def pref(self): """ Returns a dfa that recognizes pref(L(self)) :rtype: DFA .. versionadded:: 1.1 """ foo = self.dup() foo.trim() if foo.emptyP(): return foo foo.setFinal(range(len(foo.States))) return foo
[docs] def suff(self): """ Returns a dfa that recognizes suff(L(self)) :rtype: DFA .. versionadded:: 0.9.8""" d = DFA() d.setSigma(self.Sigma) ini = self.usefulStates() lStates = [] d.setInitial(d.addState(ini)) lStates.append(ini) if not self.Final.isdisjoint(ini): d.addFinal(0) index = 0 while True: slist = lStates[index] si = d.stateIndex(slist) for s in self.Sigma: stl = set([self.evalSymbol(s1, s) for s1 in slist if s in[s1]]) if not stl: continue if stl not in lStates: lStates.append(stl) foo = d.addState(stl) if not self.Final.isdisjoint(stl): d.addFinal(foo) else: foo = d.stateIndex(stl) d.addTransition(si, s, foo) if index == len(lStates) - 1: break else: index += 1 return d
[docs] def infix(self): """ Returns a dfa that recognizes infix(L(a)) :rtype: DFA """ m = self.minimal() m.complete() Trap = None for i in range(len(m.States)): if m.finalP(i): continue f = 0 for c in[i]: if[i][c] != i: f = 1 break if f == 0: Trap = i break if Trap is None: return sigmaStarDFA(self.Sigma) else: d = DFA() d.setSigma(m.Sigma) ini = set(range(len(m.States))).difference({Trap}) d.setInitial(d.addState(ini)) lStates = [ini] d.addFinal(0) index = 0 while True: slist = lStates[index] si = d.stateName(slist) for s in m.Sigma: stl = set([m.evalSymbol(s1, s) for s1 in slist if s in[s1]]) if not stl: continue if stl not in lStates: lStates.append(stl) foo = d.addState(stl) if stl != {Trap}: d.addFinal(foo) else: foo = d.stateName(stl) d.addTransition(si, s, foo) if index == len(lStates) - 1: break else: index += 1 return d
[docs] def hasTrapStateP(self): """ Tests if the automaton has a dead trap state :rtype: bool .. versionadded:: 1.1""" foo = self.minimal() if not foo.completeP(): return True for i in range(len(foo.States)): if foo.finalP(i): continue f = 0 for c in[i]: if[i][c] != i: f = 1 break if f == 0: return True return False
def _xA(self): """ Computes the minimal words that reach each state of DFA :rtype: dictionary with words""" xList = dict() todo = [i for i in range(len(self.States))] if isinstance(self.Initial, set): rank = self.Initial else: rank = {self.Initial} for i in rank: xList[i] = Epsilon todo.remove(i) while todo: nrank = set() for sym in self.Sigma: for i in rank: if i in and sym in[i]: ss =[i][sym] if isinstance(ss, set): for q in[i][sym]: if q in todo: xList[q] = sConcat(xList[i], sym) todo.remove(q) nrank.add(q) else: q = ss if q in todo: xList[q] = sConcat(xList[i], sym) todo.remove(q) nrank.add(q) rank = nrank return xList
[docs] def sop(self, other): """ Strange operation :param DFA other: the other automaton :rtype: DFA .. seealso:: Nelma Moreira, Giovanni Pighizzini, and Rogério Reis. Universal disjunctive concatenation and star. In Jeffrey Shallit and Alexander Okhotin, editors, Proceedings of the 17th Int. Workshop on Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems (DCFS15), number 9118 in LNCS, pages 197--208. Springer, 2015. .. versionadded:: 1.2b2""" a = self.dup() b = other.dup() if not a.completeP() or not a.completeP() or a.Sigma != b.Sigma: raise DFAnotComplete() aux = NFA() idx = aux.addState((a.Initial, b.Initial, 0)) aux.addInitial(idx) aux.setSigma(a.Sigma) pool, done = _initPool() _addPool(pool, done, idx) while pool: idx = pool.pop() done.add(idx) t = aux.States[idx] for c in a.Sigma: if t[2] == 0: nt = ([t[0]][c], t[1], 0) i = aux.stateIndex(nt, True) _addPool(pool, done, i) aux.addTransition(idx, c, i) nt = (t[0],[t[1]][c], 1) i = aux.stateIndex(nt, True) _addPool(pool, done, i) aux.addTransition(idx, c, i) else: nt = (t[0],[t[1]][c], 1) i = aux.stateIndex(nt, True) _addPool(pool, done, i) aux.addTransition(idx, c, i) new = DFA() t = set() for idx in aux.Initial: t.add(aux.States[idx]) idx = new.addState(t) new.setInitial(idx) pool, done = _initPool() _addPool(pool, done, idx) while pool: idx = pool.pop() done.add(idx) t = new.States[idx] for c in aux.Sigma: dest = set() for s in t: for j in[aux.stateIndex(s)].get(c, set()): dest.add(aux.States[j]) i = new.stateIndex(dest, True) _addPool(pool, done, i) new.addTransition(idx, c, i) for t in new.States: final = True for s in t: final = final and (s[0] in a.Final or s[1] in b.Final) if final: new.addFinal(new.stateIndex(t)) return new
[docs] def dist(self): """Evaluate the distinguishability language for a DFA :rtype: DFA .. seealso:: Cezar Câmpeanu, Nelma Moreira, Rogério Reis: The distinguishability operation on regular languages. NCMA 2014: 85-100 .. versionadded:: 0.9.8""" d = DFA() if not self.completeP(): foo = self.dup() foo.complete() else: foo = self d.setSigma(foo.Sigma) ini = set(range(len(foo.States))) lStates = [] d.setInitial(d.addState(ini)) lStates.append(ini) if not foo.Final.isdisjoint(ini) and not ini.issubset(foo.Final): d.addFinal(0) index = 0 while True: slist = lStates[index] si = d.stateIndex(slist) for s in foo.Sigma: stl = set([foo.evalSymbol(s1, s) for s1 in slist if s in[s1]]) if not stl: continue if stl not in lStates: lStates.append(stl) new = d.addState(stl) if not foo.Final.isdisjoint(stl) and not stl.issubset(foo.Final): d.addFinal(new) else: new = d.stateIndex(stl) d.addTransition(si, s, new) if index == len(lStates) - 1: break else: index += 1 return d
[docs] def distMin(self): """ Evaluates the list of minimal words that distinguish each pair of states :returns: set of minimal distinguishing words :rtype: FL .. versionadded:: 0.9.8 .. attention:: If the DFA is not minimal, the method loops forever""" import fl sz = len(self.States) if sz == 1: return fl.FL() distList = fl.FL(Sigma=self.Sigma) todo = [(s, s1) for s in range(sz) for s1 in range(s + 1, sz)] wrds = self.words() l = [] for (i, j) in todo: if (i in self.Final) ^ (j in self.Final): l.append((i, j)) distList.addWord(Word(Epsilon)) delFromList(todo, l) while True: for w in wrds: l = [] for (i, j) in todo: if self.evalWordP(w, i) ^ self.evalWordP(w, j): l.append((i, j)) distList.addWord(w) delFromList(todo, l) if not todo: return distList
[docs] def distR(self): """Evaluate the right distinguishability language for a DFA :rtype: DFA ..seealso:: Cezar Câmpeanu, Nelma Moreira, Rogério Reis: The distinguishability operation on regular languages. NCMA 2014: 85-100""" foo = self.minimal() foo.complete() foo.delFinals() for i in foo.stateIndexes(): f = 0 for c in[i]: if[i][c] != i: f = 1 break if f == 1: foo.addFinal(i) return foo
[docs] def distTS(self): """Evaluate the two-sided distinguishability language for a DFA :rtype: DFA ..seealso:: Cezar Câmpeanu, Nelma Moreira, Rogério Reis: The distinguishability operation on regular languages. NCMA 2014: 85-100""" m = self.minimal() m.complete() Trap = set([]) for i in m.stateIndexes(): f = 0 for c in[i]: if[i][c] != i: f = 1 break if f == 0: Trap.add(i) if Trap == set([]) or len(Trap) == 2: return sigmaStarDFA(self.Sigma) else: d = DFA() d.setSigma(m.Sigma) ini = set(range(len(m.States))).difference(Trap) d.setInitial(d.addState(ini)) lStates = [ini] d.addFinal(0) index = 0 while True: slist = lStates[index] si = d.stateName(slist) for s in m.Sigma: stl = set([m.evalSymbol(s1, s) for s1 in slist if s in[s1]]) if not stl: continue if stl not in lStates: lStates.append(stl) foo = d.addState(stl) if stl != Trap: d.addFinal(foo) else: foo = d.stateName(stl) d.addTransition(si, s, foo) if index == len(lStates) - 1: break else: index += 1 return d
[docs] def distRMin(self): """Compute distRMin for DFA :rtype FL ..seealso:: Cezar Câmpeanu, Nelma Moreira, Rogério Reis: The distinguishability operation on regular languages. NCMA 2014: 85-100""" def _epstr(d): if d == Epsilon: return '' return d def _strep(d): if d == '': return Epsilon return d import fl m = self.minimal() rev = m.reversal().toDFA() rev.complete() sz = len(rev.States) if sz == 1: return fl.FL() dpreList = set() xlist = m._xA() for i in xlist: xlist[i] = _epstr(xlist[i]) todo = [(s, s1) for s in range(sz) for s1 in range(s + 1, sz)] for (i, j) in todo: s1 = rev.States[i] s2 = rev.States[j] if s1 == DeadName: if s2 != DeadName: md = min({xlist[k] for k in s2}) dpreList.add(md) elif s2 == DeadName: md = min({xlist[k] for k in s1}) dpreList.add(md) else: d12 = s1 ^ s2 md = min({xlist[k] for k in d12}) dpreList.add(md) todo.remove((i, j)) return fl.FL({_strep(i) for i in dpreList}, self.Sigma)
[docs] def completeProduct(self, other): """Product structure :param other: the other DFA""" n = SemiDFA() n.States = set([(x, y) for x in self.States for y in other.States]) n.Sigma = copy(self.Sigma) for (x, y) in n.States: for s in n.Sigma: if (x, y) not in[(x, y)] = {}[(x, y)][s] = ([x][s],[y][s]) return n
[docs] def syncWords(self): """Evaluates the regular expression corresponding to the synchronizing pwords of the automata. :return: a regular expression of the sync words of the automata :rtype: reex.regexp""" return self.syncPower().reCG()
[docs] def evalWordP(self, word, initial=None): """Verifies if the DFA recognises a given word :param word: word to be recognised :type word: list of symbols. :param int initial: starting state index :rtype: bool""" if initial is None: state = self.Initial else: state = initial for c in word: try: state = self.evalSymbol(state, c) except DFAstopped: return False if state in self.Final: return True else: return False
[docs] def evalWord(self, wrd): """Evaluates a word :param Word wrd: word :returns: final state or None :rtype: int | None .. versionadded:: 1.3.3""" s = self.Initial for c in wrd: if c not in, {}): return None else: s =[s][c] return s
[docs] def evalSymbol(self, init, sym): """Returns the state reached from given state through a given symbol. :param int init: set of current states indexes :param str sym: symbol to be consumed :returns: reached state :rtype: int :raises DFAsymbolUnknown: if symbol not in alphabet :raises DFAstopped: if transition function is not defined for the given input""" if sym not in self.Sigma: raise DFAsymbolUnknown(sym) try: Next =[init][sym] except KeyError: raise DFAstopped() except NameError: raise DFAstopped() return Next
[docs] def evalSymbolL(self, ls, sym): """Returns the set of states reached from a given set of states through a given symbol :param ls: set of states indexes :type ls: set of int :param str sym: symbol to be read :returns: set of reached states :rtype: set of int""" return set([self.evalSymbol(s, sym) for s in ls])
[docs] def reverseTransitions(self, rev): """Evaluate reverse transition function. :param DFA rev: DFA in which the reverse function will be stored""" for s in for a in[s]: rev.addTransition([s][a], a, s)
[docs] def initialComp(self): """Evaluates the connected component starting at the initial state. :returns: list of state indexes in the component :rtype: list of int""" lst = [self.Initial] i = 0 while True: try: foo =[lst[i]].keys() except KeyError: foo = [] for c in foo: s =[lst[i]][c] if s not in lst: lst.append(s) i += 1 if i >= len(lst): return lst
[docs] def minimal(self, method="minimalHopcroft", complete=True): """Evaluates the equivalent minimal complete DFA :param method: method to use in the minimization :param bool complete: should the result be completed? :returns: equivalent minimal DFA :rtype: DFA""" if complete: foo = self.__getattribute__(method)() foo.completeMinimal() return foo else: return self.__getattribute__(method)()
[docs] def minimalP(self, method="minimalMooreSq"): """Tests if the DFA is minimal :param method: the minimization algorithm to be used :rtype: bool ..note: if DFA non complete test if complete minimal has one more state""" foo = self.minimal(method) if self.completeP(): foo.completeMinimal() else: if foo.completeP(): return len(foo) - 1 == len(self) return len(foo) == len(self)
[docs] def minimalMoore(self): """Evaluates the equivalent minimal automata with Moore's algorithm .. seealso:: John E. Hopcroft and Jeffrey D. Ullman, Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation, AW, 1979 :returns: minimal complete DFA :rtype: DFA""" trashIdx = None # just to satisfy the checker scc = set(self.initialComp()) new = DFA() new.setSigma(self.Sigma) if (len(self.Final & scc) == 0) or (len(self.Final) == 0): s = new.addState() new.setInitial(s) return new equiv = set() for i in [x for x in xrange(len(self.States)) if x in scc]: for j in [x for x in xrange(i) if x in scc]: if ((i in self.Final and j in self.Final) or (i not in self.Final and j not in self.Final)): equiv.add((i, j)) if not self.completeP(): Complete = False for i in [x for x in xrange(len(self.States)) if (x in scc and x not in self.Final)]: equiv.add((None, i)) else: Complete = True stable = False while not stable: stable = True for (i, j) in equiv: for c in self.Sigma: if i is None: xi = None else: xi =, {}).get(c, None) xj =, {}).get(c, None) p = _sortWithNone(xi, xj) if xi != xj and p not in equiv: stable = False equiv = equiv - {(i, j)} break nStatEquiv = {} nNames = {} foo = list(equiv) foo.sort(_cmpPair2) for (i, j) in foo: r = _deref(nStatEquiv, j) nStatEquiv[i] = r nNames[r] = nNames.get(r, [r]) + [i] removed = nStatEquiv.keys() for i in [x for x in xrange(len(self.States)) if x not in removed]: new.addState(i) if Complete: for i in [x for x in self.stateIndexes() if x not in removed]: for c in self.Sigma: xi = new.stateIndex(i) j =[i][c] xj = new.stateIndex(nStatEquiv.get(j, j)) new.addTransition(xi, c, xj) else: if None not in removed: trashIdx = new.addState() for c in self.Sigma: new.addTransition(trashIdx, c, trashIdx) for i in [x for x in xrange(len(self.States)) if x not in removed]: xi = new.stateIndex(i) for c in self.Sigma: # noinspection PyNoneFunctionAssignment j =, {}).get(c, None) if j is not None: xj = new.stateIndex(nStatEquiv.get(j, j)) new.addTransition(xi, c, xj) else: new.addTransition(xi, c, trashIdx) for i in self.Final: if i not in removed: xi = new.stateIndex(nStatEquiv.get(i, i)) new.addFinal(xi) new.setInitial(nStatEquiv.get(self.Initial, self.Initial)) new.renameStates([nNames.get(x, x) for x in xrange(len(new.States) - 1)] + ["Dead"]) return new
[docs] def minimalNCompleteP(self): """Tests if a non necessarely complete DFA is minimal, i.e., if the DFA is non complete, if the minimal complete has only one more state. :returns: True if not minimal :rtype: bool .. attention:: obsolete: use minimalP""" foo = self.minimal() foo.complete() if self.completeP(): return len(foo) == len(self) else: return len(foo) == (len(self) + 1)
[docs] def completeMinimal(self): """Completes a DFA assuming it is a minimal and avoiding de destruction of its minimality If the automaton is not complete, all the non final states are checked to see if tey are not already a dead state. Only in the negative case a new (dead) state is added to the automaton. :rtype: DFA .. attention:: The object is modified in place. If the alphabet is empty nothing is done""" if not self.Sigma: return self.trim() deadS = None complete = True for s in xrange(len(self.States)): if s not in complete = False if s not in self.Final: deadS = s break else: foo = True for d in self.Sigma: if d not in[s]: complete = False if s in self.Final: foo = False else: if[s][d] != s or s in self.Final: foo = False if foo: deadS = s if not complete: if deadS is None: deadS = self.addState("dead") for s in self.stateIndexes(): for d in self.Sigma: if s not in or d not in[s]: self.addTransition(s, d, deadS) return self
[docs] def minimalMooreSq(self): """Evaluates the equivalent minimal complete DFA using Moore's (quadratic) algorithm .. seealso:: John E. Hopcroft and Jeffrey D. Ullman, Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation, AW, 1979 :returns: equivalent minimal DFA :rtype: DFA""" duped = self.dup() duped.complete() n_states = len(duped.States) duped._mooreMarked = {} duped._moorePairList = {} for p in xrange(n_states): for q in xrange(n_states): duped._moorePairList[(p, q)] = [] duped._mooreMarked[(p, q)] = False if (p in duped.Final) ^ (q in duped.Final): duped._mooreMarked[(p, q)] = True for p in xrange(n_states): for q in xrange(n_states): if not ((p in duped.Final) ^ (q in duped.Final)): exists_marked = False for a in duped.Sigma: foo = ([p][a],[q][a]) if duped._mooreMarked[foo]: exists_marked = True break if exists_marked: duped._mooreMarked[(p, q)] = True duped._mooreMarkList(p, q) else: for a in duped.Sigma: if[p][a] !=[q][a]: pair = ([p][a],[q][a]) duped._moorePairList[pair].append((p, q)) eqstates = duped._mooreEquivClasses() duped.joinStates(eqstates) return duped
[docs] def minimalMooreSqP(self): """Tests if a DFA is minimal using the quadratic version of Moore's algorithm :rtype: bool""" foo = self.minimalMooreSq() foo.complete() return self.uniqueRepr() == foo.uniqueRepr()
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences def _mooreMarkList(self, p, q): """ Marks pairs of states already known to be not non-equivalent :param p: :param q:""" for (p_, q_) in self._moorePairList[(p, q)]: if not self._mooreMarked[(p_, q_)]: self._mooreMarked[(p_, q_)] = True self._mooreMarkList(p_, q_) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences def _mooreEquivClasses(self): """Returns equivalence classes :returns: list of equivalence classes :rtype:list""" uf = UnionFind(auto_create=True) for p in self.stateIndexes(): for q in xrange(p + 1, len(self.States)): if not self._mooreMarked[(p, q)]: A = uf.find(p) B = uf.find(q) uf.union(A, B) classes = {} for p in self.stateIndexes(): lider = uf.find(p) if lider in classes: classes[lider].append(p) else: classes[lider] = [p] return classes.values() def _compute_delta_inv(self): """Adds a delta_inv feature. Used by minimalHopcroft.""" self.delta_inv = {} for s in self.stateIndexes(): self.delta_inv[s] = dict([(a, []) for a in self.Sigma]) for s1, to in for a, s2 in to.items(): self.delta_inv[s2][a].append(s1) def _undelta(self, states, x): """Traverses Automata backwards :param states: destination :param x: symbol :return: list of states""" lst = set([]) for s in states: lst.update(self.delta_inv[s][x]) return lst # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences def _split(self, B, C, a): """Split classes in Hopcroft algorithm :param B: :param C: :param a: :return:""" foo = frozenset(self._undelta(C, a)) bar = frozenset(self.states - foo) return B & foo, B & bar
[docs] def MyhillNerodePartition(self): """Myhill-Nerode partition, Moore's way .. versionadded:: 1.3.5 .. attention:: No state should be named with DeadName. This states is removed from the obtained partition. .. seealso:: F.Bassino, J.David and C.Nicaud, On the Average Complexity of Moores's State Minimization Algorihm, Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science""" if len(self.Final) == 0: return emptyDFA(self.Sigma) elif len(self.Final) == len(self) and self.completeP(): return sigmaStarDFA(self.Sigma) else: aut = self.dup() aut.complete() p = dict() for s in aut.stateIndexes(): if s in aut.Final: p[s] = 1 else: p[s] = 0 while True: p1 = aut._refinePartitionMN(p) if p == p1: break else: p = p1 t = dict() for i in p: if aut.States[i] != DeadName: t[p[i]] = t.get(p[i], set ()) | {i} return t
def _refinePartitionMN(self, pi): """refine partition one more step: used by minimalMooreN :param dict pi: dict representing partition :rtype: dict :return: new partition""" p = [] for s in range(len(self)): r = [pi[s]] for c in self.Sigma: r.append(pi[[s][c]]) p.append((s, r)) p.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) pi1 = dict() i = 0 s0, l0 = p.pop(0) pi1[s0] = i for s1, l1 in p: if l1 != l0: i += 1 s0, l0 = s1, l1 pi1[s1] = i return pi1
[docs] def minimalHopcroft(self): """Evaluates the equivalent minimal complete DFA using Hopcroft algorithm :returns: equivalent minimal DFA :rtype: DFA .. seealso:: John Hopcroft,An n\log{n} algorithm for minimizing states in a finite automaton.The Theory of Machines and Computations.AP. 1971""" duped = self.dup() duped.complete() duped._compute_delta_inv() duped.states = frozenset(xrange(len(duped.States))) final = frozenset(duped.Final) not_final = duped.states - final L = set([]) if len(final) < len(not_final): P = {not_final, final} L.add(final) else: P = {final, not_final} L.add(not_final) while len(L): C = L.pop() for a in duped.Sigma: foo = copy(P) for B in foo: (B1, B2) = duped._split(B, C, a) P.remove(B) if B1: P.add(B1) if B2: P.add(B2) if len(B1) < len(B2): if B1: L.add(B1) else: if B2: L.add(B2) eqstates = [] for i in P: if len(i) != 1: eqstates.append(list(i)) duped.joinStates(eqstates) return duped
[docs] def minimalHopcroftP(self): """Tests if a DFA is minimal :rtype: bool""" foo = self.minimalHopcroft() foo.complete() return self.uniqueRepr() == foo.uniqueRepr()
[docs] def minimalNotEquivP(self): """Tests if the DFA is minimal by computing the set of distinguishable (not equivalent) pairs of states :rtype: bool""" all_pairs = set() for i in self.States: for j in xrange(i + 1, len(self.States)): all_pairs.add((i, j)) not_final = set(self.States) - self.Final neq = set() for i in not_final: for j in self.Final: pair = _normalizePair(i, j) neq.add(pair) source = neq.copy() self._compute_delta_inv() while source: (p, q) = source.pop() for a in self.Sigma: p_ = self.delta_inv[p][a] q_ = self.delta_inv[q][a] for x in p_: for y in q_: pair = _normalizePair(x, y) if pair not in neq: neq.add(pair) source.add(pair) equiv = all_pairs - neq return not equiv
def _minimalHKP(self): """Tests the DFA's minimality using Hopcroft and Karp's state equivalence algorithm :returns: bool .. seealso:: J. E. Hopcroft and R. M. Karp.A Linear Algorithm for Testing Equivalence of Finite Automata.TR 71--114. U. California. 1971 .. attention:: The automaton must be complete.""" pairs = set() for i in self.stateIndexes(): for j in xrange(i + 1, len(self.States)): pairs.add((i, j)) while pairs: equiv = True (p0, q0) = pairs.pop() sets = UnionFind(auto_create=True) sets.union(p0, q0) stack = [(p0, q0)] while stack: (p, q) = stack.pop() if (p in self.Final) ^ (q in self.Final): equiv = False break for a in self.Sigma: r1 = sets.find([p][a]) r2 = sets.find([q][a]) if r1 != r2: sets.union(r1, r2) stack.append((r1, r2)) if equiv: return False return True
[docs] def minimalIncremental(self, minimal_test=False): """Minimizes the DFA with an incremental method using the Union-Find algorithm and memoized non-equivalence intermediate results :param bool minimal_test: starts by verifying that the automaton is not minimal? :returns: equivalent minimal DFA :rtype: DFA .. seealso:: M. Almeida and N. Moreira and and R. Reis.Incremental DFA minimisation. CIAA 2010. LNCS 6482. pp 39-48. 2010""" duped = self.dup() duped.complete() duped.minimalIncr_neq = set() n_states = len(duped.States) for p in duped.Final: for q in xrange(n_states): if q not in duped.Final: duped.minimalIncr_neq.add(_normalizePair(p, q)) duped.minimalIncr_uf = UnionFind(auto_create=True) for p in xrange(n_states): for q in xrange(p + 1, n_states): if (p, q) in duped.minimalIncr_neq: continue if duped.minimalIncr_uf.find(p) == duped.minimalIncr_uf.find(q): continue duped.equiv = set() duped.path = set() if duped._minimalIncrCheckEquiv(p, q): # when we are only interested in testing # minimality, return None to signal a pair of # equivalent states if minimal_test: return None for (x, y) in duped.equiv: duped.minimalIncr_uf.union(x, y) else: duped.minimalIncr_neq |= duped.path classes = {} for p in xrange(n_states): lider = duped.minimalIncr_uf.find(p) if lider in classes: classes[lider].append(p) else: classes[lider] = [p] duped.joinStates(classes.values()) return duped
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences def _minimalIncrCheckEquiv(self, p, q, rec_level=1): # p == q is a useless test; union-find offers this for free # because p == q => find(p) == find(q) and the recursive call # only happens when find(p) != find(q) # if p_ in self.Final ^ q_ in self.Final => (p_, # q_) are already on self.minimalIncr_neq # (initialization) if (p, q) in self.minimalIncr_neq: return False # cycle detected; the states must be equivalent if (p, q) in self.path: return True self.path.add((p, q)) for a in self.Sigma: (p_, q_) = _normalizePair(self.minimalIncr_uf.find([p][a]), self.minimalIncr_uf.find([q][a])) if p_ != q_ and ((p_, q_) not in self.equiv): self.equiv.add((p_, q_)) if not self._minimalIncrCheckEquiv(p_, q_, rec_level + 1): return False else: # if the states are equivalent, the 'path' doesn't # really interest; by removing the states here, we # can make 'path' a global variable and avoid any # copy() operations. removing the last inserted # item is necessary when the states are equivalent # because the next recursive call (next symbol) # needs an "empty path", ie, the states reached by # the previous symbol cannot be considered self.path.discard((p_, q_)) self.equiv.add((p, q)) return True
[docs] def minimalIncrementalP(self): """Tests if a DFA is minimal :rtype: bool""" foo = self.minimalIncremental(minimal_test=True) if foo is None: return False return True
[docs] def minimalWatson(self, test_only=False): """Evaluates the equivalent minimal complete DFA using Waton's incremental algorithm :param bool test_only: is it only to test minimality :returns: equivalent minimal DFA :rtype: DFA :raises DFAnotComplete: if automaton is not complete ..attention:: automaton must be complete""" duped = self.dup() duped.complete() duped.Equiv = UnionFind(auto_create=True) duped.Dist = set() nstates = len(self.States) max_depth = max(0, nstates - 2) for p in xrange(nstates): for q in xrange(p + 1, nstates): if duped.Equiv.find(p) == duped.Equiv.find(q): continue if (p, q) in duped.Dist: continue duped.minimalWatson_stack = set([]) if duped._watson_equivP(p, q, max_depth): # when we are only interested in testing # minimality, return None to signal a pair of # equivalent states if test_only: return None duped.Equiv.union(p, q) else: duped.Dist.add((p, q)) classes = {} for p in duped.States: lider = duped.Equiv.find(p) if lider in classes: classes[lider].append(p) else: classes[lider] = [p] duped.joinStates(classes.values()) return duped
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences def _watson_equivP(self, p, q, k): if not k: eq = not ((p in self.Final) ^ (q in self.Final)) elif (p, q) in self.minimalWatson_stack: eq = True else: eq = not ((p in self.Final) ^ (q in self.Final)) self.minimalWatson_stack.add((p, q)) for a in self.Sigma: if not eq: return eq try: eq = eq and self._watson_equivP([p][a],[q][a], k - 1) except KeyError: raise DFAnotComplete self.minimalWatson_stack.remove((p, q)) return eq
[docs] def minimalWatsonP(self): """Tests if a DFA is minimal using Watson's incremental algorithm :rtype: bool""" foo = self.minimalWatson(test_only=True) if foo is None: return False return True
[docs] def markNonEquivalent(self, s1, s2, data): """Mark states with indexes s1 and s2 in given map as non equivalent states. If any back-effects exist, apply them. :param int s1: one state's index :param int s2: the other state's index :param data: the matrix relating s1 and s2""" try: del (data[s1][0][data[s1][0].index(s2)]) except ValueError: pass try: backEffects = data[s1][1][s2] except KeyError: backEffects = [] for (sb1, sb2) in backEffects: del (data[s1][1][s2][data[s1][1][s2].index((sb1, sb2))]) self.markNonEquivalent(sb1, sb2, data)
[docs] def print_data(self, data): """Prints table of compatibility (in the context of the minimalization algorithm). :param data: data to print""" for s in self.stateIndexes(): for s1 in xrange(0, s): if s1 in data[s]: print "_ ", else: print "X ", print s
[docs] def joinStates(self, lst): """Merge a list of states. :param lst: set of equivalent states :type lst: iterable of state indexes.""" lst.sort() subst = {} for sl in lst: sl.sort() if self.Initial in sl[1:]: self.setInitial(sl[0]) for s in sl[1:]: subst[s] = sl[0] for s in for c in[s]: if[s][c] in subst:[s][c] = subst[[s][c]] for sl in lst: for s in sl[1:]: try: foo =[s].keys() for c in foo: if c not in[subst[s]]: if[s][c] in subst:[subst[s]][c] = subst[[s][c]] else:[subst[s]][c] =[s][c] del ([s]) except KeyError: pass if s in self.Final: self.Final.remove(s) self.trim()
[docs] def HKeqP(self, other, strict=True): """Tests the DFA's equivalence using Hopcroft and Karp's state equivalence algorithm :param other: :returns: bool .. seealso:: J. E. Hopcroft and R. M. Karp.A Linear Algorithm for Testing Equivalence of Finite Automata.TR 71--114. U. California. 1971 .. attention:: The automaton must be complete.""" if strict and self.Sigma != other.Sigma: return False if not isinstance(other,DFA): raise FAdoError n = len(self.States) if n == 0 or len(other.States) == 0: raise NFAEmpty i1 = self.Initial i2 = self.Initial + n s = UnionFind(auto_create=True) s.union(i1, i2) stack = [(i1, i2)] while stack: (p, q) = stack.pop() # test if p is in self on_other = False if p >= n: on_other = True if on_other: if other.finalP(p-n) ^ other.finalP(q-n): return False elif self.finalP(p) != other.finalP(q - n): return False for sigma in self.Sigma: if on_other: p1 = s.find(n + other.evalSymbol(p - n, sigma)) else: p1 = s.find(self.evalSymbol(p, sigma)) q1 = s.find(n + other.evalSymbol(q - n, sigma)) if p1 != q1: s.union(p1, q1) stack.append((p1, q1)) return True
[docs] def compat(self, s1, s2, data): """Tests compatibility between two states. :param data: :param int s1: state index :param int s2: state index :rtype: bool""" if s1 == s2: return False if s1 not in data[s2][0] or s2 not in data[s1][0]: return False if s1 in self.Final != s2 in self.Final: del (data[s1][data[s1].index(s2)]) del (data[s2][data[s2].index(s1)]) return True for s in self.Sigma: next1 =[s1][s] next2 =[s2][s] if (next1 not in data[next2]) or (next2 not in data[next1]): del (data[s1][data[s1].index(s2)]) del (data[s2][data[s2].index(s1)]) return True return False
[docs] def dup(self): """Duplicate the basic structure into a new DFA. Basically a copy.deep. :rtype: DFA""" new = DFA() new.setSigma(self.Sigma) new.States = self.States[:] new.Initial = self.Initial new.Final = self.Final.copy() for s in[s] = {} for c in[s]:[s][c] =[s][c] return new
[docs] def equal(self, other): """Verify if the two automata are equivalent. Both are verified to be minimum and complete, and then one is matched against the other... Doesn't destroy either dfa... :param DFA other: the other DFA :rtype: bool""" return self.__eq__(other)
def __eq__(self, other): """Tests equivalence of DFAs :param DFA other: the other DFA :return: bool""" dfa1, dfa2 = self.dup(), other.dup() dfa1 = dfa1.minimal() dfa2 = dfa2.minimal() dfa1.completeMinimal() dfa2.completeMinimal() if ((len(dfa1.States) != len(dfa2.States)) or (len(dfa1.Final) != len(dfa2.Final)) or (dfa1._uniqueStr() != dfa2._uniqueStr())): # if ((dfa1.Sigma != dfa2.Sigma and (len(dfa1.Sigma) != 0 or len(dfa2.Sigma) != 0)) or # (len(dfa1.States) != len(dfa2.States)) or (len(dfa1.Final) != len(dfa2.Final)) or # (dfa1._uniqueStr() != dfa2._uniqueStr())): return False else: return True def _lstTransitions(self): l = [] for x in for k in[x]: l.append((self.States[x], k, self.States[[x][k]])) return l def _lstInitial(self): """ :return: :raise: DFAnoInitial if no initial state is defined """ if self.Initial is None: raise DFAnoInitial() else: return self.States[self.Initial] def _s_lstInitial(self): return str(self._lstInitial())
[docs] def notequal(self, other): """ Test non equivalence of two DFAs :param DFA other: the other DFA :rtype: bool""" return self.__ne__(other)
def __ne__(self, other): """ Tests non-equivalence of two DFAs :param DFA other: the other DFA :rtype: bool""" return not self == other
[docs] def hyperMinimal(self, strict=False): """ Hyperminization of a minimal DFA :param bool strict: if strict=True it first minimizes the DFA :returns: an hyperminimal DFA :rtype: DFA .. seealso:: M. Holzer and A. Maletti, An nlogn Algorithm for Hyper-Minimizing a (Minimized) Deterministic Automata, TCS 411(38-39): 3404-3413 (2010) .. note:: if strict=False minimality is assumed""" if strict: m = self.minimal() else: m = self.dup() comp, center, mark = m.computeKernel() ker = set([m.States[s] for s in mark]) m._mergeStatesKernel(ker, m.aEquiv()) return m
def _mergeStatesKernel(self, ker, aequiv): """ Merge states of almost equivalent partition. Used by hyperMinimal. :param ker: :param aequiv: partition of almost equivalence""" for b in aequiv: try: q = (aequiv[b] & ker).pop() except KeyError: q = aequiv[b].pop() for p in aequiv[b] - ker: self.mergeStates(self.stateIndex(p), self.stateIndex(q))
[docs] def computeKernel(self): """ The Kernel of a ICDFA is the set of states that accept a non finite language. :returns: triple (comp, center , mark) where comp are the strongly connected components, center the set of center states and mark the kernel states :rtype: tuple .. note: DFA must be initially connected .. seealso: Holzer and A. Maletti, An nlogn Algorithm for Hyper-Minimizing a (Minimized) Deterministic Automata, TCS 411(38-39): 3404-3413 (2010)""" def _SCC(t): ind[t] = self.i low[t] = self.i self.i += 1 stack.append(t) for b in self.Sigma: # noinspection PyNoneFunctionAssignment t1 =, {}).get(b, None) if t1 is not None and t1 not in ind: _SCC(t1) low[t] = min([low[t], low[t1]]) else: if t1 in stack: low[t] = min([low[t], ind[t1]]) if low[t] == ind[t]: comp[t] = [t] p = stack.pop() while p != t: comp[t].append(p) p = stack.pop() def _DFS(t): mark[t] = 1 for a1 in self.Sigma: # noinspection PyNoneFunctionAssignment t1 =, {}).get(a1, None) if t1 is not None and t1 not in mark: _DFS(t1) ind = {} low = {} stack = [] self.i = 0 comp = {} center = set([s for s in for a in[s] if[s][a] == s]) _SCC(self.Initial) for s in comp: if len(comp[s]) > 1: center.update(comp[s]) mark = {} for s in center: mark[s] = 1 for s in center: for a in self.Sigma: # noinspection PyNoneFunctionAssignment s1 =, {}).get(a, None) if s1 is not None and s1 not in mark: _DFS(s1) del self.i return comp, center, mark
[docs] def aEquiv(self): """ Computes almost equivalence, used by hyperMinimial :returns: partition of states :rtype: dictionary .. note:: may be optimized to avoid dupped""" pi = {} dupped = self.dup() for q in dupped.States: pi[q] = {q} h = {} I = set(dupped.States) P = set(dupped.States) dupped._compute_delta_inv() while I != set([]): q = I.pop() succ = tuple([dupped.States[[dupped.stateIndex(q)][a]] for a in dupped.Sigma if dupped.stateIndex(q) in and a in[dupped.stateIndex(q)]]) if succ in h: p = h[succ] if len(pi[p]) >= len(pi[q]): p, q = q, p P.remove(p) I.update([r for r in P for a in dupped.Sigma if dupped.stateIndex(r) in dupped.delta_inv[dupped.stateIndex(p)][a]]) dupped.mergeStates(dupped.stateIndex(p), dupped.stateIndex(q)) dupped._compute_delta_inv() pi[q] = pi[q].union(pi[p]) del (pi[p]) h[succ] = q return pi
[docs] def mergeStates(self, f, t): """Merge the first given state into the second. If the first state is an initial state the second becomes the initial state. :param int f: index of state to be absorbed :param int t: index of remaining state .. attention:: It is up to the caller to remove the disconnected state. This can be achieved with ```trim()``.""" if f is not t: for state, to in for a, s in to.items(): if f == s:[state][a] = t if self.initialP(f): self.setInitial(t) self.deleteStates([f])
[docs] def toADFA(self): """ Try to convert DFA to ADFA :return: the same automaton as a ADFA :rtype: ADFA :raises notAcyclic: if this is not an acyclic DFA .. versionadded:: 1.2 .. versionchanged:: 1.2.1""" import fl foo = self.dup().trim() if not foo.acyclicP(): raise notAcyclic() else: new = fl.ADFA() new.Initial = foo.Initial new.States = deepcopy(foo.States) new.Sigma = deepcopy(foo.Sigma) new.Final = deepcopy(foo.Final) = deepcopy( return new
[docs] def stronglyConnectedComponents(self): """Dummy method that uses the NFA conterpart .. versionadded:: 1.3.3 :rtype: list""" return self.toNFA().stronglyConnectedComponents()
[docs] def orderedStrConnComponents(self): """Topological ordered list of strong components .. versionadded:: 1.3.3 :rtype: list""" def _topOrder(i, j): if l1[str(j)] in l[l1[str(i)]]: return -1 elif l1[str(i)] in l[l1[str(j)]]: return 1 else: return 0 comp = self.stronglyConnectedComponents() l = [set([]) for _ in comp] l1 = dict() c = dict() for i,x in enumerate(comp): l1[str(x)] = i for s in x: c[s] = i for s in self.stateIndexes(): for ch in, {}): d = c[[s][ch]] if d != c[s]: l[c[s]].add(d) comp.sort(_topOrder) return comp
[docs] def reversibleP(self): """Test if an automaton is reversible :rtype: bool""" self._compute_delta_inv() for s in self.delta_inv: for c in self.delta_inv[s]: if len(self.delta_inv[s][c]) > 1: return False return True
[docs] def makeReversible(self): """Make a DFA reversible (if possible) .. seealso:: M.Holzer, S. Jakobi, M. Kutrib 'Minimal Reversible Deterministic Finite Automata' :rtype: DFA""" notDone = True aut = self.dup() while notDone: notDone = False comp = aut.orderedStrConnComponents() aut._compute_delta_inv() for cp in comp: for s in cp: l, ch = aut._notReversiblePoint(s) if not ch is None: ls = aut.delta_inv[s][ch][1:] for i in range(l-1): sn = aut._dupSubAut(cp, s) sto = ls.pop() aut.delTransition(sto, ch, s) aut.addTransition(sto, ch, sn) notDone = True break if notDone: break return aut
def _dupSubAut(self, ss, s): """Duplicates a set of states and identifies the copy of a given state :param int s: state to indentify :param lst ss: list of states :rtype: int""" nm = dict() for i in ss: nm[i] = self.addState() for i in ss: if i in self.Final: self.addFinal(nm[i]) for c in, {}): j =[i][c] if j in ss: self.addTransition(nm[i], c, nm[j]) else: self.addTransition(nm[i], c, j) return nm[s] def _possibleToMakeReversible(self, st): """Test id a state is a forbidden state for reversability :param int st: state :rtype: bool""" if self.delta_inv is None: self._compute_delta_inv() for c in self.delta_inv.get(st, {}): l = self.delta_inv[st][c] if len(l) > 1: todo = [st] done = set([]) while todo: s = todo.pop() done.add(s) for d in, {}): j =[s][d] if j in l: return False if j not in done: todo.append(j) return True return True
[docs] def possibleToReverse(self): """Tests if language is reversible .. versionadded:: 1.3.3""" for i in self.stateIndexes(): if not self._possibleToMakeReversible(i): return False return True
def _notReversiblePoint(self, st): """Checks if the state is reversible :param int st: state index :rtype: tuple""" for c in self.delta_inv.get(st, {}): l = len(self.delta_inv[st][c]) if l > 1: return l, c return None, None
[docs] def toDFA(self): """Dummy function. It is already a DFA :returns: a self deep copy :rtype: DFA""" return self.dup()
def _uniqueStr(self): """ Returns a canonical representation of the automaton. :returns: canonical representation of the skeleton and the list of final states, in a pair :rtype: pair of lists of int .. note: Automata is supposed to be a icdfa. It, now, should cope with non complete automata""" SSigma = list(self.Sigma) SSigma.sort() tf, tr = {}, {} string = [] i, j = 0, 0 tf[self.Initial], tr[0] = 0, self.Initial while i <= j: lst = [] for c in SSigma: # noinspection PyNoneFunctionAssignment foo =[i], {}).get(c, None) # foo =[tr[i]][c] if foo is None: lst.append(-1) else: if foo not in tf: j += 1 tf[foo], tr[j] = j, foo lst.append(tf[foo]) string.append(lst) i += 1 lst = [] for s in self.Final: lst.append(tf[s]) lst.sort() return string, lst
[docs] def uniqueRepr(self): """Normalise unique string for the string icdfa's representation. .. seealso:: TCS 387(2):93-102, 2007 :returns: normalised representation :rtype: list :raises DFAnotComplete: if DFA is not complete""" try: (a, b) = self._uniqueStr() n = len(a) finals = [0] * n for i in b: finals[i] = 1 return [j for i in a for j in i], finals, n, len(self.Sigma) except KeyError: raise DFAnotComplete
def __invert__(self): """ Returns a DFA that recognises the complementary language: ~X. Basically change all non-final states to final and vice-versa. After ensuring that it is complete. :rtype: DFA""" fa = self.dup() fa.eliminateDeadName() fa.complete() fa.setFinal([]) for s in fa.stateIndexes(): if s not in self.Final: fa.addFinal(s) return fa def __or__(self, other, complete=True, trim=True): """ Union of two automata :param DFA other: the other automaton :param bool complete: should the result be complete (default True) :param bool trim: should the result be trom (default True) :rtype: DFA .. versionchanged:: 1.3.4""" if type(other) != type(self): raise FAdoGeneralError("Incompatible objects") fa = self.product(other) sz1, sz2 = len(self.States), len(other.States) for s1 in self.Final: for s2 in range(sz2+1): fa.addFinal(s1 * (sz2+1) + s2) for s2 in other.Final: for s1 in range(sz1+1): fa.addFinal(s1 * (sz2 + 1) + s2) if trim: fa.trim() if complete: fa.complete() return fa._namesToString() def __sub__(self, other): return self & (~other)
[docs] def simDiff(self, other): """Symetrical difference :param other: :return:""" # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences return (self - other) | (other - self)
def andSlow(self, other, complete=True): if not isinstance(other, DFA): raise FAdoGeneralError("Incompatible objects") fa = self.productSlow(other, complete) for i in fa.stateIndexes(): (i1, i2) = fa.States[i] if i1 in self.Final and i2 in other.Final: fa.addFinal(i) return fa._namesToString() def __and__(self, other, complete=False, trim=True): """ Intersection automaton of two automata :param DFA other: the other automaton :param bool complete: should the result be complete (defaut False) :param bool trim: should the result be trim (default True) :rtype: DFA .. note:: This version does not use the product method .. versionchanged:: 1.3.4""" if not isinstance(other, DFA): raise FAdoGeneralError("Incompatible objects") new = DFA() NSigma = self.Sigma.union(other.Sigma) new.setSigma(NSigma) sz1, sz2 = len(self.States), len(other.States) for _ in range(sz1 * sz2): new.addState() new.setInitial(self.Initial * sz2 + other.Initial) if not complete: for s1 in range(sz1): for s2 in range(sz2): sti = s1 * sz2 + s2 for c in, {}): if c in, {}): new.addTransition(sti, c,[s1][c] * sz2 +[s2][c]) else: last = new.addState() for s1 in range(sz1): for s2 in range(sz2): sti = s1 * sz2 + s2 for c in NSigma: if c in, {}) and c in, {}): new.addTransition(sti, c,[s1][c] * sz2 +[s2][c]) else: new.addTransition(sti, c, last) for c in NSigma: new.addTransition(last, c, last) for s1 in self.Final: for s2 in other.Final: new.addFinal(s1 * sz2 + s2) if trim: new.trim() return new
[docs] def productSlow(self, other, complete=True): """ Returns a DFA resulting of the simultaneous execution of two DFA. No final states set. .. note:: this is a slow implementation for those that need meaningfull state names .. versionadded:: 1.3.3 :param other: the other DFA :param bool complete: evaluate product as a complete DFA :rtype: DFA""" NSigma = self.Sigma.union(other.Sigma) fa1, fa2 = self.dup(), other.dup() fa1.setSigma(NSigma) fa2.setSigma(NSigma) fa1.complete() fa2.complete() fa = DFA() fa.setSigma(NSigma) s = fa.addState((fa1.Initial, fa2.Initial)) fa.setInitial(s) i = 0 while True: i1, i2 = fa.States[i] for c in fa.Sigma: new = ([i1][c],[i2][c]) foo = fa.stateIndex(new, True) fa.addTransition(i, c, foo) i += 1 if i == len(fa.States): break if not complete: d1 = fa1.stateIndex(DeadName) d2 = fa2.stateIndex(DeadName) try: d = fa.stateIndex((d1, d2)) except DFAstateUnknown: pass else: fa.deleteState(d) return fa
[docs] def product(self, other): """ Returns a DFA resulting of the simultaneous execution of two DFA. No final states set. .. note:: this is a fast version of the method. The resulting state names are not meaningfull. .. versionchanged: 1.3.3 :param other: the other DFA :rtype: DFA""" NSigma = self.Sigma.union(other.Sigma) sz1, sz2 = len(self.States), len(other.States) sz2c = sz2 + 1 new = DFA() for _ in range((sz1+1)*(sz2+1)): new.addState() new.setInitial(self.Initial * sz2c + other.Initial) _last = (sz1 + 1) * (sz2 + 1) - 1 for s1 in range(sz1): for s2 in range(sz2): sti = s1 * sz2c + s2 for c in NSigma: if c in, {}): if c in, {}): new.addTransition(sti, c,[s1][c] * sz2c +[s2][c]) else: new.addTransition(sti, c,[s1][c] * sz2c + sz2) else: if c in, {}): new.addTransition(sti, c, sz1 * sz2c +[s2][c]) for s1 in range(sz1): sti = s1 * sz2c + sz2 for c in NSigma: if c in, {}): new.addTransition(sti, c,, {}).get(c, sz2) * sz2c + sz2) for s2 in range(sz2): sti = sz1 * sz2c + s2 for c in NSigma: if c in, {}): new.addTransition(sti, c, sz1 * sz2c +, {}).get(c, sz2)) return new
[docs] def witness(self): """Witness of non emptyness :return: word :rtype: str""" done = set() notDone = set() pref = dict() si = self.Initial pref[si] = Epsilon notDone.add(si) while notDone: si = notDone.pop() done.add(si) if si in self.Final: return pref[si] for syi in, []): so =[si][syi] if so in done or so in notDone: continue pref[so] = sConcat(pref[si], syi) notDone.add(so) return None
[docs] def concat(self, fa2, strict=False): """Concatenation of two DFAs. If DFAs are not complete, they are completed. :param bool strict: should alphabets be checked? :param DFA fa2: the second DFA :returns: the result of the concatenation :rtype: DFA :raises DFAdifferentSigma: if alphabet are not equal""" if strict and self.Sigma != fa2.Sigma: raise DFAdifferentSigma NSigma = self.Sigma.union(fa2.Sigma) d1, d2 = self.dup(), fa2.dup() d1.setSigma(NSigma) d2.setSigma(NSigma) d1.complete() d2.complete() if len(d1.States) == 0 or len(d1.Final) == 0: return d1 if len(d2.States) <= 1: if not len(d2.Final): return d2 else: new = DFA() new.setSigma(d1.Sigma) new.States = d1.States[:] new.Initial = d1.Initial new.Final = d1.Final.copy() for s in[s] = {} if new.finalP(s): for c in[s]:[s][c] = s else: for c in[s]:[s][c] =[s][c] return new c = DFA() c.setSigma(d1.Sigma) lStates = [] i = (d1.Initial, set([])) lStates.append(i) j = c.addState(i) c.setInitial(j) if d1.finalP(d1.Initial): i[1].add(d2.Initial) if d2.finalP(d2.Initial): c.addFinal(j) while True: stu = lStates[j] s = c.stateIndex(stu) for sym in d1.Sigma: stn = (d1.evalSymbol(stu[0], sym), d2.evalSymbolL(stu[1], sym)) if d1.finalP(stn[0]): stn[1].add(d2.Initial) if stn not in lStates: lStates.append(stn) new = c.addState(stn) if d2.Final & stn[1] != set([]): c.addFinal(new) else: new = c.stateIndex(stn) c.addTransition(s, sym, new) if j == len(lStates) - 1: break else: j += 1 return c
[docs] def star(self, flag=False): """Star of a DFA. If the DFA is not complete, it is completed. ..versionchanged: 0.9.6 :param bool flag: plus instead of star :returns: the result of the star :rtype: DFA""" j = None # to keep the checker happy if len(self.States) == 1 and self.finalP(self.Initial): return self d = self.dup() d.complete() c = DFA() c.Sigma = d.Sigma if len(d.States) == 0 or len(d.Final) == 0: # Epsilon automaton s0, s1 = c.addState(0), c.addState(1) c.setInitial(s0) c.addFinal(s0) for sym in c.Sigma: c.addTransition(s0, sym, s1) c.addTransition(s1, sym, s1) return c F0 = d.Final - {d.Initial} if not flag: i = c.addState("initial") c.setInitial(i) c.addFinal(i) lStates = ["initial"] for sym in d.Sigma: stn = {d.evalSymbol(d.Initial, sym)} # correction if F0 & stn != set([]): stn.add(d.Initial) if stn not in lStates: lStates.append(stn) new = c.addState(stn) if d.Final & stn != set([]): c.addFinal(new) else: new = c.stateIndex(stn) c.addTransition(i, sym, new) j = 1 else: i = c.addState({d.Initial}) c.setInitial(i) if d.finalP(d.Initial): c.addFinal(i) lStates = [{d.Initial}] j = 0 while True: stu = lStates[j] s = c.stateIndex(stu) for sym in d.Sigma: stn = d.evalSymbolL(stu, sym) if F0 & stn != set([]): stn.add(d.Initial) if stn not in lStates: # noinspection PyTypeChecker lStates.append(stn) new = c.addState(stn) if d.Final & stn != set([]): c.addFinal(new) else: new = c.stateIndex(stn) c.addTransition(s, sym, new) if j == len(lStates) - 1: break else: j += 1 return c
[docs] def evalSymbolI(self, init, sym): """Returns the state reached from a given state. :arg init init: current state :arg str sym: symbol to be consumed :returns: reached state or -1 :rtype: set of int :raise DFAsymbolUnknown: if symbol not in alphabet .. versionadded:: 0.9.5 .. note:: this is to be used with non complete DFAs""" if sym not in self.Sigma: raise DFAsymbolUnknown(sym) try: Next =[init][sym] except KeyError: return -1 except NameError: return -1 return Next
[docs] def evalSymbolLI(self, ls, sym): """Returns the set of states reached from a given set of states through a given symbol :arg ls: set of current states :type ls: set of int :arg str sym: symbol to be consumed :returns: set of reached states :rtype: set of int .. versionadded:: 0.9.5 .. note:: this is to be used with non complete DFAs""" return set([self.evalSymbolI(s, sym) for s in ls if self.evalSymbolI(s, sym) != -1])
[docs] def concatI(self, fa2, strict=False): """Concatenation of two DFAs. :param DFA fa2: the second DFA :arg bool strict: should alphabets be checked? :returns: the result of the concatenation :rtype: DFA :raises DFAdifferentSigma: if alphabet are not equal .. versionadded:: 0.9.5 .. note:: this is to be used with non complete DFAs""" if strict and self.Sigma != fa2.Sigma: raise DFAdifferentSigma NSigma = self.Sigma.union(fa2.Sigma) d1, d2 = self.dup(), fa2.dup() d1.setSigma(NSigma) d2.setSigma(NSigma) if len(d1.States) == 0 or len(d1.Final) == 0: return d1 if len(d2.States) <= 1: if not len(d2.Final): return d2 c = DFA() c.setSigma(d1.Sigma) lStates = [] i = (d1.Initial, set([])) lStates.append(i) j = c.addState(i) c.setInitial(j) if d1.finalP(d1.Initial): i[1].add(d2.Initial) if d2.finalP(d2.Initial): c.addFinal(j) while True: stu = lStates[j] s = c.stateIndex(stu) for sym in d1.Sigma: stn = (d1.evalSymbolI(stu[0], sym), d2.evalSymbolLI(stu[1], sym)) if not ((stn[0] == -1) & (stn[1] == {-1})) | ((stn[0] == -1) & (stn[1] == set([]))): if d1.finalP(stn[0]): stn[1].add(d2.Initial) if stn not in lStates: lStates.append(stn) new = c.addState(stn) if d2.Final & stn[1] != set([]): c.addFinal(new) else: new = c.stateIndex(stn) c.addTransition(s, sym, new) if j == len(lStates) - 1: break else: j += 1 return c
[docs] def starI(self): """Star of an incomplete DFA. .. varsionadded::: 0.9.5 :returns: the Kleene closure DFA :rtype: DFA""" if len(self.Final) == 1 and self.finalP(self.Initial): return self d = self.dup() c = DFA() c.Sigma = d.Sigma if len(d.States) == 0 or len(d.Final) == 0: # Epsilon automaton s0, s1 = c.addState(0), c.addState(1) c.setInitial(s0) c.addFinal(s0) for sym in c.Sigma: c.addTransition(s0, sym, s1) c.addTransition(s1, sym, s1) return c F0 = d.Final - {d.Initial} i = c.addState("initial") c.setInitial(i) c.addFinal(i) lStates = ["initial"] for sym in d.Sigma: stn = {d.evalSymbolI(d.Initial, sym)} if (stn != set([])) & (stn != {-1}): # correction if F0 & stn != set([]): stn.add(d.Initial) if stn not in lStates: lStates.append(stn) new = c.addState(stn) if d.Final & stn != set([]): c.addFinal(new) else: new = c.stateIndex(stn) c.addTransition(i, sym, new) j = 1 while True: stu = lStates[j] s = c.stateIndex(stu) for sym in d.Sigma: stn = d.evalSymbolLI(stu, sym) if stn != set([]): if F0 & stn != set([]): stn.add(d.Initial) if stn not in lStates: lStates.append(stn) new = c.addState(stn) if d.Final & stn != set([]): c.addFinal(new) else: new = c.stateIndex(stn) c.addTransition(s, sym, new) if j == len(lStates) - 1: break else: j += 1 return c
[docs] def shuffle(self, other, strict=False): """Shuffle of two languages: L1 W L2 :param DFA other: second automaton :param bool strict: should the alphabets be necessary equal? :rtype: DFA .. seealso:: C. Câmpeanu, K. Salomaa and S. Yu, *Tight lower bound for the state complexity of shuffle of regular languages.* J. Autom. Lang. Comb. 7 (2002) 303–310.""" if strict and self.Sigma != other.Sigma: raise DFAdifferentSigma NSigma = self.Sigma.union(other.Sigma) d1, d2 = self.dup(), other.dup() d1.setSigma(NSigma) d2.setSigma(NSigma) # d1.complete(); d2.complete() c = DFA() c.setSigma(d1.Sigma) j = c.addState({(d1.Initial, d2.Initial)}) c.setInitial(j) if d1.finalP(d1.Initial) and d2.finalP(d2.Initial): c.addFinal(j) while True: s = c.States[j] sn = c.stateIndex(s) for sym in c.Sigma: stn = set() for st in s: try: stn.add((d1.evalSymbol(st[0], sym), st[1])) except DFAstopped: pass try: stn.add((st[0], d2.evalSymbol(st[1], sym))) except DFAstopped: pass if stn not in c.States: new = c.addState(stn) for sti in stn: if d1.finalP(sti[0]) and d2.finalP(sti[1]): c.addFinal(new) break else: new = c.stateIndex(stn) c.addTransition(sn, sym, new) if j == len(c.States) - 1: break else: j += 1 return c
[docs] def reorder(self, dicti): """Reorders states according to given dictionary. Given a dictionary (not necessarily complete)... reorders states accordingly. :param dict dicti: reorder dictionary""" if len(dicti.keys()) != len(self.States): for i in self.stateIndexes(): if i not in dicti: dicti[i] = i delta = {} for s in delta[dicti[s]] = {} for c in[s]: delta[dicti[s]][c] = dicti[[s][c]] = delta self.Initial = dicti[self.Initial] Final = set() for i in self.Final: Final.add(dicti[i]) self.Final = Final states = range(len(self.States)) for i in self.stateIndexes(): states[dicti[i]] = self.States[i] self.States = states
[docs] def regexp(self): """Returns a regexp for the current DFA considering the recursive method. Very inefficent. :returns: a regexp equivalent to the current DFA :rtype: reex.regexp""" if self.Initial: foo = {0: self.Initial, self.Initial: 0} self.reorder(foo) n, nstates = len(self.Final), len(self.States) - 1 if not n: return reex.emptyset(copy(self.Sigma)) r = self._RPath(0, uSet(self.Final), nstates) for s in list(self.Final)[1:]: r = reex.disj(self._RPath(0, s, nstates), r, copy(self.Sigma)) return r
def _RPath(self, initial, final, m): """Recursive path. (Dijsktra algorithm) The recursive function that plays a central role in the creation of the RE from a DFA. This suppose that there are no disconnected states.""" if m == -1: if initial == final: r = reex.epsilon(copy(self.Sigma)) try: for c in[initial]: if[initial][c] == initial: r = reex.disj(r, reex.atom(c, copy(self.Sigma)), copy(self.Sigma)) except KeyError: pass return r.reduced() else: r = reex.emptyset(copy(self.Sigma)) try: for c in[initial]: if[initial][c] == final: if not r.emptysetP(): r = reex.disj(r, reex.atom(c, copy(self.Sigma))) else: r = reex.atom(c, copy(self.Sigma)) except KeyError: pass return r.reduced() else: r = reex.disj(self._RPath(initial, final, m - 1), reex.concat(self._RPath(initial, m, m - 1), reex.concat(, m, m - 1), copy(self.Sigma)), self._RPath(m, final, m - 1), copy(self.Sigma)), copy(self.Sigma)), copy(self.Sigma)) return r.reduced()
[docs] def witnessDiff(self, other): """ Returns a witness for the difference of two DFAs and: +---+------------------------------------------------------+ | 0 | if the witness belongs to the **other** language | +---+------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | if the witness belongs to the **self** language | +---+------------------------------------------------------+ :param DFA other: the other DFA :returns: a witness word :rtype: list of symbols :raises DFAequivalent: if automata are equivalent""" x = ~self & other x = x.minimal() result = x.witness() v = 0 if result is None: x = ~other & self x = x.minimal() result = x.witness() v = 1 if result is None: raise DFAequivalent return result, v
[docs] def universalP(self, minimal=False): """Checks if the automaton is universal through minimisation :arg bool minimal: is the automaton already minimal? :rtype: bool""" if minimal: foo = self else: foo = self.minimal() if len(foo) == 1 and len(foo.Final) == 1: return True else: return False
[docs] def usefulStates(self, initial_states=None): """Set of states reacheable from the given initial state(s) that have a path to a final state. :param initial_states: starting states :type initial_states: iterable of int :returns: set of state indexes :rtype: set of int""" # ATTENTION CODER: This is mostly a copy&paste of # NFA.usefulStates(), except that the inner loop for adjacent # states is removed, and default initial_states is a list with # self.Initial and is considered useful if initial_states is None: initial_states = [self.Initial] # useful = set() useful = set(initial_states) else: useful = set([s for s in initial_states if s in self.Final]) stack = list(initial_states) preceding = {} for i in stack: preceding[i] = [] while stack: state = stack.pop() if state not in continue for symbol in[state]: adjacent =[state][symbol] is_useful = adjacent in useful if adjacent in self.Final or is_useful: useful.add(state) if not is_useful: useful.add(adjacent) preceding[adjacent] = [] stack.append(adjacent) inpath_stack = [p for p in preceding[state] if p not in useful] preceding[state] = [] while inpath_stack: previous = inpath_stack.pop() useful.add(previous) inpath_stack += [p for p in preceding[previous] if p not in useful] preceding[previous] = [] continue if adjacent not in preceding: preceding[adjacent] = [state] stack.append(adjacent) else: preceding[adjacent].append(state) return useful
[docs] def finalCompP(self, s): """ Verifies if there is a final state in strongly connected component containing ``s``. :param int s: state :returns: 1 if yes, 0 if no""" if s in self.Final: return True lst = [s] i = 0 while True: try: foo =[lst[i]].keys() except KeyError: foo = [] for c in foo: s =[lst[i]][c] if s not in lst: if s in self.Final: return True lst.append(s) i += 1 if i >= len(lst): return False
[docs] def unmark(self): """Unmarked NFA that corresponds to a marked DFA: in which each alfabetic symbol is a tuple (symbol, index) :returns: a NFA :rtype: NFA""" nfa = NFA() nfa.States = list(self.States) nfa.setInitial([self.Initial]) nfa.setFinal(self.Final) for s in for marked_symbol in[s]: sym, pos = marked_symbol nfa.addTransition(s, sym,[s][marked_symbol]) return nfa
[docs] def toNFA(self): """Migrates a DFA to a NFA as dup() :returns: DFA seen as new NFA :rtype: NFA""" new = NFA() new.setSigma(self.Sigma) new.States = self.States[:] new.addInitial(self.Initial) new.Final = self.Final.copy() for s in[s] = {} for c in[s]:[s][c] = {[s][c]} return new
[docs] def toGFA(self): """ Creates a GFA equivalent to DFA :returns: GFA deep copy :rtype: GFA """ gfa = GFA() gfa.setSigma(self.Sigma) gfa.States = self.States[:] gfa.setInitial(self.Initial) gfa.setFinal(self.Final) gfa.predecessors = {} for i in xrange(len(gfa.States)): gfa.predecessors[i] = set([]) for s in for c in[s]: gfa.addTransition(s, c,[s][c]) return gfa
[docs] def stateChildren(self, state, strict=False): """Set of children of a state :param bool strict: if not strict a state is never its own child even if a self loop is in place :param int state: state id queried :returns: map children -> multiplicity :rtype: dictionary""" l = {} if state not in return l for c in self.Sigma: if c in[state]: dest =[state][c] l[dest] = l.get(dest, 0) + 1 if not strict and state in l: del l[state] return l
def _smAtomic(self, monoid): """Evaluation of the atomic transformations of a DFA :arg bool monoid: monoid :returns: list of transformations :rtype: set of list of int""" if not self.completeP(): aut = self.dup() aut.complete() else: aut = self n = len(aut) mon = SSemiGroup() if monoid: a = tuple((x for x in xrange(n))) mon.elements.append(a) mon.words.append((None, None)) mon.gen.append(0) mon.Monoid = True tmp = ([], []) for k in aut.Sigma: a = tuple(([s][k] for s in xrange(n))) tmp = mon.add(a, None, k, tmp) if len(tmp[0]): mon.addGen(tmp) return mon def _ssg(self, monoid=False): """ :param bool monoid: :return:""" sm = self._smAtomic(monoid) if not sm.gen[-1]: return sm if sm.Monoid: natomic = sm.gen[1] shift = 1 else: natomic = sm.gen[0] shift = 0 while True: ll = ([], []) if len(sm.gen) == 1: g0 = 0 else: g0 = sm.gen[-2] + 1 g1 = sm.gen[-1] + 1 for (sym, t1) in enumerate(sm.elements[1:natomic + 1]): for (pr, t2) in enumerate(sm.elements[g0:g1]): t12 = tuple((t2[t1[i]] for i in xrange(len(t1)))) ll = sm.add(t12, pr + g0, sm.words[sym + shift][1], ll) if len(ll[0]): sm.addGen(ll) else: break return sm
[docs] def sMonoid(self): """Evaluation of the syntactic monoid of a DFA :returns: the semigroup :rtype: SSemiGroup""" return self._ssg(True)
[docs] def sSemigroup(self): """Evaluation of the syntactic semigroup of a DFA :returns: the semigroup :rtype: SSemiGroup""" return self._ssg()
[docs] def completeP(self): """Checks if it is a complete FA (if delta is total) :return: bool""" if not self.Sigma: return True ss = len(self.Sigma) for s, _ in enumerate(self.States): if s not in return False ni = set([s]) if len(ni) != ss: return False return True
[docs] def complete(self, dead=DeadName): """Transforms the automata into a complete one. If Sigma is empty nothing is done. :param str dead: dead state name :return: the complete FA :rtype: DFA .. note:: Adds a dead state (if necessary) so that any word can be processed with the automata. The new state is named ``dead``, so this name should never be used for other purposes. .. attention:: The object is modified in place. .. versionchanged:: 1.0""" if self.completeP(): return self ss = len(self.Sigma) f = True Bin = self.stateIndex(dead, True) for s in self.stateIndexes(): if s not in[s] = {} ni =[s].keys() if len(ni) != ss: for c in self.Sigma: if c not in ni: self.addTransition(s, c, Bin) f = False if f: self.deleteState(Bin) return self
[docs] def transitions(self): """ Iterator over transitions :rtype: symbol, int""" for i in for c in[i]: yield (i,c,[i][c])
[docs] def transitionsA(self): """ Iterator over transitions :rtype: symbol, int""" for i in for c in[i]: yield (i,c,[[i][c]])
[docs]class GFA(OFA): """ Class for Generalized Finite Automata: NFA with a unique initial state and transitions are labeled with regexp. .. inheritance-diagram:: GFA"""
[docs] def finalCompP(self, s): raise NImplemented()
[docs] def evalSymbol(self): raise NImplemented()
def __eq__(self, other): raise NImplemented()
[docs] def deleteStates(self, del_states): raise NImplemented()
[docs] def initialComp(self): raise NImplemented()
def _getTags(self): raise NImplemented() def __ne__(self, other): raise NImplemented()
[docs] def succintTransitions(self): raise NImplemented()
[docs] def toGFA(self): raise NImplemented()
[docs] def usefulStates(self): raise NImplemented()
[docs] def uniqueRepr(self): raise NImplemented()
def __init__(self): super(GFA, self).__init__() self.predecessors = None def __repr__(self): """GFA string representation :rtype: str""" return 'GFA({0:>s})'.format(self.__str__())
[docs] def addTransition(self, sti1, sym, sti2): """Adds a new transition from ``sti1`` to ``sti2`` consuming symbol ``sym``. Label of the transition function is a regexp. :param int sti1: state index of departure :param int sti2: state index of arrival :param str sym: symbol consumed :raises DFAepsilonRedefenition: if sym is Epsilon""" try: self.addSigma(sym) sym = reex.atom(sym, copy(self.Sigma)) except DFAepsilonRedefinition: sym = reex.epsilon(copy(self.Sigma)) if sti1 not in[sti1] = {} if sti2 not in[sti1]:[sti1][sti2] = sym else:[sti1][sti2] = reex.disj([sti1][sti2], sym, copy(self.Sigma)) # TODO: write cleaner code and get rid of the general catch # noinspection PyBroadException try: self.predecessors[sti2].add(sti1) except KeyError: pass
[docs] def reorder(self, dictio): """Reorder states indexes according to given dictionary. :param dict dictio: order .. note:: dictionary does not have to be complete""" if len(dictio.keys()) != len(self.States): for i in self.stateIndexes(): if i not in dictio: dictio[i] = i delta = {} preds = {} for s in delta[dictio[s]] = {} if dictio[s] not in preds: preds[dictio[s]] = set([]) for s1 in[s]: delta[dictio[s]][dictio[s1]] =[s][s1] if dictio[s1] in preds: preds[dictio[s1]].add(dictio[s]) else: preds[dictio[s1]] = {dictio[s]} = delta self.predecessors = preds self.Initial = dictio[self.Initial] Final = set() for i in self.Final: Final.add(dictio[i]) self.Final = Final states = range(len(self.States)) for i in self.stateIndexes(): states[dictio[i]] = self.States[i] self.States = states
[docs] def eliminate(self, st): """Eliminate a state. :param int st: state to be eliminated""" if st in and st in[st]: r2 = copy([st][st], copy(self.Sigma))) del[st][st] else: r2 = None for s in if st not in[s]: continue r1 = copy([s][st]) del[s][st] for s1 in[st]: r3 = copy([st][s1]) if r2 is not None: r = reex.concat(r1, reex.concat(r2, r3, copy(self.Sigma)), copy(self.Sigma)) else: r = reex.concat(r1, r3, copy(self.Sigma)) if s1 in[s]:[s][s1] = reex.disj([s][s1], r, copy(self.Sigma)) else:[s][s1] = r del[st]
[docs] def eliminateAll(self, lr): """Eliminate a list of states. :param list lr: list of states indexes""" for s in lr: self.eliminate(s)
[docs] def dup(self): """ Returns a copy of a GFA :rtype: GFA""" new = GFA() new.States = copy(self.States) new.Sigma = copy(self.Sigma) new.Initial = self.Initial new.Final = copy(self.Final) = deepcopy( new.predecessors = deepcopy(self.predecessors) return new
[docs] def normalize(self): """ Create a single initial and final state with Epsilon transitions. .. attention:: works in place""" first = self.addState("First") self.predecessors[first] = set([]) self.addTransition(first, Epsilon, self.Initial) self.setInitial(first) last = self.addState("Last") self.predecessors[last] = set([]) if len(self.Final) > 1: for s in self.Final: self.addTransition(s, Epsilon, last) self.predecessors[last].add(s) else: self.addTransition(list(self.Final)[0], Epsilon, last) self.setFinal([last])
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences def _do_edges(self, v1, t, rp): """ Labels for testing if a automaton is SP. used by SPRegExp :param int v1: state (node) :param SPlabel t: a label :param regexprp: reex.regexp""" for v2 in[v1]: if self.out_index[v1] != 1: self.lab[(v1, v2)] = t.copy() self.lab[(v1, v2)].value.append(v1) else: self.lab[(v1, v2)] = t.ref()[v1][v2] = reex.concat(rp,[v1][v2], copy(self.Sigma)) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences def _simplify(self, v2, i): """Used by SPRegExp. :param v2: :param i: :return: :raise NotSP:""" m, l = 0, [] for v1 in self.predecessors[v2]: size = len(self.lab[(v1, v2)].val()) if size == m: l.append(v1) elif size > m: m = size l = [v1] vi = l[-1] for vo in l[-2:]: if (self.lab[(vi, v2)].lastref() != self.lab[(vo, v2)].lastref()) and ( self.lab[(vi, v2)].val() == self.lab[(vo, v2)].val()): v = self.lab[(vi, v2)].val()[-1] self.out_index[v] -= 1 self.lab[(vo, v2)] = self.lab[(vi, v2)].ref()[vi][v2] = reex.disj([vo][v2],[vi][v2], copy(self.Sigma)) if self.out_index[v] == 1: self.lab[(vi, v2)].assign(self.lab[(vi, v2)].val()[:-1]) try:[vi][v2] = reex.concat([list(self.predecessors[v])[0]][v],[vi][v2], copy(self.Sigma)) except IndexError: pass self.predecessors[v2].remove(vo) return i - 1 raise NotSP
[docs] def DFS(self, io): """Depth first search :param io:""" visited = [] for s in xrange(len(self.States)): self.dfs_visit(s, visited, io)
[docs] def dfs_visit(self, s, visited, io): """ :param s: state :param visited: list od states visited :param io:""" if s not in visited: visited.append(s) if s in for dest in[s]: # lists are unhashable (i, o) = io[s] io[s] = (i, o + 1) (i, o) = io[dest] io[dest] = (i + 1, o) self.dfs_visit(dest, visited, io)
[docs] def weight(self, state): """Calculates the weight of a state based on a heuristic :param int state: state :returns: the weight of the state :rtype: int""" r = 0 for i in self.predecessors[state]: if i != state: r +=[i][state].alphabeticLength() * (len([state]) - 1) for i in[state]: if i != state: r +=[state][i].alphabeticLength() * (len(self.predecessors[state]) - 1) if state in[state]: r +=[state][state].alphabeticLength() * ( len(self.predecessors[state]) * len([state]) - 1) return r
[docs] def weightWithCycles(self, state, cycles): """ :param state: :param cycles: :return:""" r = 0 for i in self.predecessors[state]: if i != state: r +=[i][state].alphabeticLength() * (len([state]) - 1) for i in[state]: if i != state: r +=[state][i].alphabeticLength() * (len(self.predecessors[state]) - 1) if state in[state]: r +=[state][state].alphabeticLength() * ( len(self.predecessors[state]) * len([state]) - 1) r *= (cycles[state] + 1) return r
[docs] def deleteState(self, sti): """ deletes a state from the GFA :param sti:""" newOrder = {} for i in xrange(sti, len(self.States) - 1): newOrder[i + 1] = i newOrder[sti] = len(self.States) - 1 self.reorder(newOrder) st = len(self.States) - 1 del[st] del self.predecessors[st] l = set([]) for i in if st in[i]: l.add(i) for i in l: del[i][st] if not len([i]): del[i] for i in self.predecessors: if st in self.predecessors[i]: self.predecessors[i].remove(st) del self.States[st]
[docs] def eliminateState(self, st): """ Deletes a state and updates the automaton :param int st: the state to be deleted .. attention: works in place""" for i in self.predecessors[st]: for j in[st]: if i != st and j != st: rex =[i][st] if st in[st]: rex = reex.concat(rex,[st][st], copy(self.Sigma)), copy(self.Sigma)) rex = reex.concat(rex,[st][j], copy(self.Sigma)) if j in[i]: rex = reex.disj([i][j], rex, copy(self.Sigma))[i][j] = rex self.predecessors[j].add(i) self.deleteState(st)
[docs] def completeDelta(self): """Adds empty set transitions between the automatons final and initial states in order to make it complete. It's only meant to be used in the final stage of SEA...""" for i in set([self.Initial] + list(self.Final)): for j in set([self.Initial] + list(self.Final)): if i not in[i] = {} if j not in[i]:[i][j] = reex.emptyset(copy(self.Sigma))
[docs] def stateChildren(self, state, strict=False): """Set of children of a state :param bool strict: a state is never its own children even if a self loop is in place :param int state: state id queried :returns: map: children -> alphabetic length :rtype: dictionary""" l = {} if state not in return l for c in[state]: l[c] =[state][c].alphabeticLength() if not strict and state in l: del l[state] return l
def _re0(self): ii = self.Initial fi = list(self.Final)[0] a =[ii][ii] b =[ii][fi] c =[fi][ii] d =[fi][fi] # bd* re1 = reex.concat(b,, copy(self.Sigma)) # a + bd*c re2 = reex.disj(a, reex.concat(re1, c, copy(self.Sigma)), copy(self.Sigma)) # (a + bd*c)* bd* return reex.concat(, copy(self.Sigma)), re1, copy(self.Sigma)).reduced() # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs] def assignNum(self, st): """ :param st:""" self.num[st] = self.c self.c += 1 self.visited.append(st) if st in for d in[st]: if d not in self.visited: self.parent[d] = st self.assignNum(d)
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs] def assignLow(self, st): """ :param st:""" self.low[st] = self.num[st] if st in for d in[st]: if self.num[d] > self.num[st]: self.assignLow(d) if self.low[d] >= self.low[st]: self.cuts.add(st) self.low[st] = min(self.low[st], self.low[d]) else: if st in self.parent: if self.parent[st] != d: self.low[st] = min(self.low[st], self.num[d]) else: self.low[st] = self.num[st]
def equivalentP(first, second): """Verifies if the two languages given by some representative (DFA, NFA or re) are equivalent :arg first: language :arg second: language :rtype: bool .. versionadded:: 0.9.6""" t1, t2 = type(first), type(second) if t1 == t2 or (issubclass(t1, reex.regexp) and issubclass(t2, reex.regexp)): return first.equivalentP(second) elif t1 == DFA: return first == second.toDFA() elif t1 == NFA: if t2 == DFA: return first.toDFA() == second else: return first == second.toNFA() else: if t2 == NFA: return first.toNFA() == second else: return first.toDFA() == second
[docs]def stringToDFA(s, f, n, k): """ Converts a string icdfa's representation to dfa. :param list s: canonical string representation :param list f: bit map of final states :param int n: number of states :param int k: number of symbols :returns: a complete dfa with Sigma [``k``], States [``n``] :rtype: DFA .. versionchanged:: 0.9.8 symbols are converted to str""" fa = DFA() fa.setSigma([]) fa.States = range(n) j = 0 i = 0 while i < len(f): if f[i]: fa.addFinal(j) j += 1 i += 1 fa.setInitial(0) for i in xrange(n * k): if s[i] != -1: fa.addTransition(i / k, str(i % k), s[i]) return fa
def _cmpPair2(a, b): """Auxiliary comparision for sorting lists of pairs. Sorting on the second member of the pair.""" (x, y), (z, w) = a, b if y < w: return -1 elif y > w: return 1 elif x < z: return -1 elif x > z: return 1 else: return 0 def _normalizePair(p, q): if p < q: pair = (p, q) else: pair = (q, p) return pair def _sortWithNone(a, b): if a is None: return a, b elif b is None: return b, a elif a >= b: return a, b else: return b, a def _deref(mp, val): if val in mp: return _deref(mp, mp[val]) else: return val def _dictGetKeyFromValue(elm, dic): try: key = [i for i, j in dic.items() if elm in j][0] except IndexError: key = None return key def statePP(state): """Pretty print state :param state: :return:""" def _spp(st): t = type(st) if t == str: return copy(st).replace(' ', '') elif t == int: return str(st) elif t == tuple: bar = "(" for s in st: bar += _spp(s) + "," return bar[:-1] + ")" elif t == set: bar = "{" for s in st: bar += _spp(s) + "," return bar[:-1] + "}" else: return str(st) foo = _spp(state) if len(foo) > 1: return '"' + foo + '"' else: return foo
[docs]def saveToString(aut, sep="&"): """Finite automata definition as a string using the input format. .. versionadded:: 0.9.5 .. versionchanged:: 0.9.6 Names are now used instead of indexes. .. versionchanged:: 0.9.7 New format with quotes and alphabet :param FA aut: the FA :arg str sep: separation between `lines` :returns: the representation :rtype: str """ buff = "" if aut.Initial is None: return "Error: no initial state defined" if isinstance(aut, DFA): buff += "@DFA " NFAp = False elif isinstance(aut, NFA): buff += "@NFA " NFAp = True else: raise DFAerror() if not NFAp and aut.Initial != 0: foo = {0: aut.Initial, aut.Initial: 0} aut.reorder(foo) for sf in aut.Final: buff += ("{0:>s} ".format(statePP(aut.States[sf]))) if NFAp: buff += " * " for sf in aut.Initial: buff += ("{0:>s} ".format(statePP(aut.States[sf]))) buff += sep for s in aut.stateIndexes(): if s in for a in[s]: if isinstance([s][a], set): for s1 in[s][a]: buff += ("{0:>s} {1:>s} {2:>s}{3:>s}".format(statePP(aut.States[s]), str(a), statePP(aut.States[s1]), sep)) else: buff += ("{0:>s} {1:>s} {2:>s}{3:>s}".format(statePP(aut.States[s]), str(a), statePP(aut.States[[s][a]]), sep)) else: buff += "{0:>s} {1:>s}".format(statePP(aut.States[s]), sep) return buff
def sigmaStarDFA(sigma=None): """Given a alphabet S returns the minimal DFA for S* :param set sigma: set of simbols :rtype: DFA .. versionadded:: 1.2""" if sigma is None: raise DFAerror d = DFA() d.setSigma(sigma) i = d.addState() d.setInitial(i) d.addFinal(i) for a in d.Sigma: d.addTransition(i, a, i) return d def emptyDFA(sigma=None): """Given an alphabet returns the minimal DFA for the empty language :param set sigma: set of symbols :rtype: DFA .. versionadded::""" if sigma is None: raise DFAerror d = DFA() d.setSigma(sigma) i = d.addState() d.setInitial(i) for a in d.Sigma: d.addTransition(i, a, i) return d def _addPool(pool, done, val): """ Adds to a pool with exception list :param set pool: pool to be added :param set done: exception list :param val: value""" if val in done: return else: pool.add(val) def _initPool(): """Initialize pool structure :return: pool and done objects :rtype: tuple""" return set(), set()