% Simple illustration of the use of Aleph to induce family relationships. % Author: Jian Huang % Date: 01/05/2007 % changed by InĂªs Dutra % Date: May 2nd, 2020 % ========================================= % % This section is the type declaration % % ========================================= % % modeh gives Aleph the name of the concept/relation/predicate to be learned % this name needs to be the same name that appears in the examples of files .f and .n :- modeh(*,parent(+person,-person)). % modeb tells Aleph which predicates in the BK (with their respective argument types and modes) % *may* be used to construct rules :- modeb(*,father(+person,-person)). :- modeb(*,mother(+person,-person)). % determination tells Aleph which predicates *must* be used to construct rules :- determination(parent/2,father/2). :- determination(parent/2,mother/2). % ======================================== % % This section is the background knowledge % % ======================================== % % father(X,Y) says that father of X is Y father(bob, george). father(alice, george). father(harriet, ken). % mother(X,Y) says that mother of X is Y mother(bob, harriet). mother(alice, harriet). mother(harriet, laura).