Gurobi 5.0.1 (linux64) logging started Wed Apr 24 02:02:31 2013 Optimize a model with 737 rows, 44957 columns and 89847 nonzeros Presolve time: 0.06s Presolved: 737 rows, 44957 columns, 89847 nonzeros Variable types: 44890 continuous, 67 integer (67 binary) Root relaxation: objective 7.300427e+04, 1833 iterations, 0.06 seconds Nodes | Current Node | Objective Bounds | Work Expl Unexpl | Obj Depth IntInf | Incumbent BestBd Gap | It/Node Time 0 0 73004.2683 0 6 - 73004.2683 - - 0s H 0 0 76506.000000 73004.2683 4.58% - 0s 0 0 73295.5318 0 5 76506.0000 73295.5318 4.20% - 0s H 0 0 75992.244292 73295.5318 3.55% - 0s H 0 0 74582.000000 73295.5318 1.72% - 0s 0 0 73337.0481 0 3 74582.0000 73337.0481 1.67% - 0s 0 0 73342.3253 0 3 74582.0000 73342.3253 1.66% - 0s H 0 0 74514.000000 73342.3253 1.57% - 0s 0 0 73342.7544 0 4 74514.0000 73342.7544 1.57% - 0s 0 0 73342.7801 0 3 74514.0000 73342.7801 1.57% - 0s H 0 0 73748.000000 73342.7801 0.55% - 0s 0 0 73342.7801 0 6 73748.0000 73342.7801 0.55% - 0s 0 0 73342.7801 0 4 73748.0000 73342.7801 0.55% - 1s 0 0 73342.7801 0 4 73748.0000 73342.7801 0.55% - 1s 0 0 73342.7801 0 4 73748.0000 73342.7801 0.55% - 1s 0 0 73342.7801 0 3 73748.0000 73342.7801 0.55% - 1s 0 0 73342.7801 0 4 73748.0000 73342.7801 0.55% - 1s 0 0 73342.7801 0 3 73748.0000 73342.7801 0.55% - 1s 0 2 73355.5943 0 3 73748.0000 73355.5943 0.53% - 1s H 11 7 73729.000000 73460.6379 0.36% 58.6 1s * 18 6 15 73708.000000 73460.6379 0.34% 43.6 1s H 30 15 73690.000000 73475.8386 0.29% 33.9 2s * 31 14 16 73605.000000 73475.8386 0.18% 33.1 2s * 42 13 6 73602.000000 73498.1986 0.14% 36.1 2s * 50 10 12 73593.000000 73534.7948 0.08% 36.1 2s Cutting planes: Implied bound: 85 Flow cover: 3 Explored 67 nodes (6057 simplex iterations) in 2.44 seconds Thread count was 1 (of 16 available processors) Optimal solution found (tolerance 1.00e-04) Best objective 7.359300000000e+04, best bound 7.359300000000e+04, gap 0.0%