Gurobi 5.0.1 (linux64) logging started Wed Apr 24 02:23:01 2013 Optimize a model with 49840 rows, 49140 columns and 196140 nonzeros Presolve removed 70 rows and 0 columns Presolve time: 0.22s Presolved: 49770 rows, 49140 columns, 196070 nonzeros Variable types: 49070 continuous, 70 integer (70 binary) Root relaxation: objective 6.418877e+04, 7471 iterations, 4.77 seconds Nodes | Current Node | Objective Bounds | Work Expl Unexpl | Obj Depth IntInf | Incumbent BestBd Gap | It/Node Time 0 0 64188.7680 0 52 - 64188.7680 - - 5s H 0 0 101788.00000 64188.7680 36.9% - 8s 0 0 79149.0288 0 13 101788.000 79149.0288 22.2% - 14s H 0 0 97328.858139 79149.0288 18.7% - 14s H 0 0 86118.000000 79149.0288 8.09% - 15s 0 0 81206.6498 0 10 86118.0000 81206.6498 5.70% - 16s 0 0 81456.6344 0 5 86118.0000 81456.6344 5.41% - 17s 0 0 81481.1802 0 4 86118.0000 81481.1802 5.38% - 17s H 0 0 85572.584501 81481.1802 4.78% - 17s H 0 0 84203.000000 81481.1802 3.23% - 17s H 0 0 83028.000000 81481.1802 1.86% - 17s 0 2 81482.0278 0 4 83028.0000 81482.0278 1.86% - 18s H 2 2 82231.860704 81504.0444 0.89% 35.5 19s H 3 3 81588.000000 81545.7219 0.05% 83.3 19s * 6 5 5 81563.000000 81549.2603 0.02% 102 19s Cutting planes: Implied bound: 64 Explored 10 nodes (15980 simplex iterations) in 19.37 seconds Thread count was 1 (of 16 available processors) Optimal solution found (tolerance 1.00e-04) Best objective 8.156300000000e+04, best bound 8.156300000000e+04, gap 0.0%