Modular Health Kiosk based on Web Technologies


We describe a modular and easily reconfigurable Health Kiosk based on common, off-the-shelf Personal Health Devices and a computer with a touchscreen interface. The Kiosk is implemented in standard web technologies (JavaScript, HTML and CSS) on top of the Electron platform. It is intended to be used autonomously by the patients. It is highly modular, can easily be adapted and reconfigured by health professionals with little to no computer expertise, using a graphical interface, to adapt to different groups of patients and use cases. We document our findings, identifying problems faced throughout the development and solutions to those problems.

Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies
Pedro Brandão
Pedro Brandão
Assistant Professor

I am an assistant professor at Univ. Porto, with research interests in net security, net protocols and mHealth
