Property Testing using QuickCheck

Pedro Vasconcelos, DCC/FCUP

May 2021


“QuickCheck: A Lightweight Tool for Random Testing of Haskell Programs” Koen Claessen and John Hughes (ICFP’2000).

Web site:

Introductory tutorial:

What is QuickCheck?

Using QuickCheck


import Test.QuickCheck

prop_rev_rev :: [Int] -> Bool
prop_rev_rev xs = reverse (reverse xs) == xs

Ask GHCi to check this with randomly generated lists:

Main> quickCheck prop_rev_rev
OK, passed 100 tests.


If the property fails, then QuickCheck prints out a counter-example.

import Test.QuickCheck

prop_wrong :: [Int] -> Bool
prop_wrong xs = reverse xs == xs 

Main> quickCheck prop_rev_id
*** Failed! Falsifiable
    (after 6 tests and 6 shrinks):

Writing properties

prop_rev_rev :: [Int] -> Bool
prop_rev_rev xs = reverse (reverse xs) == xs

Means \[ \text{reverse}~(\text{reverse}~ xs) = xs, \quad \forall xs :\hspace{-0.1ex}: [\text{Int}] \]

Conditional properties

insert :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> [a]
insert x [] = [x]
insert x (y:ys)
   | x<y       = x:y:ys
   | otherwise = y:insert x ys

We want to specify that insertion preserves ordering, i.e.

\[ ordered~xs \implies ordered~(insert~x~xs), \quad \forall x, xs \]

The operator ==> allows expressing such conditional properties.

Conditional properties (2)

prop_ins_ord :: Int -> [Int] -> Property
prop_ins_ord x xs
  = ordered xs ==> ordered (insert x xs)

-- NB: the result type is now Property
-- auxiliary definition
-- to test if a list is in ascending order
ordered :: Ord a => [a] -> Bool
ordered (x:y:xs) = x<=y && ordered (y:xs)
ordered _        = True

Testing it out

> quickCheck prop_ins_ord
*Main Data.List> quickCheck prop_ins_ord 
*** Gave up! Passed only 72 tests.

What happened?

Showing test cases

We can use verboseCheck to show the actual test cases:

Main> verboseCheck prop_ins_ord
Skipped (precondition false):

This too verbose; it is better to collect statistical data on test cases.

Collecting data

prop_ins_ord :: Int -> [Int] -> Property
prop_ins_ord x xs
  = collect (length xs) $
    ordered xs ==> ordered (insert x xs)

Collecting data (2)

Main> quickCheck prop_ins_ord
*** Gave up! Passed only 75 tests:
38% 0
29% 2
25% 1
 4% 4
 2% 3

38% were the empty list

25% were single element lists

29% were two element lists

Only 6% were 3 or 4 elements!

Problem with conditional properties

Quantified properties

A better approach: explicitly restrict test cases using a generator:

forAll generator $ \pattern -> property

NB: this forAll is just a function defined in the QuickCheck library.

Quantified properties (2)

For our example we can use a generator called orderedList for lists of values in ascending order (also defined in the library):

prop_ins_ord2 :: Int -> Property
prop_ins_ord2 x
   = forAll orderedList $ 
     \xs -> ordered (insert x xs)

Quantified properties (3)

Using custom generator ensures better distributed test cases.

prop_ins_ord2 x =
   forAll orderedList $ \xs ->
   collect (length xs) $ 
   ordered (insert x xs)

Main> quickCheck prop_ins_ord2
 6% 0
 5% 1
 4% 32
 4% 22
 4% 2

Writing Generators

The Gen monad

Basic generators

choose :: Random a => (a,a) -> Gen a
          -- random choice from interval
elements :: [a] -> Gen a
          -- random choice from list


dice :: Gen Int
dice = choose (1,6)

vowel :: Gen Char
vowel = elements "aeiouAEIOU"

Combining generators

-- using do-notation
sum_dice :: Gen Int
sum_dice = do d1 <- dice
              d2 <- dice
              return (d1+d2)

-- using applicative operators
sum_dice :: Gen Int
sum_dice = (+) <$> dice <*> dice

Sampling generators

We can use sample to show random samples of a generator.

Main> sample sum_dice


oneof     :: [Gen a] -> Gen a
          -- uniform random choice
frequency :: [(Int,Gen a)] -> Gen a
          -- random choice with frequency


fruit = elements ["apple", "orange", "banana"]
sweet = elements ["cake", "ice-cream"]

-- fruit and sweets equally probable
desert = oneof [fruit, sweet] 
-- healthy option: 4/5 fruits, 1/5 sweets
healthy = frequency [(4,fruit),(1,sweet)]


Main> sample healthy

Custom generators

We can write a custom generator using basic combinators and do-notation.

data Person = Person String Int 

genPerson :: Gen Person
genPerson =
   do name <- elements ["Alice", "Bob",
                        "David", "Carol"]
      age <- choose (10, 99)
      return (Person name age)


Main> sample genPerson 
Person "Alice" 77
Person "David" 87
Person "Alice" 67
Person "Bob" 51
Person "David" 91
Person "David" 36
Person "Alice" 47
Person "Alice" 84
Person "Carol" 36
Person "Bob" 94

List generators

listOf :: Gen a -> Gen [a]
   -- lists of random length

listOf1 :: Gen a -> Gen [a]
   -- non-empty lists of random length

vectorOf :: Int -> Gen a -> Gen [a]
   -- list of the given length


Main> sample (vectorOf 5 $ elements "aeiou")

Default generators

We can specify a default generator for a type in the Arbitrary class.

class Arbitrary a where
    arbitrary :: Gen a

QuickCheck defines Arbitrary instances for many basic types:

instance Arbitrary Int 
instance Arbitrary Bool
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary [a]
instance (Arbitrary a,
          Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (a,b)

Defining a default generator

We can define instances of Arbitrary for new types:

instance Arbitrary Person where
    arbitrary = genPerson

genPerson :: Gen Person
genPerson = ... -- as before

Sized generators

Sizes of test data

  sized :: (Int -> Gen a) -> Gen a

Example: binary trees

data Tree a = Branch a (Tree a) (Tree a)
            | Leaf

Generate balanced trees

instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Tree a) where
    arbitrary = sized genTree

-- | generate a tree of given size
-- size ~ number of branch nodes
genTree :: Arbitrary a => Int -> Gen (Tree a)
genTree size
  | size>0 = do v <- arbitrary
                l <- genTree (size`div`2)
                r <- genTree (size`div`2)
                return (Branch v l r)
  | otherwise = return Leaf 

Alternative (unbalanced trees)

-- size ~ upper bound of inner nodes
genTree' :: Arbitrary a => Int -> Gen (Tree a)
genTree' size
  | size>0 = frequency [(4, genBranch),
                        (1, return Leaf)]
  | otherwise = return Leaf
    genBranch = do v <- arbitrary
                   l <- genTree' (size`div`2)
                   r <- genTree' (size`div`2)
                   return (Branch v l r)


Simplifying counter-examples

Shrinking by example

prop_wrong :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool
prop_wrong xs ys =
  reverse (xs++ys) == reverse xs ++ reverse ys

QuickCheck randomly generates a counter-example, e.g. xs = [2,2] and ys = [1].

Shrinking tries to find a smaller counter-example recursively:

This process is iterated until no smaller counter-example is found.

Shrinking by example


We get xs=[0], ys=[1] after two shrinking steps; more shrinking does not yield counter-examples (local minimum).

The shrink function

The shrinking function is defined in the Arbitrary type class.

class Arbitrary a where
   arbitrary :: Gen a -- generator
   shrink :: a -> [a] -- shrink function
   shrink _ = []      -- default: no shrinking

shrink should give a (finite) list of “smaller” values to test for counter-examples.

The default gives an empty list — i.e. shrinking is disabled.

Example: binary trees

data Tree a = Branch a (Tree a) (Tree a)
            | Leaf 

Heuristic to shrink a branching node:

No further shrinking when we reach a leaf.

Shrinking binary trees

instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Tree a) where
   arbitrary = ... -- as before
   shrink = shrinkTree

shrinkTree :: Arbitrary a => Tree a -> [Tree a]
shrinkTree (Branch v l r) =
    [Leaf, l, r] ++
    [Branch v l' r | l'<-shrinkTree l] ++
    [Branch v l r' | r'<-shrinkTree r] ++
    [Branch v' l r | v'<-shrink v]
shrinkTree _ = []  -- no shrinking for leaves


A larger example


Tree rotations

rotateL, rotateR :: Tree a -> Tree a 
rotateL (Branch x t1 (Branch y t2 t3)) 
    = Branch y (Branch x t1 t2) t3
rotateL t = t   -- nothing to do

rotateR (Branch x (Branch y t1 t2) t3) 
    =  Branch x t1 (Branch y t2 t3) 
rotateR t = t   -- nothing to do

QuickCheck properties

prop_rotateL :: Tree Int -> Bool
prop_rotateL t
   = toList t == toList (rotateL t) 
prop_rotateR :: Tree Int -> Bool
prop_rotateR t
   = toList t == toList (rotateR t) 

-- list tree values in order
toList :: Tree a -> [a]
toList Leaf = []
toList (Branch v l r)
    = toList l ++ [v] ++ toList r

Testing it

*Main> quickCheck prop_rotateL 
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
Main> quickCheck prop_rotateR 
*** Failed! Falsifiable
    (after 3 tests and 3 shrinks):
Branch 1 (Branch 0 Leaf Leaf) Leaf

We found an error!


Using newtypes

Using newtype allows customizing the generators for specific uses.

data Expr = Var String | ...


data Expr = Var Name | ...
newtype Name = Name String

instance Arbitrary Name where
    arbitrary = do n<-elements ["a","b","c","d"]
                   return (Name n)

Newtypes in the library

newtype NonNegative a = NonNegative a
newtype NonZero a = NonZero a
newtype Positive a = Positive a
newtype NonEmptyList a = NonEmpty [a]
newtype OrderedList a = Ordered [a]

Allow restricting the range of generated values:

prop_add (Positive x) y = x+y > y
   where types = (x::Integer,y::Integer)

prop_len (NonEmpty xs) = length xs > 0
   where types = xs :: [Int]