Network Science (2022/2023)



Your grade is divided into 3 components:

There are no minimum grades in any of the evaluation components, but failure to present any of the deliverables (homeworks, test and project) will result on a RFF evaluation (the student essentially did not participate on the course) and failure to present the project will result on a RFC evaluation (missing a component).

Homeworks and Test

Homeworks: small group (max: 2 persons) homeworks (at least 2 week for each) to be delivered by email. You will apply some concepts in practice (potentially using a computer to analyze small datasets).

Test: one individual test (pen and paper) to be done "on site" during monday class with a duration of 2h30m

Tentative Dates:


Type: individual or groups of two students
Limit for project delivery (article): 25/06 02/07

Students will need to present the following deliverables:

The basic idea is for you to work on a small scale project in which you will analyze a network dataset using the concepts you learned in the course.

You could either use already existing datasets, or create a new one (see the useful links section for some existing network datasets). In the same way, you can use already existing software tools or use your own code.

You can also focus more on the analysis in itself (ex: showing insights gained), on the efficiency of the implemented algorithms (ex: showing execution times on different datasets), or on any other combination.

You are strongly encouraged to speak with the professor so that you can validate your idea for the project before starting your work.

Here are some example projects: