 Pedro Ribeiro - DCC/FCUP 


Problem Assignments

Name Problem Week Type
AndreManada UVA 959 6 (dp in dags)
AndreSilva UVA 12144 8 (dijkstra adaptation)
DanielMartins SPOJ Arbitrage 8 (floyd-warshall or bellman-ford)
DiogoAluai SPOJ Period 9 (using KMP failure function)
FelipeGarcia UVA 10534 5 (longest increasing subsequence in O(n log n))
FernandoAfonso CF 346B 9 (kmp + dynamic programming)
FlavioDantas UVA 11572 1 (map, clever algorithm)
GuilhermeDuarte SPOJ Lite 3 (segment tree + range updates with lazy propagation)
HamzaAlAjlouni SPOJ Japan 4 (bit with single update + range query)
IgorMelo UVA 976 6 (dp partitions)
IsaacSilva UVA 108 4 (cumulative sums + kadane algorithm)
JoaoAfecto SPOJ Racetime 3 (sqrt decomposition, range queries + single update)
JoaoAzevedo SPOJ Assign 6 (dp with bitmasks)
JoaoMendes UVA 11297 3 (2D segment tree - range queries + single update)
JoaoPino UVA 10003 6 (dp in search with memoization)
JoaoTemudo UVA 11420 6 (dp counting - non "trivial" state)
JoaoSampaio UVA 11235 3 (segment tree - just range queries)
LeonardoFreitas UVA 10245 10 (distances, divide and conquer)
ManuelVeiga UVA 858 10 (polygon-line intersection, sort)
MiguelAlves CF 713B 2 (interactive binary search)
MiguelPinto UVA 10336 7 (dfs, flood fill)
MuriloRosa CF 508D 7 (euler path)
PaulRodrigues SPOJ Mixtures 5 (matrix chain multiplication variation)
PedroGuedes CF 126B 9 (kmp)
PedroSilva UVA 109 10 (convex hull, point in polygon, polygon area)
PedroVieira CF 818F 2 (graphs + ternary search)
RadekKargul SPOJ Horrible 4 (bit with range update + range query)
TomasPinho UVA 10819 5 (dp, 0-1 knapsack variation)

One problem for each student (which has previously submitted with success his own problem).

Deliverables - Video Presentation

Peer Review

Pedro Ribeiro - DCC/FCUP | Last update: