PADL 2011

Ricardo Rocha and John Launchbury

January 2011


This volume contains the proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL 2011), held in Austin, Texas during January 24-25, 2011. PADL is an yearly forum where researchers and practitioners present original work emphasizing new ideas and approaches pertaining to applications and implementation techniques of declarative languages.
This year, PADL accepted both full technical papers and shorter application papers. In both categories, 40 papers were submitted (35 technical papers and 5 application papers) and each submission was reviewed by at least 3 Program Committee members. At the end, the Program Committee decided to accept 18 papers, 1 of them being an application paper.
The set of accepted papers present a variety of contributions ranging from message-passing and mobile networks, concurrent and parallel programming, event processing and reactive programming, profiling and portability in Prolog, constraint programming, grammar combinators, belief set merging and work on new language extensions and tools. The conference program also included 2 invited talks, ``Intel Core i7 Processor Execution Engine Validation in a Functional Language Based Formal Framework'' by Roope Kaivola and ``Learning Language from its Perceptual Context'' by Raymond J. Mooney.
As traditionally, the PADL symposium was co-located with the ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2011). We thank ACM, the POPL organizers and the University of Texas at Dallas for their support, and the EasyChair conference management system for making the life of the Program Committee Chairs easier. Thanks should go also to the authors of all submitted papers for their contribution to make PADL alive and to the participants for making the event a meeting point for a fruitful exchange of ideas and feedback on recent developments. Finally, we want to express our gratitude to the Program Committee members and external reviewers, as the symposium would not have been possible without their dedicated and outstanding work. This gratitude is extended to Gopal Gupta for his advices and guidance in making the symposium a successful event.

November 2010,

Ricardo Rocha and John Launchbury


  editor =    {R. Rocha and J. Launchbury},
  title =     {{Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative
                Languages (PADL 2011)}},
  publisher = {Springer},
  number =    {6539},
  series =    {LNCS},
  month =     {January},
  year =      {2011},
  address =   {Austin, Texas, USA},

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