Source code for FAdo.comboperations

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""**Several combined operations for DFAs**

Combined operations

.. *Authors:* Rogério Reis & Nelma Moreira

.. versionadded: 0.9.4

.. *This is part of FAdo project*

.. *Copyright:* 1999-2014 Rogério Reis & Nelma Moreira {rvr,nam}

.. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
   by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your COption) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
   for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
   with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
   675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA."""

from . fa import *
from . common import *

[docs] def starConcat(fa1, fa2, strict=False): """ Star of concatenation of two languages: (L1.L2)* :param DFA fa1: first automaton :param DFA fa2: second automaton :param bool strict: should the alphabets be necessary equal? :rtype: DFA .. seealso:: Yuan Gao, Kai Salomaa, and Sheng Yu. 'The state complexity of two combined operations: star of catenation and star of reversal'. Fundamenta Informaticae, 83:75–89, Jan 2008.""" if strict and fa1.Sigma != fa2.Sigma: raise DFAdifferentSigma NSigma = fa1.Sigma.union(fa2.Sigma) d1, d2 = fa1.dup(), fa2.dup() d1.setSigma(NSigma) d2.setSigma(NSigma) d1.complete() d2.complete() if len(d1.States) > 1 and len(d2.States) == 1: if d2.finalP(d2.Initial): new = d1.addState() iold = d1.Initial d1.setInitial(new) d1.addFinal(new) for sym in d1.Sigma: d1.addTransition(new, sym,[iold][sym]) for s in d1.Final:[s][sym] = s return d1 c = DFA() c.setSigma(d1.Sigma) s0, s1 = c.addState(0), c.addState(1) c.setInitial(s0) c.addFinal(s0) for sym in c.Sigma: c.addTransition(s0, sym, s1) c.addTransition(s1, sym, s1) return c if len(d2.States) > 1 and len(d1.States) == 1: if d1.finalP(d1.Initial): c = NFA() c.setSigma(d2.Sigma) c.States = d2.States[:] p1 = c.addState(0) p2 = c.addState(1) c.addInitial(p1) c.setFinal(list(d2.Final)) for sym in c.Sigma: c.addTransition(p1, sym,[d2.Initial][sym]) c.addTransition(p1, sym, p2) c.addTransition(p2, sym,[d2.Initial][sym]) c.addTransition(p2, sym, p2) for s in d2.States: c.addTransition(s, sym,[s][sym]) return c.toDFA() # Epsilon automaton c = DFA() c.setSigma(d1.Sigma) s0, s1 = c.addState(0), c.addState(1) c.setInitial(s0) c.addFinal(s0) for sym in c.Sigma: c.addTransition(s0, sym, s1) c.addTransition(s1, sym, s1) return c c = DFA() c.setSigma(d1.Sigma) lStates = [] i = c.addState("initial") c.setInitial(i) c.addFinal(i) lStates.append(i) for sym in c.Sigma: s1 = {d1.evalSymbol(d1.Initial, sym)} s2 = set([]) # Z1 if s1 & d1.Final != set([]): s2.add(d2.Initial) if d2.finalP(d2.Initial): s1.add(d1.Initial) if d1.finalP(d1.Initial): s2.add(d2.evalSymbol(d2.Initial, sym)) # Z2 if s2 & d2.Final != set([]): s1.add(d1.Initial) s2.add(d2.Initial) stn = (s1, s2) if stn not in lStates: lStates.append(stn) new = c.addState(stn) if stn[1] & d2.Final != set([]): c.addFinal(new) else: new = c.stateIndex(stn) c.addTransition(i, sym, new) if len(c.States) == 1: return c j = 1 while True: stu = lStates[j] s = c.stateIndex(stu) for sym in c.Sigma: stn = (d1.evalSymbolL(stu[0], sym), d2.evalSymbolL(stu[1], sym)) if stn[0] & d1.Final != set([]): stn[1].add(d2.Initial) if d2.finalP(d2.Initial): stn[0].add(d1.Initial) if stn[1] & d2.Final != set([]): stn[0].add(d1.Initial) if d1.finalP(d1.Initial): stn[1].add(d2.Initial) if stn not in lStates: lStates.append(stn) new = c.addState(stn) if stn[1] & d2.Final != set([]): c.addFinal(new) else: new = c.stateIndex(stn) c.addTransition(s, sym, new) if j == len(lStates) - 1: break else: j += 1 return c
[docs] def concatWStar(fa1, fa2, strict=False): """Concatenation combined with star: (L1.L2*) :param DFA fa1: first automaton :param DFA fa2: second automaton :param bool strict: should the alphabets be necessary equal? :rtype: DFA .. seealso:: Bo Cui, Yuan Gao, Lila Kari, and Sheng Yu. 'State complexity of two combined operations: Reversal-catenation and star-catenation'. CoRR, abs/1006.4646, 2010.""" if len(fa1.States) == 0 or len(fa1.Final) == 0 or len(fa2.States) == 0 or len(fa2.Final) == 0 or \ (len(fa1.States) == 1 and len(fa2.States) > 0): return fa1 if strict and fa1.Sigma != fa2.Sigma: raise DFAdifferentSigma NSigma = fa1.Sigma.union(fa2.Sigma) d1, d2 = fa1.dup(), fa2.dup() d1.setSigma(NSigma) d2.setSigma(NSigma) d1.complete() d2.complete() if len(d2.Final) == 1 and d2.finalP(d2.Initial): return d1.concat(d2) c = DFA() c.setSigma(d1.Sigma) lStates = [] if d1.finalP(d1.Initial): s2 = 1 else: s2 = 0 i = (d1.Initial, s2, set([])) lStates.append(i) j = c.addState(i) c.setInitial(j) if s2 == 1: c.addFinal(j) F0 = d2.Final - {d2.Initial} while True: stu = lStates[j] s = c.stateIndex(stu) for sym in c.Sigma: s1 = d1.evalSymbol(stu[0], sym) if d1.finalP(s1): s2 = 1 else: s2 = 0 if stu[1] == 1: s3 = {d2.evalSymbol(d2.Initial, sym)} # correction if s3 & F0 != set([]): s3.add(d2.Initial) else: s3 = set([]) s4 = d2.evalSymbolL(stu[2], sym) if s4 & F0 != set([]): s4.add(d2.Initial) stn = (s1, s2, s3.union(s4)) if stn not in lStates: lStates.append(stn) new = c.addState(stn) if stn[1] == 1 or (d2.Final & stn[2] != set([])): c.addFinal(new) else: new = c.stateIndex(stn) c.addTransition(s, sym, new) if j == len(lStates) - 1: break else: j += 1 return c
[docs] def starWConcat(fa1, fa2, strict=False): """Star combined with concatenation: (L1*.L2) :param DFA fa1: first automaton :param DFA fa2: second automaton :param bool strict: should the alphabets be necessary equal? :rtype: DFA .. seealso:: Bo Cui, Yuan Gao, Lila Kari, and Sheng Yu. 'State complexity of catenation combined with Star and reversal'. CoRR, abs/1008.1648, 2010""" if len(fa1.States) == 0 or len(fa1.Final) == 0 or len(fa2.States) == 0 or len(fa2.Final) == 0 \ or (len(fa2.States) == 1 and len(fa1.States) > 0): return fa2 if strict and fa1.Sigma != fa2.Sigma: raise DFAdifferentSigma NSigma = fa1.Sigma.union(fa2.Sigma) d1, d2 = fa1.dup(), fa2.dup() d1.setSigma(NSigma) d2.setSigma(NSigma) d1.complete() d2.complete() c = DFA() c.setSigma(d1.Sigma) if len(d1.Final) == 1 and d1.finalP(d1.Initial): i = (d1.Initial, {d2.Initial}) j = c.addState(i) c.setInitial(j) if i[1] & d2.Final != set([]): c.addFinal(j) while True: s = c.States[j] for sym in c.Sigma: stn = (d1.evalSymbol(s[0], sym), d2.evalSymbolL(s[1], sym)) if d1.initialP(s[0]): stn[1].add(d2.Initial) try: new = c.addState(stn) if stn[1] & d2.Final != set([]): c.addFinal(new) except DuplicateName: new = c.stateIndex(stn) c.addTransition(s, sym, new) if j == len(c.States) - 1: break else: j += 1 return c # |Final1|>1 j = c.addState(({d1.Initial}, {d2.Initial})) c.setInitial(j) if d2.finalP(d2.Initial): c.addFinal(j) while True: s = c.States[j] for sym in c.Sigma: stn = (d1.evalSymbolL(s[0], sym), d2.evalSymbolL(s[1], sym)) if stn[0] & d1.Final != set([]): stn[1].add(d2.Initial) stn[0].add(d1.Initial) try: new = c.addState(stn) if stn[1] & d2.Final != set([]): c.addFinal(new) except DuplicateName: new = c.stateIndex(stn) c.addTransition(j, sym, new) if j == len(c.States) - 1: break else: j += 1 return c
[docs] def starDisj(fa1, fa2, strict=False): """Star of Union of two DFAs: (L1 + L2)* :param DFA fa1: first automaton :param DFA fa2: second automaton :param bool strict: should the alphabets be necessary equal? :rtype: DFA .. seealso:: Arto Salomaa, Kai Salomaa, and Sheng Yu. 'State complexity of combined operations'. Theor. Comput. Sci., 383(2-3):140–152, 2007.""" if strict and fa1.Sigma != fa2.Sigma: raise DFAdifferentSigma NSigma = fa1.Sigma.union(fa2.Sigma) d1, d2 = fa1.dup(), fa2.dup() d1.setSigma(NSigma) d2.setSigma(NSigma) d1.complete() d2.complete() c = DFA() c.setSigma(NSigma) lStates = [] if d1.Initial in d1.Final or d2.Initial in d2.Final: i = ({d1.Initial}, {d2.Initial}) else: i = "initial" lStates.append(i) j = c.addState(i) c.setInitial(j) c.addFinal(j) for sym in c.Sigma: stn = ({d1.evalSymbol(d1.Initial, sym)}, {d2.evalSymbol(d2.Initial, sym)}) if stn[0] & d1.Final or stn[1] & d2.Final: stn[0].add(d1.Initial) stn[1].add(d2.Initial) if stn not in lStates: lStates.append(stn) new = c.addState(stn) if stn[0] & d1.Final or stn[1] & d2.Final: c.addFinal(new) else: new = c.stateIndex(stn) c.addTransition(j, sym, new) if len(lStates) < 2: return c j = 1 while True: stu = lStates[j] s = c.stateIndex(stu) for sym in c.Sigma: stn = (d1.evalSymbolL(stu[0], sym), d2.evalSymbolL(stu[1], sym)) if stn[0] & d1.Final or stn[1] & d2.Final: stn[0].add(d1.Initial) stn[1].add(d2.Initial) if stn not in lStates: lStates.append(stn) new = c.addState(stn) if stn[0] & d1.Final or stn[1] & d2.Final: c.addFinal(new) else: new = c.stateIndex(stn) c.addTransition(s, sym, new) if j == len(lStates) - 1: break else: j += 1 return c
[docs] def starInter0(fa1, fa2, strict=False): """Star of Intersection of two DFAs: (L1 & L2)* :param DFA fa1: first automaton :param DFA fa2: second automaton :param bool strict: should the alphabets be necessary equal? :rtype: DFA .. seealso:: Arto Salomaa, Kai Salomaa, and Sheng Yu. 'State complexity of combined operations'. Theor. Comput. Sci., 383(2-3):140–152, 2007.""" if strict and fa1.Sigma != fa2.Sigma: raise DFAdifferentSigma NSigma = fa1.Sigma.union(fa2.Sigma) d1, d2 = fa1.dup(), fa2.dup() d1.setSigma(NSigma) d2.setSigma(NSigma) d1.complete() d2.complete() c = DFA() c.setSigma(NSigma) lStates = [] if d1.finalP(d1.Initial) and d2.finalP(d2.Initial): i = ({d1.Initial}, {d2.Initial}) else: i = "initial" lStates.append(i) j = c.addState(i) c.setInitial(j) c.addFinal(j) for sym in c.Sigma: stn = ({d1.evalSymbol(d1.Initial, sym)}, {d2.evalSymbol(d2.Initial, sym)}) if stn[0] & d1.Final and stn[1] & d2.Final: stn[0].add(d1.Initial) stn[1].add(d2.Initial) if stn not in lStates: lStates.append(stn) new = c.addState(stn) if stn[0] & d1.Final and stn[1] & d2.Final: c.addFinal(new) else: new = c.stateIndex(stn) c.addTransition(j, sym, new) if len(lStates) < 2: return c j = 1 while True: stu = lStates[j] s = c.stateIndex(stu) for sym in c.Sigma: stn = (d1.evalSymbolL(stu[0], sym), d2.evalSymbolL(stu[1], sym)) if stn[0] & d1.Final and stn[1] & d2.Final: stn[0].add(d1.Initial) stn[1].add(d2.Initial) if stn not in lStates: lStates.append(stn) new = c.addState(stn) if stn[0] & d1.Final and stn[1] & d2.Final: c.addFinal(new) else: new = c.stateIndex(stn) c.addTransition(s, sym, new) if j == len(lStates) - 1: break else: j += 1 return c
[docs] def starInter(fa1, fa2, strict=False): """Star of Intersection of two DFAs: (L1 & L2)* :param DFA fa1: first automaton :param DFA fa2: second automaton :param bool strict: should the alphabets be necessary equal? :rtype: DFA """ if strict and fa1.Sigma != fa2.Sigma: raise DFAdifferentSigma NSigma = fa1.Sigma.union(fa2.Sigma) d1, d2 = fa1.dup(), fa2.dup() d1.setSigma(NSigma) d2.setSigma(NSigma) d1.complete() d2.complete() c = DFA() c.setSigma(NSigma) lStates = [] if d1.finalP(d1.Initial) and d2.finalP(d2.Initial): i = {(d1.Initial, d2.Initial)} else: i = "initial" lStates.append(i) j = c.addState(i) c.setInitial(j) c.addFinal(j) for sym in c.Sigma: stn = {(d1.evalSymbol(d1.Initial, sym), d2.evalSymbol(d2.Initial, sym))} for sub in stn: if d1.finalP(sub[0]) and d2.finalP(sub[1]): stn.add((d1.Initial, d2.Initial)) break if stn not in lStates: lStates.append(stn) new = c.addState(stn) for sub in stn: if d1.finalP(sub[0]) and d2.finalP(sub[1]): c.addFinal(new) break else: new = c.stateIndex(stn) c.addTransition(j, sym, new) if len(lStates) < 2: return c j = 1 while True: stu = lStates[j] s = c.stateIndex(stu) for sym in c.Sigma: stn = set([]) flag = 1 for sub in stu: one = (d1.evalSymbol(sub[0], sym), d2.evalSymbol(sub[1], sym)) stn.add(one) if flag == 1 and d1.finalP(one[0]) and d2.finalP(one[1]): stn.add((d1.Initial, d2.Initial)) flag = 0 if stn not in lStates: lStates.append(stn) new = c.addState(stn) for sub in stn: if d1.finalP(sub[0]) and d2.finalP(sub[1]): c.addFinal(new) break else: new = c.stateIndex(stn) c.addTransition(s, sym, new) if j == len(lStates) - 1: break else: j += 1 return c
[docs] def disjWStar(f1, f2, strict=True): """Union with Star: (L1 + L2*) :param DFA f1: first automaton :param DFA f2: second automaton :param bool strict: should the alphabets be necessary equal? :rtype: DFA .. seealso:: Yuan Gao and Sheng Yu. 'State complexity of union and intersection combined with Star and reversal'. CoRR, abs/1006.3755, 2010.""" if strict and f1.Sigma != f2.Sigma: raise DFAdifferentSigma return | f2
[docs] def interWStar(f1, f2, strict=True): """Intersection with Star: (L1 & L2*) :param DFA f1: first automaton :param DFA f2: second automaton :param bool strict: should the alphabets be necessary equal? :rtype: DFA .. seealso:: Yuan Gao and Sheng Yu. 'State complexity of union and intersection combined with Star and reversal'. CoRR, abs/1006.3755, 2010.""" if strict and f1.Sigma != f2.Sigma: raise DFAdifferentSigma return & f2