Source code for FAdo.conversions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""**Conversions between objects.**

Deterministic and non-deterministic automata manipulation, conversion and evaluation.
.. *Authors:* Rogério Reis & Nelma Moreira
.. *This is part of FAdo project*

.. *Copyright:* 1999-2020 Rogério Reis & Nelma Moreira {rvr,nam}

.. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
   by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
   for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
   with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
   675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA."""
from copy import *
from .fa import NFA, OFA, DFA
from .common import *
from . import reex
import itertools

[docs] def FA2GFA(aut): """ Creates a GFA equivalent to NFA Args: aut (OFA): the automaton Returns: GFA: deep copy""" gfa = GFA() gfa.setSigma(aut.Sigma) if isinstance(aut, NFA): # this should be optimized fa = aut._toNFASingleInitial() gfa.Initial = uSet(fa.Initial) gfa.States = fa.States[:] gfa.setFinal(fa.Final) gfa.predecessors = {} for i in range(len(gfa.States)): gfa.predecessors[i] = set([]) for s in for c in[s]: for s1 in[s][c]: gfa.addTransition(s, c, s1) return gfa elif isinstance(aut, DFA): gfa.States = aut.States[:] gfa.setInitial(aut.Initial) gfa.setFinal(aut.Final) gfa.predecessors = {} for i in range(len(gfa.States)): gfa.predecessors[i] = set([]) for s in for c in[s]: gfa.addTransition(s, c,[s][c]) return gfa else: raise TypeError()
[docs] def FAallRegExps(aut): """Evaluates the alphabetic length of the equivalent regular expression using every possible order of state elimination. Args: aut (OFA): the automaton Returns: listo of tuples: list of tuples (int, list of states)""" new = aut.dup() new.trim() gfa = FA2GFA(new) for order in itertools.permutations(list(range(len(gfa.States)))): return FA2regexpSEO(aut, copy(list(order))).alphabeticLength(), order
[docs] def cutPoints(aut): """Set of FA's cut points Args: aut (OFA): the automaton Returns: set of states: """ gfa = FA2GFA(aut) gfa.normalize() # make gfa a graph instead of a digraph new_edges = [] for a in for b in[a]: new_edges.append((a, b)) for i in new_edges: if i[1] not in[i[1]] = {} else:[i[1]][i[0]] = 'x' for i in new_edges: if i[0] not in[i[1]]:[i[1]][i[0]] = 'x' # initializations needed for cut point detection gfa.c = 1 gfa.num = {} gfa.visited = [] gfa.parent = {} gfa.low = {} gfa.cuts = set([]) gfa.assignNum(gfa.Initial) gfa.assignLow(gfa.Initial) # initial state is never a cut point, so it should be removed gfa.cuts.remove(gfa.Initial) cutpoints = copy(gfa.cuts) - gfa.Final # remove self-loops and check if the cut points are in a loop gfa = FA2GFA(aut) gfa.normalize() for i in if i in[i]: del[i][i] cycles = gfa.evalNumberOfStateCycles() for i in cycles: if cycles[i] != 0 and i in cutpoints: cutpoints.remove(i) return cutpoints
def _commonCode1(gfa): if len(gfa.Final) > 1: last = gfa.addState("Last") for s in gfa.Final: gfa.addTransition(s, Epsilon, last) gfa.setFinal([last]) else: last = list(gfa.Final)[0] foo = {} lfoo = len(gfa.States) - 1 foo[lfoo], foo[last] = last, lfoo gfa.reorder(foo) if lfoo != gfa.Initial: n = 2 foo = {lfoo - 1: gfa.Initial, gfa.Initial: lfoo - 1} gfa.reorder(foo) else: n = 1 return gfa, n def _commonCode2(gfa, aut, n): gfa.completeDelta() if n == 1: return reex.CStar([gfa.Initial][gfa.Initial], copy(aut.Sigma)).reduced() ii = gfa.Initial fi = list(gfa.Final)[0] a =[ii][ii] b =[ii][fi] c =[fi][ii] d =[fi][fi] # bd* re1 = reex.CConcat(b, reex.CStar(d, copy(aut.Sigma)), copy(aut.Sigma)) # a + bd*c re2 = reex.CDisj(a, reex.CConcat(re1, c, copy(aut.Sigma)), copy(aut.Sigma)) # (a + bd*c)* bd* return reex.CConcat(reex.CStar(re2, copy(aut.Sigma)), re1, copy(aut.Sigma)).reduced()
[docs] def FA2regexpSE(aut): """A regular expression obtained by state elimination algorithm whose language is recognised by the FA aut. :arg aut: the automaton :type aut: OFA :return: the equivalent regular expression :rtype: reex.RegExp""" new = aut.dup() new.trim() if not len(new.States): return reex.CEmptySet(copy(aut.Sigma)) if not len(new.Final): return reex.CEmptySet(copy(aut.Sigma)) if len(new.States) == 1 and len( == 0: return reex.CEpsilon(copy(aut.Sigma)) elif type(new) == NFA and len(new.Initial) != 0 and len( == 0: return reex.CEpsilon(copy(aut.Sigma)) gfa, n = _commonCode1(FA2GFA(new)) lr = list(range(len(gfa.States) - n)) gfa.eliminateAll(lr) return _commonCode2(gfa, aut, n)
[docs] def SP2regexp(aut): """ Checks if FA is SP (Serial-PArallel), and if so returns the regular expression whose language is recognised by the FA :arg aut: the automaton :type aut: OFA :returns: equivalent regular expression :rtype: reex.RegExp :raises NotSP: if the automaton is not Serial-Parallel .. seealso:: Moreira & Reis, Fundamenta Informatica, Series-Parallel automata and short regular expressions, n.91 3-4, pag 611-629. .. note:: Automata must be Serial-Parallel""" v = 0 # just to satisfy the checker gfa = FA2GFA(aut) gfa.lab = {} gfa.out_index = {} for i in range(len(gfa.States)): if i not in gfa.out_index[i] = 0 else: gfa.out_index[i] = len([i]) topo_order = gfa.topoSort() for v in topo_order: # States should be topologically ordered i = len(gfa.predecessors[v]) while i > 1: # noinspection PyProtectedMember i = gfa._simplify(v, i) if len(gfa.predecessors[v]): track = gfa.lab[(list(gfa.predecessors[v])[0], v)] rp =[list(gfa.predecessors[v])[0]][v] else: track = SPLabel([]) rp = reex.CEpsilon(copy(aut.Sigma)) try: # noinspection PyProtectedMember gfa._do_edges(v, track, rp) except KeyError: pass return[list(gfa.predecessors[v])[0]][v]
[docs] def FAeliminateSingles(aut): """Eliminates every state that only have one successor and one predecessor. :arg aut: the automaton :type aut: OFA :returns: GFA after eliminating states :rtype: GFA """ # DFS to obtain {v:(e, s)} -> convert from {v:(e, s)} to {(e, s):v} -> eliminate all {(1, 1):v} gfa = FA2GFA(aut) io = {} for i in range(len(aut.States)): io[i] = [0, 0] gfa.DFS(io) new = {} for i in io: if (io[i][0], io[i][1]) in new: new[io[i]].append(i) else: new[io[i]] = [i] if (1, 1) not in new: return gfa # While there are singles, delete them while new[(1, 1)]: v = new[(1, 1)].pop() i = list(gfa.predecessors[v])[0] o = list([v].items())[0][0] if o in[i]:[i][o] = reex.CDisj(reex.CConcat([i][v],[v][o], copy(aut.Sigma)),[i][o]) new[io[i]].remove(i) new[io[o]].remove(o) # lists are unhashable e0, e1 = io[i] io[i] = (e0, e1 - 1) e0, e1 = io[o] io[o] = (e0 - 1, e1) if io[i] in new: new[io[i]].append(i) else: new[io[i]] = [i] if io[o] in new: new[io[o]].append(o) else: new[io[o]] = [o] gfa.predecessors[o].remove(v) else:[i][o] = reex.CConcat([i][v],[v][o], copy(aut.Sigma)) gfa.predecessors[o].remove(v) gfa.predecessors[o].add(i) del[i][v] del[v][o] del[v] del gfa.predecessors[v] del io[v] # Clean up state indexes... new_order = {} ind = 0 for i in if i not in new_order: new_order[i] = ind a = 0 for j in[i]: if j not in new_order: a += 1 new_order[j] = ind + a ind += a gfa.reorder(new_order) gfa.States = gfa.States[:ind + 1] return gfa
[docs] def FA2regexpCG(aut): """Regular expression from state elimination whose language is recognised by the FA. Uses a heuristic to choose the order of elimination. :arg aut: the automaton :type aut: OFA :returns: the equivalent regular expression :rtype: reex.RegExp""" new = aut.dup() new.trim() gfa = FA2GFA(new) if not len(gfa.Final): return reex.CEmptySet(copy(aut.Sigma)) gfa.normalize() weights = {} for st in range(len(gfa.States)): if st != gfa.Initial and st not in gfa.Final: weights[st] = gfa.weight(st) for i in range(len(gfa.States) - 2): m = [(v, u) for (u, v) in list(weights.items())] m = min(m) m = m[1] # After 'm' is eliminated its adjacencies might # change their indexes... adj = set([]) for st in gfa.predecessors[m]: if st > m: adj.add(st - 1) else: adj.add(st) for st in[m]: if st > m: adj.add(st - 1) else: adj.add(st) gfa.eliminateState(m) for st in weights: if st > m: weights[st - 1] = weights[st] for st in adj: if st != gfa.Initial and st not in gfa.Final: weights[st] = gfa.weight(st) del weights[len(gfa.States) - 2] return[gfa.Initial][list(gfa.Final)[0]].reduced()
[docs] def FA2regexpCG_nn(aut: OFA): """Regular expression from state elimination whose language is recognised by the FA. Uses a heuristic to choose the order of elimination. The FA is not normalized before the state elimination. :arg aut: the automaton :type aut: OFA :returns: the equivalent regular expression :rtype: reex.RegExp""" if not len(aut.Final): return reex.CEmptySet(copy(aut.Sigma)) new = aut.dup() new.trim() gfa, n = _commonCode1(FA2GFA(new)) weights = {} for st in range(len(gfa.States)): if st != gfa.Initial and st not in gfa.Final: weights[st] = gfa.weight(st) for i in range(len(gfa.States) - n): m = [(v, u) for (u, v) in list(weights.items())] m = min(m) m = m[1] succs = set([]) for a in[m]: if a != m: succs.add(a) preds = set([]) for a in gfa.predecessors[m]: if a != m: preds.add(a) gfa.eliminate(m) # update predecessors for weight(st)... for s in succs: gfa.predecessors[s].remove(m) for s1 in preds: gfa.predecessors[s].add(s1) del gfa.predecessors[m] for s in set(list(succs) + list(preds)): if s != gfa.Initial and s not in gfa.Final: weights[s] = gfa.weight(s) del weights[m] gfa.completeDelta() if n == 1: return reex.CStar([gfa.Initial][gfa.Initial], copy(aut.Sigma)).reduced() # noinspection PyProtectedMember return gfa._re0()
[docs] def FA2regexpSEO(aut, order=None): """Regular expression from state elimination whose language is recognised by the FA. The FA is normalized before the state elimination. :arg aut: the automaton :type aut: OFA :param list order: state elimination sequence :returns: the equivalent regular expression :rtype: reex.RegExp""" if not order: order = [] new = aut.dup() new.trim() gfa = FA2GFA(new) if order is None: order = list(range(len(gfa.States))) if not len(gfa.Final): return reex.CEmptySet(copy(aut.Sigma)) gfa.normalize() while order: st = order.pop(0) for i in range(len(order)): if order[i] > st: order[i] -= 1 gfa.eliminateState(st) return[gfa.Initial][list(gfa.Final)[0]]
[docs] def FA2regexpDynamicCycleHeuristic(aut): """ State elimination Heuristic based on the number of cycles that passes through each state. Here those numbers are evaluated dynamically after each elimination step :arg aut: the automaton :type aut: OFA :returns: an equivalent regular expression :rtype: reex.RegExp .. seealso:: Nelma Moreira, Davide Nabais, and Rogério Reis. State elimination ordering strategies: Some experimental results. Proc. of 11th Workshop on Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems (DCFS10), pages 169-180.2010. DOI: 10.4204/EPTCS.31.16""" if not len(aut.Final): return reex.CEmptySet(copy(aut.Sigma)) new = aut.dup() new.trim() gfa = FA2GFA(new) cycles = gfa.evalNumberOfStateCycles() gfa, n = _commonCode1(gfa) weights = {} for st in range(len(gfa.States)): if st != gfa.Initial and st not in gfa.Final: weights[st] = gfa.weightWithCycles(st, cycles) for i in range(len(gfa.States) - n): m = [(v, u) for (u, v) in list(weights.items())] m = min(m) m = m[1] succs = set([]) for a in[m]: if a != m: succs.add(a) preds = set([]) for a in gfa.predecessors[m]: if a != m: preds.add(a) gfa.eliminate(m) cycles = gfa.evalNumberOfStateCycles() # update predecessors for weight(st)... for s in succs: gfa.predecessors[s].remove(m) for s1 in preds: gfa.predecessors[s].add(s1) del gfa.predecessors[m] for s in set(list(succs) + list(preds)): if s != gfa.Initial and s not in gfa.Final: weights[s] = gfa.weightWithCycles(s, cycles) del weights[m] gfa.completeDelta() if n == 1: return reex.CStar([gfa.Initial][gfa.Initial], copy(aut.Sigma)) # noinspection PyProtectedMember return gfa._re0()
[docs] def FA2regexpStaticCycleHeuristic(aut): """State elimination Heuristic based on the number of cycles that passes through each state. Here those numbers are evaluated statically in the beginning of the process :arg aut: the automaton :type aut: OFA :returns: a equivalent regular expression :rtype: reex.RegExp .. seealso:: Nelma Moreira, Davide Nabais, and Rogério Reis. State elimination ordering strategies: Some experimental results. Proc. of 11th Workshop on Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems (DCFS10), pages 169-180.2010. DOI: 10.4204/EPTCS.31.16""" if not len(aut.Final): return reex.CEmptySet(copy(aut.Sigma)) new = aut.dup() new.trim() cycles = new.evalNumberOfStateCycles() gfa, n = _commonCode1(new) weights = {} for st in range(len(gfa.States)): if st != gfa.Initial and st not in gfa.Final: weights[st] = gfa.weightWithCycles(st, cycles) for i in range(len(gfa.States) - n): m = [(v, u) for (u, v) in list(weights.items())] m = min(m) m = m[1] succs = set([]) for a in[m]: if a != m: succs.add(a) preds = set([]) for a in gfa.predecessors[m]: if a != m: preds.add(a) gfa.eliminate(m) for s in succs: gfa.predecessors[s].remove(m) for s1 in preds: gfa.predecessors[s].add(s1) del gfa.predecessors[m] for s in set(list(succs) + list(preds)): if s != gfa.Initial and s not in gfa.Final: weights[s] = gfa.weightWithCycles(s, cycles) del weights[m] gfa.completeDelta() if n == 1: return reex.CStar([gfa.Initial][gfa.Initial], copy(aut.Sigma)) # noinspection PyProtectedMember return gfa._re0()
[docs] def FA2regexpSE_nn(aut, order=None): """Regular expression from state elimination whose language is recognised by the FA. The FA is not normalized before the state elimination. :arg aut: the automaton :type aut: OFA :param list order: state elimination sequence :returns: the equivalent regular expression :rtype: reex.RegExp""" n = 0 # just to satisfy the checker if not order: order = [] gfa = FA2GFA(aut) if not len(gfa.Final): return reex.CEmptySet(copy(aut.Sigma)) if order is None: if len(gfa.Final) > 1: last = gfa.addState("Last") gfa.predecessors[last] = set([]) for s in gfa.Final: gfa.addTransition(s, Epsilon, last) gfa.predecessors[last].add(s) gfa.setFinal([last]) else: last = list(gfa.Final)[0] foo = {} lfoo = len(gfa.States) - 1 foo[lfoo], foo[last] = last, lfoo gfa.reorder(foo) if lfoo != gfa.Initial: n = 2 foo = {lfoo - 1: gfa.Initial, gfa.Initial: lfoo - 1} gfa.reorder(foo) else: n = 1 order = list(range(len(gfa.States) - n)) while order: st = order.pop(0) for i in range(len(order)): if order[i] > st: order[i] -= 1 gfa.eliminateState(st) return _commonCode2(gfa, aut, n)
[docs] def DFA2regexpDijkstra(aut) -> reex.RegExp: """Returns a regexp for the current DFA considering the recursive method. Very inefficent. :arg aut: the automaton :type aut: DFA :returns: a regexp equivalent to the current DFA :rtype: reex.RegExp""" if aut.Initial: foo = {0: aut.Initial, aut.Initial: 0} aut.reorder(foo) n, nstates = len(aut.Final), len(aut.States) - 1 if not n: return reex.CEmptySet(copy(aut.Sigma)) r = _RPath(aut, 0, uSet(aut.Final), nstates) for s in list(aut.Final)[1:]: r = reex.CDisj(_RPath(aut, 0, s, nstates), r, copy(aut.Sigma)) return r
def _RPath(aut, initial, final, m): """Recursive path. (Dijsktra algorithm) The recursive function that plays a central role in the creation of the RE from a DFA. This suppose that there are no disconnected states.""" if m == -1: if initial == final: r = reex.CEpsilon(copy(aut.Sigma)) try: for c in[initial]: if[initial][c] == initial: r = reex.CDisj(r, reex.CAtom(c, copy(aut.Sigma)), copy(aut.Sigma)) except KeyError: pass return r.reduced() else: r = reex.CEmptySet(copy(aut.Sigma)) try: for c in[initial]: if[initial][c] == final: if not r.emptysetP(): r = reex.CDisj(r, reex.CAtom(c, copy(aut.Sigma))) else: r = reex.CAtom(c, copy(aut.Sigma)) except KeyError: pass return r.reduced() else: r = reex.CDisj(_RPath(aut, initial, final, m - 1), reex.CConcat(_RPath(aut, initial, m, m - 1), reex.CConcat(reex.CStar(_RPath(aut, m, m, m - 1), copy(aut.Sigma)), _RPath(aut, m, final, m - 1), copy(aut.Sigma)), copy(aut.Sigma)), copy(aut.Sigma)) return r.reduced()
[docs] class GFA(OFA): """ Class for Generalized Finite Automata: NFA with a unique initial state and transitions are labeled with RegExp. .. inheritance-diagram:: GFA""" def toNFA(self): raise FAdoNotImplemented def _s_lstInitial(self): raise FAdoNotImplemented def _lstTransitions(self): raise FAdoNotImplemented def transitions(self): raise FAdoNotImplemented def transitionsA(self): raise FAdoNotImplemented def _deleteRefInDelta(self, j, sm, s): raise FAdoNotImplemented def _deleteRefInitial(self, s): raise FAdoNotImplemented def star(self, _): raise FAdoNotImplemented def __or__(self, _): raise FAdoNotImplemented def __and__(self, _): raise FAdoNotImplemented def reverseTransitions(self, _): raise FAdoNotImplemented def finalCompP(self, s): raise NImplemented()
[docs] def evalSymbol(self, stil, sym): raise NImplemented()
def __eq__(self, other): raise NImplemented() def deleteStates(self, del_states): raise NImplemented() def initialComp(self): raise NImplemented() def _getTags(self): raise NImplemented() def __ne__(self, other): raise NImplemented()
[docs] def succintTransitions(self): raise NImplemented()
def usefulStates(self): raise NImplemented() def uniqueRepr(self): raise NImplemented() def __init__(self): super(GFA, self).__init__() self.predecessors = None def __repr__(self): """GFA string representation :rtype: str""" return 'GFA({0:>s})'.format(self.__str__())
[docs] def addTransition(self, sti1, sym, sti2): """Adds a new transition from ``sti1`` to ``sti2`` consuming symbol ``sym``. Label of the transition function is a RegExp. :param int sti1: state index of departure :param int sti2: state index of arrival :param str sym: symbol consumed :raises DFAepsilonRedefenition: if sym is Epsilon""" try: self.addSigma(sym) sym = reex.CAtom(sym, copy(self.Sigma)) except DFAepsilonRedefinition: sym = reex.CEpsilon(copy(self.Sigma)) if sti1 not in[sti1] = {} if sti2 not in[sti1]:[sti1][sti2] = sym else:[sti1][sti2] = reex.CDisj([sti1][sti2], sym, copy(self.Sigma)) # TODO: write cleaner code and get rid of the general catch # noinspection PyBroadException try: self.predecessors[sti2].add(sti1) except KeyError: pass
[docs] def reorder(self, dictio): """Reorder states indexes according to given dictionary. :param dict dictio: order .. note:: dictionary does not have to be complete""" if len(list(dictio.keys())) != len(self.States): for i in range(len(self.States)): if i not in dictio: dictio[i] = i delta = {} preds = {} for s in delta[dictio[s]] = {} if dictio[s] not in preds: preds[dictio[s]] = set([]) for s1 in[s]: delta[dictio[s]][dictio[s1]] =[s][s1] if dictio[s1] in preds: preds[dictio[s1]].add(dictio[s]) else: preds[dictio[s1]] = {dictio[s]} = delta self.predecessors = preds self.Initial = dictio[self.Initial] Final = set() for i in self.Final: Final.add(dictio[i]) self.Final = Final states = list(range(len(self.States))) for i in range(len(self.States)): states[dictio[i]] = self.States[i] self.States = states
[docs] def eliminate(self, st): """Eliminate a state. :param int st: state to be eliminated""" if st in and st in[st]: r2 = copy(reex.CStar([st][st], copy(self.Sigma))) del[st][st] else: r2 = None for s in if st not in[s]: continue r1 = copy([s][st]) del[s][st] for s1 in[st]: r3 = copy([st][s1]) if r2 is not None: r = reex.CConcat(r1, reex.CConcat(r2, r3, copy(self.Sigma)), copy(self.Sigma)) else: r = reex.CConcat(r1, r3, copy(self.Sigma)) if s1 in[s]:[s][s1] = reex.CDisj([s][s1], r, copy(self.Sigma)) else:[s][s1] = r del[st]
[docs] def eliminateAll(self, lr): """Eliminate a list of states. :param list lr: list of states indexes""" for s in lr: self.eliminate(s)
[docs] def dup(self): """ Returns a copy of a GFA :rtype: GFA""" new = GFA() new.States = copy(self.States) new.Sigma = copy(self.Sigma) new.Initial = self.Initial new.Final = copy(self.Final) = deepcopy( new.predecessors = deepcopy(self.predecessors) return new
[docs] def normalize(self): """ Create a single initial and final state with Epsilon transitions. .. attention:: works in place""" first = self.addState("First") self.predecessors[first] = set([]) self.addTransition(first, Epsilon, self.Initial) self.setInitial(first) last = self.addState("Last") self.predecessors[last] = set([]) if len(self.Final) > 1: for s in self.Final: self.addTransition(s, Epsilon, last) self.predecessors[last].add(s) else: self.addTransition(list(self.Final)[0], Epsilon, last) self.setFinal([last])
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences def _do_edges(self, v1, t, rp): """ Labels for testing if a automaton is SP. used by SPRegExp :param int v1: state (node) :param SPlabel t: a label :param regexprp: reex.RegExp""" for v2 in[v1]: if self.out_index[v1] != 1: self.lab[(v1, v2)] = t.copy() self.lab[(v1, v2)].value.append(v1) else: self.lab[(v1, v2)] = t.ref()[v1][v2] = reex.CConcat(rp,[v1][v2], copy(self.Sigma)) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences def _simplify(self, v2, i): """Used by SPRegExp. :param v2: :param i: :return: :raise NotSP:""" m, l = 0, [] for v1 in self.predecessors[v2]: size = len(self.lab[(v1, v2)].val()) if size == m: l.append(v1) elif size > m: m = size l = [v1] vi = l[-1] for vo in l[-2:]: if (self.lab[(vi, v2)].lastref() != self.lab[(vo, v2)].lastref()) and ( self.lab[(vi, v2)].val() == self.lab[(vo, v2)].val()): v = self.lab[(vi, v2)].val()[-1] self.out_index[v] -= 1 self.lab[(vo, v2)] = self.lab[(vi, v2)].ref()[vi][v2] = reex.CDisj([vo][v2],[vi][v2], copy(self.Sigma)) if self.out_index[v] == 1: self.lab[(vi, v2)].assign(self.lab[(vi, v2)].val()[:-1]) try:[vi][v2] = reex.CConcat([list(self.predecessors[v])[0]][v],[vi][v2], copy(self.Sigma)) except IndexError: pass self.predecessors[v2].remove(vo) return i - 1 raise NotSP
[docs] def DFS(self, io): """Depth first search :param io:""" visited = [] for s in range(len(self.States)): self.dfs_visit(s, visited, io)
[docs] def dfs_visit(self, s, visited, io): """ :param s: state :param visited: list od states visited :param io:""" if s not in visited: visited.append(s) if s in for dest in[s]: # lists are unhashable (i, o) = io[s] io[s] = (i, o + 1) (i, o) = io[dest] io[dest] = (i + 1, o) self.dfs_visit(dest, visited, io)
[docs] def weight(self, state): """Calculates the weight of a state based on a heuristic :param int state: state :returns: the weight of the state :rtype: int""" r = 0 for i in self.predecessors[state]: if i != state: r +=[i][state].alphabeticLength() * (len([state]) - 1) for i in[state]: if i != state: r +=[state][i].alphabeticLength() * (len(self.predecessors[state]) - 1) if state in[state]: r +=[state][state].alphabeticLength() * ( len(self.predecessors[state]) * len([state]) - 1) return r
[docs] def weightWithCycles(self, state, cycles): """ :param state: :param cycles: :return:""" r = 0 for i in self.predecessors[state]: if i != state: r +=[i][state].alphabeticLength() * (len([state]) - 1) for i in[state]: if i != state: r +=[state][i].alphabeticLength() * (len(self.predecessors[state]) - 1) if state in[state]: r +=[state][state].alphabeticLength() * ( len(self.predecessors[state]) * len([state]) - 1) r *= (cycles[state] + 1) return r
[docs] def deleteState(self, sti): """ deletes a state from the GFA :param sti:""" new_order = {} for i in range(sti, len(self.States) - 1): new_order[i + 1] = i new_order[sti] = len(self.States) - 1 self.reorder(new_order) st = len(self.States) - 1 del[st] del self.predecessors[st] l = set([]) for i in if st in[i]: l.add(i) for i in l: del[i][st] if not len([i]): del[i] for i in self.predecessors: if st in self.predecessors[i]: self.predecessors[i].remove(st) del self.States[st]
[docs] def eliminateState(self, st): """ Deletes a state and updates the automaton :param int st: the state to be deleted .. attention: works in place""" for i in self.predecessors[st]: for j in[st]: if i != st and j != st: rex =[i][st] if st in[st]: rex = reex.CConcat(rex, reex.CStar([st][st], copy(self.Sigma)), copy(self.Sigma)) rex = reex.CConcat(rex,[st][j], copy(self.Sigma)) if j in[i]: rex = reex.CDisj([i][j], rex, copy(self.Sigma))[i][j] = rex self.predecessors[j].add(i) self.deleteState(st)
[docs] def completeDelta(self): """Adds empty set transitions between the automatons final and initial states in order to make it complete. It's only meant to be used in the final stage of SEA...""" for i in set([self.Initial] + list(self.Final)): for j in set([self.Initial] + list(self.Final)): if i not in[i] = {} if j not in[i]:[i][j] = reex.CEmptySet(copy(self.Sigma))
[docs] def stateChildren(self, state, strict=False): """Set of children of a state :param bool strict: a state is never its own children even if a self loop is in place :param int state: state id queried :returns: map: children -> alphabetic length :rtype: dictionary""" l = {} if state not in return l for c in[state]: l[c] =[state][c].alphabeticLength() if not strict and state in l: del l[state] return l
def _re0(self): ii = self.Initial fi = list(self.Final)[0] a =[ii][ii] b =[ii][fi] c =[fi][ii] d =[fi][fi] # bd* re1 = reex.CConcat(b, reex.CStar(d), copy(self.Sigma)) # a + bd*c re2 = reex.CDisj(a, reex.CConcat(re1, c, copy(self.Sigma)), copy(self.Sigma)) # (a + bd*c)* bd* return reex.CConcat(reex.CStar(re2, copy(self.Sigma)), re1, copy(self.Sigma)).reduced() # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs] def assignNum(self, st): """ :param st:""" self.num[st] = self.c self.c += 1 self.visited.append(st) if st in for d in[st]: if d not in self.visited: self.parent[d] = st self.assignNum(d)
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs] def assignLow(self, st): """ :param st:""" self.low[st] = self.num[st] if st in for d in[st]: if self.num[d] > self.num[st]: self.assignLow(d) if self.low[d] >= self.low[st]: self.cuts.add(st) self.low[st] = min(self.low[st], self.low[d]) else: if st in self.parent: if self.parent[st] != d: self.low[st] = min(self.low[st], self.num[d]) else: self.low[st] = self.num[st]
[docs] def evalNumberOfStateCycles(self): """Evaluates the number of cycles each state participates :returns: state->list of cycle lengths :rtype: dict""" cycles = {} seen = [] for i, _ in enumerate(self.States): cycles[i] = 0 (bkE, multipl) = self._DFSBackEdges() for (x, y) in bkE: self._chkForCycles(y, x, cycles, seen, multipl) return cycles
def _chkForCycles(self, y, x, cycles, seen, multipl): """Used in evalNumberOfStateCycles""" s = y path = [x, y] stack = [[y for y in self.stateChildren(s)]] marked = [y] while stack: foo = stack.pop() if isinstance(foo, list) and len(foo): s = foo.pop() stack.append(foo) else: path.pop() continue if s in marked: continue elif s == x: bar = self._normalizeCycle(path) if bar not in seen: seen.append(bar) m = 1 for i in range(len(path) - 1): m *= max(1, multipl[(path[i], path[i + 1])]) m *= max(1, multipl[(path[-1], path[0])]) for i in path: cycles[i] = cycles.get(i, 0) + m continue else: marked.append(s) path.append(s) stack.append([y for y in self.stateChildren(s)]) return cycles @staticmethod def _normalizeCycle(c): """Normalizes a cycle with its first element at the begining :param list c: cycle""" m = min(c) i = c.index(m) return c[i:] + c[:i] def _DFSBackEdges(self): """Returns a pair (BE, M) whee BE is the set of backedges form a DFS starting with the initial state as pairs (s, d) and M is a map (i, j)->multiplicity :returns: as said above :rtype: tuple""" m_states = set() b_edges = set() pool = set() multipl = {} if type(self.Initial) == set: # NFAs m_states += self.Initial pool += self.Initial else: # DFAs m_states.add(self.Initial) pool.add(self.Initial) while pool: s = pool.pop() child = self.stateChildren(s) # noinspection PyTypeChecker for r in child: multipl[(s, r)] = child[r] for i in child: if i in m_states or i in pool: b_edges.add((s, i)) else: pool.add(i) m_states.add(i) return b_edges, multipl
[docs] def DFAsyncWords(aut): """Evaluates the regular expression corresponding to the synchronizing pwords of the automata. :param DFA aut: the automata :return: a regular expression of the sync words of the automata :rtype: reex.RegExp""" return FA2regexpCG(aut.syncPower())