Project Consultants

Enrico Pontelli
Enrico Pontelli is a leading researcher in a variety of topics in Computer Science. His main areas of interest are Logic Programming, Parallel Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms. In particular, part of his work includes the design and implementation of several parallel execution models and systems for Logic Programming. In 2010 he will be the program chair of Intel's sponsored conference on 'Declarative Aspects of Multicore Programming'. We plan to take advantage of his experience on tasks 1 and 3.
Enrico's Support Letter

Terrance Swift
Terrance Swift is a well-know researcher in the Logic Programming community with a long experience in the implementation of Logic Programming systems and with some collaborating work with the industry on using applications based of logic. Currently, he is also one of the main developers of XSB Prolog, the most well-know tabling system for Prolog. We plan to take advantage of his experience on tasks 2 and 3.
Terrance's Support Letter