PhD Alumni

Towards Efficient and Scalable Probabilistic Inductive Logic Programming
Joana Côrte-Real. MAP Doctoral Program in Computer Science, University of Porto. Portugal, July 2018.

Logic Programming Environments with Advanced Parallelism
João Santos. PhD in Computer Science, University of Porto. Portugal, July 2016.

Linear Logic and Coordination for Parallel Programming
Flávio Cruz. MAP Doctoral Program in Computer Science (dual degree CMU | Portugal PhD Program). Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, December 2015 (co-advised by Frank Pfenning and Seth Goldstein).

Multithreaded Tabling for Logic Programming
Miguel Areias. PhD in Computer Science, University of Porto. Portugal, May 2015.

MSc Alumni

Memory Reclamation for an Elastic Lock-free Hash Trie Map
João Pereira. MSc in Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Portugal, November 2022 (co-advised by Pedro Moreno).

Lock-Free Memory Reclamation for Concurrent Hash Tries
Paulo Rosa. MSc in Network and Information Systems Engineering, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Portugal, December 2020.

Practical Lock-Free Dynamic Memory Allocation
Ricardo Leite. MSc in Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Portugal, December 2018.

Memory Reclamation Methods for Lock-Free Hash Tries
Pedro Moreno. MSc in Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Portugal, December 2018 (co-advised by Miguel Areias).

High-Level Constructors for Solution Searching in Or-Parallel Prolog Systems
João Silva. MSc in Network and Information Systems Engineering, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Portugal, December 2014.

A MapReduce Construct for Yap Prolog
Joana Côrte-Real. MSc in Electrical and Computers Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computers Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto. Portugal, July 2013 (co-advised by Inês Dutra).

Or-Parallel Prolog Execution on Multicores Based on Stack Splitting
Rui Vieira. MSc in Network and Information Systems Engineering, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Portugal, November 2011 (co-advised by Fernando Silva).

Efficient Storing Mechanisms for Tabled Logic Programs
João Raimundo. MSc in Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Portugal, December 2010.

Tabulação com Operadores de Modo em Programas Lógicos
João Santos. MSc in Network and Information Systems Engineering, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Portugal, December 2010.

On Applying Linear Tabling to Logic Programs
Miguel Areias. MSc in Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Portugal, September 2010.

Controle de Fluxo em Prolog por Utilização de Primitivas de Suspensão
José Vieira. MSc in Network and Information Systems Engineering, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Portugal, July 2010.

Call Subsumption Mechanisms for Tabled Logic Programs
Flávio Cruz. MSc in Informatics and Computing Engineering, Department of Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto. Portugal, June 2010.

Relational Storage Mechanisms for Tabled Logic Programs
Pedro Costa. MSc in Informatics, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Portugal, July 2007 (co-advised by Michel Ferreira).

On Applying Program Transformation to Implement Tabled Evaluation in Prolog
Cláudio Silva. MSc in Informatics, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Portugal, March 2007 (co-advised by Ricardo Lopes).

Coupling Logic Programming with Relational Databases
Sabrina Silva. MSc in Informatics, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Portugal, October 2005 (co-advised by Michel Ferreira).

Um Sistema baseado na Separação de Ambientes para Execução Distribuída de Prolog
Rolando Martins. MSc in Informatics, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Portugal, July 2003 (co-advised by Fernando Silva).