On the Implementation of a Lock-Free Atom Table in a Prolog System

Pedro Moreno, Miguel Areias, Ricardo Rocha and VĂ­tor Santos Costa

June 2023


Prolog systems rely on an atom table for symbol management, which is usually implemented as a dynamically resizeable hash table. This is ideal for single threaded execution, but can become a bottleneck in a multi-threaded scenario. In this work, we replace the original atom table implementation in the Yet Another Prolog (YAP) system with a lock-free hash-based data structure, named Lock-free Hash Tries (LFHT), in order to provide efficient and scalable symbol management. Being lock-free, the new implementation also provides better guarantees, namely, immunity to priority inversion, to deadlocks and to livelocks. Performance results show that the new lock-free LFHT implementation has better results in single threaded execution and much better scalability than the original lock based dynamically resizing hash table.


  author =    {P. Moreno and M. Areias and R. Rocha and V. Santos Costa},
  title =     {{On the Implementation of a Lock-Free Atom Table in a Prolog System}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on High-level Parallel Programming and
               Applications (HLPP 2023)},
  pages =     {--},
  editor =    {V. Niculescu and D. Bufnea and A. Sterca},
  month =     {June},
  year =      {2023},
  address =   {Cluj-Napoca, Romania},

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