Porto, June 19th 2013


Welcome to the Breast Cancer Workshop that will be held in Porto, CIDES-FMUP, University of Porto on June 19th 2013. This workshop will provide a forum for discussing the latest achievements in breast cancer research using computational methods and will promote a debate about clinical practice in the area.

We have invited speakers from Centro Hospitalar de São João, IPATIMUP, FEUP, FCUP, FMUP, from the Radboud University Nijmegen - Faculty of Science, and from the University of Wisconsin - School of Medicine and Public Health.

The Breast Cancer Workshop is being organized by Prof. Inês Dutra on the scope of the Master in Medical Informatics from FMUP/FCUP. It is promoted by the academic departments CIDES-FMUP and DCC-FCUP and I&D’s CRACS-INESC TEC and CINTESIS-FMUP, with the support of FCT (project PTDC/EEI-SII/2094/2012).

Venue details:

Room Prof. Joaquim Maia, floor 1, Edifício Nascente, Centro de Investigação Médica da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Rua Dr. Plácido da Costa, s/n, 4200 - 450 Porto (see detailed map)