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C Functions, C++ Classes

% % The following code produces the same random numbers as my previous, but is more accurately documented and slightly more efficient * predicate ranstart/0
ranstart * predicate ranstart/1
ranstart(+ Seed) * predicate ranunif/2
ranunif(+ Range,- I) * predicate rational/1 * predicate rational_term_to_forest/4
rational_term_to_forest(? TI,- TF, -Extras, ?More) * predicate rational_term_to_tree/4 * predicate rb_apply/4
rb_apply(+ T,+ Key,+ G,- TN) * predicate rb_clone/3
rb_clone(+ T,+ NT,?Nodes) * predicate rb_del_max/4
rb_del_max(+ T,- Key,- Val,- TN) * predicate rb_del_min/4
rb_del_min(+ T,- Key,- Val,- TN) * predicate rb_delete/3
rb_delete(+ T,+ Key,- TN) * predicate rb_delete/4
rb_delete(+ T,+ Key,- Val,- TN) * predicate rb_empty/1
rb_empty(? T) * predicate rb_fold/4
rb_fold(+ T,+ G,+ Acc0, - AccF) * predicate rb_insert/4
rb_insert(+ T0,+ Key,? Value,+ TF) * predicate rb_key_fold/4
rb_key_fold(+ T,+ G,+ Acc0, - AccF) * predicate rb_keys/2
rb_keys(+ T,+ Keys) * predicate rb_lookup/3
rb_lookup(+ Key,- Value,+ T) * predicate rb_lookupall/3
rb_lookupall(+ Key,- Value,+ T) * predicate rb_map/3
rb_map(+ T,+ G,- TN) * predicate rb_max/3
rb_max(+ T,- Key,- Value) * predicate rb_min/3
rb_min(+ T,- Key,- Value) * predicate rb_new/1
rb_new(? T) * predicate rb_next/4
rb_next(+ T, + Key,- Next,- Value) * predicate rb_partial_map/4
rb_partial_map(+ T,+ Keys,+ G,- TN) * predicate rb_previous/4
rb_previous(+T, +Key, -Previous, -Value) * predicate rb_rewrite/3
rb_rewrite(+T, +Key, +NewVal) * predicate rb_rewrite/4
rb_rewrite(+T, +Key, ?OldVal, +NewVal) * predicate rb_size/2
rb_size(+ T,- Size) * predicate rb_update/4
rb_update(+ T,+ Key,+ NewVal,- TN) * predicate rb_update/5
rb_update(+ T,+ Key,- OldVal,+ NewVal,- TN) * predicate rb_visit/2
rb_visit(+ T,- Pairs) * struct re_guts * predicate reachable/3
reachable(+ Node, + Graph, - Vertices) * predicate read/1
read(- T) * predicate read/2
read(+ Stream, -Term ) * predicate read_clause/3
read_clause( +Stream, -Clause, ?Opts) * struct read_data_t * predicate read_from_chars/2
read_from_chars( + Chars, - Term) * predicate read_line_to_string/2
read_line_to_string( +Stream, -String) * predicate read_link/3
read_link(+ SymbolicLink, -Link, -NewPath) * predicate read_stream_to_codes/3
read_stream_to_codes( +Stream, -Codes, ?Tail) * predicate read_stream_to_terms/3
read_stream_to_terms( +Stream, -Terms, ?Tail) * predicate read_term_from_atom/3
read_term_from_atom( +Atom , -T , +Options ) * predicate read_term_from_atomic/3
read_term_from_atomic( +Atomic , - T , +Options ) * predicate read_term_from_string/3
read_term_from_string( +String , - T , + Options ) * predicate reconsult/1
reconsult(+ F ) * struct record_list * predicate recorda/3 * predicate recorda_at/3
recorda_at(+ R0, T,- R) * predicate recordaifnot/3
recordaifnot(+ K, T,- R) * predicate recorded/3 * predicate recordz/3
recordz(+ K, T,- R) * predicate recordz_at/3
recordz_at(+ R0, T,- R) * predicate recordzifnot/3
recordzifnot(+ K, T,- R) * predicate reexport/1
reexport(+F) * predicate reexport/2
reexport(+F, +Decls ) * struct regex_t * namespace regexp * predicate regexp/3
regexp(+ RegExp,+ String,+ Opts) * predicate regexp/4
regexp(+ RegExp,+ String,+ Opts,? SubMatchVars) * struct regmatch_t * struct regstore_t * predicate remove_duplicates/2
remove_duplicates(+ List, ? Pruned) * predicate remove_from_path/1
remove_from_path(+Directory:atom) * predicate rename/2
rename(+F , +G) * struct renv * predicate repeat/0
repeat * predicate representation_error/1
representation_error(+Reason) * struct rerr * predicate reset_static_array/1
reset_static_array(+ Name) * predicate restore/1
restore(+ F) * predicate retract/1
retract(+ C) * predicate retract/2
retract(+ C,- R) * predicate retractall/1
retractall(+ G) * predicate reverse/2
reverse(+ List, ? Reversed) * predicate rl_copy/2
rl_copy(+Range-List Id,-New Range-List Id) * predicate rl_free/1
rl_free(+Range-List Id) * predicate rl_freeze/1
rl_freeze(+Range-List Id) * predicate rl_in/2
rl_in(+Range-List Id,?Number) * predicate rl_new/1
rl_new( ? AllTrees ) * predicate rl_new/2
rl_new(+Maximum Interval value, -Range-List Id) * predicate rl_print/1
rl_print(+Range-List Id) * predicate rl_set_all/2
rl_set_all( + Tree, Els) * predicate rl_set_all_in/1
rl_set_all_in(+Range-List Id) * predicate rl_set_in/2
rl_set_in(+Range-List Id,+Number) * predicate rl_set_out/2
rl_set_out(+Range-List Id,+Number) * predicate rl_size/2
rl_size(+Range-List Id,-Size in bytes) * struct rl_struct * namespace rltree * struct rwlock_t * struct s_buffer * struct s_node * struct s_yap_error_descriptor
all we need to know about an error/throw * predicate same_length/2
same_length(? List1, ? List2) * predicate save_program/1
YAP can save and read images of its current state to files, known as saved states. * predicate save_program/2
save_program(+ F, : G) * predicate scan_integer/3
scan_integer(? Int,+ Line,+ RestOfLine) * predicate scan_natural/3
scan_natural(? Nat,+ Line,+ RestOfLine) * predicate scan_to_list/2
scan_to_list( +Stream, -Tokens ) * struct scanner_extra_alloc * struct scanner_extra_params * struct scratch_block_struct * struct scratch_buf_struct_t
thread view of the scratch buffer * struct scratch_user_buf_struct_t
user view of the scratch buffer * predicate search_for/2
search_for(+ Char,+ Line) * predicate see/1
see(+ S) * predicate seeing/1
seeing(- S) * predicate seen/0
seen * predicate select/3
select(? Element, ? List, ? Residue) * predicate selectchk/3
selectchk(? Element, ? List, ? Residue) * predicate selectlist/3
selectlist(1:Pred, + ListIn, ? ListOut) * predicate selectlist/4
selectlist( 2:Pred, + ListIn, + ListInAux, ? ListOut) * predicate selectlist/5
selectlist( 2:Pred, + ListIn, + ListInAux, ? ListOut, ? ListOutAux) * union seq_val_t * predicate serve_queue/3
serve_queue(+ OldQueue, + Head, - NewQueue) * predicate set_alarm/3
set_alarm(+Seconds, +Execute, -ID) * predicate set_base_module/1
set_base_module( +Expor tingModule ) * predicate set_error/1
set_error(+ S) * predicate set_input/1
set_input(+ S) * predicate set_output/1
set_output(+ S) * predicate set_prolog_flag/2
set_prolog_flag(+ Flag,+ Value) * predicate set_value/2
set_value(+ A,+ C) * predicate setarg/3
setarg(+ I,+ S,? T) * predicate setenv/2
setenv(+ Name,+ Value) * predicate setof/3
setof( X,+ P,- B) * predicate setrand/1
setrand(+ Key) * predicate setup_call_cleanup/3
setup_call_cleanup(: Setup,: Goal, : CleanUpGoal) * predicate sh/0
sh * predicate shell/0
shell * predicate shell/1
shell(+ Command) * predicate shell/2
shell(+ Command,- Status) * predicate show_table/1
show_table(+ P) * predicate showprofres/0
showprofres * predicate showprofres/1
showprofres( N) * struct si_callback_h * struct signame * predicate simple/1
simple( T) * predicate singleton_vs_numbervars/3
singleton_vs_numbervars( t,+ _N1,- Nn) * predicate skip/1
skip(+ N) * predicate skip/2
skip(+ S,- C) * predicate skip_whitespace/2
skip_whitespace(+ Line,+ RestOfLine) * predicate socket/2
socket(+ DOMAIN,- SOCKET) * predicate socket/4
socket(+ DOMAIN,+ TYPE,+ PROTOCOL,- SOCKET) * predicate socket_accept/2
socket_accept(+ SOCKET, - STREAM) * predicate socket_accept/3
socket_accept(+ SOCKET, - CLIENT, - STREAM) * predicate socket_bind/2
socket_bind(+ SOCKET, ? PORT) * predicate socket_buffering/4
socket_buffering(+ SOCKET, - MODE, - OLD, + NEW) * predicate socket_close/1
socket_close(+ SOCKET) * predicate socket_connect/3
socket_connect(+ SOCKET, + PORT, - STREAM) * predicate socket_listen/2
socket_listen(+ SOCKET, + LENGTH) * predicate socket_select/5
socket_select(+ SOCKETS, - NEWSTREAMS, + TIMEOUT, + STREAMS, - READSTREAMS) * predicate sort/2
sort(+ L,- S) * predicate source/0
source * predicate source_location/3
start input for a meta-clause * predicate source_mode/2
source_mode(- O,+ N) * predicate source_module/1
source_module(-Mod) * struct spinlock_t * predicate splay_del/3
splay_del(+ Item,+ Tree,- NewTree) * predicate splay_init/1
splay_init(- NewTree) * predicate splay_insert/4
splay_insert(+ Key,? Val,+ Tree,- NewTree) * predicate splay_join/3
splay_join(+ LeftTree,+ RighTree,- NewTree) * predicate splay_split/5
splay_split(+ Key,? Val,+ Tree,- LeftTree,- RightTree) * predicate split/2
split(+ Line,- Split) * predicate split/3
split(+ Line,+ Separators,- Split) * predicate split_quoted/5
split_quoted(+ Line,+ Separators, GroupQuotes, SingleQuotes, - Split) * predicate split_unquoted/3
split_unquoted(+ Line,+ Separators,- Split) * predicate spy/1
spy( + P ) * struct ssz_t * predicate stack_dump/0
stack_dump * predicate stack_dump/1
stack_dump(+N) * predicate stash_predicate/1
stash_predicate(+ Pred) * union statarray_elements * predicate static_array/3
static_array(+ Name, + Size, + Type) * struct static_array_entry * predicate static_array_location/2
static_array_location(+ Name, - Ptr) * predicate static_array_properties/3
static_array_properties(+Name,+Size,+Type) * predicate static_array_to_term/2
static_array_to_term(? Name, ? Term) * struct static_clause * struct static_index * struct static_mega_clause * predicate statistics/2
statistics(? Param,- Info) * struct stream_desc * predicate stream_position/2
stream_position(+ Stream,- StreamPosition) * predicate stream_position/3
stream_position(+ Stream,- StreamPosition, +NewPosition) * predicate stream_position_data/3
stream_position_data(+ Field,+ StreamPosition,- Info) * predicate stream_property/2
stream_property( Stream, Prop ) * predicate string_to_atom/2
string_to_atom(?String, ?Atom) * predicate string_to_atomic/2
string_to_atomic(?S, ?Atomic) * struct struct_dbentry * struct struct_param * struct struct_param2 * predicate sub_atom/5
sub_atom(+ A,? Bef, ? Size, ? After, ? At_out) * predicate sub_string/5
sub_string(+ S,? Bef, ? Size, ? After, ? S_out) * struct subgoal_entry * struct subgoal_frame * struct subgoal_trie_hash * struct subgoal_trie_node * predicate subsumes/2
subsumes(? Term1, ? Term2) * predicate subsumes_chk/2
subsumes_chk(? Term1, ? Term2) * predicate subsumes_term/2
subsumes_term(? Subsumer, ? Subsumed) * predicate succ/2
succ(? Int1:int, ? Int2:int) * predicate suffix/2
suffix(? Suffix, ? List) * predicate sum_list/2
sum_list(? Numbers, ? Total) * predicate sum_list/3
sum_list(? Numbers, + SoFar, ? Total) * predicate sumlist/2
sumlist(? Numbers, ? Total) * predicate sumlist/4
sumlist(: Pred, + List, ? AccIn, ? AccOut) * predicate sumnodes/4
sumnodes(+ Pred, + Term, ? AccIn, ? AccOut) * struct sus_record_struct * struct sus_tag_struct * struct swi_reverse_hash * predicate system/0
system * predicate system/1
system(+ S) * predicate system/2
system(+ Command,- Res) * predicate system_error/2
system_error( +Error, +Cause) * predicate system_module/1
system_module( + Mod) * predicate system_predicate/1
system_predicate( ?P ) * predicate system_predicate/2
system_predicate( ?A, ?P ) * predicate tab/1
tab(+ N) * predicate tab/2
tab(+ S,+ N) * predicate table/1
table( + P ) * struct table_entry * predicate table_statistics/1
table_statistics(+ P) * predicate tabling_mode/2
tabling_mode(+ P,? Mode) * predicate tell/1
tell(+ S) * predicate telling/1
telling(- S) * struct term_array * predicate term_attvars/2
term_attvars(+ Term,- AttVars) * predicate term_expansion/2
term_expansion( T,- X) * predicate term_factorized/3
term_factorized(? TI,- TF, ?SubTerms) * predicate term_hash/2
term_hash(+ Term, ? Hash) * predicate term_hash/4
term_hash(+ Term, + Depth, + Range, ? Hash) * predicate term_subsumer/3
term_subsumer(? T1, ? T2, ? Subsumer) * predicate term_variables/2
term_variables(? Term, - Variables) * predicate term_variables/3
term_variables(? Term, - Variables, +ExternalVars) * predicate term_variables_difference/3
term_variables_difference(? Term1, - Term2, +Vars) * predicate term_variables_union/3
term_variables_union(? Term1, - Term2, +Vars) * struct text_cvt * predicate thread_at_exit/1
thread_at_exit(: Term) * predicate thread_create/1
thread_create(: Goal) * predicate thread_create/2
thread_create(: Goal, - Id) * predicate thread_create/3
thread_create(: Goal, - Id, + Options) * predicate thread_exit/1
thread_exit(+ Term) * predicate thread_get_message/1
thread_get_message(? Term) * predicate thread_get_message/2
thread_get_message(+ Queue, ? Term) * predicate thread_join/2
thread_join(+ Id, - Status) * predicate thread_local/1
thread_local( +Functor/Arity) * predicate thread_peek_message/1
thread_peek_message(? Term) * predicate thread_peek_message/2
thread_peek_message(+ Queue, ? Term) * predicate thread_property/2
thread_property(? Id, ? Property) * predicate thread_self/1
thread_self(- Id) * predicate thread_send_message/1
thread_send_message(+ Term) * predicate thread_send_message/2
thread_send_message(+ QueueOrThreadId, + Term) * predicate thread_sleep/1
thread_sleep(+ Time) * predicate thread_statistics/3
thread_statistics(+ Id, + Key, - Value) * predicate throw/1
throw(+ Ball) * predicate time/1
time(:Goal) % % Time the execution of Goal * predicate tmpdir/1
tmpdir(- File) * predicate tmpnam/1
tmpnam(- File) * predicate told/0
told * predicate top_sort/2
top_sort(+ Graph, - Sort) * predicate top_sort/3
top_sort(+ Graph, - Sort0, - Sort) * predicate trace/0
trace * predicate trace_goal/4
trace_goal( +G, +M, +GoalNumber, +CP) * predicate transitive_closure/2
transitive_closure(+ Graph, + Closure) * predicate translate_message/3
translate_message(+Term, +Lines, -Lines0) * struct translation_entry * predicate transpose/2
transpose(+ Graph, - NewGraph) * predicate tree_size/2
tree_size(+ Tree, - Size) * predicate tree_to_list/2
tree_to_list(+ Tree, - List) * predicate trie_check_entry/3
trie_check_entry(+ Trie,+ Term,- Ref) * predicate trie_close/1
trie_close(+ Id) * predicate trie_close_all/0
trie_close_all * struct trie_data * struct trie_engine * struct trie_entry * predicate trie_get_entry/2
trie_get_entry(+ Ref,- Term) * struct trie_hash * predicate trie_load/2
trie_load(- Trie,+ FileName) * predicate trie_max_stats/4
trie_max_stats(- Memory,- Tries,- Entries,- Nodes) * predicate trie_mode/1
trie_mode(? Mode) * struct trie_node * predicate trie_print/1
trie_print(+ Trie) * predicate trie_put_entry/4
trie_put_entry(+Mode,+ Trie,+ Term,- Ref) * predicate trie_remove_entry/1
trie_remove_entry(+ Ref) * predicate trie_remove_subtree/1
trie_remove_subtree(+ Ref) * predicate trie_save/2
trie_save(+ Trie,+ FileName) * predicate trie_stats/4
trie_stats(- Memory,- Tries,- Entries,- Nodes) * predicate trie_usage/4
trie_usage(+ Trie,- Entries,- Nodes,- VirtualNodes) * predicate true/0
true * predicate ttyget/1
ttyget(- C) * predicate ttyget0/1
ttyget0(- C) * predicate ttynl/0
ttynl * predicate ttyput/1
ttyput(+ N) * predicate ttyskip/1
ttyskip(- C) * predicate type_error/2
type_error(+Type, +Term) * struct udi_control_block * struct udi_info * struct udi_p_args * predicate ugraph_to_dgraph/2
ugraph_to_dgraph( +UGraph, -Graph) * predicate undgraph_add_edges/3
undgraph_add_edges(+ Graph, + Edges, - NewGraph) * predicate undgraph_add_vertices/3
undgraph_add_vertices(+ Graph, + Vertices, - NewGraph) * predicate undgraph_complement/2
undgraph_complement(+ Graph, - NewGraph) * predicate undgraph_del_edges/3
undgraph_del_edges(+ Graph, + Edges, - NewGraph) * predicate undgraph_del_vertices/3
undgraph_del_vertices(+ Graph, + Vertices, - NewGraph) * predicate undgraph_edges/2
undgraph_edges(+ Graph, - Edges) * predicate undgraph_neighbours/3
undgraph_neighbours(+ Vertex, + Graph, - Vertices) * predicate undgraph_new/1
undgraph_new(+ Graph) * predicate undgraph_vertices/2
undgraph_vertices(+ Graph, - Vertices) * predicate unhide_atom/1
unhide_atom(+ Atom) * struct unif_record * predicate unifiable/3
unifiable(? Term1, ? Term2, - Bindings) * predicate unify_with_occurs_check/2 * struct union_direct * struct union_slots * predicate unix/1
unix(+ S) * predicate unknown/2
no need for code at this point * predicate unnumbervars/1
unnumbervars(+ Term) * predicate unset_alarm/1
unset_alarm(+ID) * predicate upcase_text_to_atom/2
upcase_text_to_atom(+Text, -Atom) * predicate upcase_text_to_chars/2
upcase_text_to_chars(+Text, -Chars) * predicate upcase_text_to_codes/2
upcase_text_to_codes(+Text, -Codes) * predicate upcase_text_to_string/2
upcase_text_to_string(+Text, -String) * predicate update_array/3
update_array(+ Name, + Index, ? Value) * predicate update_mutable/2
update_mutable(+ D,+ M) * predicate use_module/1
use_module( +Files ) * predicate use_module/2
use_module(+Files, +Imports) * predicate use_module/3
use_module(? M,? F,+ L) * struct v_record * predicate var/1
var( T) * predicate var/2
?X == ?Y * predicate variables_in_term/3
variables_in_term( +t, +_SetOfVariables, +ExtendedSetOfVariables ) * predicate variables_within_term/3
variables_within_term(+ Variables,? Term, - OutputVariables) * predicate variant/2
variant(? Term1, ? Term2) * struct various_codes * predicate varnumbers/2
varnumbers(+ Term, Term) * struct vcell * predicate version/0
version * predicate version/1
version(- Message) * predicate vertices/2
vertices(+ Graph, - Vertices) * predicate vertices_edges_to_ugraph/3
vertices_edges_to_ugraph(+ Vertices, + Edges, - Graph) * struct vfs * struct vfs_stat * predicate virtual_alarm/3
virtual_alarm(+Interval, 0:Goal, -Left) * struct visited * struct visitel * struct vlist_struct_t * predicate wait/1
wait(G) * predicate when/2
when(+ C,: G) * predicate with_output_to/2
with_output_to(+ Ouput,: Goal) * predicate with_output_to_chars/2
with_output_to_chars(? Goal, - Chars) * predicate with_output_to_chars/3
with_output_to_chars(? Goal, ? Chars0, - Chars) * predicate with_output_to_chars/4
with_output_to_chars(:Goal, -Stream, -Codes, ?Tail) is det * struct worker_local * predicate working_directory/2
working_directory( ?CurDir,? NextDir) * predicate write/2
write(+ S, T) * predicate write_canonical/1
write_canonical(+ T) * predicate write_canonical/2
write_canonical(+ S,+ T) * predicate write_depth/3
write_depth( ?TermDepth, ?ListDepth, ?TermArity ) * struct write_globs * predicate write_term/2
write_term(+ T, + Opts) * predicate write_term/3
write_term(+ S, + T, + Opts) * predicate write_to_chars/2
write_to_chars(+ Term, - Result) * predicate write_to_chars/3
write_to_chars(+ Term, - Result0, - Result) * predicate writeq/2
writeq(+ S, ? T) * struct x_el * struct yami * struct yapSourceLocation * struct yap_back_data_type * struct yap_boot_params * struct yap_error_prolog_source
a Prolog goal that caused a bug * predicate yap_flag/2
yap_flag( ?Param, ?Value) * struct yap_io_position * struct yapchlookahead

Updated on 12 May 2022 at 22:48:35 WEST