YAP 7.1.0

open(+ F,+ M,- S) More...

Detailed Description

open(+ F,+ M,- S)

defined in the ISO standard

Opens the file with name F in mode M (read, write or append), returning S unified with the stream name

Yap allows 64 streams opened at the same time If you need more, redefine the MaxStreams constant Each stream is either an input or an output stream but not both There are always 3 open streams: user_input for reading, user_output for writing and user_error for writing If there is no ambiguity, the atoms user_input and user_output may be referred to as user

The file_errors flag controls whether errors are reported when in mode read or append the file F does not exist or is not readable, and whether in mode write or append the file is not writable

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