YAP 7.1.0
The Foreign Code Interface

YAP provides the user with three facilities for writing predicates in a language other than Prolog Under Unix systems, most language implementations were linkable to C, and the first interface exported the YAP machinery to the C language YAP also implements most of the SWI-Prolog foreign language interface This gives portability with a number of SWI-Prolog packages and avoids garnage collection by using Term Handles or Slots Last, a new C++ based interface is being designed to work with the swig (www.swig.orgv) interface compiler

YAP original C-interface

Before describing in full detail how to interface to C code, we will examine a brief example

Assume the user requires a predicate my_process_id(Id) which succeeds when Id unifies with the number of the process under which YAP is running

In this case we will create a my_process.c file containing the C-code described below

#include "YAP/YapInterface.h"
static int my_process_id(void)
YAP_Term pid = YAP_MkIntTerm(getpid());
YAP_Term out = YAP_ARG1;
void init_my_predicates()

The commands to compile the above file depend on the operating system



  • Using the compiler:

Under Linux you should use:

gcc -c -shared -fPIC my_process.c
ld -shared -o my_process.so my_process.o

Under WIN32 in a MINGW/CYGWIN environment, using the standard installation path you should use:

gcc -mno-cygwin -I "c:/Yap/include" -c my_process.c
gcc -mno-cygwin "c:/Yap/bin/yap.dll" --shared -o my_process.dll

Under WIN32 in a pure CYGWIN environment, using the standard installation path, you should use:

gcc -I/usr/local -c my_process.c
gcc -shared -o my_process.dll my_process.o /usr/local/bin/yap.dll

And could be loaded, under YAP, by executing the following Prolog goal


Note that since YAP4.3.3 you should not give the suffix for object files YAP will deduce the correct suffix from the operating system it is running under

After loading that file the following Prolog goal


would unify N with the number of the process under which YAP is running

Having presented a full example, we will now examine in more detail the contents of the C source code file presented above

The include statement is used to make available to the C source code the macros for the handling of Prolog terms and also some YAP public definitions

The function my_process_id is the implementation, in C, of the desired predicate Note that it returns an integer denoting the success of failure of the goal and also that it has no arguments even though the predicate being defined has one In fact the arguments of a Prolog predicate written in C are accessed through macros, defined in the include file, with names YAP_ARG1, YAP_ARG2, ..., YAP_ARG16 or with YAP_A( N)

where N is the argument number (starting with 1) In the present case the function uses just one local variable of type YAP_Term, the type used for holding YAP terms, where the integer returned by the standard unix function getpid() is stored as an integer term (the conversion is done by YAP_MkIntTerm(Int)) Then it calls the pre-defined routine YAP_Unify(YAP_Term, YAP_Term) which in turn returns an integer denoting success or failure of the unification

The role of the procedure init_my_predicates is to make known to YAP, by calling YAP_UserCPredicate(), the predicates being defined in the file This is in fact why, in the example above, init_my_predicates() was passed as the third argument to load_foreign_files/3

The rest of this appendix describes exhaustively how to interface C to YAP


This section provides information about the primitives available to the C programmer for manipulating Prolog terms

Several C typedefs are included in the header file yap/YAPInterface.h to describe, in a portable way, the C representation of Prolog terms The user should write is programs using this macros to ensure portability of code across different versions of YAP

The more important typedef is YAP_Term which is used to denote the type of a Prolog term

Terms, from a point of view of the C-programmer, can be classified as follows

  • uninstantiated variables
  • instantiated variables
  • integers
  • floating-point numbers
  • database references
  • atoms
  • pairs (lists)
  • compound terms

The primitive

YAP_Bool YAP_IsVarTerm(YAP_Term t)

returns true iff its argument is an uninstantiated variable Conversely the primitive

  • YAP_Bool YAP_NonVarTerm(YAP_Term t)

    returns true iff its argument is not a variable

The user can create a new uninstantiated variable using the primitive

  • YAP_Term YAP_MkVarTerm()

The following primitives can be used to discriminate among the different types of non-variable terms:

  • YAP_Bool YAP_IsIntTerm(YAP_Term t)

  • YAP_Bool YAP_IsFloatTerm(YAP_Term t)

  • YAP_Bool YAP_IsDbRefTerm(YAP_Term t)

  • YAP_Bool YAP_IsAtomTerm(YAP_Term t)

  • YAP_Bool YAP_IsPairTerm(YAP_Term t)

  • YAP_Bool YAP_IsApplTerm(YAP_Term t)

  • YAP_Bool YAP_IsCompoundTerm(YAP_Term t)

The next primitive gives the type of a Prolog term:

  • YAP_tag_t YAP_TagOfTerm(YAP_Term t)

The set of possible values is an enumerated type, with the following values:

  • YAP_TAG_ATT: an attributed variable
  • YAP_TAG_UNBOUND: an unbound variable
  • YAP_TAG_REF: a reference to a term
  • YAP_TAG_PAIR: a list
  • YAP_TAG_ATOM: an atom
  • YAP_TAG_INT: a small integer
  • YAP_TAG_LONG_INT: a word sized integer
  • YAP_TAG_BIG_INT: a very large integer
  • YAP_TAG_RATIONAL: a rational number
  • YAP_TAG_FLOAT: a floating point number
  • YAP_TAG_OPAQUE: an opaque term
  • YAP_TAG_APPL: a compound term

Next, we mention the primitives that allow one to destruct and construct terms All the above primitives ensure that their result is a dereferenced, i.e that it is not a pointer to another term

The following primitives are provided for creating an integer term from an integer and to access the value of an integer term

  • YAP_Term YAP_MkIntTerm(YAP_Int i)

  • YAP_Int YAP_IntOfTerm(YAP_Term t)

where YAP_Int is a typedef for the C integer type appropriate for the machine or compiler in question (normally a long integer) The size of the allowed integers is implementation dependent but is always greater or equal to 24 bits: usually 32 bits on 32 bit machines, and 64 on 64 bit machines

The two following primitives play a similar role for floating-point terms

  • YAP_Term YAP_MkFloatTerm(YAP_flt double)

  • YAP_flt YAP_FloatOfTerm(YAP_Term t)

where flt is a typedef for the appropriate C floating point type, nowadays a double

The following primitives are provided for verifying whether a term is a big int, creating a term from a big integer and to access the value of a big int from a term

  • YAP_Bool YAP_IsBigNumTerm(YAP_Term t)

  • YAP_Term YAP_MkBigNumTerm(void * b)

  • void *YAP_BigNumOfTerm(YAP_Term t, void * b)

YAP must support bignum for the configuration you are using (check the YAP configuration and setup) For now, YAP only supports the GNU GMP library, and void \* will be a cast for mpz_t Notice that YAP_BigNumOfTerm requires the number to be already initialized As an example, we show how to print a bignum:

static int
mpz_t mz;
if (!YAP_IsBigNumTerm(YAP_ARG1))
return FALSE;
YAP_BigNumOfTerm(YAP_ARG1, mz);
gmp_printf("Shows up as %Zd\n", mz);
return TRUE;

Currently, no primitives are supplied to users for manipulating data base references

A special typedef YAP_Atom is provided to describe Prolog atoms (symbolic constants) The two following primitives can be used to manipulate atom terms

  • YAP_Term YAP_MkAtomTerm(YAP_Atom at)

  • YAP_Atom YAP_AtomOfTerm(YAP_Term t)

The following primitives are available for associating atoms with their names

  • YAP_Atom YAP_LookupAtom(char * s)

  • YAP_Atom YAP_FullLookupAtom(char * s)

  • char *YAP_AtomName(YAP_Atom t)

The function YAP_LookupAtom looks up an atom in the standard hash table The function YAP_FullLookupAtom will also search if the atom had been "hidden": this is useful for system maintenance from C code The functor YAP_AtomName returns a pointer to the string for the atom

The following primitives handle constructing atoms from strings with wide characters, and vice-versa:

  • YAP_Atom YAP_LookupWideAtom(wchar_t * s)

  • wchar_t *YAP_WideAtomName(YAP_Atom t)

The following primitive tells whether an atom needs wide atoms in its representation:

  • int YAP_IsWideAtom(YAP_Atom t)

The following primitive can be used to obtain the size of an atom in a representation-independent way:

  • int YAP_AtomNameLength(YAP_Atom t)

The next routines give users some control over the atom garbage collector They allow the user to guarantee that an atom is not to be garbage collected (this is important if the atom is hold externally to the Prolog engine, allow it to be collected, and call a hook on garbage collection:

  • int YAP_AtomGetHold(YAP_Atom at)

  • int YAP_AtomReleaseHold(YAP_Atom at)

  • int YAP_AGCRegisterHook(YAP_AGC_hook f)

A pair is a Prolog term which consists of a tuple of two Prolog terms designated as the head and the tail of the term Pairs are most often used to build lists The following primitives can be used to manipulate pairs:

  • YAP_Term YAP_MkPairTerm(YAP_Term Head, YAP_Term Tail)

  • YAP_Term YAP_MkNewPairTerm(void)

  • YAP_Term YAP_HeadOfTerm(YAP_Term t)

  • YAP_Term YAP_TailOfTerm(YAP_Term t)

  • YAP_Term YAP_MkListFromTerms(YAP_Term * pt, YAP_Int * sz)

One can construct a new pair from two terms, or one can just build a pair whose head and tail are new unbound variables Finally, one can fetch the head or the tail

The last function supports the common operation of constructing a list from an array of terms of size sz in a simple sweep

Notice that the list constructors can call the garbage collector if there is not enough space in the global stack

A compound term consists of a functor and a sequence of terms with length equal to the arity of the functor A functor, described in C by the typedef Functor, consists of an atom and of an integer The following primitives were designed to manipulate compound terms and functors

  • YAP_Term YAP_MkApplTerm(YAP_Functor f, unsigned long int n, YAP_Term[] args)

  • YAP_Term YAP_MkNewApplTerm(YAP_Functor f, int n)

  • YAP_Term YAP_ArgOfTerm(int argno,YAP_Term ts)

  • YAP_Term *YAP_ArgsOfTerm(YAP_Term ts)

  • YAP_Functor YAP_FunctorOfTerm(YAP_Term ts)

The [YAP_MkApplTerm() function constructs a new term, with functor f (of arity n), and using an array args of n terms with n equal to the arity of the functor YAP_MkNewApplTerm() builds up a compound term whose arguments are unbound variables YAP_ArgOfTerm gives an argument to a compound term argno should be greater or equal to 1 and less or equal to the arity of the functor [YAP_ArgsOfTerm](YAP_ArgsOfTerm) returns a pointer to an array of arguments

Notice that the compound term constructors can call the garbage collector if there is not enough space in the global stack

YAP allows one to manipulate the functors of compound term The function YAP_FunctorOfTerm allows one to obtain a variable of type YAP_Functor with the functor to a term The following functions then allow one to construct functors, and to obtain their name and arity

  • YAP_Functor YAP_MkFunctor(YAP_Atom a,unsigned long int arity)
  • YAP_Atom YAP_NameOfFunctor(YAP_Functor f)
  • YAP_Int YAP_ArityOfFunctor(YAP_Functor f)

Note that the functor is essentially a pair formed by an atom, and arity

Constructing terms in the stack may lead to overflow The routine

  • int YAP_RequiresExtraStack(size_t min)

verifies whether you have at least min cells free in the stack, and it returns true if it has to ensure enough memory by calling the garbage collector and or stack shifter The routine returns false if no memory is needed, and a negative number if it cannot provide enough memory

You can set min to zero if you do not know how much room you need but you do know you do not need a big chunk at a single go Usually, the routine would usually be called together with a long-jump to restart the code Slots can also be used if there is small state


YAP provides a single routine to attempt the unification of two Prolog terms The routine may succeed or fail:

  • Int YAP_Unify(YAP_Term a, YAP_Term b)

The routine attempts to unify the terms a and b returning TRUE if the unification succeeds and FALSE otherwise


The YAP C-interface now includes an utility routine to copy a string represented as a list of a character codes to a previously allocated buffer

  • int YAP_StringToBuffer(YAP_Term String, char * buf, unsigned int bufsize)

The routine copies the list of character codes String to a previously allocated buffer buf The string including a terminating null character must fit in bufsize characters, otherwise the routine will simply fail The StringToBuffer routine fails and generates an exception if String is not a valid string

The C-interface also includes utility routines to do the reverse, that is, to copy a from a buffer to a list of character codes, to a difference list, or to a list of character atoms The routines work either on strings of characters or strings of wide characters:

  • YAP_Term YAP_BufferToString(char * buf)
  • YAP_Term YAP_NBufferToString(char * buf, size_t len)
  • YAP_Term YAP_WideBufferToString(wchar_t * buf)
  • YAP_Term YAP_NWideBufferToString(wchar_t * buf, size_t len)
  • YAP_Term YAP_BufferToAtomList(char * buf)
  • YAP_Term YAP_NBufferToAtomList(char * buf, size_t len)
  • YAP_Term YAP_WideBufferToAtomList(wchar_t * buf)
  • YAP_Term YAP_NWideBufferToAtomList(wchar_t * buf, size_t len)

Users are advised to use the N version of the routines Otherwise, the user-provided string must include a terminating null character

The C-interface function calls the parser on a sequence of characters stored at buf and returns the resulting term

  • YAP_Term YAP_ReadBuffer(char * buf,YAP_Term * error)

The user-provided string must include a terminating null character Syntax errors will cause returning FALSE and binding error to a Prolog term

These C-interface functions are useful when converting chunks of data to Prolog:

  • YAP_Term YAP_FloatsToList(double * buf,size_t sz)
  • YAP_Term YAP_IntsToList(YAP_Int * buf,size_t sz)

Notice that they are unsafe, and may call the garbage collector They return 0 on error

These C-interface functions are useful when converting Prolog lists to arrays:

  • YAP_Int YAP_IntsToList(YAP_Term t, YAP_Int * buf,size_t sz)
  • YAP_Int YAP_FloatsToList(YAP_Term t, double * buf,size_t sz)

They return the number of integers scanned, up to a maximum of sz, and -1 on error

Memory Allocation

The next routine can be used to ask space from the Prolog data-base:

  • void *YAP_AllocSpaceFromYAP(int size)

The routine returns a pointer to a buffer allocated from the code area, or NULL if sufficient space was not available

The space allocated with YAP_AllocSpaceFromYAP can be released back to YAP by using:

  • void YAP_FreeSpaceFromYAP(void * buf)

The routine releases a buffer allocated from the code area The system may crash if buf is not a valid pointer to a buffer in the code area

Controlling YAP Streams from <tt>C</tt>

The C-Interface also provides the C-application with a measure of control over the YAP Input/Output system The first routine allows one to find a file number given a current stream:

  • int YAP_StreamToFileNo(YAP_Term stream)

This function gives the file descriptor for a currently available stream Note that null streams and in memory streams do not have corresponding open streams, so the routine will return a negative Moreover, YAP will not be aware of any direct operations on this stream, so information on, say, current stream position, may become stale

A second routine that is sometimes useful is:

  • void YAP_CloseAllOpenStreams(void)

This routine closes the YAP Input/Output system except for the first three streams, that are always associated with the three standard Unix streams It is most useful if you are doing fork()

Last, one may sometimes need to flush all streams:

  • void YAP_CloseAllOpenStreams(void)

It is also useful before you do a fork(), or otherwise you may have trouble with unflushed output

The next routine allows a currently open file to become a stream The routine receives as arguments a file descriptor, the true file name as a string, an atom with the user name, and a set of flags:

  • void YAP_OpenStream(void * FD, char * name, YAP_Term t, int flags)

The available flags are YAP_INPUT_STREAM, YAP_OUTPUT_STREAM, YAP_APPEND_STREAM, YAP_PIPE_STREAM, YAP_TTY_STREAM, YAP_POPEN_STREAM, YAP_BINARY_STREAM, and YAP_SEEKABLE_STREAM By default, the stream is supposed to be at position 0 The argument name gives the name by which YAP should know the new stream

Utility Functions in <tt>C</tt>

The C-Interface provides the C-application with a a number of utility functions that are useful

The first provides a way to insert a term into the data-base

  • void *YAP_Record(YAP_Term t)

This function returns a pointer to a copy of the term in the database (or to NULL if the operation fails

The next functions provides a way to recover the term from the data-base:

  • YAP_Term YAP_Recorded(void * handle)

Notice that the semantics are the same as for recorded/3 : this function creates a new copy of the term in the stack, with fresh variables The function returns 0L if it cannot create a new term

Last, the next function allows one to recover space:

  • int YAP_Erase(void * handle)

Notice that any accesses using handle after this operation may lead to a crash

The following functions are often required to compare terms

Succeed if two terms are actually the same term, as in ==/2 :

  • int YAP_ExactlyEqual(YAP_Term t1, YAP_Term t2)

The next function succeeds if two terms are variant terms, and returns 0 otherwise, as ==/2 :

  • int YAP_Variant(YAP_Term t1, YAP_Term t2)

The next functions deal with numbering variables in terms:

  • int YAP_NumberVars(YAP_Term t, YAP_Int first_number)
  • YAP_Term YAP_UnNumberVars(YAP_Term t)
  • int YAP_IsNumberedVariable(YAP_Term t)

The next one returns the length of a well-formed list t, or -1 otherwise:

  • Int YAP_ListLength(YAP_Term t)

Last, this function succeeds if two terms are unifiable: ==/2 :

  • int YAP_Unifiable(YAP_Term t1, YAP_Term t2)

The second function computes a hash function for a term, as in term_hash/4

  • YAP_Int YAP_TermHash(YAP_Term t, YAP_Int range, YAP_Int depth, int ignore_variables));

The first three arguments follow term_has/4 The last argument indicates what to do if we find a variable: if 0 fail, otherwise ignore the variable

From <tt>C</tt> back to Prolog

There are several ways to call Prolog code from C-code By default, the YAP_RunGoal() should be used for this task It assumes the engine has been initialized before:

  • YAP_Int YAP_RunGoal(YAP_Term Goal)

Execute query Goal and return 1 if the query succeeds, and 0 otherwise The predicate returns 0 if failure, otherwise it will return an YAP_Term

Quite often, one wants to run a query once In this case you should use Goal:

  • YAP_Int YAP_RunGoalOnce(YAP_Term Goal)

The YAP_RunGoal() function makes sure to recover stack space at the end of execution

Prolog terms are pointers: a problem users often find is that the term Goal may actually be moved around during the execution of YAP_RunGoal(), due to garbage collection or stack shifting If this is possible, Goal will become invalid after executing YAP_RunGoal() In this case, it is a good idea to save Goal slots, as shown next:

long sl = YAP_InitSlot(scoreTerm);
out = YAP_RunGoal(t);
t = YAP_GetFromSlot(sl);
if (out == 0) return FALSE;

The following functions complement YAP_RunGoal:

  • int YAP_RestartGoal(void)

    Look for the next solution to the current query by forcing YAP to backtrack to the latest goal Notice that slots allocated since the last YAP_RunGoal() will become invalid

  • int YAP_Reset(yap_reset_t mode)

    Reset execution environment (similar to the abort/0 built-in) This is useful when you want to start a new query before asking all solutions to the previous query 'modespecifies how deep the Reset will go and what to do next It will be most often set toYAP_FULL_RESET`

  • int YAP_ShutdownGoal(int backtrack)

    Clean up the current goal If backtrack is true, stack space will be recovered and bindings will be undone In both cases, any slots allocated since the goal was created will become invalid

  • YAP_Bool YAP_GoalHasException(YAP_Term \*tp)

    Check if the last goal generated an exception, and if so copy it to the space pointed to by tp

  • void YAP_ClearExceptions(void)

    Reset any exceptions left over by the system

The YAP_RunGoal() interface is designed to be very robust, but may not be the most efficient when repeated calls to the same goal are made and when there is no interest in processing exception The YAP_EnterGoal() interface should have lower-overhead:

  • YAP_PredEntryPtr YAP_FunctorToPred(YAP_Functor f) Return the predicate whose main functor is f

  • YAP_PredEntryPtr YAP_AtomToPred(YAP_Atom at)

    Return the arity 0 predicate whose name is at

  • YAP_PredEntryPtr YAP_FunctorToPredInModule(YAP_Functor f, YAP_Module m),

    Return the predicate in module m whose main functor is f

  • YAP_PredEntryPtr YAP_AtomToPred(YAP_Atom at, YAP_Module m),

    Return the arity 0 predicate in module m whose name is at

  • YAP_Bool YAP_EnterGoal(YAP_PredEntryPtr pe),

    YAP_Term \* array, YAP_dogoalinfo \* infop) Execute a query for predicate pe The query is given as an array of terms Array infop is the address of a goal handle that can be used to backtrack and to recover space Succeeds if a solution was found

    Notice that you cannot create new slots if an YAP_ExnterGoal goal is open

  • YAP_Bool YAP_RetryGoal(YAP_dogoalinfo \* infop)

    Backtrack to a query created by YAP_EnterGoal The query is given by the handle infop Returns whether a new solution could be be found

  • YAP_Bool YAP_LeaveGoal(YAP_Bool backtrack, YAP_dogoalinfo \* infop) Exit a query query created by YAP_EnterGoal If backtrack is TRUE, variable bindings are undone and Heap space is recovered Otherwise, only stack space is recovered, ie, LeaveGoal executes a cut

Next, follows an example of how to use YAP_EnterGoal:

runall(YAP_Term g)
YAP_dogoalinfo goalInfo;
YAP_Term *goalArgs = YAP_ArraysOfTerm(g);
YAP_Functor *goalFunctor = YAP_FunctorOfTerm(g);
YAP_PredEntryPtr goalPred = YAP_FunctorToPred(goalFunctor);
result = YAP_EnterGoal( goalPred, goalArgs, &goalInfo );
while (result)
result = YAP_RetryGoal( &goalInfo );
YAP_LeaveGoal(TRUE, &goalInfo);

YAP allows calling a new Prolog interpreter from C One way is to first construct a goal G, and then it is sufficient to perform:

  • YAP_Bool YAP_CallProlog(YAP_Term G)

the result will be FALSE, if the goal failed, or TRUE, if the goal succeeded In this case, the variables in G will store the values they have been unified with Execution only proceeds until finding the first solution to the goal, but you can call findall/3 or friends if you need all the solutions

Notice that during execution, garbage collection or stack shifting may have moved the terms

Module Manipulation in C

YAP allows one to create a new module from C-code To create the new code it is sufficient to call:

  • YAP_Module YAP_CreateModule(YAP_Atom ModuleName)

Notice that the new module does not have any predicates associated and that it is not the current module To find the current module, you can call:

  • YAP_Module YAP_CurrentModule()

Given a module, you may want to obtain the corresponding name This is possible by using:

  • YAP_Term YAP_ModuleName(YAP_Module mod)

Notice that this function returns a term, and not an atom You can YAP_AtomOfTerm to extract the corresponding Prolog atom

Miscellaneous C Functions

  • void YAP_Throw(YAP_Term exception)
  • void YAP_AsyncThrow(YAP_Term exception)

    Throw an exception with term exception, just like if you called throw/2 The function YAP_AsyncThrow is supposed to be used from interrupt handlers

  • int YAP_SetYAPFlag(yap_flag_t flag, int value)

    This function allows setting some YAP flags from C .Currently, only two boolean flags are accepted: YAPC_ENABLE_GC and YAPC_ENABLE_AGC The first enables/disables the standard garbage collector, the second does the same for the atom garbage collector`

  • YAP_TERM YAP_AllocExternalDataInStack(size_t bytes)
  • void \* YAP_ExternalDataInStackFromTerm(YAP_Term t)
  • YAP_Bool YAP_IsExternalDataInStackTerm(YAP_Term t)

    The next routines allow one to store external data in the Prolog execution stack The first routine reserves space for sz bytes and returns an opaque handle The second routines receives the handle and returns a pointer to the data The last routine checks if a term is an opaque handle

    Data will be automatically reclaimed during backtracking Also, this storage is opaque to the Prolog garbage compiler, so it should not be used to store Prolog terms On the other hand, it may be useful to store arrays in a compact way, or pointers to external objects

  • int YAP_HaltRegisterHook(YAP_halt_hook f, void \*closure)

    Register the function f to be called if YAP is halted The function is called with two arguments: the exit code of the process (0 if this cannot be determined on your operating system) and the closure argument closure

  • int YAP_Argv(char \*\*\*argvp) Return the number of arguments to YAP and instantiate argvp to point to the list of such arguments

Writing predicates in C

We will distinguish two kinds of predicates:

  • deterministic predicates which either fail or succeed but are not backtrackable, like the one in the introduction;
  • backtrackable predicates which can succeed more than once

The first kind of predicates should be implemented as a C function with no arguments which should return zero if the predicate fails and a non-zero value otherwise The predicate should be declared to YAP, in the initialization routine, with a call to

  • void YAP_UserCPredicate(char * name, YAP_Bool * fn(), unsigned long int arity); where name is a string with the name of the predicate, init, cont, cut are the C functions used to start, continue and when pruning the execution of the predicate, arity is the predicate arity, and sizeof is the size of the data to be preserved in the stack

    For the second kind of predicates we need three C functions The first one is called when the predicate is first activated; the second one is called on backtracking to provide (possibly) other solutions; the last one is called on pruning Note also that we normally also need to preserve some information to find out the next solution

    In fact the role of the two functions can be better understood from the following Prolog definition

    p :- start.
    p :- repeat,

    where start and continue correspond to the two C functions described above

    The interface works as follows:

    • void YAP_UserBackCutCPredicate(char * name, int * init(), int * cont(), int * cut(), unsigned long int arity, unsigned int sizeof) describes a new predicate where name is the name of the predicate, init, cont, and cut are the C functions that implement the predicate and arity is the predicate's arity

    • void YAP_UserBackCPredicate(char * name, int * init(), int * cont(), unsigned long int arity, unsigned int sizeof) describes a new predicate where name is the name of the predicate, init, and cont are the C functions that implement the predicate and arity is the predicate's arity

    • void YAP_PRESERVE_DATA( ptr, type);

    • void YAP_PRESERVED_DATA( ptr, type);

    • void YAP_PRESERVED_DATA_CUT( ptr, type);

    • void YAP_cut_succeed( void );

    • void YAP_cut_fail( void );

    As an example we will consider implementing in C a predicate n100(N) which, when called with an instantiated argument should succeed if that argument is a numeral less or equal to 100, and, when called with an uninstantiated argument, should provide, by backtracking, all the positive integers less or equal to 100

    To do that we first declare a structure, which can only consist of Prolog terms, containing the information to be preserved on backtracking and a pointer variable to a structure of that type

    #include "YAPInterface.h"
    static int start_n100(void);
    static int continue_n100(void);
    typedef struct {
    YAP_Term next_solution;
    } n100_data_type;
    n100_data_type *n100_data;

    We now write the C function to handle the first call:

    static int start_n100(void)
    YAP_Term t = YAP_ARG1;
    if(YAP_IsVarTerm(t)) {
    n100_data->next_solution = YAP_MkIntTerm(0);
    return continue_n100();
    if(!YAP_IsIntTerm(t) || YAP_IntOfTerm(t)<0 || YAP_IntOfTerm(t)>100) {
    } else {

    The routine starts by getting the dereference value of the argument The call to YAP_PRESERVE_DATA is used to initialize the memory which will hold the information to be preserved across backtracking The first argument is the variable we shall use, and the second its type Note that we can only use [YAP_PRESERVE_DATA](YAP_PRESERVE_DATA) once, so often we will want the variable to be a structure This data is visible to the garbage collector, so it should consist of Prolog terms, as in the example It is also correct to store pointers to objects external to YAP stacks, as the garbage collector will ignore such references

    If the argument of the predicate is a variable, the routine initializes the structure to be preserved across backtracking with the information required to provide the next solution, and exits by calling continue_n100 to provide that solution

    If the argument was not a variable, the routine then checks if it was an integer, and if so, if its value is positive and less than 100 In that case it exits, denoting success, with YAP_cut_succeed, or otherwise exits with YAP_cut_fail denoting failure

    The reason for using for using the functions [YAP_cut_succeed](YAP_cut_succeed) and YAP_cut_fail instead of just returning a non-zero value in the first case, and zero in the second case, is that otherwise, if backtracking occurred later, the routine continue_n100 would be called to provide additional solutions

    The code required for the second function is

    static int continue_n100(void)
    int n;
    YAP_Term t;
    YAP_Term sol = YAP_ARG1;
    n = YAP_IntOfTerm(n100_data->next_solution);
    if( n == 100) {
    t = YAP_MkIntTerm(n);
    else {
    n100_data->next_solution = YAP_MkIntTerm(n+1);

    Note that again the macro YAP_PRESERVED_DATA is used at the beginning of the function to access the data preserved from the previous solution Then it checks if the last solution was found and in that case exits with YAP_cut_succeed in order to cut any further backtracking If this is not the last solution then we save the value for the next solution in the data structure and exit normally with 1 denoting success Note also that in any of the two cases we use the function YAP_unify to bind the argument of the call to the value saved in n100_state-\>next_solution

    Note also that the only correct way to signal failure in a backtrackable predicate is to use the YAP_cut_fail macro

    Backtrackable predicates should be declared to YAP, in a way similar to what happened with deterministic ones, but using instead a call to

    In this example, we would have something like

    YAP_UserBackCutCPredicate("n100", start_n100, continue_n100, cut_n100, 1, 1);

    The argument before last is the predicate's arity Notice again the last argument to the call function argument gives the extra space we want to use for PRESERVED_DATA Space is given in cells, where a cell is the same size as a pointer The garbage collector has access to this space, hence users should use it either to store terms or to store pointers to objects outside the stacks

    The code for cut_n100 could be:

    static int cut_n100(void)
    fprintf("n100 cut with counter %ld\n",
    return TRUE;

    Notice that we have to use [YAP_PRESERVED_DATA_CUT](YAP_PRESERVED_DATA_CUT): this is because the Prolog engine is at a different state during cut

    If no work is required at cut, we can use:

    YAP_UserBackCutCPredicate("n100", start_n100, continue_n100, NULL, 1, 1);

    in this case no code is executed at cut time

Changes to the C-Interface in YAP4

YAP4 includes several changes over the previous load_foreign_files/3 interface These changes were required to support the new binary code formats, such as ELF used in Solaris2 and Linux

+ All Names of YAP objects now start with  _YAP__. This is
  designed to avoid clashes with other code. Use `YAPInterface.h` to
  take advantage of the new interface. `c_interface.h` is still
  available if you cannot port the code to the new interface.

+ Access to elements in the new interface always goes through
<em>functions</em>. This includes access to the argument registers,
`YAP_ARG1` to `YAP_ARG16`. This change breaks code such as
`unify(\&ARG1,\&t)`, which is nowadays:
YAP_Unify(ARG1, t);
+ `cut_fail()` and `cut_succeed()` are now functions.

+ The use of `Deref` is deprecated. All functions that return

Prolog terms, including the ones that access arguments, already dereference their arguments

+ Space allocated with PRESERVE_DATA is ignored by garbage

collection and stack shifting As a result, any pointers to a Prolog stack object, including some terms, may be corrupted after garbage collection or stack shifting Prolog terms should instead be stored as arguments to the backtrackable procedure

Using YAP as a Library

YAP can be used as a library to be called from other programs To do so, you must first create the YAP library:

make library
make install_library

This will install a file libyap.a in LIBDIR and the Prolog headers in INCLUDEDIR The library contains all the functionality available in YAP, except the foreign function loader and for YAP's startup routines

To actually use this library you must follow a five step process:

must initialize the YAP environment A single function, YAP_FastInit asks for a contiguous chunk in your memory space, fills it in with the data-base, and sets up YAP's stacks and execution registers You can use a saved space from a standard system by calling save_program/1

+ You then have to prepare a query to give to

YAP A query is a Prolog term, and you just have to use the same functions that are available in the C-interface

+ You can then use `YAP_RunGoal(query)` to actually evaluate your

query The argument is the query term query, and the result is 1 if the query succeeded, and 0 if it failed

+ You can use the term destructor functions to check how

arguments were instantiated

+ If you want extra solutions, you can use

YAP_RestartGoal() to obtain the next solution

The next program shows how to use this system We assume the saved program contains two facts for the procedure b:

#include "YAP/YAPInterface.h"
#include <stdio.h>
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (YAP_FastInit("saved_state") == YAP_BOOT_ERROR)
if (YAP_RunGoal(YAP_MkAtomTerm(YAP_LookupAtom("do")))) {
while (YAP_RestartGoal())

The program first initializes YAP, calls the query for the first time and succeeds, and then backtracks twice The first time backtracking succeeds, the second it fails and exits

To compile this program it should be sufficient to do:

cc -o exem -I../YAP4.3.0 test.c -lYAP -lreadline -lm

You may need to adjust the libraries and library paths depending on the Operating System and your installation of YAP

Note that YAP4.3.0 provides the first version of the interface The interface may change and improve in the future

The following C-functions are available from YAP:

+ YAP_CompileClause(`YAP_Term`  _Clause_)

Compile the Prolog term Clause and assert it as the last clause for the corresponding procedure

+ YAP_MkExo(`YAP_PredEntryPtr` _pred_, `size_t` _sz_, `void *` _uid_)

Predicate pred is an exo-predicate that needs sz bytes of contiguous storage If uid is non-null associate user-defined code with pred

+ YAP_AssertTuples(`YAP_PredEntryPtr` pred, `const YAP_Term *`  _Facts_,

size_t nb) Add the array of nb Prolog term Facts to the table Predicate

+ `int` YAP_ContinueGoal(`void`)

Continue execution from the point where it stopped

+ `void` YAP_Error(`int`  _ID_,`YAP_Term`  _Cause_,`char \*`

error_description) Generate an YAP System Error with description given by the string error_description ID is the error ID, if known, or 0 Cause is the term that caused the crash

+ `void` YAP_Exit(`int`  _exit_code_)

Exit YAP immediately The argument exit_code gives the error code and is supposed to be 0 after successful execution in Unix and Unix-like systems

+ `YAP_Term` YAP_GetValue(`Atom`  _at_)

Return the term value associated with the atom at If no such term exists the function will return the empty list

+ YAP_FastInit(`char \*`  _SavedState_)

Initialize a copy of YAP from SavedState The copy is monolithic and currently must be loaded at the same address where it was saved YAP_FastInit is a simpler version of YAP_Init

+ YAP_Init( _InitInfo_)

Initialize YAP The arguments are in a C structure of type YAP_init_args

The fields of InitInfo are char \* SavedState, int HeapSize, int StackSize, int TrailSize, int NumberofWorkers, int SchedulerLoop, int DelayedReleaseLoad, int argc, char \*\* argv, int ErrorNo, and char \* ErrorCause The function returns an integer, which indicates the current status If the result is YAP_BOOT_ERROR booting failed

If SavedState is not NULL, try to open and restore the file SavedState Initially YAP will search in the current directory If the saved state does not exist in the current directory YAP will use either the default library directory or the directory given by the environment variable YAPLIBDIR Note that currently the saved state must be loaded at the same address where it was saved

If HeapSize is different from 0 use HeapSize as the minimum size of the Heap (or code space) If StackSize is different from 0 use HeapSize as the minimum size for the Stacks If TrailSize is different from 0 use TrailSize as the minimum size for the Trails

The NumberofWorkers, NumberofWorkers, and DelayedReleaseLoad are only of interest to the or-parallel system

The argument count argc and string of arguments argv arguments are to be passed to user programs as the arguments used to call YAP

If booting failed you may consult ErrorNo and ErrorCause for the cause of the error, or call YAP_Error(ErrorNo,0L,ErrorCause) to do default processing

+ `void` YAP_PutValue(`Atom`  _at_, `YAP_Term`  _value_)

Associate the term value with the atom at The term value must be a constant This functionality is used by YAP as a simple way for controlling and communicating with the Prolog run-time

+ `YAP_Term` YAP_Read(`IOSTREAM \*Stream`)

Parse a Term from the stream Stream

+ `YAP_Term` YAP_Write(`YAP_Term`  _t_)

Copy a Term t and all associated constraints May call the garbage collector and returns 0L on error (such as no space being available)

+ `void` YAP_Write(`YAP_Term`  _t_, `IOSTREAM`  _stream_, `int`  _flags_)

Write a Term t using the stream stream to output characters The term is written according to a mask of the following flags in the flag argument: YAP_WRITE_QUOTED, YAP_WRITE_HANDLE_VARS, YAP_WRITE_USE_PORTRAY, and YAP_WRITE_IGNORE_OPS

  • int YAP_WriteBuffer(YAP_Term t, char \* buff, size_t size, int flags) Write a YAP_Term t to buffer buff with size size The term is written according to a mask of the following flags in the flag argument: YAP_WRITE_QUOTED, YAP_WRITE_HANDLE_VARS, YAP_WRITE_USE_PORTRAY, and YAP_WRITE_IGNORE_OPS The function will fail if it does not have enough space in the buffer
  • char \* YAP_WriteDynamicBuffer(YAP_Term t, char \* buff, size_t size, size_t _*lengthp_, size_t _*encodingp_, int flags) Write a YAP_Term t to buffer buff with size size The code will allocate an extra buffer if buff is NULL or if buffer does not have enough room The variable lengthp is assigned the size of the resulting buffer, and encodingp will receive the type of encoding (currently only PL_ENC_ISO_LATIN_1 and PL_ENC_WCHAR are supported)
  • void YAP_InitConsult(int mode, char \* filename) Enter consult mode on file filename This mode maintains a few data-structures internally, for instance to know whether a predicate before or not It is still possible to execute goals in consult mode

    If mode is TRUE the file will be reconsulted, otherwise just consulted In practice, this function is most useful for bootstrapping Prolog, as otherwise one may call the Prolog predicate compile/1 or consult/1 to do compilation

    Note that it is up to the user to open the file filename The YAP_InitConsult function only uses the file name for internal bookkeeping

  • void YAP_EndConsult(void)

    Finish consult mode

Some observations:

  • The system will core dump if you try to load the saved state in a different address from where it was made This may be a problem if your program uses mmap This problem will be addressed in future versions of YAP
  • Currently, the YAP library will pollute the name space for your program
  • The initial library includes the complete YAP system In the future we plan to split this library into several smaller libraries (e.g if you do not want to perform Input/Output)
  • You can generate your own saved states Look at the boot.yap and init.yap files
