YAP 7.1.0
YAP Global Flags

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation


#define IN_ANDROID   "false"

Definition at line 43 of file YapGFlagInfo.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ GlobalFlags [1/2]


Number of address bits in the machine, either 64 or 32 bits.


An integer: if this amount of atoms has been created since the last atom-garbage collection, perform atom garbage collection at the first opportunity.

Initial value is 10,000 May be changed A value of 0 (zero) disables atom garbage collection


boolean, allow asserting and retracting clauses of static predicates


how to present answers, default is ~p


read-only boolean, a machine running an Google's Android version of the Linux Operating System


read-only atom, it describes the ISA used in this version of YAP

Available from YAP_ARCH


read-only atom, it describes the list with all arguments received by YAP at boot

Available from YAP_ARCH


Read-write flag telling whether arithmetic exceptions generate Prolog exceptions.

The next example shows zero division handling If flag enabled:

?- X is 2/0.

If disabled:
?- X is 2/0.
X = (+inf).

It is `true` by default, but it is disabled by packages like CLP(BN) and

Read-only flag telling whether integers are bounded.

The value depends on whether YAP uses the GMP library or not


C compiler used to generate YAP.


C Compiler flagss used to compile flags.


loader flags used in YAP


shared libraries used in YAP


libraries used in YAP


Writable flag telling how much preprocessing to do after reading a clause.

reading terms It accepts the following values

  • none do not preprocesss at all;
  • user run term_expand/2
  • all run YAP extra optimizations

The defaults are none when fast-compiling, all when compiling a file, and user otherwise (eg, when asserting or running directives

The default value for this flag is off except in sicstus and iso language modes, where it is on


Writable flag telling whether a character conversion table is used when reading terms.

The default value for this flag is off except in sicstus and iso language modes, where it is on


Writable flag telling whether a character escapes are enabled, true, or disabled, false

The default value for this flag is true


whether to use : to set the calling module


Read-only flag that gives the time when the main YAP binary was compiled.

It is obtained straight from the TIME macro, as defined in the C99


generate debugging annotations

The flag is ignored in YAP


Says whether to call the debUgger on an exception.

False in YAP


controls debugging output

If bound, set the argument to the write_term/3 options the debugger uses to write terms If unbound, show the current options


Show ancestors while debugging.


A module to be inherited by all other modules.

Default is user that reexports prolog

Set it to prolog for SICStus Prolog like resolution, to user for SWI-like


Read-only flag that always returns yap


If true (default true) YAP checks for definitions of the same predicate that are separated by clauses for other predicates.

This may indicate that different procedures have the same name

The declaration discontiguous/1 disables this warning for user-specified predicates

If `off` (default)  consider the character `$` a control character, if

vxu on consider $ a lower case character



If Value is unbound, tell whether a double quoted list of characters token is converted to a list of atoms, chars, to a list of integers, codes, or to a single atom, atom If Value is bound, set to the corresponding behavior The default value is codes


Read-only flag.

It unifies with an atom that gives the original program path


If on allow fast machine code, if off (default) disable it.

Only available in experimental implementations


Allow environment variables in file names.


C-library printf() format specification used by write/1 and friends to determine how floating point numbers are printed.

The default is %.g

The specified value is passed to printf() without further checking For example, if you want less digits printed, %.15g will print all floats using 15 digits instead of the default 6


controls garbage collection

If false allow garbage collection (default), if false disable it


controls when to do garbage collection

Set or show the minimum free stack before starting garbage collection The default is 0, in this case it depends on total stack size

If set to [] or other non-integer, it disables garbage collection


show activity in garbag collector

If off (default) do not show information on garbage collection and stack shifts, if on inform when a garbage collection or stack shift happened, if verbose give detailed information on garbage collection and stack shifts Last, if very_verbose give detailed information on data-structures found during the garbage collection process, namely, on choice-points


vv If true (default) generate debugging information for procedures, including source mode

If false predicates no information is generated, although debugging is still possible, and source mode is disabled


which GMP package was used for infinite precisiion integers


did we boot using -L ?


home `

the root of the YAP installation, by default /usr/local in Unix or c:\Yap in Windows system Can only be set at configure time


host_type `

Return configure system information, including the machine-id for which YAP was compiled and Operating System information



If on allow indexing (default), if off disable it, if single allow on first argument only



Maximum bound on searching sub-terms for indexing, if 0 (default) no bound



If on allow printing of informational messages, such as the ones that are printed when consulting If off disable printing these messages It is on by default except if YAP is booted with the -L flag


controls integer rounding function, is iso `

Read-only flag telling the rounding function used for integers Takes the value toward_zero for the current version of YAP


Improve ISO compatibility.


read-only boolean, a machine running Jupyter


dialect used

Choose whether YAP follows native, closer to C-Prolog, yap, iso-prolog, iso or SICStus Prolog, sicstus The current default is cprolog This flag affects update semantics, leashing mode, style checking, handling calls to undefined procedures, how directives are interpreted, when to use dynamic, character escapes, and how files are consulted Also check the dialect option


max_arity is iso

Read-only flag telling the maximum arity of a functor Takes the value unbounded for the current version of YAP



If true an operator declaration will be valid for every module in the program This is for compatibility with old software that might expect module-independent operators



If true, open_shared_object/2 and friends are implemented, providing access to shared libraries (.so files) or to dynamic link libraries (.DLL files)


controls debugging output

If bound, set the argument to the write_term/3 options the portray_clause/1 and listing/0 built-ins u uses to write terms If unbound, show the current options


if defined, first location where YAP expects to find the YAP Prolog library

Takes precedence over library_directory


if defined, first location where YAP expects to find the YAP Prolog shared libraries (DLLS)

Takes precedence over executable_directory/2


enables some small optimizations



If off (default) do not compile call counting information for procedures If on compile predicates so that they calls and retries to the predicate may be counted Profiling data can be read through the call_count_data/3 built-in


pt_alternatives_on(atom, changeable)

SWI-Compatible option, determines prompting for alternatives in the Prolog toplevel Default is groundness, YAP prompts for alternatives if and only if the query contains variables The alternative, default in SWI-Prolog is determinism which implies the system prompts for alternatives if the goal succeeded while leaving choicepoints


readline(boolean, changeable) }

enable the use of the readline library for console interactions, true by default if readline was found


If Value is unbound, tell whether warnings for procedures defined in several different files are on or off

If Value is bound to on enable these warnings, and if it is bound to off disable them The default for YAP is off, unless we are in sicstus or iso mode


resource_database Name of the resource file (saved-state or Prolog file) used to construct the YAP run-time environment


saved_program if true YAP booted from a yss file, usually ‘startup.yss’

If false, YAP booted from a Prolog file, by default boot.yap



Suffix associated with loadable code


Name of the environment variable used by the system to search for shared objects.


single_quoted text is usuallly interpreted as atoms

This flag allows other interpretations such as strings


If true (default true) YAP checks for singleton variables when loading files.

A singleton variable is a variable that appears ony once in a clause The name must start with a capital letter, variables whose name starts with underscore are never considered singleton


If true (default) YAP handles Signals such as ^C (SIGINT)


If true (default) YAP handles the segmentation violation signal.

If false, the signal is ignored SIGSEGV must be disabled by default to collaborate with languages like Java, that rely on SEGV for stack manipulation


If true maintain the source for all clauses.

Notice that this is trivially supported for facts, and always supported for dynamic code


If Value is unbound, tell whether strict ISO compatibility mode is on or off

If Value is bound to on set language mode to iso and enable strict mode If Value is bound to off disable strict mode, and keep the current language mode The default for YAP is off Under strict ISO Prolog mode all calls to non-ISO built-ins generate an error Compilation of clauses that would call non-ISO built-ins will also generate errors Pre-processing for grammar rules is also disabled Module expansion is still performed Arguably, ISO Prolog does not provide all the functionality required from a modern Prolog system Moreover, because most Prolog implementations do not fully implement the standard and because the standard itself gives the implementor latitude in a few important questions, such as the unification algorithm and maximum size for numbers there is no guarantee that programs compliant with this mode will work the same way in every Prolog and in every platform We thus believe this mode is mostly useful when investigating how a program depends on a Prolog's platform specific features


This read only flag tells which options were used to compile YAP.

Currently it informs whether the system supports big_numbers, coroutining, depth_limit, low_level_tracer, or-parallelism, rational_trees, readline, tabling, threads, or the wam_profiler


report the thread running YAP


Sets or reads the tabling mode for all tabled predicates.

Please (see Tabling) for the list of options


report the timezone where YAP is running


If bound, set the argument to a goal to be executed before entering the top-level.

If unbound show the current goal or true if none is presented Only the first solution is considered and the goal is not backtracked into


If bound, set the argument to a goal to be executed before entering the top-level.

If unbound show the current goal or true if none is presented Only the first solution is considered and the goal is not backtracked into


If bound, set the argument to a goal to be executed before entering the top-level.

If unbound show the current goal or true if none is presented Only the first solution is considered and the goal is not backtracked into


If bound, set the argument to a goal to be executed before entering the top-level.

If unbound show the current goal or true if none is presented Only the first solution is considered and the goal is not backtracked into


If bound, set the argument to a goal to be executed before entering the top-level.

If unbound show the current goal or true if none is presented Only the first solution is considered and the goal is not backtracked into


Define whether YAP should follow immediate update semantics, as in C-Prolog (default), or logical update semantics, as in Quintus Prolog, SICStus Prolog, or in the ISO standard.

There is also an intermediate mode, logical_assert, where dynamic procedures follow logical semantics but the internal data base still follows immediate semantics


Read-only BooleanFlag flag that unifies with true if YAP is running on an Unix system.

Defined if the C-compiler used to compile this version of YAP either defines __unix__ or unix


Define the behaviour of set_prolog_flag/2 if the flag is not known.

Values are silent, warning and error The first two create the flag on-the-fly, with warning printing a message The value error is consistent with ISO: it raises an existence error and does not create the flag See also create_prolog_flag/3 The default iserror, and developers are encouraged to use create_prolog_flag/3 to create flags for their library


Corresponds to calling the unknown/2 built-in.

Possible ISO values are error, fail, and warning Yap includes the following extensions: fast_fail does not invoke any handler


Read-only flag that unifies with a number of the form _Major_ * 100000 + _Minor_ *100 + _Patch_, where Major is the major version, Minor is the minor version, and Patch is the patch number.


this is the unique identifier for the last commit of the current GIT HEAD, it xan be used to identify versions that differ on small (or large) updates


true if YAP was compiled for the WIN32 standard Windows API


true if YAP was compiled for the WIN32 standard Windows API


Read-only boolean Flag flag that unifies with true if YAP is running on an Windows machine.


read-only boolean, a machine running an Apple Operating System


If Value is unbound, tell whether a back quoted list of characters token is converted to a list of atoms, chars, to a list of integers, codes, or to a single atom, atom

If Value is bound, set to the corresponding behavior The default value is string


Writable flag telling whether the system should write lists of integers that are writable character codes using the list notation.

It is on if enables or off if disabled The default value for this flag is off


Number of address bits in the machine, either 64 or 32 bits.


An integer: if this amount of atoms has been created since the last atom-garbage collection, perform atom garbage collection at the first opportunity.

Initial value is 10,000 May be changed A value of 0 (zero) disables atom garbage collection


boolean, allow asserting and retracting clauses of static predicates


how to present answers, default is ~p


read-only boolean, a machine running an Google's Android version of the Linux Operating System


read-only atom, it describes the ISA used in this version of YAP

Available from YAP_ARCH


read-only atom, it describes the list with all arguments received by YAP at boot

Available from YAP_ARCH


Read-write flag telling whether arithmetic exceptions generate Prolog exceptions.

The next example shows zero division handling If flag enabled:

?- X is 2/0.

If disabled:
?- X is 2/0.
X = (+inf).

It is `true` by default, but it is disabled by packages like CLP(BN) and

Read-only flag telling whether integers are bounded.

The value depends on whether YAP uses the GMP library or not


C compiler used to generate YAP.


C Compiler flagss used to compile flags.


loader flags used in YAP


shared libraries used in YAP


libraries used in YAP


Writable flag telling how much preprocessing to do after reading a clause.

reading terms It accepts the following values

  • none do not preprocesss at all;
  • user run term_expand/2
  • all run YAP extra optimizations

The defaults are none when fast-compiling, all when compiling a file, and user otherwise (eg, when asserting or running directives

The default value for this flag is off except in sicstus and iso language modes, where it is on


Writable flag telling whether a character conversion table is used when reading terms.

The default value for this flag is off except in sicstus and iso language modes, where it is on


Writable flag telling whether a character escapes are enabled, true, or disabled, false

The default value for this flag is true


whether to use : to set the calling module


Read-only flag that gives the time when the main YAP binary was compiled.

It is obtained straight from the TIME macro, as defined in the C99


generate debugging annotations

The flag is ignored in YAP


Says whether to call the debUgger on an exception.

False in YAP


controls debugging output

If bound, set the argument to the write_term/3 options the debugger uses to write terms If unbound, show the current options


Show ancestors while debugging.


A module to be inherited by all other modules.

Default is user that reexports prolog

Set it to prolog for SICStus Prolog like resolution, to user for SWI-like


Read-only flag that always returns yap


If true (default true) YAP checks for definitions of the same predicate that are separated by clauses for other predicates.

This may indicate that different procedures have the same name

The declaration discontiguous/1 disables this warning for user-specified predicates

If `off` (default)  consider the character `$` a control character, if

vxu on consider $ a lower case character



If Value is unbound, tell whether a double quoted list of characters token is converted to a list of atoms, chars, to a list of integers, codes, or to a single atom, atom If Value is bound, set to the corresponding behavior The default value is codes


Read-only flag.

It unifies with an atom that gives the original program path


If on allow fast machine code, if off (default) disable it.

Only available in experimental implementations


Allow environment variables in file names.


C-library printf() format specification used by write/1 and friends to determine how floating point numbers are printed.

The default is %.g

The specified value is passed to printf() without further checking For example, if you want less digits printed, %.15g will print all floats using 15 digits instead of the default 6


controls garbage collection

If false allow garbage collection (default), if false disable it


controls when to do garbage collection

Set or show the minimum free stack before starting garbage collection The default is 0, in this case it depends on total stack size

If set to [] or other non-integer, it disables garbage collection


show activity in garbag collector

If off (default) do not show information on garbage collection and stack shifts, if on inform when a garbage collection or stack shift happened, if verbose give detailed information on garbage collection and stack shifts Last, if very_verbose give detailed information on data-structures found during the garbage collection process, namely, on choice-points


vv If true (default) generate debugging information for procedures, including source mode

If false predicates no information is generated, although debugging is still possible, and source mode is disabled


which GMP package was used for infinite precisiion integers


did we boot using -L ?


home `

the root of the YAP installation, by default /usr/local in Unix or c:\Yap in Windows system Can only be set at configure time


host_type `

Return configure system information, including the machine-id for which YAP was compiled and Operating System information



If on allow indexing (default), if off disable it, if single allow on first argument only



Maximum bound on searching sub-terms for indexing, if 0 (default) no bound



If on allow printing of informational messages, such as the ones that are printed when consulting If off disable printing these messages It is on by default except if YAP is booted with the -L flag


controls integer rounding function, is iso `

Read-only flag telling the rounding function used for integers Takes the value toward_zero for the current version of YAP


Improve ISO compatibility.


read-only boolean, a machine running Jupyter


dialect used

Choose whether YAP follows native, closer to C-Prolog, yap, iso-prolog, iso or SICStus Prolog, sicstus The current default is cprolog This flag affects update semantics, leashing mode, style checking, handling calls to undefined procedures, how directives are interpreted, when to use dynamic, character escapes, and how files are consulted Also check the dialect option


max_arity is iso

Read-only flag telling the maximum arity of a functor Takes the value unbounded for the current version of YAP



If true an operator declaration will be valid for every module in the program This is for compatibility with old software that might expect module-independent operators



If true, open_shared_object/2 and friends are implemented, providing access to shared libraries (.so files) or to dynamic link libraries (.DLL files)


controls debugging output

If bound, set the argument to the write_term/3 options the portray_clause/1 and listing/0 built-ins u uses to write terms If unbound, show the current options


if defined, first location where YAP expects to find the YAP Prolog library

Takes precedence over library_directory


if defined, first location where YAP expects to find the YAP Prolog shared libraries (DLLS)

Takes precedence over executable_directory/2


enables some small optimizations



If off (default) do not compile call counting information for procedures If on compile predicates so that they calls and retries to the predicate may be counted Profiling data can be read through the call_count_data/3 built-in


pt_alternatives_on(atom, changeable)

SWI-Compatible option, determines prompting for alternatives in the Prolog toplevel Default is groundness, YAP prompts for alternatives if and only if the query contains variables The alternative, default in SWI-Prolog is determinism which implies the system prompts for alternatives if the goal succeeded while leaving choicepoints


readline(boolean, changeable) }

enable the use of the readline library for console interactions, true by default if readline was found


If Value is unbound, tell whether warnings for procedures defined in several different files are on or off

If Value is bound to on enable these warnings, and if it is bound to off disable them The default for YAP is off, unless we are in sicstus or iso mode


resource_database Name of the resource file (saved-state or Prolog file) used to construct the YAP run-time environment


saved_program if true YAP booted from a yss file, usually ‘startup.yss’

If false, YAP booted from a Prolog file, by default boot.yap



Suffix associated with loadable code


Name of the environment variable used by the system to search for shared objects.


single_quoted text is usuallly interpreted as atoms

This flag allows other interpretations such as strings


If true (default true) YAP checks for singleton variables when loading files.

A singleton variable is a variable that appears ony once in a clause The name must start with a capital letter, variables whose name starts with underscore are never considered singleton


If true (default) YAP handles Signals such as ^C (SIGINT)


If true (default) YAP handles the segmentation violation signal.

If false, the signal is ignored SIGSEGV must be disabled by default to collaborate with languages like Java, that rely on SEGV for stack manipulation


If true maintain the source for all clauses.

Notice that this is trivially supported for facts, and always supported for dynamic code


If Value is unbound, tell whether strict ISO compatibility mode is on or off

If Value is bound to on set language mode to iso and enable strict mode If Value is bound to off disable strict mode, and keep the current language mode The default for YAP is off Under strict ISO Prolog mode all calls to non-ISO built-ins generate an error Compilation of clauses that would call non-ISO built-ins will also generate errors Pre-processing for grammar rules is also disabled Module expansion is still performed Arguably, ISO Prolog does not provide all the functionality required from a modern Prolog system Moreover, because most Prolog implementations do not fully implement the standard and because the standard itself gives the implementor latitude in a few important questions, such as the unification algorithm and maximum size for numbers there is no guarantee that programs compliant with this mode will work the same way in every Prolog and in every platform We thus believe this mode is mostly useful when investigating how a program depends on a Prolog's platform specific features


This read only flag tells which options were used to compile YAP.

Currently it informs whether the system supports big_numbers, coroutining, depth_limit, low_level_tracer, or-parallelism, rational_trees, readline, tabling, threads, or the wam_profiler


report the thread running YAP


Sets or reads the tabling mode for all tabled predicates.

Please (see Tabling) for the list of options


report the timezone where YAP is running


If bound, set the argument to a goal to be executed before entering the top-level.

If unbound show the current goal or true if none is presented Only the first solution is considered and the goal is not backtracked into


If bound, set the argument to a goal to be executed before entering the top-level.

If unbound show the current goal or true if none is presented Only the first solution is considered and the goal is not backtracked into


If bound, set the argument to a goal to be executed before entering the top-level.

If unbound show the current goal or true if none is presented Only the first solution is considered and the goal is not backtracked into


If bound, set the argument to a goal to be executed before entering the top-level.

If unbound show the current goal or true if none is presented Only the first solution is considered and the goal is not backtracked into


If bound, set the argument to a goal to be executed before entering the top-level.

If unbound show the current goal or true if none is presented Only the first solution is considered and the goal is not backtracked into


Define whether YAP should follow immediate update semantics, as in C-Prolog (default), or logical update semantics, as in Quintus Prolog, SICStus Prolog, or in the ISO standard.

There is also an intermediate mode, logical_assert, where dynamic procedures follow logical semantics but the internal data base still follows immediate semantics


Read-only BooleanFlag flag that unifies with true if YAP is running on an Unix system.

Defined if the C-compiler used to compile this version of YAP either defines __unix__ or unix


Define the behaviour of set_prolog_flag/2 if the flag is not known.

Values are silent, warning and error The first two create the flag on-the-fly, with warning printing a message The value error is consistent with ISO: it raises an existence error and does not create the flag See also create_prolog_flag/3 The default iserror, and developers are encouraged to use create_prolog_flag/3 to create flags for their library


Corresponds to calling the unknown/2 built-in.

Possible ISO values are error, fail, and warning Yap includes the following extensions: fast_fail does not invoke any handler


Read-only flag that unifies with a number of the form _Major_ * 100000 + _Minor_ *100 + _Patch_, where Major is the major version, Minor is the minor version, and Patch is the patch number.


this is the unique identifier for the last commit of the current GIT HEAD, it xan be used to identify versions that differ on small (or large) updates


true if YAP was compiled for the WIN32 standard Windows API


true if YAP was compiled for the WIN32 standard Windows API


Read-only boolean Flag flag that unifies with true if YAP is running on an Windows machine.


read-only boolean, a machine running an Apple Operating System


If Value is unbound, tell whether a back quoted list of characters token is converted to a list of atoms, chars, to a list of integers, codes, or to a single atom, atom

If Value is bound, set to the corresponding behavior The default value is string


Writable flag telling whether the system should write lists of integers that are writable character codes using the list notation.

It is on if enables or off if disabled The default value for this flag is off

Definition at line 53 of file YapGFlagInfo.h.

◆ GlobalFlags [2/2]


Number of address bits in the machine, either 64 or 32 bits.


An integer: if this amount of atoms has been created since the last atom-garbage collection, perform atom garbage collection at the first opportunity.

Initial value is 10,000 May be changed A value of 0 (zero) disables atom garbage collection


boolean, allow asserting and retracting clauses of static predicates


how to present answers, default is ~p


read-only boolean, a machine running an Google's Android version of the Linux Operating System


read-only atom, it describes the ISA used in this version of YAP

Available from YAP_ARCH


read-only atom, it describes the list with all arguments received by YAP at boot

Available from YAP_ARCH


Read-write flag telling whether arithmetic exceptions generate Prolog exceptions.

The next example shows zero division handling If flag enabled:

?- X is 2/0.

If disabled:
?- X is 2/0.
X = (+inf).

It is `true` by default, but it is disabled by packages like CLP(BN) and

Read-only flag telling whether integers are bounded.

The value depends on whether YAP uses the GMP library or not


C compiler used to generate YAP.


C Compiler flagss used to compile flags.


loader flags used in YAP


shared libraries used in YAP


libraries used in YAP


Writable flag telling how much preprocessing to do after reading a clause.

reading terms It accepts the following values

  • none do not preprocesss at all;
  • user run term_expand/2
  • all run YAP extra optimizations

The defaults are none when fast-compiling, all when compiling a file, and user otherwise (eg, when asserting or running directives

The default value for this flag is off except in sicstus and iso language modes, where it is on


Writable flag telling whether a character conversion table is used when reading terms.

The default value for this flag is off except in sicstus and iso language modes, where it is on


Writable flag telling whether a character escapes are enabled, true, or disabled, false

The default value for this flag is true


whether to use : to set the calling module


Read-only flag that gives the time when the main YAP binary was compiled.

It is obtained straight from the TIME macro, as defined in the C99


generate debugging annotations

The flag is ignored in YAP


Says whether to call the debUgger on an exception.

False in YAP


controls debugging output

If bound, set the argument to the write_term/3 options the debugger uses to write terms If unbound, show the current options


Show ancestors while debugging.


A module to be inherited by all other modules.

Default is user that reexports prolog

Set it to prolog for SICStus Prolog like resolution, to user for SWI-like


Read-only flag that always returns yap


If true (default true) YAP checks for definitions of the same predicate that are separated by clauses for other predicates.

This may indicate that different procedures have the same name

The declaration discontiguous/1 disables this warning for user-specified predicates

If `off` (default)  consider the character `$` a control character, if

vxu on consider $ a lower case character



If Value is unbound, tell whether a double quoted list of characters token is converted to a list of atoms, chars, to a list of integers, codes, or to a single atom, atom If Value is bound, set to the corresponding behavior The default value is codes


Read-only flag.

It unifies with an atom that gives the original program path


If on allow fast machine code, if off (default) disable it.

Only available in experimental implementations


Allow environment variables in file names.


C-library printf() format specification used by write/1 and friends to determine how floating point numbers are printed.

The default is %.g

The specified value is passed to printf() without further checking For example, if you want less digits printed, %.15g will print all floats using 15 digits instead of the default 6


controls garbage collection

If false allow garbage collection (default), if false disable it


controls when to do garbage collection

Set or show the minimum free stack before starting garbage collection The default is 0, in this case it depends on total stack size

If set to [] or other non-integer, it disables garbage collection


show activity in garbag collector

If off (default) do not show information on garbage collection and stack shifts, if on inform when a garbage collection or stack shift happened, if verbose give detailed information on garbage collection and stack shifts Last, if very_verbose give detailed information on data-structures found during the garbage collection process, namely, on choice-points


vv If true (default) generate debugging information for procedures, including source mode

If false predicates no information is generated, although debugging is still possible, and source mode is disabled


which GMP package was used for infinite precisiion integers


did we boot using -L ?


home `

the root of the YAP installation, by default /usr/local in Unix or c:\Yap in Windows system Can only be set at configure time


host_type `

Return configure system information, including the machine-id for which YAP was compiled and Operating System information



If on allow indexing (default), if off disable it, if single allow on first argument only



Maximum bound on searching sub-terms for indexing, if 0 (default) no bound



If on allow printing of informational messages, such as the ones that are printed when consulting If off disable printing these messages It is on by default except if YAP is booted with the -L flag


controls integer rounding function, is iso `

Read-only flag telling the rounding function used for integers Takes the value toward_zero for the current version of YAP


Improve ISO compatibility.


read-only boolean, a machine running Jupyter


dialect used

Choose whether YAP follows native, closer to C-Prolog, yap, iso-prolog, iso or SICStus Prolog, sicstus The current default is cprolog This flag affects update semantics, leashing mode, style checking, handling calls to undefined procedures, how directives are interpreted, when to use dynamic, character escapes, and how files are consulted Also check the dialect option


max_arity is iso

Read-only flag telling the maximum arity of a functor Takes the value unbounded for the current version of YAP



If true an operator declaration will be valid for every module in the program This is for compatibility with old software that might expect module-independent operators



If true, open_shared_object/2 and friends are implemented, providing access to shared libraries (.so files) or to dynamic link libraries (.DLL files)


controls debugging output

If bound, set the argument to the write_term/3 options the portray_clause/1 and listing/0 built-ins u uses to write terms If unbound, show the current options


if defined, first location where YAP expects to find the YAP Prolog library

Takes precedence over library_directory


if defined, first location where YAP expects to find the YAP Prolog shared libraries (DLLS)

Takes precedence over executable_directory/2


enables some small optimizations



If off (default) do not compile call counting information for procedures If on compile predicates so that they calls and retries to the predicate may be counted Profiling data can be read through the call_count_data/3 built-in


pt_alternatives_on(atom, changeable)

SWI-Compatible option, determines prompting for alternatives in the Prolog toplevel Default is groundness, YAP prompts for alternatives if and only if the query contains variables The alternative, default in SWI-Prolog is determinism which implies the system prompts for alternatives if the goal succeeded while leaving choicepoints


readline(boolean, changeable) }

enable the use of the readline library for console interactions, true by default if readline was found


If Value is unbound, tell whether warnings for procedures defined in several different files are on or off

If Value is bound to on enable these warnings, and if it is bound to off disable them The default for YAP is off, unless we are in sicstus or iso mode


resource_database Name of the resource file (saved-state or Prolog file) used to construct the YAP run-time environment


saved_program if true YAP booted from a yss file, usually ‘startup.yss’

If false, YAP booted from a Prolog file, by default boot.yap



Suffix associated with loadable code


Name of the environment variable used by the system to search for shared objects.


single_quoted text is usuallly interpreted as atoms

This flag allows other interpretations such as strings


If true (default true) YAP checks for singleton variables when loading files.

A singleton variable is a variable that appears ony once in a clause The name must start with a capital letter, variables whose name starts with underscore are never considered singleton


If true (default) YAP handles Signals such as ^C (SIGINT)


If true (default) YAP handles the segmentation violation signal.

If false, the signal is ignored SIGSEGV must be disabled by default to collaborate with languages like Java, that rely on SEGV for stack manipulation


If true maintain the source for all clauses.

Notice that this is trivially supported for facts, and always supported for dynamic code


If Value is unbound, tell whether strict ISO compatibility mode is on or off

If Value is bound to on set language mode to iso and enable strict mode If Value is bound to off disable strict mode, and keep the current language mode The default for YAP is off Under strict ISO Prolog mode all calls to non-ISO built-ins generate an error Compilation of clauses that would call non-ISO built-ins will also generate errors Pre-processing for grammar rules is also disabled Module expansion is still performed Arguably, ISO Prolog does not provide all the functionality required from a modern Prolog system Moreover, because most Prolog implementations do not fully implement the standard and because the standard itself gives the implementor latitude in a few important questions, such as the unification algorithm and maximum size for numbers there is no guarantee that programs compliant with this mode will work the same way in every Prolog and in every platform We thus believe this mode is mostly useful when investigating how a program depends on a Prolog's platform specific features


This read only flag tells which options were used to compile YAP.

Currently it informs whether the system supports big_numbers, coroutining, depth_limit, low_level_tracer, or-parallelism, rational_trees, readline, tabling, threads, or the wam_profiler


report the thread running YAP


Sets or reads the tabling mode for all tabled predicates.

Please (see Tabling) for the list of options


report the timezone where YAP is running


If bound, set the argument to a goal to be executed before entering the top-level.

If unbound show the current goal or true if none is presented Only the first solution is considered and the goal is not backtracked into


If bound, set the argument to a goal to be executed before entering the top-level.

If unbound show the current goal or true if none is presented Only the first solution is considered and the goal is not backtracked into


If bound, set the argument to a goal to be executed before entering the top-level.

If unbound show the current goal or true if none is presented Only the first solution is considered and the goal is not backtracked into


If bound, set the argument to a goal to be executed before entering the top-level.

If unbound show the current goal or true if none is presented Only the first solution is considered and the goal is not backtracked into


If bound, set the argument to a goal to be executed before entering the top-level.

If unbound show the current goal or true if none is presented Only the first solution is considered and the goal is not backtracked into


Define whether YAP should follow immediate update semantics, as in C-Prolog (default), or logical update semantics, as in Quintus Prolog, SICStus Prolog, or in the ISO standard.

There is also an intermediate mode, logical_assert, where dynamic procedures follow logical semantics but the internal data base still follows immediate semantics


Read-only BooleanFlag flag that unifies with true if YAP is running on an Unix system.

Defined if the C-compiler used to compile this version of YAP either defines __unix__ or unix


Define the behaviour of set_prolog_flag/2 if the flag is not known.

Values are silent, warning and error The first two create the flag on-the-fly, with warning printing a message The value error is consistent with ISO: it raises an existence error and does not create the flag See also create_prolog_flag/3 The default iserror, and developers are encouraged to use create_prolog_flag/3 to create flags for their library


Corresponds to calling the unknown/2 built-in.

Possible ISO values are error, fail, and warning Yap includes the following extensions: fast_fail does not invoke any handler


Read-only flag that unifies with a number of the form _Major_ * 100000 + _Minor_ *100 + _Patch_, where Major is the major version, Minor is the minor version, and Patch is the patch number.


this is the unique identifier for the last commit of the current GIT HEAD, it xan be used to identify versions that differ on small (or large) updates


true if YAP was compiled for the WIN32 standard Windows API


true if YAP was compiled for the WIN32 standard Windows API


Read-only boolean Flag flag that unifies with true if YAP is running on an Windows machine.


read-only boolean, a machine running an Apple Operating System


If Value is unbound, tell whether a back quoted list of characters token is converted to a list of atoms, chars, to a list of integers, codes, or to a single atom, atom

If Value is bound, set to the corresponding behavior The default value is string


Writable flag telling whether the system should write lists of integers that are writable character codes using the list notation.

It is on if enables or off if disabled The default value for this flag is off


Number of address bits in the machine, either 64 or 32 bits.


An integer: if this amount of atoms has been created since the last atom-garbage collection, perform atom garbage collection at the first opportunity.

Initial value is 10,000 May be changed A value of 0 (zero) disables atom garbage collection


boolean, allow asserting and retracting clauses of static predicates


how to present answers, default is ~p


read-only boolean, a machine running an Google's Android version of the Linux Operating System


read-only atom, it describes the ISA used in this version of YAP

Available from YAP_ARCH


read-only atom, it describes the list with all arguments received by YAP at boot

Available from YAP_ARCH


Read-write flag telling whether arithmetic exceptions generate Prolog exceptions.

The next example shows zero division handling If flag enabled:

?- X is 2/0.

If disabled:
?- X is 2/0.
X = (+inf).

It is `true` by default, but it is disabled by packages like CLP(BN) and

Read-only flag telling whether integers are bounded.

The value depends on whether YAP uses the GMP library or not


C compiler used to generate YAP.


C Compiler flagss used to compile flags.


loader flags used in YAP


shared libraries used in YAP


libraries used in YAP


Writable flag telling how much preprocessing to do after reading a clause.

reading terms It accepts the following values

  • none do not preprocesss at all;
  • user run term_expand/2
  • all run YAP extra optimizations

The defaults are none when fast-compiling, all when compiling a file, and user otherwise (eg, when asserting or running directives

The default value for this flag is off except in sicstus and iso language modes, where it is on


Writable flag telling whether a character conversion table is used when reading terms.

The default value for this flag is off except in sicstus and iso language modes, where it is on


Writable flag telling whether a character escapes are enabled, true, or disabled, false

The default value for this flag is true


whether to use : to set the calling module


Read-only flag that gives the time when the main YAP binary was compiled.

It is obtained straight from the TIME macro, as defined in the C99


generate debugging annotations

The flag is ignored in YAP


Says whether to call the debUgger on an exception.

False in YAP


controls debugging output

If bound, set the argument to the write_term/3 options the debugger uses to write terms If unbound, show the current options


Show ancestors while debugging.


A module to be inherited by all other modules.

Default is user that reexports prolog

Set it to prolog for SICStus Prolog like resolution, to user for SWI-like


Read-only flag that always returns yap


If true (default true) YAP checks for definitions of the same predicate that are separated by clauses for other predicates.

This may indicate that different procedures have the same name

The declaration discontiguous/1 disables this warning for user-specified predicates

If `off` (default)  consider the character `$` a control character, if

vxu on consider $ a lower case character



If Value is unbound, tell whether a double quoted list of characters token is converted to a list of atoms, chars, to a list of integers, codes, or to a single atom, atom If Value is bound, set to the corresponding behavior The default value is codes


Read-only flag.

It unifies with an atom that gives the original program path


If on allow fast machine code, if off (default) disable it.

Only available in experimental implementations


Allow environment variables in file names.


C-library printf() format specification used by write/1 and friends to determine how floating point numbers are printed.

The default is %.g

The specified value is passed to printf() without further checking For example, if you want less digits printed, %.15g will print all floats using 15 digits instead of the default 6


controls garbage collection

If false allow garbage collection (default), if false disable it


controls when to do garbage collection

Set or show the minimum free stack before starting garbage collection The default is 0, in this case it depends on total stack size

If set to [] or other non-integer, it disables garbage collection


show activity in garbag collector

If off (default) do not show information on garbage collection and stack shifts, if on inform when a garbage collection or stack shift happened, if verbose give detailed information on garbage collection and stack shifts Last, if very_verbose give detailed information on data-structures found during the garbage collection process, namely, on choice-points


vv If true (default) generate debugging information for procedures, including source mode

If false predicates no information is generated, although debugging is still possible, and source mode is disabled


which GMP package was used for infinite precisiion integers


did we boot using -L ?


home `

the root of the YAP installation, by default /usr/local in Unix or c:\Yap in Windows system Can only be set at configure time


host_type `

Return configure system information, including the machine-id for which YAP was compiled and Operating System information



If on allow indexing (default), if off disable it, if single allow on first argument only



Maximum bound on searching sub-terms for indexing, if 0 (default) no bound



If on allow printing of informational messages, such as the ones that are printed when consulting If off disable printing these messages It is on by default except if YAP is booted with the -L flag


controls integer rounding function, is iso `

Read-only flag telling the rounding function used for integers Takes the value toward_zero for the current version of YAP


Improve ISO compatibility.


read-only boolean, a machine running Jupyter


dialect used

Choose whether YAP follows native, closer to C-Prolog, yap, iso-prolog, iso or SICStus Prolog, sicstus The current default is cprolog This flag affects update semantics, leashing mode, style checking, handling calls to undefined procedures, how directives are interpreted, when to use dynamic, character escapes, and how files are consulted Also check the dialect option


max_arity is iso

Read-only flag telling the maximum arity of a functor Takes the value unbounded for the current version of YAP



If true an operator declaration will be valid for every module in the program This is for compatibility with old software that might expect module-independent operators



If true, open_shared_object/2 and friends are implemented, providing access to shared libraries (.so files) or to dynamic link libraries (.DLL files)


controls debugging output

If bound, set the argument to the write_term/3 options the portray_clause/1 and listing/0 built-ins u uses to write terms If unbound, show the current options


if defined, first location where YAP expects to find the YAP Prolog library

Takes precedence over library_directory


if defined, first location where YAP expects to find the YAP Prolog shared libraries (DLLS)

Takes precedence over executable_directory/2


enables some small optimizations



If off (default) do not compile call counting information for procedures If on compile predicates so that they calls and retries to the predicate may be counted Profiling data can be read through the call_count_data/3 built-in


pt_alternatives_on(atom, changeable)

SWI-Compatible option, determines prompting for alternatives in the Prolog toplevel Default is groundness, YAP prompts for alternatives if and only if the query contains variables The alternative, default in SWI-Prolog is determinism which implies the system prompts for alternatives if the goal succeeded while leaving choicepoints


readline(boolean, changeable) }

enable the use of the readline library for console interactions, true by default if readline was found


If Value is unbound, tell whether warnings for procedures defined in several different files are on or off

If Value is bound to on enable these warnings, and if it is bound to off disable them The default for YAP is off, unless we are in sicstus or iso mode


resource_database Name of the resource file (saved-state or Prolog file) used to construct the YAP run-time environment


saved_program if true YAP booted from a yss file, usually ‘startup.yss’

If false, YAP booted from a Prolog file, by default boot.yap



Suffix associated with loadable code


Name of the environment variable used by the system to search for shared objects.


single_quoted text is usuallly interpreted as atoms

This flag allows other interpretations such as strings


If true (default true) YAP checks for singleton variables when loading files.

A singleton variable is a variable that appears ony once in a clause The name must start with a capital letter, variables whose name starts with underscore are never considered singleton


If true (default) YAP handles Signals such as ^C (SIGINT)


If true (default) YAP handles the segmentation violation signal.

If false, the signal is ignored SIGSEGV must be disabled by default to collaborate with languages like Java, that rely on SEGV for stack manipulation


If true maintain the source for all clauses.

Notice that this is trivially supported for facts, and always supported for dynamic code


If Value is unbound, tell whether strict ISO compatibility mode is on or off

If Value is bound to on set language mode to iso and enable strict mode If Value is bound to off disable strict mode, and keep the current language mode The default for YAP is off Under strict ISO Prolog mode all calls to non-ISO built-ins generate an error Compilation of clauses that would call non-ISO built-ins will also generate errors Pre-processing for grammar rules is also disabled Module expansion is still performed Arguably, ISO Prolog does not provide all the functionality required from a modern Prolog system Moreover, because most Prolog implementations do not fully implement the standard and because the standard itself gives the implementor latitude in a few important questions, such as the unification algorithm and maximum size for numbers there is no guarantee that programs compliant with this mode will work the same way in every Prolog and in every platform We thus believe this mode is mostly useful when investigating how a program depends on a Prolog's platform specific features


This read only flag tells which options were used to compile YAP.

Currently it informs whether the system supports big_numbers, coroutining, depth_limit, low_level_tracer, or-parallelism, rational_trees, readline, tabling, threads, or the wam_profiler


report the thread running YAP


Sets or reads the tabling mode for all tabled predicates.

Please (see Tabling) for the list of options


report the timezone where YAP is running


If bound, set the argument to a goal to be executed before entering the top-level.

If unbound show the current goal or true if none is presented Only the first solution is considered and the goal is not backtracked into


If bound, set the argument to a goal to be executed before entering the top-level.

If unbound show the current goal or true if none is presented Only the first solution is considered and the goal is not backtracked into


If bound, set the argument to a goal to be executed before entering the top-level.

If unbound show the current goal or true if none is presented Only the first solution is considered and the goal is not backtracked into


If bound, set the argument to a goal to be executed before entering the top-level.

If unbound show the current goal or true if none is presented Only the first solution is considered and the goal is not backtracked into


If bound, set the argument to a goal to be executed before entering the top-level.

If unbound show the current goal or true if none is presented Only the first solution is considered and the goal is not backtracked into


Define whether YAP should follow immediate update semantics, as in C-Prolog (default), or logical update semantics, as in Quintus Prolog, SICStus Prolog, or in the ISO standard.

There is also an intermediate mode, logical_assert, where dynamic procedures follow logical semantics but the internal data base still follows immediate semantics


Read-only BooleanFlag flag that unifies with true if YAP is running on an Unix system.

Defined if the C-compiler used to compile this version of YAP either defines __unix__ or unix


Define the behaviour of set_prolog_flag/2 if the flag is not known.

Values are silent, warning and error The first two create the flag on-the-fly, with warning printing a message The value error is consistent with ISO: it raises an existence error and does not create the flag See also create_prolog_flag/3 The default iserror, and developers are encouraged to use create_prolog_flag/3 to create flags for their library


Corresponds to calling the unknown/2 built-in.

Possible ISO values are error, fail, and warning Yap includes the following extensions: fast_fail does not invoke any handler


Read-only flag that unifies with a number of the form _Major_ * 100000 + _Minor_ *100 + _Patch_, where Major is the major version, Minor is the minor version, and Patch is the patch number.


this is the unique identifier for the last commit of the current GIT HEAD, it xan be used to identify versions that differ on small (or large) updates


true if YAP was compiled for the WIN32 standard Windows API


true if YAP was compiled for the WIN32 standard Windows API


Read-only boolean Flag flag that unifies with true if YAP is running on an Windows machine.


read-only boolean, a machine running an Apple Operating System


If Value is unbound, tell whether a back quoted list of characters token is converted to a list of atoms, chars, to a list of integers, codes, or to a single atom, atom

If Value is bound, set to the corresponding behavior The default value is string


Writable flag telling whether the system should write lists of integers that are writable character codes using the list notation.

It is on if enables or off if disabled The default value for this flag is off

Definition at line 53 of file YapGFlagInfo.h.


#define IN_ANDROID   "false"


enum  GlobalFlags {
  address_bits , agc_margin , allow_assert_for_static_predicates , answer_format ,
  android , arch , argv , arithmetic_exceptions ,
  bounded , c_cc , c_cflags , c_ldflags ,
  c_libplso , c_libs , clause_preprocessor , char_conversion ,
  character_escapes , colon_sets_calling_context , compiled_at , debug_info ,
  debug_on_error , debugger_print_options , debugger_show_context , default_parent_module ,
  dialect , discontiguous_warnings , dollar_as_lower_case , double_quotes ,
  editor , executable , fast , file_name_variables ,
  float_format , gc , gc_margin , gc_trace ,
  generate_debug_info , gmp_version , halt_after_consult , home ,
  host_type , index , index_sub_term_search_depth , informational_messages ,
  integer_rounding_function , iso , jupyter , language ,
  max_arity , max_tagged_integer , max_threads , max_workers ,
  min_tagged_integer , module_independent_operators , n_of_integer_keys_in_db , occurs_check ,
  open_shared_object , portray_clause_options , prolog_library_directory , prolog_foreign_directory ,
  optimise , os_argv , pid , pipe ,
  profiling , prompt_alternatives_on , quasi_quotations , readline ,
  redefine_warnings , report_error , resource_database , saved_program ,
  shared_object_extension , shared_object_search_path , single_quotes , single_var_warnings ,
  signals , signal_segv , source , strict_iso ,
  system_options , system_thread_id , tabling_mode , timezone ,
  toplevel_hook , toplevel_print_anon , toplevel_print_options , toplevel_prompt ,
  tty_control , unix , update_semantics , user_flags ,
  unknown , version , version_data , version_git ,
  win32 , windows , write_attributes , apple ,
  back_quotes , write_strings , address_bits , agc_margin ,
  allow_assert_for_static_predicates , answer_format , android , arch ,
  argv , arithmetic_exceptions , bounded , c_cc ,
  c_cflags , c_ldflags , c_libplso , c_libs ,
  clause_preprocessor , char_conversion , character_escapes , colon_sets_calling_context ,
  compiled_at , debug_info , debug_on_error , debugger_print_options ,
  debugger_show_context , default_parent_module , dialect , discontiguous_warnings ,
  dollar_as_lower_case , double_quotes , editor , executable ,
  fast , file_name_variables , float_format , gc ,
  gc_margin , gc_trace , generate_debug_info , gmp_version ,
  halt_after_consult , home , host_type , index ,
  index_sub_term_search_depth , informational_messages , integer_rounding_function , iso ,
  jupyter , language , max_arity , max_tagged_integer ,
  max_threads , max_workers , min_tagged_integer , module_independent_operators ,
  n_of_integer_keys_in_db , occurs_check , open_shared_object , portray_clause_options ,
  prolog_library_directory , prolog_foreign_directory , optimise , os_argv ,
  pid , pipe , profiling , prompt_alternatives_on ,
  quasi_quotations , readline , redefine_warnings , report_error ,
  resource_database , saved_program , shared_object_extension , shared_object_search_path ,
  single_quotes , single_var_warnings , signals , signal_segv ,
  source , strict_iso , system_options , system_thread_id ,
  tabling_mode , timezone , toplevel_hook , toplevel_print_anon ,
  toplevel_print_options , toplevel_prompt , tty_control , unix ,
  update_semantics , user_flags , unknown , version ,
  version_data , version_git , win32 , windows ,
  write_attributes , apple , back_quotes , write_strings
enum  GlobalFlags {
  address_bits , agc_margin , allow_assert_for_static_predicates , answer_format ,
  android , arch , argv , arithmetic_exceptions ,
  bounded , c_cc , c_cflags , c_ldflags ,
  c_libplso , c_libs , clause_preprocessor , char_conversion ,
  character_escapes , colon_sets_calling_context , compiled_at , debug_info ,
  debug_on_error , debugger_print_options , debugger_show_context , default_parent_module ,
  dialect , discontiguous_warnings , dollar_as_lower_case , double_quotes ,
  editor , executable , fast , file_name_variables ,
  float_format , gc , gc_margin , gc_trace ,
  generate_debug_info , gmp_version , halt_after_consult , home ,
  host_type , index , index_sub_term_search_depth , informational_messages ,
  integer_rounding_function , iso , jupyter , language ,
  max_arity , max_tagged_integer , max_threads , max_workers ,
  min_tagged_integer , module_independent_operators , n_of_integer_keys_in_db , occurs_check ,
  open_shared_object , portray_clause_options , prolog_library_directory , prolog_foreign_directory ,
  optimise , os_argv , pid , pipe ,
  profiling , prompt_alternatives_on , quasi_quotations , readline ,
  redefine_warnings , report_error , resource_database , saved_program ,
  shared_object_extension , shared_object_search_path , single_quotes , single_var_warnings ,
  signals , signal_segv , source , strict_iso ,
  system_options , system_thread_id , tabling_mode , timezone ,
  toplevel_hook , toplevel_print_anon , toplevel_print_options , toplevel_prompt ,
  tty_control , unix , update_semantics , user_flags ,
  unknown , version , version_data , version_git ,
  win32 , windows , write_attributes , apple ,
  back_quotes , write_strings , address_bits , agc_margin ,
  allow_assert_for_static_predicates , answer_format , android , arch ,
  argv , arithmetic_exceptions , bounded , c_cc ,
  c_cflags , c_ldflags , c_libplso , c_libs ,
  clause_preprocessor , char_conversion , character_escapes , colon_sets_calling_context ,
  compiled_at , debug_info , debug_on_error , debugger_print_options ,
  debugger_show_context , default_parent_module , dialect , discontiguous_warnings ,
  dollar_as_lower_case , double_quotes , editor , executable ,
  fast , file_name_variables , float_format , gc ,
  gc_margin , gc_trace , generate_debug_info , gmp_version ,
  halt_after_consult , home , host_type , index ,
  index_sub_term_search_depth , informational_messages , integer_rounding_function , iso ,
  jupyter , language , max_arity , max_tagged_integer ,
  max_threads , max_workers , min_tagged_integer , module_independent_operators ,
  n_of_integer_keys_in_db , occurs_check , open_shared_object , portray_clause_options ,
  prolog_library_directory , prolog_foreign_directory , optimise , os_argv ,
  pid , pipe , profiling , prompt_alternatives_on ,
  quasi_quotations , readline , redefine_warnings , report_error ,
  resource_database , saved_program , shared_object_extension , shared_object_search_path ,
  single_quotes , single_var_warnings , signals , signal_segv ,
  source , strict_iso , system_options , system_thread_id ,
  tabling_mode , timezone , toplevel_hook , toplevel_print_anon ,
  toplevel_print_options , toplevel_prompt , tty_control , unix ,
  update_semantics , user_flags , unknown , version ,
  version_data , version_git , win32 , windows ,
  write_attributes , apple , back_quotes , write_strings