Class Material
Lecture Slides
I will post here all the lecture slides used. As the class progresses I will keep adding material.
- 0 - Introduction (last update: 18/09/2018)
- 1 - Correction and Loop Invariants (last update: 18/09/2018)
- 2 - Asymptotic Analysis (last update: 02/10/2018)
- 3 - Amortized Analysis (last update: 08/10/2018)
- 4 - Probabilistic Analysis and Randomized Algorithms (last update: 22/10/2018)
- 5 - Lower Bounds (last update: 22/10/2018)
- 6 - Linear Algorithms for the Selection Problem (last update: 20/10/2018)
- 7 - Sorting in Linear Time (last update: 29/10/2018)
- 8 - String Matching (last update: 11/11/2018)
- 9 - Greedy Algorithms (last update: 03/12/2018)
- 10 - Dynamic Programming (last update: 03/12/2018)
- 11 - NP-Completeness (last update: 03/12/2018)
I will post some exercises here.
- Exercises #01 - Loop Invariants (18/09/2018)
- Exercises #02 - Asymptotic Analysis (25/09/2018)
- Exercises #03 - Solving Recurrences (02/10/2018)
- Exercises #04 - Amortized Analysis (09/10/2018)
- ...
Recommended Books
The main book you should read is:
- Introduction to Algorithms (CLRS), TH Cormen, CE Leiserson, RL Rivest and C Stein
Other suggested books that present similar material and/or complement CLRS book are:
- Algorithm Design (KL), J Kleinberg, E Tardos
- Algorithm Design Manual (ADM), S Skiena
- Algorithms, (SW) R Sedgewick and K Wayne
For a more practical take on algorithms, including actual code:
- Competitive Programming, S Halim, F Halim
Selected Topics
More info (external links) about the topics I'm talking about.
Correctness and Invariants
- (CLRS) chapters to read:
- Chapter 2: Getting Started
- Section 2.1: Insertion Sort
- Chapter 2: Getting Started
- Introduction to Loop Invariants (Robert McCloskey, Univ. Scranton)
- Invariants and Proofs of Correctness (Univ. Berkeley)
- Game of petals (Kayles): applet to play online
Asymptotic Analysis, Order of Growth and Recurrences
- (CLRS) chapters to read:
- Chapter 2: Getting Started
- Chapter 3: Growth of Functions
- Chapter 4: Divide-and-Conquer
- Other Books:
- (KL) Chapter 2: Algorithm Analysis
- (ADM) Chapter 2: Algorithm Analysis - Slides [2] [3]
- Trominoes: A Divide and Conquer Puzzle
Amortized Analysis
- (CLRS) chapters to read:
- Chapter 17: Amortized Analysis
- Other Books:
- Notes on Amortization (CMU, D. Sleator)
- Lecture on Amortized Analysis (CMU, A. Blum)
- Lecture on Amortized Analysis (Cornell)
- Tarjan, R. E. (1985). Amortized computational complexity. SIAM Journal on Algebraic Discrete Methods, 6(2), 306-318.
Probabilistic Analysis and Randomized Algorithms
- (CLRS) chapters to read:
- Chapter 5: Probabilistic Analysis and Randomized Algorithms
- Section 7: Quicksort (particularly section 7.3, with randomized quicksort)
- Other Books:
- Randomized Min Cut (Jeff Erickson)
Lower Bounds
- (CLRS) chapters to read:
- Section 8.1: Lower bounds for sorting
- Lower Bounds (Jeff Erickson)
Linear Algorithms for the Selection Problem
- (CLRS) chapters to read:
- Chapter 9: Medians and Order Statistics
Sorting in Linear Time
- (CLRS) chapters to read:
- Section 8.2: Counting Sort
- Section 8.3: Radix Sort
- Section 8.4: Bucket Sort
String Matching
- (CLRS) chapters to read:
- Chapter 32: String Matching
- Useful Links:
- Substring Search (Princeton University)
- Exact String Matching Algorithms (Christian Charras, Thierry Lecroq, Université de Rouen)
- Visualizing String Matching Algorithms (justinj)
- Visualgo (Steven Halim, National University of Singapore)
- Suffix arrays – a programming contest approach (A. Vladu and C. Negruseri)
- Implementation of Suffix Arrays (Topcoder, wack-a-mole)
- Papers
- "Fast pattern matching in strings", DE Knuth, JH Morris, Jr, VR Pratt - SIAM journal on computing, 1977 - SIAM
- Suffix arrays: a new method for on-line string searches, U Manber, G Myers - Siam Journal on Computing, 1993 - SIAM
Greedy Algorithms
- (CLRS) chapters to read:
- Chapter 16: Greedy Algorithms
- Chapter 23: Minimum Spanning Trees
- Chapter 6: Heapsort
- Other Books:
- Useful Links:
- Proof methods and greedy algorithms (Magnus Lie Hetland)
- Guide to Greedy Algorithms (CS161 - Stanford)
Dynamic Programming
- (CLRS) chapters to read:
- Chapter 15: Dynamic Programming
- Other Books:
- Useful Links:
- Dynamic Programming – From Novice to Advanced (TopCoder Tutorial)
- (CLRS) chapters to read:
- Chapter 34: NP-Completeness
- Other Books:
Other Links
- Topcoder Algorithm Tutorials
- VisuAlgo - visualising data structures and algorithms through animation
- South African IOI Team Presentations
- UVA Online Judge (forum) (uHunt)
- Other online judges: SPOJ | Z-Trening | ZOJ | Timus |
- Other contests/communities: Topcoder | Google Code Jam | Code Forces | IPSC | Project Euler