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Research Interests

Main research interests:

  • Complex Network Analysis, Network Science, Graph Mining.
  • Algorithms and Data Structures, Complexity.
  • Parallel and Distributed Computing.
  • Bioinformatics Applications; Biological Networks; Social Networks; Sports Analytics.

Other research interests:

  • Computer Science Education and Programming Contests.
  • Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining.


Current Students:

PhD Students

MSc Students

  • (2023 - 2024) Pedro Vieira (graph neural networks and network motifs)
    Co-Advisor: Miguel Silva]
  • (2023 - 2024) Diogo Ferreira (ML and football passing networks for goal prediction )
    Co-Advisor: Miguel Silva]


PhD Students

MSc Students


Please see the publications page.


In Scientific Meetings

Invited Talks and Seminars

  • Six Degrees of Separation: the world as a network [Announcement]
    Invited Talk, Escola Profissional de Espinho, Tech Week, March, 2024
  • Subgraphs for Network Analysis
    Keynote at Learning on Graphs Meetup (MidNorth) [online], Univ. Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, January, 2024
  • Creative Teaching and Learning
    Keynote at the P.Pic (Porto Pedagogical Innovation Conference), IPP, Porto, July, 2023
  • Computational Thinking and its Importance
    Round table at PictoCiência, Centro de Ciência Viva, Guimarães, July, 2023
  • Six degrees of separation [Announcement]
    Invited Talk, iNIGMA, FCUP, December, 2022
  • Problem Solving and Creative Thinking
    Invited Talk, online, ANPRI, November, 2022
  • Introduction to the Analysis and Visualisation of Complex Networks
    Mini-Course (6h), CLAD, online, November, 2022 [see announcement]
  • Competitive Programming and Programming Contests
    Invited Talk, SINF, FEUP, November, 2022 [see announcement]
  • Gamification on Education
    FCA Webinar, Invited Panel, online, March, 2022 [see video]
  • Six Degrees of Separation: the world as a network
    Invited Talk, Marques de Castilho High School, Águeda, online, February, 2022
  • 007, License to Randomize [Announcement]
    Invited Talk, iNIGMA, FCUP, Online, May, 2021
  • Programming Challenges and Creative Thinking [Announcement]
    Invited Talk, UPDATE, NUCC, FCUP, Online, February, 2021
  • Subgraphs as Fundamental Ingredients of Complex Networks: Concepts, Methods and Applications
    Statistics and Risk Management Seminar, Dep. of Mathematics, CMA/FCT NOVA, Online, November, 2020
  • Biological Networks (an introduction to Network Science)
    Invited Talk, 2020 Summer School in Computational Biology, Univ. Coimbra, Online, October, 2020
  • A gentle introduction to the world of Network Science [video] [Announcement]
    Invited Talk, Data Science and Statistics Webinar (DaSSWeb), FEP, Online, September, 2020
  • Problem Solving and the Road to Creative Thinking [video]
    Keynote at the 1st International Computer Programming Education Conference (ICPEC), Online, June, 2020
  • Six Degrees of Separation: the world as a network [Announcement]
    Invited Talk, UPDATE, NUCC, FCUP, February, 2020
  • Six degrees of separation (or how Kevin Bacon cured cancer) [Announcement]
    Invited Talk on National Math Students Meeting (ENEMath), University of Porto, April, 2019
  • Biological Networks
    Seminar on the 10th National Biomedical Sciences Meeting, University of Aveiro, March, 2019
  • Six Degrees of Separation: the world as a network
    Invited Talk, D. Sancho I High School, V. N. Famalicão, March, 2019
  • An Introduction to Network Science
    (a gentle introduction to the the world of complex networks and graph visualization)
    Tutorial, Porto Winter School on Network Science, December, 2018
  • Subgraphs as Fundamental Ingredients of Complex Networks
    (concepts, methods and applications)
    Tutorial, Porto Winter School on Network Science, December, 2018
  • An Exploratory Journey Into Network Analysis
    Invited Talk, Advanced School on Data Science for Big Data, Porto, July, 2018
  • On the analysis of biological networks
    Invited Talk, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Workshop, FCUP, Porto, January, 2018
  • Problem Solving and Teaching Computational Thinking
    Invited Talk, Masters Degree in Informatics Teaching Seminars, Minho University, Braga, January, 2018
  • Six Degrees of Separation: the world as a network
    Invited Talk, João Gonçalves Zarco High School, Matosinhos, November, 2017
  • Competitive Programming
    Student Talk, DCC/FCUP, University of Porto, October, 2017
  • Olympiads in Informatics: what they are and how to prepare [Announcement]
    Invited Talk, Summer Academy on Learning and Scientific Olympiads, IST, July, 2017
  • Subgraphs: the building blocks of complex networks [Announcement]
    Invited Talk, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), USA, May, 2017
  • Subgraphs: the fundamental structural units of complex networks
    Invited Talk, IST Técnico Lisboa, November, 2016
  • Six Degrees of Separation: the world as a network [Announcement]
    Invited Talk, Camilo Castelo Branco High School, V. N. Famalicão, April, 2016
  • An Exploratory Journey Into Network Analysis
    (A Gentle Introduction to Network Science and Graph Visualization)
    Tutorial, Porto Winter School on Graph Analytics and Applications, December, 2015
  • Subgraphs as Fundamental Ingredients of Complex Networks
    (Concepts, Methods and Applications)
    Tutorial, Porto Winter School on Graph Analytics and Applications, December, 2015
  • Discovering Subgraph Patterns in Complex Networks [Announcement]
    Invited Talk, MAPi Doctoral Symposium, University of Aveiro, September, 2015
  • Discovering Subgraph Patterns in Complex Networks [Announcement]
    Invited Talk, DCC Talks, University of Porto, April, 2015
  • Competitive Programming [Announcement]
    Invited Talk, National Informatics Students Meeting (ENEI), University of Coimbra, March, 2015
  • A journey through the world of Bioinformatics [poster]
    Invited Talk, AEFCUP, University of Porto, October, 2014
  • Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Agents [poster]
    Invited Talk, Camilo Castelo Branco High School, V. N. Famalicão, April, 2013
  • G-Tries: an efficient data-structure for counting subgraphs [Announcement]
    Invited Talk, Knowledge Discovery and Bioinformatics (KDBIO) group, INESC-ID, Lisbon, December, 2011
  • G-Tries: an efficient data-structure for subgraph counting [Announcement]
    Invited Talk, Computer Science Department, University of Texas, Austin, USA, July, 2011
  • Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Agents [Announcement]
    Invited Talk, Viana do Castelo Polytechnic Institute, Valença, April, 2010
  • Dynamic Programming - A methodology for solving problems [PDF] [Announcement]
    Invited Talk, National Informatics Students Meeting (ENEI), University of Coimbra, April, 2010
  • G-Tries: a specialized data-structure for Network Motif Discovery
    Invited Talk, CS-Bioinformatics Meeting, Newcastle University, UK, December, 2009
  • Improving Network Motifs Detection
    Invited Talk, e-Therapeutics PLC, Newcastle, UK, December, 2009
  • Efficient Algorithms for Network Motifs Discovery
    CRACS Seminar, DCC-FCUP, April, 2008
  • Virtualization Techniques for Grid Computing
    CRACS Seminar, DCC-FCUP, May, 2007
  • Computing Laboratories Setup for Grid Computing: a hands on report
    CRACS Seminar, DCC-FCUP, March, 2007
  • How to prepare the participation on a programming contest
    Invited Talk, CPUP Awards Cerimony, FEUP, Porto, May, 2005
  • Symmetries in Space: exploration using a computer
    Invited Talk, José Régio High School, Vila do Conde, June, 2003
  • Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Agents
    Invited Talk with demonstration of physical agents.
    Given in several schools and sites during the year:
    • Valongo High School, Valongo
    • Avelar Brotero High School, Coimbra
    • José Régio High School, Vila do Conde
    • DCC-FCUP, Porto

Programming Contests Problem Discussion Sessions

  • MIUP'2016 Problems Discussion Session (PDF)
    Invited Talk, DI/FCT, New University of Lisbon, October, 2016
  • MIUP'2015 Problems Discussion Session
    DCC/FCUP, University of Porto, October, 2015
  • MIUP'2014 Problems Discussion Session
    Invited Talk, FEUP, University of Porto, October, 2014
  • MIUP'2013 Problems Discussion Session [HTML]
    Invited Talk, FCUL, University of Lisbon, October, 2013
  • MIUP'2012 Problems Discussion Session [HTML]
    DCC/FCUP, University of Porto, October, 2012
  • MIUP'2011 Problems Discussion Session [HTML]
    Invited Talk, University of Algarve, October, 2011
  • MIUP'2009 Problems Discussion Session [HTML]
    Invited Talk, ESTGA - University of Aveiro, October, 2009
  • MIUP'2008 Problems Discussion Session [HTML]
    Invited Talk, University of Coimbra, October, 2008
  • MIUP'2007 Problems Discussion Session [HTML]
    Invited Talk, IST Tagus Park, Technical University of Lisbon, October, 2007
  • MIUP'2006 Problems Discussion Session [HTML]
    Invited Talk, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, October, 2006
  • MIUP'2005 Problems Discussion Session [HTML]
    Invited Talk, University of Aveiro, 2005

Organization of Events and Reviewing

Service as PC member

External or Invited Reviewer

Journals Conferences/Workshops/Book Chapters
  • EPIA - EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence
  • NIPS - Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems
  • Euro-Par - International Conference on Parallel Processing
  • WSCAD - Simpósio em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho
  • ICNC - International Conference on Natural Computation
  • AIECM - Artificial Intelligence, Evolutionary Computation and Metaheuristics

Other Organization Duties