Goals for Test 1

Day: 6th of November
Time: 10:00
Duration: 2h30m
Location: FC6 013 (DCC Building, ground floor)

Here is a short list of goals for the first test. You should be familiar with the examples given in classes, with the lecture slides and with the homework exercises given.

During the test you will be given the following auxiliary material: auxiliary material PDF
(no need to "memorize": the main goal is to understand!)

Group 1 - Correctness and Loop Invariants

Example exercises: all questions from from Exercises #01.

Group 2 - Asymptotic Analysis


Example exercises: all questions from Exercises #02; questions 2 and 3 from homework #1.


Example exercises: all questions from Exercises #03; questions 4 and 5 from from homework #1.

Group 3 - Amortized Analysis

Example exercises: all questions from from Exercises #04; questions 6 and 7 from from homework #1.

Group 4 - Probabilistic Analysis and Randomized Algorithms

Example exercises: questions 1 and 2 from homework #2. Simple exercises with dice we did on the class. Showing expected runtime of a randomized version of quicksort. Showing expected probability of success for randomized min-cut.

Group 5 - Lower Bounds

Example exercises: question 3 from homework #2. Showing why comparison-based sorting is Ω(n log n) or why determining the maximum element of a set is Ω(n).