No próximo dia 11 de Dezembro de 2019, pelas 13h45 no Anfiteatro 2 do DCC (FC6 0.29), o Professor Jan N. van Rijn irá dar uma palestra intitulada "Hyperparameter Importance for Image Classification by Residual Neural Networks".
A palestra é organizada pelo DCC-FCUP e pelo grupo de investigação LIAAD-INESCTEC e é aberta a todos os interessados.
Short Bio:
Jan N. van Rijn completed his PhD in 2016 at Leiden University. Currently he has the post of Assistant Professor in Automated Machine Learning, Leiden University. In previous years he was working as Post-doc in Data Science Institute, Columbia University (New York, USA) and also in ML4AAD, Freiburg University (Germany). Jan van Rijn is one of the founders of, an experiment database for Machine Learning research. By storing results of earlier Machine Learning experiments, this site help to model which algorithms work well on which data. These meta-studies can be applied on many areas of Machine Learning, such as General Data Science, Data Stream Research and Subgroup Discovery.
"Hyperparameter Importance for Image Classification by Residual Neural Networks"