
Resultados Encontrados: palestra

BSidesLisbon CTF

Equipa xSTF do DCC vence competição
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Workshop em Sistemas de Recomendação e Modelação de Utilizadores

Docentes do DCC organizam 2ª edição de workshop internacional
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CIFMOB - Conferência Internacional o Futuro da Mobilidade

Docente do DCC foi orador convidado
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BSidesLisbon CTF 2019

Equipa xSTF do DCC vence, novamente, a competição
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WWDC Swift Student Challenge da Apple

Aluno do DCC vence prémio
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EUGLOH Summer School

Docente do DCC foi um dos palestrantes da U. Porto
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MDS Open Day 2020

Sessão de lançamento da 3ª edição do mestrado
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Escola de Verão em Machine Learning, Big Data e Computação Quântica

Evento co-organizado pelo DCC-FCUP
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International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing

Conferência co-organizada por docentes do DCC.
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LIDTA e SoGood no ECML/PKDD 2020

DCC participa na organização de Tutorial e Workshop
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"The Future of Cyber-autonomy", David Brumley

Docente da CMU e fundador da ForAllSecure dá palestra no DCC
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"Machine Learning: A Practical Approach to the Statistical Learning Theory"

Prof. Rodrigo Mello dá palestra no DCC
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"Foundations and applications of adaptive learning methodologies"

Prof. Herna Viktor dá palestra no DCC
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"Q-SATytus: mapping logical reasoning and other problems into input to an adiabatic quantum computer"

Prof. Priscila Lima dá palestra no DCC
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NetSci Porto 2018

Porto Winter School on Network Science no DCC
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"Preemie-Test: a reinvenção da idade pela medida da interação da pele com a luz"

Prof. Zilma Reis dá palestra no DCC
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"Exponential Technologies in Healthcare / MedTec Applications — Impact, Changes, and Challenges for Translation and for future Research"

Prof. Michael Friebe dá palestra no DCC
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"Everything you always wanted to know about Deep Learning, but were afraid to ask"

Prof. Francesco Renna dá palestra no DCC
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"É possível acabar com tuberculose na era digital?"

Prof. Domingos Alves dá palestra no DCC
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"Music Recommendation - Current state-of-the-art and challenges"

Fabien Gouyon dá palestra no DCC
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"Taming PEGs"

Bruno Loff dá palestra no DCC
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UPdate 2019

Alunos do NUCC organizam evento
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"Machine Learning is gullible, insecure and inefficient"

Nuno Moniz dá palestra no DCC
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"A Small Ride Towards Lock-Freedom"

Miguel Areias dá palestra no DCC
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"Finding Interesting Patterns"

Prof. Geoff Webb dá palestra no DCC
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”A tour of ActivityPub - getting to know the Modern Fediverse”

Diogo Cordeiro dá palestra no DCC
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"Square Kilometre Array: Challenges and Opportunities in Computer Science"

Projeto internacional com participação da FCUP é apresentado no DCC
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"Parallel XPBD Simulation of Modified Morse Potential"

Ozan Cetinaslan dá palestra no DCC
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”Formal and Verifiable Systems Engineering Research”

Prof. William Edmonson dá palestra no DCC
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"Unreliable content on Social Media: can we trust our feed?"

Nuno Guimarães dá palestra no DCC
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Processamento de Linguagem Natural

Cientista do MIT dá palestra na FCUP
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Receção aos Novos Alunos 2019/2020

Sessão de boas vindas L:CC e MI:ERSI
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Semana da Mobilização pelo Clima

palestra na FCUP
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"Extracting Influence Structure in Geographical Attention Dynamics"

Prof. Masahiro Kimura dá palestra no DCC
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"Nominal Equational Reasoning"

Prof. Maurício Ayala-Rincón dá palestra no DCC
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"Towards a Conscious AI"

Lenore e Manuel Blum da CMU dão palestra na FCUP
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Carmen Poon dá palestra em sessão aberta
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"On class-based outliers"

Prof. Luboš Popelínský dá palestra no DCC
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"P vs. NP - What one has to know about this problem"

Prof. Juraj Hromkovič dá palestra na FCUP
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"The climate action game: cooperation and self-organization in an uncertain world"

Prof. Francisco C. Santos dá palestra no DCC
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"Optimization under uncertainty"

Marco Silva dá tutorial no DCC
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"Hyperparameter Importance for Image Classification by Residual Neural Networks"

Prof. Jan N. van Rijn dá palestra no DCC
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"Sustainability factors in telemedicine services for rural communities in low-income regions"

Prof. Ignacio Egido dá palestra no DCC
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UPdate 2020

Alunos do NUCC organizam mais uma edição do evento
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"Randomness Beacons for Enhanced Public Auditability"

René Peralta and Luís Brandão dão palestra no DCC
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"Ramanujan graphs: Theory and Applications"

Pedro Paredes dá palestra no DCC
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"Cognitive Packet Networks Adaptively Defend Against Cyber-Attacks"

Prof. Erol Gelenbe dá palestra no DCC
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"NP-Hardness of Circuit Minimization for Multi-Output Functions"

Prof. Bruno Loff dá palestra no DCC
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UPdate 2021

4ª edição do UPdate organizada pelo NuCC
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"AI Ethics: Definition, Main Issues, and Possible Solutions"

Luca M. Possati (University of Porto)
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"A quantitative understanding of pattern matching"

Prof. Sandra Alves dá palestra no DCC
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"Online learning: a quick tour of bandit algorithms"

Sébastien Gerchinovitz dá palestra no DCC
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Cameleer: a Deductive Verification Tool for OCaml

Mário Pereira dá palestra no DCC
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"Estudo Comparativo de Formas Lexicais e Estruturas Passivas em Português de Angola e Europeu"

Timóteo Sumbula Muhongo dá palestra no DCC
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"Some ideas for practical model selection in NLP"

Prof. Manuel Vilares Ferro dá palestra no DCC
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"Computer Vision and Machine Learning Challenges in Cancer Research"

Hélder Oliveira - Senior Researcher, INESC TEC
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"A New Lower Bound for Deterministic Truthful Scheduling"

Diogo Poças - FCUL, LASIGE
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"Cyber Incidents: the before and after"

Luís Valente - SONAE MC
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"Primitive recursive driven programming in Prequel"

Hugo Simões
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"FreeST and the Higher-order Polymorphic Lambda Calculus"

Vasco Vasconcelos - FCUL
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Developments of Personal Authentication Systems

Gi-Chul Yang - Mokpo National University
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"Securing IoE/IoT and Software Supply Chain Risk Management"

Honoré Nyuyse - Department Of Homeland Security
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"An Introduction to Reasonable Cost Models for the Lambda Calculus"

Beniamino Accattoli, Inria & Ecole Polytechnique
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" - The Portuguese Web Archive: an innovative infrastructure for research"

Daniel Gomes, FCCN
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"Automated Privacy for Mobile Devices"

Ricardo Mendes, Huawei & Univ. Coimbra
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“Network construction from data and network visualization”

Prof. Eliška Ochodková, VŠB – TU Ostrava
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"Online Oversampling Approaches for Class Imbalanced Data Stream Learning"

Leandro L. Minku, Univ. Birmingham
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"Parameterized hardness of coding and lattice problems"

João Ribeiro, Univ. Nova Lisboa
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"The computational core: its reduction and intersection type discipline"

Riccardo Treglia; University of Bologna
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"OpenShift/Kubernetes/Containers - The evolution path so far (as I see it!)"

Rui Gouveia; Red Hat EMEA
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"Quantitative Global Memory"

Miguel Ramos; DCC/FCUP & IRIF/UParis
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"Descriptional Complexity of Models for Regular Languages"

Luca Prigioniero, Loughborough University, UK
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Talk@DCC por Helge Fredriksen , UiT Artic University of Norway

"Problem-based Learning and Flipped Classroom strategies for active learning at the tertiary level - Experiences from a computer science progr
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Talk@DCC por Helge Fredriksen , UiT Artic University of Norway

"Categorization of phenotype trajectories utilizing transformers on clinical time-series"
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Talk@DCC por João Barbosa, DCC/FCUP & LIACC

"Kleene Logics and their application to the Semantics of Logic Programs"
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Talks@DCC por David Pereira, CISTER, ISEP, P.Porto

"Correct-by-construction (in-)Equivalence of Regular Expressions through the Coq proof-assistant"
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Talks@DCC por José Proença, DCC-FCUP & CISTER

"A pomset semantics for choreographies"
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Talks@DCC por Miguel Martins, DCC-FCUP & INESC-Tec

"Markov-based Neural Networks and their application for Heart Sound Segmentation"
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Talks@DCC por Miriam Santos, DCC-FCUP & LIADD/INESC-Tec

"Data Matters: The Impact of Data Quality in AI Systems"
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Talks@DCC por José Pedro Magalhães, Standard Chartered Bank

"Functional Programming in Financial Markets"
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Dias Abertos FCUP 2019

O DCC recebeu a visita de 380 alunos
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Dias Abertos FCUP 2021

DCC apresenta as suas licenciaturas
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Dias Abertos FCUP 2019

O DCC recebeu a visita de 380 alunos
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Dias Abertos FCUP 2021

DCC apresenta as suas licenciaturas
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