
Talks@DCC por Francisco Vidal

No próximo dia 5 de Fevereiro, pelas 11h00 na sala FC6 029 do DCC FCUP,  Francisco Vidal irá dar uma palestra intitulada "A Foretaste of Quantum Theory and Quantum Computing" (Parte II).

A palestra é organizada pelo DCC-FCUP.


Short Bio

Francisco Javier Gil Vidal, MSc. In Mathematics, worked for five years in the Algorithms and Theory Department of the Computer Science Institute of Tartu University, Estonia. There he led various courses on both Quantum Theory, Linear Algebra, Operator Theory and Coding Theory, both Algebraical and Quantum.



A Foretaste of Quantum Theory and Quantum Computing



All things linked to the word "Quantum" seem almost intractable, and deter the unitiated from embarking into in-depth study, for fear of stumbling against the arcane and the amazingly abstruse. And, while deep study of Quantum Theory and Quantum Computing is certainly not easy (no serious mathematical study is), the foundations and elementary features of these disciplines are well within the grasp of the uninitiated, provided the correct, reasonably intuitive point of view is found from which to tackle Quantum considerations. This talk, directed to the inexperienced student, aims to lift the veil of mystery shrouding all things Quantum, and at the same time whet the appetite for more, ideally by following a course which it is hoped to be developed in Oporto University in the near future.