
"Taming PEGs"

No próximo dia 8 de Fevereiro pelas 14h00 na sala FC6-1.40 no DCC, Bruno Loff irá dar uma palestra intitulada "Taming PEGs".

Bruno Loff doutorou-se em Teoria da Computação na Universidade de Amsterdão, em 2014, e foi investigador pós-doc na Charles University, em Praga, em 2015-2016. Desde 2017 é investigador pós-doc no grupo CRACS do INESCTEC. Tem um interesse geral em teoria da computação, e o seu trabalho incide, principalmente, em complexidade computacional.

A palestra é organizada pelo DCC-FCUP e pelos grupos de investigação CRACS-INESCTEC e CMUP e é aberta a todos os interessados.


"Taming PEGs"


Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs) are a formalism for specifying linear-time recursive-descent parsers. PEGs combine the intuitive, widely-taught EBNF-style syntax with an extremely simple operational semantics, making the technology extremely simple to teach and implement. PEGs have only been invented 15 years ago, by Brian Ford (2004), but already we see wide adoption of PEGs as a parsing technology. For example, it is currently the single most used parsing method appearing in github projects, even compared with technologies that have existed for several decades. And yet, although PEG projects abound, what one finds is mostly small, unoptimized, ad-hoc implementations. The current project at DCC is two fold: study theoretical properties of PEGs towards to a better understanding of their semantics  and generative power as well  as to provide reliable PEG libraries. In this talk, we will survey the work done at DCC, in the last year and a half, and describe the work which we are planning to do in the medium and long term, for which new collaborators are welcome.


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