Rogério Reis

Err and err and err again, but less and less and less.


Os trabalhos práticos serão realizados sobre
Math SAGE pelo que devem instala-lo no vosso portátil de trabalho. Os seguinte link aponta para uma página que ajuda tal tarefa.

Para que as aulas possam ser aproveitadas é importante que tentem trazer este software já instalado nos vossos computadores.


Work for the lab is in this NoteBook
Extra #1 has the following enunciate.


Work for the lab is in this PDF


Work for the lab is in this PDF
Extra #2 has the following enunciate.


Work for the lab is in this Zip


Work for the lab is in this PDF
Work for the lab is in this Zip


Work for the lab is in this PDF
Extra has the following enunciate.


Work for the lab is in this PDF


Work for the lab is in this PDF
Extra has the following enunciate and extra data in this Zip.


The work for the final week of TP classes will be the resolution of the PKI seed lab

The two main resources necessary will be:

Students are expected to solve Tasks 1 to 5. The delivered document should illustrate the resolution of the tasks, and include responses to questions made throughout the tasks. These  tasks count for both mandatory and extra.

The TP exercises for this week require some setup, which should be ensured before the class. Please download and launch the virtual image for the SEED Labs. This is simply a ubuntu machine with some pre-installed packets, such as openssl, docker, apache, etc. We will use this virtual image to solve the class exercises.

A tutorial on how to do this can be found in:

Última modificação: 25/04/2024