No próximo dia 6 de outubro, pelas 14h00 na sala S3 do DCC (FC6 1.42), Vasco Vasconcelos irá dar uma palestra intitulada "FreeST and the Higher-order Polymorphic Lambda Calculus".
A palestra é organizada pelo DCC-FCUP e pelo LIACC e é aberta a todos os interessados.
Short Bio:
Vasco T. Vasconcelos is a full professor at the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon where he has been lecturing since March 1996. He is currently the director of the LASIGE research lab. He received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from Keio University (1992, 1995), and the habilitation title in informatics from New University of Lisbon (2003). Spent a (made short by the pandemics) sabbatical at University of Glasgow, a sabbatical semester at Kyoto University in Autumn 2016 and a year at University of Sussex in 2002-03. He was at New University of Lisbon, first as a post doc, then as teaching assistant in 1995-96, and worked at Sony Computer Science Laboratory, Tokyo, in 1993-94 while a Ph.D. student. Vasco Vasconcelos is a founding member of the Reliable Software Systems research line at Lasige. His research work centers on programming languages for concurrent and distributed programming, type systems, process calculi, and specification and verification of computer systems.
"FreeST and the Higher-order Polymorphic Lambda Calculus"