
"Primitive recursive driven programming in Prequel"

No próximo dia 15 de junho, pelas 14h00 na sala S2 do DCC (FC6 1.40),  Hugo Simões irá dar uma palestra intitulada "Primitive recursive driven programming in Prequel".


A palestra é organizada pelo DCC-FCUP e é aberta a todos os interessados.


Short Bio:

Hugo Simões completed his PhD in Computer Science at the University of Porto (2014), with a thesis on static resource analysis for lazy functional programs. In 2017, pursuing his interest in programs that make the best use of limited resources, he went back to the basics of imperative structured programming and created the Prequel programming language to provide his kids with the tool he wished to have had when starting to program. Since then, he spends most of his time building a web-based Prequel ecosystem.



"Primitive recursive driven programming in Prequel"





Since the dawn of computer science, primitive recursion is ubiquitous in programs. Not all programs are primitive recursive, but it is telling to know it took many years to find a non-primitive recursive program that was proven to terminate. In this talk, we will have a look at a primitive recursive driven programming language called Prequel, its debugger, and some applications. With solely two datatypes ("int" and "list"), two control structures ("if" and "bounded loop"), and other bare essentials, Prequel imposes a programming discipline that prohibits recursive calls and unbounded loops, all the while letting our creativity remain unfettered in the reassurance of a Turing-complete runtime system.

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