No próximo dia 3 de novembro, pelas 11h00 na sala S2 do DCC (FC6 1.40), Beniamino Accattoli irá dar uma palestra intitulada "An Introduction to Reasonable Cost Models for the Lambda Calculus".
A palestra é organizada pelo DCC-FCUP e é aberta a todos os interessados.
"An Introduction to Reasonable Cost Models for the Lambda Calculus"
The lambda calculus is an expressive mathematical formalism that elegantly captures the core of functional programming languages. The evaluation of programs is modeled as a symbolic rewriting system far from low-level implementative details. This aspect has the drawback that it is not clear how to measure the time and space complexity of functional programs in a reasonable way, that is, in a way that agrees with standard computational complexity. The talk provides an introduction to the problem, focussing on time, and overviews the ideas and the tools for its solution.
Short Bio
Beniamino Accattoli did his PhD at 'La Sapienza' University in Rome, and he is now researcher at Inria & Ecole Polytechnique. His work is about the foundation of functional programming languages and proof assistants, using a combination of tools from logic, rewriting theory, and complexity theory.
About Talks@DCC :
The mission of the Talks@DCC seminars is to bring together researchers and students, to foster discussions and promote scientific awareness and collaboration. Participate: attend and propose your talk.