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Armando B. Matos
$ Display all 3194 possibilities? (y or n)

Researcher and retired teacher, email: reverse "moc.oohay@mcbodnamra"
LIACC, Artificial Intelligence Computer Science Laboratory    /    Computer Science Department    /    Faculty of Sciences    /    FCUP info    /    Universidade do Porto    /    Porto
What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.


            Papers (below)            

            Reversible languages: work in progress (pdf)                   Course: “Topics on Advanced Algorithms”
            Reversible languages: TCS paper (pdf)                   Course: “Introductory Programming”
            ...A text on advanced algorithms (pdf).                   Course: “Complexity”
            Mathoverflow                   Course: “Imperative Programming”
            Research on primitive recursive functions                   C.A.R. Hoare on categories (only for my study)
Pr. recursive functions: implementation efficiency                   Logicians discussing weak arithmetics
AI & CS Lab, LIACC, Univ. Porto                   Consequences of Godel's Incompleteness Theorem
Programming is useful...                   Panflation!        
List of quotes...             Frege
"Random" quote:

  Pearse Keane
    We often hear from medics saying they have a big dataset on 
    one disease or another.
    But when you ask basic questions about what format the data is in,
    we never hear from them again.

List of papers and research notes

Available papers: click on the title to see the document